For those who want to save money and avoid the process of sourcing individual parts to upgrade a more standard rifle, the Volunteer XV Pro is a well thought out system built to meet your every need.
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Ruger’s New SFAR: A Big Surprise In A Small Package
Updated: January 8, 2023 { 21 comments }If you want to hunt big game with an AR, the SFAR may be the answer to your prayers.
Testing Springfield’s New 9mm SAINT Victor
Updated: November 21, 2023 { 4 comments }I had a great time with this rifle, and I have no problem recommending it if you are in the market for a PCC.
Craddock Precision 7.62×39 Upper (Primary Arms Lower & parts)
Updated: November 13, 2022 { 6 comments }We finally wrapped up our Primary Arms pistol lower build, out of all the orphan parts. We had a lot of fun completely disregarding color schemes as we perused the sale pages and bought whatever was in stock. Which ended us with a 2A lower, radian safety, mag pul grip, and an AR Gold Trigger. Oh, and a CMMG RipBrace since this was a pistol configuration, one of my favorite parts to hit the market this year. So finally, we can get to the point. And the point was to make a 7.62×39 pistol from AR parts.
$899 Folding Side Charger – Foxtrot Mike FM-15: Full Review
Updated: July 24, 2022 { 9 comments }Competing in an already saturated market, Foxtrot Mike Products recently released its spin on what a modern AR platform should be with the FM-15. Featuring a direct impingement side-charging assembly, the FM-15 requires no buffer tube to operate and can be fired while folded. While I tested the complete 16″ rifle chambered in 223 Wylde, the upper will fit all standard AR lowers.
Caracal 814 Pistol – Review
Updated: June 26, 2022 { 3 comments }This week, we got our hands on the Caracal 814 pistol, one of the best values in the AR pistol space today. From Boise, ID, Caracal has been chalking up wins for the last few years. And the 814 is no different. Most known to the US customer for the Enhanced F series pistols, Caracal has been quietly creeping up in rifles. And now, “pistols” as well.
The Charles Daly AR .410 – Small Bore Madness
Updated: June 19, 2022 { 9 comments }What if you wanted a shotgun AR? Not a shotgun that looks like an AR, but an AR-15 that uses a MIL-SPEC multi cal lower complete with a standard upper? Well, that’s certainly an option, and the Charles Daly AR .410 upper receiver delivers unto you your shotgun AR.
Maxim Defense 7.62×39
Updated: May 15, 2022 { 4 comments }Maxim Defense entered the fray just a few years back as a disruptor to the “same old, same old” firearms industry. They were initially known for their debut PDW brace and stock, a marvel of engineering. Through what we can only assume was a vision on Mescaline, Maxim managed to shorten the normal buffer system of an AR to 1/3rd the length while retaining full spring strength and buffer weight. Not just regular buffers either. They make them all the way up to H3, which is near double standard. Which would prove to be important later, like this week.
Springfield’s New Precision AR: The Saint Edge ATC Elite
Updated: April 10, 2022 { 5 comments }Continuing the evolution of Springfield’s much beloved Saint line of semi-automatic rifles comes the Saint Edge ATC and ATC Elite. ATC stands for Accurized Tactical Chassis. This monolithic chassis is at the foundation of the rifle’s accuracy and Springfield’s sub-MOA guarantee. The rifle comes in 2 models, the regular Edge ATC and an Elite model.
M89 Drive Lock Rail By SOLGW — SHOT Show 2022
Updated: January 24, 2022 { 1 comment }This year at SHOT Show 2022 I had the opportunity to check out the New M89 Drive Lock Rails by SOLGW, Sons Of Liberty Gun Works.