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Prepping 101: Large and Small Animal Traps - Survival Snares

Prepping 101: Large and Small Animal Traps – Survival Snares

I often laugh at survival advertisements that feature a guy in camo and a bandana on his head, with a dirty face of course lol. Live of the land! Sharpen a stick and spear deer with it. Eat roots. And for most of us, dead in two weeks, including the idiot with the bandana on his head.

Prepping 101: Killer Traps

Prepping 101: Killer Traps

Trapping is always a very sensitive subject. What is the purpose of a trap, whether for a man or animal? I think mostly it is so you can catch something or someone without having to be there. Sure, silence is also an issue. In a survival situation, silence is golden. In the mountains a .22 rimfire will echo for miles, and even in the flatlands, a knowing ear will be able to single it out in a suddenly very quiet, collapsed world. But though you can kill with both a bow and a suppressed firearm, you still have to be there. A trap, a good trap, removes that variable, and either stands guard for you or hunts for you while you are off doing other things.