GOA Takes Aim at NJ’s Draconian Gun Laws

Gov. Phil Murphy
NJ Gov. Phil Murphy. (Photo: Murphy/X.com)

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation are teaming up with the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners to shoot holes in New Jersey’s strict handgun permitting requirements and the state’s infamous “one gun a month” rule.

The trio of gun rights defenders are targeting via a lawsuit a policy that makes New Jerseyans jump through numerous hoops to buy a handgun.

These hurdles include obtaining character references, getting fingerprinted, coughing up multiple fees, surviving two waiting periods totaling up to 37 days, and undergoing not one, but two background checks.

But wait, there’s more!

The Permit to Purchase a Handgun expires after just 90 days and is only good for one handgun. To make matters worse, some counties drag their feet for up to six months before issuing these permits.

Plus, New Jersey puts a cap on freedom by allowing only one handgun purchase per month, leaving law-abiding gun enthusiasts shaking their heads.

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Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, blasted New Jersey’s policies,

“New Jersey represents the worst of the worst when it comes to gun control, and as highlighted in our suit, residents of the state don’t have to undergo such an extensive and onerous process in order to exercise any other enumerated constitutional right,” he said.

“We’re very optimistic that this case will eventually be the means by which we finally dismantle New Jersey’s unconstitutional permitting policies and liberate their citizens from their anti-gun tyranny,” he continued.

Sam Paredes, speaking for the Gun Owners Foundation, took a shot at New Jersey’s leaders.

“Governor Murphy and AG Platkin have repeatedly and insubordinately bemoaned the Second Amendment and federal court rulings that overturned gun control for years now, and we are excited to finally be confronting these tyrants head-on,” Paredes stated.

“As we’ve been telling policymakers since the Bruen decision, fall in line, or we will make you,” he added.

New Jerseyans have good reason to be hopeful about this lawsuit. Given recent Supreme Court decisions favoring gun rights, the legal climate seems promising for dismantling New Jersey’s restrictive gun laws and reinforcing the constitutional right to bear arms.

This case could very well mark a pivotal victory for gun owners in the state. Stay tuned!

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