Chicago police official put gun in mouth, pointed taser at groin, says victim

Authors S.H. Blannelberry

On Tuesday, a Chicago man filed a federal lawsuit against Police Commander Glenn Evans, claiming that the police official stuck a gun in his mouth and pointed a taser at his groin, reports local media.

The alleged victim, 24-year-old Ricky Williams, said the incident occurred nearly a year and a half ago after police chased him into an abandon residence on Jan. 30, 2013. They found no firearm on Williams but arrested him anyhow. The charges against Williams were later dropped.

“No words could ever describe how afraid I was when the gun was pushed in my mouth when I knew I didn’t do anything wrong,” said Williams in a statement.

“I hope this lawsuit stops other police officers from doing what happened to me ever again,” he continued. “It took a lot of courage for me to do this, and I hope the Chicago Police Department shows its courage and changes the way it treats innocent people.”

Williams is seeking at least 100,000 in damages.

In addition to the civil lawsuit, Cook County prosecutors are charging Evans with battery and official misconduct after finding Williams’ DNA on Evan’s gun.

Williams’ attorney, Antonio Romanucci, said that the treatment of his client was tantamount to torture.

“We can certainly call it a torture, when there’s a Taser placed between your groin and a gun shoved down into your mouth and touches the back of your throat,” he said.

Initially, it appeared as though Evans was only going to get a slap on the wrist from Police Supt. Garry McCarthy, but now McCarthy has changed his demeanor, stating, “The alleged actions, if true, are unacceptable to the both the residents we serve and to the men and women of this department.”

Romanucci believes that Evans alleged abusive behavior may be indicative of other problems plaguing the department.

“The civil lawsuit directly aims to stop the abuses, the misconduct, the aggressiveness, and more importantly the custom and unspoken policy that the Chicago Police Department has of … covering up these abuses,” he said.

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  • Loupgarous July 21, 2015, 4:56 pm

    Criminals behind badges are still criminals. But this didn’t happen in Ferguson, Missouri, but in Obama’s old hometown, so CNN is curiously absent from the scene, and MSNBC’s Chris Matthews isn’t bloviating about the “pervasive racism” in THIS Midwestern city. Odd how a police COMMANDER in Chicago can keep his job, while Jesse Jackson – just around the corner – and Al Sharpton are NOT on the case, stirring the pot, filling the streets with outraged “Black Lives Matter” protesters.

    And, of course, the Attorney-General and her Department of Justice stormtroopers aren’t on the case, either.
    One set of rules exists for Obama crony Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, and an entirely different set of rules for Ferguson, Missouri.

    The victim in this case ought seriously to consider having his lawyer sue the Federal government for not being as protective of HIS life, safety and bruised feelings as they were of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin.

    In fairness to the accused policeman, however, let’s see what develops when actual witnesses are called to testify. This wouldn’t be the first time that the press has invented a fictional saint (“just a sweet boy”) who was allegedly abused by a white policeman, when the actual person involved had done something to provoke the treatment he got (which would have to be something really bad, but I’m reserving judgment on the police office until the facts come out).

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