Gun-Grabber Michael Bloomberg Funds New ‘Moderate’ Gun Site

2nd Amendment – R2KBA Authors S.H. Blannelberry This Week
Bloomberg's The Trace website is ostensibly unbiased, but will no doubt take an anti-gun bent.  (Photo: HuffPo)

Bloomberg’s The Trace website is ostensibly unbiased, but will no doubt take an anti-gun bent.  After all, the side is funded by the most rabidly anti-gunner on the planet. (Photo: HuffPo)

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is notoriously anti-gun, and yet he is financially backing a new gun news website called “The Trace” in an effort to promote “moderate” gun policy.

The direction of the website is currently under wraps but a lucky few in Washington were granted a sneak peak.

“Please join us for a preview of The Trace – the journalism startup dedicated to changing the conversation about guns in America,” read the invitation to the event.

Not much is known about the site other than it is run by former New Republic story editor James Burnett, who spoke briefly about the website in an interview with HuffPo.

“We believe that the rate of gun violence is too high and we believe that there is not enough information about the issue as a whole,” said Burnett. “As journalists, we have it as our mission to address that shortage of information.”

Another telltale sign comes from a reporter working on a story for The Trace, where she describes herself as “a freelance writer for The Trace, a soon-to-be released online news magazine about guns and gun rights.”

While some who have intimate details of the site claim it will include viewpoints from both the left and the right, the National Rifle Association is confident The Trace is simply another platform for Bloomberg to push his anti-gun agenda.

“This project is yet another illustration of Bloomberg’s ego-driven zeal to control other Americans and diminish not just their rights, but their access to reliable information about their rights,” said the NRA.

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  • John June 17, 2015, 10:03 pm

    No chance there will be a trace of truth in anything Bloomberg is part of. An old , rich , elitist, hypocrite liberal is no match for America’s law abiding gun owners. He will fail. He won’t live long enough to beat true american values. His epitaph will be failure .

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