Paul Helinski

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X-Mas List for the Apocalypse 2021

X-Mas List for the Apocalypse 2021


Well holiday season is here again, and this year I’m back at Prepping 101. By all means I don’t want to bring anyone down or anything, and most of us are not searching for things to expend our resources upon. But if you in the process of preparing for the shit show that is surely [...]

Surviving Radiation When the NUKE PLANTS BLOW - Prepping 101 is Back!

Surviving Radiation When the NUKE PLANTS BLOW – Prepping 101 is Back!


Learn more about high level radiation meters, radiation, etc., at NukALERT keyfob dongle, Potassium Iodide, and package deals with meters and tested dosimeters at Ebay CDV-715 meters – $45 plus shipping Shane Connor’s calibration service: $112 plus return shipping For calibrated meters, they have some for $225. Call (830) 672-8734 during business hours [...]

Diesel Survival Stoves - Mop Wicks - Prepping 101 is Back!

Diesel Survival Stoves – Mop Wicks – Prepping 101 is Back!


Diesel/Kerosene Stoves at Star & Bullock Hardware – Available for immediate shipping! This may have been the coolest product I ever found over years of weekly Prepping 101 columns. I first discovered them back in 2016, and over the next few months explored everything from baking to canning with them. So for this reboot of [...]

Buying & Shooting UGLY Black Powder Guns

Buying & Shooting UGLY Black Powder Guns


Guns are one of very few things in the world that almost never get thrown away. And granted, not all guns make it into the future, but an overwhelming number of them do. That’s for a reason. Guns almost always work for their intended purpose. I get asked a lot, “do you think I should [...]

Prepping 101: How to Can Butter

Prepping 101: How to Can Butter


I never thought that I would find something of value on TikTok, but lo and behold, there it was. My wife had sent me a video on how to can butter. I had never thought of canning butter. The video was short and to the point, meant for people who already knew how to can, [...]

12 Gauge Paper Cartridges for the Diablo NO FFL Shotgun Pistol

12 Gauge Paper Cartridges for the Diablo NO FFL Shotgun Pistol


12 Gauge Paper Cartridge Kits for Diablo/Desperado – From $29.95 at Star & Bullock HardwareBuy a Diablo or Desperado 12 Gauge NO FFL Shotgun Pistol – From $599 at American Guncraft When I first looked a the Diablo black powder shotgun pistol, my question was hey is this thing just a novelty, or a for [...]

Loading Revolver Cylinders off the Gun

Loading Revolver Cylinders off the Gun


The most common reason to load cylinders off of the gun is because Johnson & Dow bullet from Eras Gone Bullets does not fit many popular revolvers. The make the paper cartridges you see in the video, please visit our sponsors at One of the things I really rail about when it comes to [...]

The 44 Kerr Bullet - It doesn't like the '51 Navy or black powder?

The 44 Kerr Bullet – It doesn’t like the ’51 Navy or black powder?


Eras Gone Bullets copied the Kerr from actual battlefield digups of the originals. They were an English import, made for guns of the same name. Resources:Paper Cartridge Formers: Kerr Bullets – Now Available at Cartridge Kits! There has always been a quest for the ideal bullet, and it did not start in the cartridge [...]

Paper Cartridges for the Sharps Percussion Rifle (that actually work)

Paper Cartridges for the Sharps Percussion Rifle (that actually work)


Paper cartriges for the Sharps rifle are the most practical way to enjoy the gun. Making them so that they reliably ignite can be a challenge, but we figured it out. 54 Percussion Sharps Paper Cartridge Kit – $24.95 – $69.95 My experience with the percussion version of the Sharps rifle has been not good. [...]

Ballistics of the 44 Remington 1858 New Model Army with Conicals and Roundballs

Ballistics of the 44 Remington 1858 New Model Army with Conicals and Roundballs


By far the most usable cap and ball revolver for self defense is the Remington New Model Army. I used this stainless Pietta for my tests. I am shooting premade paper cartridges created with the paper cartridge forming kit at, which is the primary sponsor of this Black Powder Project. It is one thing [...]