Levi’s CEO: ‘Firearms don’t belong in stores’


Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh. (Photo: USA Today)

The CEO of Levi Strauss & Co. has a message for gun owners: Leave your firearms at home when you enter the company’s stores, offices or facilities.

In an open letter that was posted on LinkedIn, Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh made his case, rather diplomatically, as to why we should disarm before entering or shopping at Levi’s stores.

Dear Customers,

The debate in the U.S. over gun safety and gun rights is as complex as it is divisive. As a former army officer, a father and business leader, I’ve heard the arguments from all sides. And, as CEO of a 163-year-old company whose products and presence rest at the intersection of culture and community in more than 110 countries around the world, I feel a tremendous responsibility to share our position on the issue, now, at a time when clarity is paramount.

Providing a safe environment to work and shop is a top priority for us at Levi Strauss & Co. That imperative is quickly challenged, however, when a weapon is carried into one of our stores. Recently, we had an incident in one of our stores where a gun inadvertently went off, injuring the customer who was carrying it.

So, while we understand the heartfelt and strongly-held opinions on both sides of the gun debate, it is with the safety and security of our employees and customers in mind that we respectfully ask people not to bring firearms into our stores, offices or facilities, even in states where it’s permitted by law. Of course, authorized members of law enforcement are an exception.

With stores in Paris, Nice and Orlando, and the company’s European headquarters in Brussels, I’ve thought more about safety in the past year than in the previous three decades of my career because of how ‘close to home’ so many incidents with guns have come to impacting people working for this company.

We operate in hundreds of stores across every state in the U.S., and laws are different in each one. We know that the presence of firearms in our stores creates an unsettling environment for many of our employees and customers. We also know that trying to enforce a ban could potentially undermine the purpose of the ban itself: safety. With that in mind we’ve made this decision as a business – a request not a mandate – and we sincerely hope responsible gun owners will respect our position.

It boils down to this: you shouldn’t have to be concerned about your safety while shopping for clothes or trying on a pair of jeans. Simply put, firearms don’t belong in either of those settings. In the end, I believe we have an obligation to our employees and customers to ensure a safe environment and keeping firearms out of our stores and offices will get us one step closer to achieving that reality.


Chip Bergh

President and Chief Executive Officer, Levi Strauss & Co.


Well, what are your thoughts? Do you believe Bergh made the right call?

What’s interesting to me is that it’s not a hardline stance, it’s not an outright ban, but as he said, “a request not a mandate.” I think Bergh is smart enough to realize that it’s nearly impossible to enforce a ban and that if they were to attempt to enact one it would be opening up a whole new can of worms.

But at the same time, the tragic thing about the policy is it dissuades the most responsible people from shopping at Levi’s. In other words, law-abiding gun owners will shop elsewhere because of the gun-free policy. Yes, the same law-abiding gun owners who can actually make a difference and save lives in an active shooter situation.

Meanwhile, boneheads with guns and bad guys with guns will continue to do what they want, irrespective of the “request.” Bergh’s policy, therefore, doesn’t address the safety problem at all. On the contrary, it only makes Levi’s stores more vulnerable to threats.

It’s interesting the way that works. But it’s the world we live in. By keeping the sheepdogs away, Levi’s opens up the gate for the wolves to prey upon the unsuspecting sheep.  And as for the boneheads, you can’t legislate against human stupidity.

  • Chris January 18, 2020, 2:37 am

    I stopped buying anything to do with Levi’s in the 90’s when they announced they would no longer sell their jeans in truck stops because “truck drivers didn’t fit the image they wanted for their products.” Turns out Wranglers last longer anyway.

  • Hrsepwer March 16, 2019, 12:57 pm

    I stopped buying their lousy, ill fitting and cheaply made product years ago when the belt loops started breaking and the pockets tore about 8 months after purchase. Comparison in a Sears store found 5 pairs of jeans listed as the exact same size each, with only two pairs fitting properly and the rest made in 4 different foreign companies. This is another company I WON’T miss when they go under.

  • Gus March 15, 2019, 11:45 am

    If I have to go into one of their ridiculously overpriced lousy manufactured product stores to buy a gift that some one wants I will be packing heavily!

  • J.J. March 15, 2019, 10:25 am

    Levi’s can determine the parameters under which to operate their business; a freedom enjoyed in a democracy- a democracy protected for by those who served (including their CEO) and do serve. A democracy payed for by those who fought and died preserving those freedoms. Levi’s CEO has traded his core beliefs for dollar signs to pander to the those who prefer to blame firearms for criminal acts versus the criminal.

    As concealed carry permit holders we have the right to take our business elsewhere & not be potential targets in a “gun-free store”. There are many jeans still made in the USA cheaper than Levi’s and don’t require you surrender your safety in order to shop

    If this country truly wanted to curb gun violence, the answer is simple, use a gun in a crime & suffer the death penalty plain & simple- no lengthy appeals 3 years start to finish. Guaranteed those using firearms to commit a crime would find an alternative.

  • Mike Jared March 15, 2019, 8:52 am

    Did he ban ladders, also? I wonder how many customers, and employees, have been injured/killed – some permanently?- by ladders in Levi stores.
    And will he guarantee the safety of all customers against criminals/murderers with guns? After all, those people intent on killing don’t go where they will be shot back at. They go to schools, churches, concerts, movie theaters, etc., where guns are banned, not carried, or not allowed.

  • Alfredo Dizon March 9, 2019, 5:03 pm

    Aint buying not one more Levis….

    • Frederick Register March 15, 2019, 4:06 am

      This CEO is an ignorant sob. Anyone with a penchant for murder can enter and kill all standing. He is helpless. And stupid ignorant. I’ll never spend a mother dime at Levis.

  • Donna Nix March 7, 2019, 6:00 pm

    This will make me not buy Levi’s anymore

    • Larry Stewart March 15, 2019, 3:36 am

      I am finished buying with them.

  • Jaque March 7, 2019, 3:00 pm

    The last pair of Levi’s I bought were made in China, and were marked incorrectly as to size. I sent them back for refund. I’ve been wearing Levi’s for over 60 years and up until now they were superior to their competitors products. I knew they were communists but not until recently did I know they had banned guns from their stores ( where I don’t go) and had started an aggressive campaign against our natural gun rights. So I won’t be buying any more Levi’s.
    But there’s a whole lot of communists out there that fund the gun grabbers that are hard to boycott. As in Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, HP, Amazon, the entire communist media, and over half of congress. So I do what I can to boycott the gun grabbers and contribute to the gun rights organizations.
    Oh and I won’t be buying Benchmade any longer.
    Don’t forget that every dollar spent on goods made in communist China helps fund the People’s Revolutionary Army. An army that the US will very likely face in a shooting war in the next decade.

    • ArkiePaul March 15, 2019, 4:04 pm

      Amen to all of your comments. I go out of my way to not buy products made in China. I have been predicting a war with China for about 15 years.

  • Clark March 7, 2019, 1:16 pm

    I do not where Levi and now never will! Gun owners who do need to find another brand help bring their sales down and see what happens!

  • Kent Horton, CPT, USA, (RET) March 6, 2019, 7:26 pm

    In response to the Levi’s CEO’s request, I shall not carry any firearms into his stores, offices, etc. To that end, I shall no longer purchase or wear any clothing, accessories, etc., manufactured or marketed by any Levi’s brand.

    I spent 20+ years on active duty in the United States Army and would submit that using a retired general officer’s statements in support of gun control is counterproductive since I only met 2 generals that warranted any respect as warriors. The text of the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which he took an oath to support and defend is quite clear: “…,the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

  • Morris Jaskula September 7, 2018, 7:03 pm


  • Robert Fallert September 7, 2018, 1:27 pm

    In my state if you qualify for a permit to carry you are so free of sin you should be able to hear confessions.
    I quit buying Levies when they had their most profitable year ever and they moved production to Mexico.

  • Stalt September 7, 2018, 11:26 am

    I wore Levi’s for 40 years.. I wore 501’s even when I had to drive 100 miles to get them….
    I sent Levi’s to my foster son in Italy..

    I quit buying Levi’s when they started actively pushing the LGBTQ agenda …
    now they are actively pushing the anti gun agenda….
    I am glad that I quit buying Levi’s years ago!

  • jerry johnson September 7, 2018, 10:35 am

    well he won’t have to worry about me or my family carrying a gun into any of his stores.. we just wont be shopping at levi strauss anymore, guess i’ll be wearing WRANGLER from now on… they appreciate us. support the N.R.A.

  • Steve Hollingshead September 7, 2018, 10:02 am

    Just seems ignorant for a CEO to intentionally throw away a big portion of his customer base. Dicks did that and they are still sliding down on the stock market; all the while saying it is because of something not related to their dumb decisions about guns. I’m not even sure the CEO was truthful about someone shooting another in their store accidentally; would need to see the article on that for verification. If it did happen, that means their stores are thousands of percent safer than even walking on the streets carrying concealed; since one accident in over a hundred years is pretty good odds.

  • Robert Hayes September 7, 2018, 5:14 am

    I would like to know how many body guards the CEO of Levi Straus has? With his stance on guns, having body guards for him and his family’s safety should not be needed. If his family requires protection of body guards which he can afford, what makes him think that my family should not have the same protection. I can’t afford body guards but I do carry a gun and do have a carry concealed permit.

  • xLoCxRambo January 2, 2017, 10:59 am

    I believe he made this statement not to all gun owners but in inference to the idiot/s that ruin it for the rest of us who don’t do the proper training, practices, maintenance, and exercise the level of professionalism that is “expected” of all of us who carry and bare the responsibility of being gun owners and carriers. So saying that, accidents do happen however, if you continue all of the above throughout your time of being a firearm community representative you can seriously decrease the odds of having an accident that was mentioned in his letter. Also, notice the fact that he requests and does not try to enforce this rule as even though technically it is a legal right of his to do so he takes a political stance to plead to the idiot’s out there to not come into the store if you can’t handle yourself and your firearm. So do not take this as an attack because people who carry are going to carry anyways just don’t be a frickin’ idiot and ruin it for the rest of us because I like carrying concealed and open!!!

  • Charles December 26, 2016, 2:47 pm

    For 42 years I have been one of your customers , no longer.

  • Gary Anderson December 16, 2016, 7:17 pm

    I don’t go into Gun Free zones. they are too dangerous. You may have noticed nearly all the mass killings are in Gun Free zones. Sounds to me like Levi Strauss stores are too dangerous to enter.

  • Chris s December 15, 2016, 7:26 am

    If you can guarantee bad people will leave there guns at home then I MIGHT, otherwise guess I’ll spend my money on more reasonably priced jeans. Wrong mindset from a misfortunat situation.

  • George December 13, 2016, 11:26 pm

    Guess I won’t be going into your stores. Disarming means leaving a weapon in the car where it might be stolen by some thug. Leaving my weapon at home means I’ll be unable to protect myself to and from your store. Both scenarios are unacceptable to me.

  • JM December 13, 2016, 9:55 am

    We are back at the intersection of Property Rights and the 2ndA. It is worth remembering a primary driver of the Revolution was Property Rights, the 2ndA was partially constructed to allow protection of Property Rights.
    So, do we respect a property owner’s rights, or are our own more important?
    The same logic that says, I can take my gun where I want, says a “Snowflake” can block a highway.

  • john hartsock December 12, 2016, 12:07 am

    Guess I won’t be going into your stores. Disarming means leaving a weapon in the car where it might be stolen by some thug. Leaving my weapon at home means I’ll be unable to protect myself to and from your store. Both scenarios are unacceptable to me.

  • the real ski December 11, 2016, 8:38 pm

    The owner of a business can certainly do what he wants within the law and within the confines of his business. It is his business! That being said I have carried for many years in many places all the time and a great many of them post signage that quite frankly I do not even see anymore. I still carry and do business whereever. I have never had a problem but I have also never had to draw my weapon due to a threat. You bet I would draw if the threat was real & deal with the consequences later. Now places like airport security check ins, court houses and prisons don’t count! Yes a threat could develop there but at least I still have hands, feet and teeth. The places I just mentioned you will not pass go, you will go directly to jail. So what are we talking about here? Common sense. Wins everytime.

    • MASTERMECH48 December 11, 2016, 11:21 pm

      real ski, I’ll carry until I get thrown out. My concern with the LEVI is that they go PUBLIC with the situation. That sets an even greater potential for bad people and, It puts me at ready 1 if I do business with such an institution. I do not feel the need to add to my collection of COMBAT ACTION MEDALS, Gold stars and Gold “V” devices.

  • johninbaltimore December 11, 2016, 8:34 pm

    It was impolite to call “bonehead” –people are not boneheads for disagreeing with you — you are the bonehead for calling your potential customers names. Your position, added to your moving American jobs overseas have me a devoted Wrangler customer. You are history.

  • Geo. December 11, 2016, 11:20 am

    Guess you’ll not see Levi covering my but. I.m totally sick of foreign made crap any way.
    By the way, no loss, I don’t have any anyway and now wont.
    RIP Levi

  • Robby December 11, 2016, 1:37 am

    I have found some respect for our Levi toting CEO. He did make his REQUEST ! Not a demand and he made it politely. Therefore one would be inclined to at least consider his request. I agree with one of the other writers that he should have said “Your gun is welcome in our stores if you are a RESPONSIBLE gun owner”. At this point the next gay hating psycho that wants to make his mark on the world will think that perhaps the Levis store will be a safe place to shoot a bunch of people since no one there will be able to shoot back. Almost ALL of the mass shootings in the last 40 years have taken place in GUN FREE ZONES. Do the research and you’ll see. The odds of being involved in a mass shooting goes up drastically in a gun free zone. I would like to say to Mr. Bergh. Thank you for the way in which you have made this request and for being sensible about it. I understand your point of view. When I am in one of your stores next, I will likely still be carrying. But none of your customers will know. I have plenty of training and am a proficient operator of said firearm as all those who carry should be. You have my word that there will be no accidents with my fire arm.

    • Danny December 11, 2016, 9:29 pm

      Awsome well thought out string of thinking. Same here, only I won’t be buying Levi’s any more. I live in Levi’s guess I’ll wear wranglers from now on.

  • BJG December 10, 2016, 9:14 pm

    Haven’t bought a pair of Levi’s since the 1980’s when they were too good to be sold in Ma & Pop stores. Knew they were lib erals back then Like Wrangler’s better.

  • Celtsrevenge December 10, 2016, 4:46 pm

    I, for one, do not have a problem with the gentleman’s letter. It was respectful, and well thought out. Now, I won’t buy Levi’s because I find them highly over priced and poorly made. They are not the Levi’s I grew up with. I only buy Carharts. Remember, however, Levi’s also owns the Dockers brand, so if Levi’s are out, Dockers should be as well. When consumer companies enter into the world of politics, they make a conscious decision to alienate a portion of the population. Our recourse is to not do business with them.

    • Don Tremain December 11, 2016, 1:16 am

      Every American should be able to voice opinion and companies should have the freedom to decide if they want to be a gun free zone. As an American who fought for these freedoms I reserve the right to choose somewhere else to take my business. Levis of today are like cheesecloth compared to the 20 oz shrink to fit of yesteryear. Heaven forbid if firearms quality deteriorates as Levis have. I would be afraid to fire them.

  • charles graham December 10, 2016, 2:17 pm

    I buy Wrangler because they are a better made, and fit, and I don’t want to be killed like a trapped rat in a gun free zone.

    • Carl G Koontz December 10, 2016, 3:43 pm

      When was truck driver, CEO of LEVI said fags represent finer customers, that truck drivers, & their durability has went down enough bed sheet would make better jeans, & is more durable than current LEVIS. If was not for contacts Levi has, with prisons think Company would have died years ago.

      • DagoBert December 10, 2016, 10:29 pm

        Carl G. Koontz, What the HELL did you just try to say?? Your “statement” is virtually incomprehensible.

        • gary December 11, 2016, 11:01 am

          I understood it. Is American English your first lang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Keith E Holyoak December 10, 2016, 1:59 pm

    It is really sad that another great American company has gone down the liberal toilet.

  • douglas December 10, 2016, 1:17 pm

    absolutely the WRONG decision, if he based his decision on the one incident of a mis-hap, he needs to do some research and find out why the individuals firearm discharged. Probably will find out there was some negligence on the part of the firearm owner. If enough people do not buy from the company he might have to make a different statement. Granted, he made the statement as a request, but responsible gun owners don’t usually take to kindly to those kind. Maybe he should have said “your firearm is welcome here if you are responsible”.

  • Doug Lawton December 10, 2016, 1:07 pm

    I too have worn Levi’s for more than 40 years, probably closer to 50. Jeans and t-shirts are my daily attire. Received a pair of Duluth Trading Company’s jeans last year for Christmas and I like them so much that I’ve asked for 4 more pair this year. Just went through my closet and removed every single pair of Levi’s I have. They are going to Goodwill. I’ll never own another pair, but I will concealed carry outside your stores, and may even wave when I walk by ……… or thumb my nose at you !!!

  • Rusty Bower December 10, 2016, 12:25 pm

    My butt has been shaped by wearing Levi’s, gifted at Christmas every year along with a Pendleton Shirt. I have carried on this tradition with my kids and grandkids for over 70 years.
    Chip’s stupid policy of advertising a “Levi’s gun free zone” at your facilities just invites the bad guys to interrupt this transaction knowing they will not be resisted.
    Levi Jeans are off my Christmas list’s and replaced by Duluth Jeans and Suspenders. The Pendleton shirts stays.
    PS: Chip, you also screwed up by putting Levi’s name on Colin’s Stadium as he disses our flag and National anthem. Seems to me Levi and Straus need a new CEO.

  • jim December 10, 2016, 11:48 am

    Guess that it’s a good thing that i do not wear Levi(s) as the best way to answer this farce is to boycott his stores AND products. I’d be curious t know if he also asks LEOs to disarm before entering!

  • Vaughn Winslett December 10, 2016, 11:12 am

    This is why I buy Wrangler.

  • FT December 10, 2016, 10:46 am

    There a cple hundred comments here….NOT ONE agrees with this ‘safety first’ BONEHEAD. All of this ‘safety first’ CRAPOLA is what got us in here – with all of the ‘laws’ that have been ‘imposed’ on us – for a ‘safety first’ concern. OF COARSE safety first! MORE importantly is I am trained, practiced and permitted. This CEO has just gone ‘soft in the head’. To much good city living. Go fishing for a week & think it threw.

  • Michael December 10, 2016, 10:38 am

    He might as well place a sign in his store windows that says

  • Michael Donlon December 10, 2016, 10:07 am

    I have worn Levis 501 jeans for 40+ years. I have a legal conceal carry permit and have had a gun on me since I received my permit. I will wear my gun and start wearing WRANGLER jeans from now on. Good bye Levis. My rights are more important than your FOREIGN made jeans.

    • Brian Bokkin December 10, 2016, 10:49 am

      I knew there was a reason I stopped wearing Levis…

  • Jim December 10, 2016, 9:54 am

    Well he won’t have to worry about me even going into his stores as I am not about to disarm myself. Has he considered that 90% of these mass shootings occur in so called ‘gun free’ zones? If I was a bad guy and wanted to shoot people or rob someplace it would be someplace that they did not allow guns. I would not want the chance of someone being able to defend themselves or maybe shoot me. Stupid people do not understand that the bad guys do not follow laws or procedures like honest folks do.

    • Rouge1 December 10, 2016, 11:28 am

      Jim Levi is a Chinese company. One of the first to sell out. I quit wearing commie 501s a long time ago.

  • The Beast December 10, 2016, 9:38 am

    Good reason to buy Lee Jeans……..

  • Greg December 10, 2016, 9:34 am

    I won’t have my gun with me because I won’t shop at your stores anymore.

  • Tony December 10, 2016, 9:15 am

    Not a problem for me as I only shop at TRUE American stores where guns are welcomed . I don’t wear Levi’s jeans as they are uncomfortable and overpriced anyway.

  • LARRY D December 10, 2016, 8:50 am

    He is correct; we shouldn’t have to worry about our safety while shopping. Unfortunately, we do. The criminal element of our society has no respect for others; we are all viewed as equal opportunity targets by these guys. They intend to take money and other valuables from us, material wealth that we worked hard to achieve. These criminals intend to achieve their material wealth the “easy way.” I don’t think we need to make it that easy. The head honcho of Levi’s disagrees with my position. That’s fine. I don’t need Levi’s jeans. I happen to prefer Wranglers!

  • Brad December 10, 2016, 8:17 am

    Every time a CEO says something political the stock prices go down. You can actually make money on the market hedging against companies that institute liberal policies.

  • Robert December 10, 2016, 7:28 am

    Huh, A CEO who doesn’t want his company to earn money……not mine at least.

  • OllieK December 10, 2016, 7:07 am

    If Levi wants their premises to be “gun free”, then they need to guarantee the safety of all who go there and if there is ever a bad guy with a gun who shoots up the place, Levi must accept full liability for such an event. Not much of a consolation.

    • Bob December 10, 2016, 3:36 pm

      I agree….if he is worried about liability getting sued for not providing protection while you disarm your customers is something he might want to consider….also with stores in hellhole Europe this free fire zone will be even less defensible in a court of law. I carry everywhere there aren’t metal detectors. Knee-jerk reactions like this are what get people killed….

  • Steve December 10, 2016, 3:00 am

    One MORE reason NOT to buy their over-priced CRAP…!

  • NevadaJim December 10, 2016, 1:16 am

    What’s happened to all the ‘Common Sense’ within this country!?! Very hard to find anymore! The only people I know that have any are Gun owners and Ham radio operators – (most anyway) – Levi’s are So over priced and cheaply made today! I have several pair from the ’80’s that still out wear anything made by them today! He’s lost a fifty year customer here!!!

  • Dennis Cogan December 10, 2016, 1:01 am

    Another safety-free zone. When will people learn that it is not the law-abiding who are the problem?

  • Stuart December 9, 2016, 11:31 pm

    They won’t lose anything from me. I gave up on Levi 20 years ago when they stopped making Boy Scout uniforms.

  • skipNclair December 9, 2016, 11:26 pm

    Im wondering if those shot in the clubs, the movie theaters felt safe in the no gun zones and am also wondering if in time the first amendment and others will also fall victim to this mans logic. So we have a customer who was injured by his own weapon, and the world stops? That is assuming this incident really happened. Why then is is ok for police to carry in the store and not citizens that is discrimination if you’r denying rights to the public and allowing them for a few. Now my next question would be all the shootings that have taken place, have happened in gun free zones, so will the company and or you be willing to be held responsible when one of or more decide to use your business as a target because like all the others , they knew they could get the job done? I can’t remember the last time I bought anything Levi so I will not threaten to stop as a customer, but I will make sure I tell all I know and suggest they think about shopping at a business that does not support the constitution of the USA, the rights of all given by God almighty, and management that obviously does not care about their safety and ignores all the evidence of mass shootings. And probably better to purchase from some business that still loves the USA enough to not make their products over seas with shady practices like Levi, and takes advantage of the people in the world. Now I know why there are also to many over paid CEO’s and executives for the thought process here is a prime example. Lets here it for Wrangler hip hip hooray .

  • Wayne Casteel December 9, 2016, 10:48 pm

    I too sent the CEO of Levi Strauss an email….. for at least 60 years I’ve worn Levi 501 jeans ?… but not any more ? I served for “32” years as a Texas Peace Officer…. and find this action but Levi Strauss obsyrd and uncalled for…. I’ll now wear Wrangler, Duluth trading, and other products….. noe retired I’ll be damned if I’m walking by a Levi outlet/store and god forbid there’s a crazy guy in the store with club, knife or firearm and intercede…… even though I’m covered by federal law as an Honorably retired “Peace” Officer and a CHL holder….., their written policy won’t back up any actions one might take to stop a criminal act in progress ….. guess ya gotta wait till the terrorist kills someone inside the store then confront him or dial 911 and be a good witness…. God save us all from the liberal idiots …. neuter then early so they don’t breed …… WC retired Cop

  • RICK December 9, 2016, 10:31 pm

    Just got my carry permit last week and in the process checked the laws. In my state, there are specific locations that prohibit carrying. Examples are state buildings in the capital and elementary schools. Private property owners may NOT ban carrying, but they may request carry-ers to leave. The only legal recourse is to have them removed as trespassers. I expect that process would take hours.
    I don’t expect to buy a Levi’s product, anyway, as a matter of principal.

  • Gary December 9, 2016, 10:04 pm

    I understand the argument. And I don’t subscribe to the gun toten give me liberty or give me death 2nd amendment argument either. For all to survive, there has to be a give and take compromise that makes common sense. Do I legally conceal carry? Yes I do. Do I see this as a threat, No I do not. Why? Because by his own admission we are only talking 1 store in Orlando that is a Levi’s controlled store. All the remaining retail locations are controlled by big box store policy and not Levi’s. And the same applies to mail order etc. The reality is, this is more of a political statement than anything that is going to really effect the markets. Your RIGHTS are not under attack. TARGET did this a few years back, and their sales have suffered as a result. Because of over reaction by gun owners who just do not understand how they are being played. And in this case, they are doing it to themselves. Quit being so reactive and think before you make rash statements. This over reaction motive is killing AMERICAN businesses, and FORCING companies to take their jobs overseas. We really should be concentrating our energy to ensure jobs remain in the US and stop trying to put all our companies out of business because we do not understand what is happening and are offended.

  • Z December 9, 2016, 9:35 pm

    Good to know who your enemy are !

    Total ban on Levi !!!

  • Ed December 9, 2016, 9:34 pm

    The main issue I have with his stance is how people like him never factor in all the times people are actually SAVED by those that keep and bear arms. All you ever hear is the negative which then takes away from he balance of the issue. I will comply with his wishes because I am also in favor of property rights, assuming I will ever have the desire to buy anything from Levi again. I bought 2 pair a few months back and they didn’t fit like they used to. Maybe it’s my older body. Maybe it’s because they now suck. I don’t know. I recently bought Wrangler and love them.

  • Dale Bailey December 9, 2016, 9:15 pm

    Does this mean Chip Berth will be personally responsible for your safety from attack in every Levis Store ? I’d love to hear his lawyer’s take on that .

  • Lane LePera December 9, 2016, 9:10 pm

    Business’s that want to ban guns in there stores are announcing they are easy targets!

  • Jeff December 9, 2016, 8:59 pm

    I don’t wear Levi’s cause they’re too expensive. As such I don’t shop at Levi’s stores and I don’t but Levi’s sold at other stores. Guess I won’t have to change my mind any time soon.

  • mike ehrig December 9, 2016, 8:56 pm

    arizona jeans for me….bye bye levi……..next choice is wrangers. both are cheaper than levi’s and i believe they are better built. should have been buying these from the beginning.

  • Bob T. December 9, 2016, 8:36 pm

    I find it interesting that Levi Strauss was formed around the time of the gold rush in CA. A place where all men and many women carried firearm for they and their family/friends protection. The Strauss’s designed and sold their products with guns on their hips to customers with guns on their hips and rifles near by on their horses or in wagons. I think the CEO of Strauss can choose to prohibit guns from their premises. I believe all state laws allow individual stores to make that decision. However, I think it is a stretch if the CEO believes he has a safe environment in each of his stores by prohibiting legal carry permit customer’s with weapons..One criminal who has an illegal weapon and who cares nothing for the law, or their gun free zone, can change that.

    So, I plan to buy my Levi’s from Walmart , and other stores, who still allows carry permit customers with weapons in their store. Enough Said.

  • Bob Rovak December 9, 2016, 8:30 pm

    Whatever, Levies arent what they used to be. Overpriced and paper thin. Dont buy them anymore.

  • Butch vb December 9, 2016, 8:03 pm

    No problem never buy levis again hope they feel the crunch

  • MIstertheory December 9, 2016, 7:45 pm

    Did he explain how he is going to keep his unarmed customers safe? What happens when some terrorist or deranged person enters the store with the intent to do harm? Has he hired armed security guards? All of this gun free zone crap never explains how they are going to keep us safe, only that we don’t have the right to protect ourselves. So frustrating.

  • Dave December 9, 2016, 7:36 pm

    I have lived in Levi’s for over 40 years. As of today I am done. I hope every law abiding gun owner makes the same free choice to boycott all Levi products. I going for new jeans as soon as I can and trash all the Levi’s I own.

  • Manosteel December 9, 2016, 7:26 pm

    When I Christmas shop, or go to a major mall, I ALWAYS carry my little LCP380. The mall parking lots are good places to get mugged, acosted or beaten up. When my 90 yr old mother was still living I would take her out shopping every Friday and I sure wasn’t going to let anyone victimize us because they saw us as “Helpless Prey”. In Indiana I have a carry permit and a constitutional right to carry anywhere except government buildings. I have been acosted twice at Walmart, once by a guy 1/3 my age and 3 times my size. I laid out that guy verbally as to how he could work, get a life, and should be ashamed of himself begging for money!!! I don’t think he wanted to tangle with me because I had my right hand in my pocket holding the LCP, which I didn’t show to him but I think he got the picture! I will no longer go to Walmart as they are dangerous places that attract LOW LIFE!! I don’t buy Levi’s, Wrangler’s fit fine!!!

  • Chris December 9, 2016, 7:25 pm

    Well, that’s the last Levis product I’ll ever own.

  • John December 9, 2016, 7:16 pm

    I have been buying and wearing Levi 501s for over 6 decades. I know that I will not make or break the Levi Company but I don’t really need their products. Wranglers work just as well.

  • Frank December 9, 2016, 7:03 pm

    I wonder why he felt he needed to say anything at all. Now on that accidental discharge incident…. someone else could have been hurt, not just the gun owner. But it’s an isolated incident, why say anything? To please a few idiots? Looks like a bad move to me, he was under no pressure to say a thing. I don’t like Levis anyway, no big deal. Store owners for some reason fail to realize that a legally carrying patron is more likely to DEFEND others in the store than harm them. I don’t think I’d pull mine to stop a robbery, not unless the robber started shooting. Too much liability. But when someone started shooting, I’d take them down if I could.

  • James Stegman December 9, 2016, 6:23 pm

    I’ve never owned a pair of Levi’s in my life and for sure now I will never go into of of his stores or ever buy a pair of Levi’s. I feel safer shopping where I can carry my weapon and protect myself if one of nuts that go around shooting up a place that they think is safe for them to shoot up a place.

  • james hamblin December 9, 2016, 6:19 pm

    Buy Carhartt.

  • Matt December 9, 2016, 6:15 pm

    I respect Chip’s position and I appreciate that he’s made this a request rather than a mandate. But as a former Army guy, he should know that bad guys don’t respect the law and won’t respect Chip’s request. I’ll carry my gun wherever and whenever I legally can. If some bad guy pulls a gun and starts shooting in a Levi’s store and I’m there or someone else with a permit to carry is, well, you can bet the bad guy is gonna get shot back at…
    So I’ll exercise my right to my opinion and do what I think is necessary…and I’ll carry. Not that I ever shop at a Levi’s store anyway, but you get what I mean! 🙂

  • Rufus December 9, 2016, 6:13 pm

    My wife bought me 4 pair of Levi’s 550 for Christmas. She was instructed to return them and go to the carhart store. I will not support anything with the Levi name anymore. We as men do not need this liberal crap. Starve them out.

  • Shecky December 9, 2016, 6:04 pm

    I wear Carhartt or Dickies for the most part. Stopped wearing anything that had that red tag years ago, they are to hip for me …lol
    Funny thing was, that’s all I wore back in the 60′, 70’s and early 80’s …501’s and cords…the pants turned into shorts after a couple of years. That was back when they were made here and catered to the hard working, hard playing crowd. Now they go for the limp wristers…

  • Bob December 9, 2016, 5:52 pm

    We need to sue Levi’s for discrimination for refusing to serve us because we choose to carry a gun which is our right.
    Gay people sue businesses who refuse to serve them because of the way they have CHOSEN to live their lives, which is their right to live that way.

    • Darrell December 9, 2016, 10:44 pm

      It is simple. Buy Wrangler jeans.

  • Steven Kaspar December 9, 2016, 5:39 pm

    Haven’t bought Levi’s in years and won’t start anytime soon!

  • J.Cottom Cummings December 9, 2016, 5:38 pm

    I do not have to worry about wearing Levi anything I stopped when the left wing organization stopped supporting the Boy Scouts many years ago. Wrangler is a much better choice.

    • CharlieKing1 December 9, 2016, 6:11 pm

      My thoughts exactly; Wrangler jeans are a much better choice. Sorry Levis, you won’t see my shadow cross your storefront’s door!

  • jarhead December 9, 2016, 5:17 pm

    I have bought levis since the early 70’s. Levis have cheapened their jeans. I actually have a new pair with the tags on them from the 80’s. The pockets have been shortened and the fabric is lighter, but the price has went up. I have tried and now buy jeans from Duluth Trading. I can keep stuff in the pocket without it coming out. No more levis for me. Since I’ve read levi is anti gun rights, I’m glad I stopped buying them.

    • Fred December 9, 2016, 5:46 pm

      I have worn Levis for many years but, now at the age of 69 I will no longer buy any Levi’s product or garment.
      This mans’ personal ideas on ‘safety’ are WRONG.
      But, it’s your decision, just be prepared for the $$ losses

  • hoberthoffman December 9, 2016, 5:12 pm

    He had this same comment on yahoo news. He mentioned (in that article ) that his stores in paris, nice and Orlando were victims of terrorism. I asked him why he would want his customers to leave their guns at home knowing his stores were victims of terrorism. In this article, it is identical, except, he left out the terrorist part this time. Still, One accident does not a ban make. Is he going to provide police protection in case of terrorists or a robber, etc., etc.??? NOT!!!! So, I will carry my personal protection in the store and if I am asked to leave, I will , and wont go back!!!

  • Jerry Hardy December 9, 2016, 4:59 pm

    This now coming from a company that in the late ’90’s decided that they would pull their product line from all truck stops because truck drivers were not the end user clientel they wanted to attract to their product. As a Driver during that time, my wife, family and I decided they were right and we immediately removed any and all “LEVI” products from our closets and donated them to a homeless shelter more suited to the LEVI brand. Since that time we have all become straight WRANGLER users.
    This coming from someone who had used Levi products since the 1950’s
    Vote with your wallet!!!!!

  • Mike Talor December 9, 2016, 4:21 pm

    I do not have any problem boycotting those who wish to compromise my 2nd amendment rights. Adios Levis!

  • Tim December 9, 2016, 4:19 pm

    So, a customer carrying a gun in a Levi’ s store was injured when it accidently went off?…and that is his reasoning for banning guns from his store? Well, that begs a few more questions. Has anyone else ever been accidently hurt in a Levi’s store by some other cause? Was that cause banned?…let’s say grandma was wearing slippery house slippers and fell,…do the slippers get banned also?

  • vincent smith December 9, 2016, 4:11 pm

    You wouldnt think that a C.E.O of a company would be so stupid to advertize to the Muslim radicals where thier next target should be. He probably inherited the company.

    • Ed Pate December 9, 2016, 11:41 pm

      Like most CEO’s he is a captive of what the BOD directs him to do. What he as an individual wants is irrelevant.

  • Mike December 9, 2016, 4:05 pm

    Thanks, I’ll just keep mine in my wranglers!

  • James Green December 9, 2016, 4:04 pm

    It’s Wranglers for me and all my family from now on!

  • Robert Augeri December 9, 2016, 3:57 pm

    I wonder today in age with all the terrorist in the USA doing harm to Americans that he would think this way for those who are licensed to carry a weapon. For someone allowing a weapon to discharge in a store he needs some instruction and it should be mandatory. I wonder being that this CEO really cares for the safety of his employees does he provide transportation to and from his place of business. His employees have more of a chance of a fatal accident than someone carrying a firearm in his store. As for an officer in one of our branches of service he especially if he was a Marine or Army should know that those are taught to love there weapons. I don’t where he was an officer this should not be used to stop anyone from carry a legal firearm, but personally it should be concealed.

  • scott December 9, 2016, 3:45 pm

    I left feedback on Levis web site, which is very easy to do by the way. Anyway, I explained as the main bread winner in my family that I was concerned about their recent request and promised to never carry my legal concealed firearm in their establishments again and I would take my business to their competitors. No reason to be nasty about it, but nothing wrong with letting them know how you feel.

  • Brad December 9, 2016, 3:45 pm

    I absolutely respect his right to speak his opinion on this, and I reserve my right to choose not to patronize his establishment or purchase his products!

  • jerry December 9, 2016, 3:43 pm

    just loss me started buying 1950 stop buying 2016 one ass of CEO

  • John Brittain December 9, 2016, 3:21 pm

    That’s okay with me. I don’t buy his product anyway.

  • C December 9, 2016, 3:20 pm

    American businesses have a valid right to refuse service to anyone – but if their doors are open, they have something I need to buy, and there are no metal detectors with able bodied armed security personnel in place to protect me and mine – I’m going in with my lawfully concealed equalizer.

  • Tom December 9, 2016, 3:17 pm

    This CEO boasts about being an army Officer, well that doesn’t make him the smartest or brightest. I’ve known many army officers in my military career. Some impressed me and I have the up most respect for, others were ok and than some were just plain Dump. They had no common sense at all.
    First I would like to say not everyone has the ability to carry open or concealed. It is a responsibility to make the decision when to act with a weapon and when not to. Every once in a while we see that a police officer or soldier acted too quickly and a tragedy happened.
    I do believe if terrorist were to come into a store that the CEO was in and I had my weapon that I’m authorized to carry concealed, he might have a better chance of surviving the attack!

  • Paul Hopcus December 9, 2016, 3:17 pm

    Thank god for people like you. I too can’t wait for the day when I can feel safe from being shot by someone by accident. I can’t wait for the day when ALL GUNS are taken away and a police man is on every corner I don’t wear jeans because I spend most of my time in my parents basement in my pajamas. I also want you to donate money from your overpriced crap to overturn the election and get MAMA HILTERLY and DADDY OBUMCUS TO STAY IN POWER FORVER.

  • Bill Staten December 9, 2016, 3:10 pm

    I will respect his wishes by not buying Levi’s in any store!

  • Ed Schoppe December 9, 2016, 3:03 pm

    Lives are great. Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh is jerk! Call a cop next time you get robbed Chip.

  • Steve December 9, 2016, 2:59 pm

    If the ceo was Really concerned, please install a gun safe in each stall. If i thought your product was worth the hassel i could bring my own padlock to try clothes on.

  • WEDGE December 9, 2016, 2:29 pm

    What’s the punishment for being found to have a concealed firearm inside a Levi’s store-or any other place where the owners try to take away your individual right to protect yourself and family? What’s the fine? At my concealed carry course10 years ago, the first time was a verbal warning, second was a $100 fine, and third time caught was the possible removal of your CCL. My advice-NEVER allow anyone to stop you from being able to protect/defend yourself and/or family! Of course it’s up to you, but no ones ‘policy’ decides whether or not I’m protected. I was a manager of a ‘restaurant’, of which there were several in our region, where the firearms policy was the same-“NO GUNS”. During a particular manager’s training workshop, we viewed a ‘training’ video of robberies that went horribly wrong. Very graphic, with the bodies still in place as well as the brain matter gray and pink spray on the walls/floors/ceiling. All the manager’s at that meeting carried a firearm from that moment on-policy be damned. No one, to my knowledge, was ever caught. If they were, no one mentioned it. I’m thinking that exactly the outcome the franchise owner wanted, since he was a big hunter. But had to have this policy for insurance/corporate dictate-reasons.

    So the take away-never let some corporate policy stand in the way of you defending yourself. Ever.

    • George Matteson December 9, 2016, 3:10 pm

      Doesn’t mater to me,quit buying Levi products when they shut down all factories in USA

  • Peter Wall December 9, 2016, 2:26 pm

    Mr. Bergh, it’s your company so you can exclude whom ever you want for what ever reason. How ever it’s my wallet and I will
    never spend my money on your product. I have a litmus test of never giving my time money or vote to any one person or thing that doesn’t support the second amendment period.

    • Warren D Filkins December 9, 2016, 3:05 pm

      True that !

  • Bradley Hannah December 9, 2016, 2:23 pm

    I knew there was something wrong with this company I traded my Levis in on camo long ago, I dont believe this guy You carrie a gun it goes with you every where, i would not disarm to shop for pants that is stupid. I get to a store that has a sign like that i go in amyway. Hell the Doctor caught me with a gun and never said a word. levis was an American company now it is in Mexico so screw off Levis.

  • vincent smith December 9, 2016, 2:21 pm

    LEVIS STORE advertizing another gun free zone for the muslim radicals

  • Andy Korn December 9, 2016, 2:17 pm

    It is some thing very wrong. If gay lesbian people wish to order any product, they have wright to enter private property like store or bakery and even they are no welcome, store owner can not reject their order, But any business owner can reject legally carry by the state law abiding citizen. It is like second class of the people, it should be change and prosecuted as discrimination of the legally carry citizen. Getting license for operate any public business, that business should not have power to discriminate legally carry people and that discrimination must be stopped.

  • Patrick December 9, 2016, 2:15 pm

    First you just a lost customer, second your and idiot, what do you think is gonna happen when a crazed person enters a business intent on terrorizing those inside, that fastest response won’t be the cops, but the gun packing law abiding citizens. Oh but they won’t be able to be of any assistance because most guns owners will not support you business and if they do they are respectful enough to secure their firearm in their vehicle. When a person with ill intent sees a No Guns Allowed sign he doesn’t put his back and bring a bat instead NO he sees it as a welcome sign knowing there’s no one inside to stop him. Also a law abiding citizen with a gun is No different than cop with a gun, both are willing to stop the threat and protect others. And heaven forbid a hostage situation and cops can’t save your dumbass, wouldn’t it be nice to for a law abiding citizen with a gun to disarm your would be executioner and save your life. When are you people going to get it, It’s not the Law Abiding Citizens that is the problem,
    its NON Law abiding citizens that are the problem. So you don’t like guns that’s your opinion, when the police show up and draw their guns you don’t have a problem them then, so why would it be any different for law abiding citizens. There is NO difference between a good guy with a gun or cop with gun, Get it through your thick skull already

  • Michael Eddings December 9, 2016, 2:10 pm

    I have no problem with Levi’s determination to provide another safe haven for criminals. I prefer Wranglers anyway so will not darken a Levi’s Store Door. I do resent the implication that legal gun carriers endanger the public as this is not the case.

  • John Smith December 9, 2016, 2:00 pm

    Glad I don’t own stock in this one. Shareholders won’t be happy when millions of gun owners quit buying their sh**…

  • Michael A Porta December 9, 2016, 1:59 pm

    Not a problem, I will abide the request. My gun will not enter their stores and neither will I….It is their right and I will express mine!

  • Bushmaster0369 December 9, 2016, 1:57 pm

    What an insensitive piece of human OBAMA’S EXCREMENT Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh APPEARS TO BE. It is almost incomprehensible to believe a company that has been around so long would try and distance itself from the very people, gun owner’s that bought and wore LEVI’S that made the company what it is today. Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh must be another anti-gun lunatic. I ask you sir excrement, “HOW DARE YOU, JUST HOW DARE YOU make an uninformed, uneducated, ignorant decision of NOT allowing me to protect myself and my family when I am out and about shopping. Are you too stupid to understand, you become a soft target, gun free store? WHEN THE MUSLIM’S AND THE NUT CASES DO COME THE SLAUGHTER OF AMERICAN INNOCENTS WILL BE ON YOUR SHOULDERS AND YOU SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH AIDING AND ABETTING ANY AND ALL MURDERS. Stop your ridiculous rhetoric, you are not trying to keep your stores safe, you’re looking for political correctness self-granulation to look like a good guy, you have damaged LEVI enough and you need to be replaced. I for one will never buy your product again nor will I step inside one of your stores. As a professional military man, I cringe to hear your anti-gun rhetoric as a former officer in the Army. You must have been a mushy, weak leader and what did you lead, “THE WOMEN’S MAKE UP COMPANY”? When you condone and initiate the condition where my family, friends and associates are put at personal risk of death in your stores, everyone in America should BOYCOTT ANY THING TO DO WITH LEVI STRAUSS & CO. UNTIL YOU ARE FIRED.

  • Greg Smith December 9, 2016, 1:57 pm

    I grew up wearing Levi’s. Would I put a pair in my basket now or even walk through their door? Hell No! Haven’t bought a pair of Levi’s in years and certainly have no plans to do so.
    BY THE WAY- your wimp stance against my God given, and Constitutionally and 2nd Amendment protected rights will not affect where or when I carry my gun (s). Yes, that’s plural.
    However, don’t worry. it won’t be in a Levi’s or any other store to buy Levi’s.
    A hearty GFY to you, sir.

  • Bob Johnson December 9, 2016, 1:55 pm

    Levis are thin as a T shirt
    Levis are expensive
    Levis supports gun control
    Levis sells Skinny Jeans
    No more levis for me

  • Andy Korn December 9, 2016, 1:53 pm

    I do not buy it. It is only proclamation. How possible Levy’s store make safe environment to make gun free zone? Criminals and terrorist very happy to attack all customers, law abiding citizens, and employee.

  • Randy Schmidt December 9, 2016, 1:49 pm

    I am really happy to hear about this, one less place in the mall I need to enter.

  • Mark Rayburn December 9, 2016, 1:44 pm

    I have some doubts about the Levi’s stores ability to keep their patrons safe. He didn’t mention how that was to be enacted–gun-toting guards in ceiling perches? …metal detectors? …plain-clothes pseudo customers roaming the stores armed with weapons? The other loose end is that they have decided to make “carrying” an option. That means that anyone, including those intent on causing harm, could easily walk right in and start shooting. Unfortunately, that action is now made easier because the potential shooter knows there are probably no guns inside the store. In addition, whatever background the Levi exec has, and however much research he has done, he made it appear as if his decision precipitated from an isolated incident involving a very careless customer with a firearm. When I consider the safety of my family and my home, I continue to firmly rely on being prepared—it only takes one negative event on one single day to change your life forever.

  • Michael Highland December 9, 2016, 1:23 pm

    You just lost a customer! I wonder if Chip would feel the same way if a member of society woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to take it out in one of his store, or the companies headquarters but there happened to be a concealed carry holder in either location that used his or her weapon to save the day?

  • Pep Rollins December 9, 2016, 1:23 pm

    No problem. I’ll be more than happy to give my business to another company. Later

    • Joel F December 9, 2016, 1:57 pm

      No problem will also take my business else were.

  • Arnold Arnold December 9, 2016, 1:22 pm

    How nice….. another criminal safety zone…. works very well @ schools & movie theaters too…….

  • Civilized December 9, 2016, 1:01 pm

    I simply avoid gun free zones. Nuff said.

  • Andrew December 9, 2016, 1:00 pm

    I didn’t know there was such a thing as a “Levi’s” store, he must be doing a trperrific job.

  • OldOutdoorsGuy December 9, 2016, 12:53 pm

    Bubba, didn’t your daddy ever tell you not to “poke a bear with a stick when he is sleeping”?? It looks like you want to risk losing your “stick” in this outrageous middle of the road “stealthy” move you decided to make on behalf of the “safety and welfare” of your customers and employees. I shudder to think how that’s gonna work out for ya …….

    There was a king back in our history who tried something similar when the natives became restless with the way things were being forced on them here on this chunk of rock. All of a sudden, you couldn’t find a single tree to sit under that didn’t have a guy in bibs and boondocker boots with a flintlock rifle in his hands telling you “Tree’s Occupied!! Move on!!”. And just recently, I understand that there was a big election in which a candidate tried to threaten taking everyone’s guns from them or restricting ownership of firearms to such an extreme that those modern “guys in bibs and boondocker boots” got their hackles so ruffled up that they flat out decided to NOT vote for the expected shoe-in for the election ………. Hmmmmm, the “rights of the people” seem to STILL be alive and healthy.

    Product and value aside, how do you suppose we all feel about your broadcasting to the world that, once you walk through those front doors, the only ARMED people you will encounter will be the BAD guys?? Uh, yeah, that evokes such a feeling of safety and responsibility on the part of the Levi’s crowd, of which I am not a member, that they should be standing in line to see who draws first for the last pair of 34X30’s on the shelf.

    What a short sighted and foolish move for such a hopefully intelligent person to make ……….

  • JJ December 9, 2016, 12:50 pm

    “Of course, authorized members of law enforcement are an exception.”
    Of course, because they are perfect and NEVER discharge firearms accidentally. And will they (LEO’s) be coincidentally shopping when the nutcase or criminal shows up and starts blasting people? Get real, when are people going to learn that…

  • Steve Harmon December 9, 2016, 12:46 pm

    My message to you Mr. CEO is that I never go anywhere without my KelTek P3AT. You will never know I’m carrying unless you want to install metal detectors and hire security to run it so STFU, the last thing you have to worry about is legal gun carriers. Merry Christmas!!!!!

  • Tiger Mountain Man December 9, 2016, 12:46 pm

    Hmmmm…. “It boils down to this: you shouldn’t have to be concerned about your safety while shopping for clothes or trying on a pair of jeans.” He’s right in that respect. On the other hand what about the unknown factor… the nut who decides their answer to it all is to go shoot up a public business? The fact of the matter is we shouldn’t have to be concerned, but obviously we are or we wouldn’t be totin’. If you catch me without my weapon chances are you caught me without any britches on, but it won’t be in a Levi Strauss Jeans store.

    • ripstop December 9, 2016, 3:50 pm

      +1….like I told the last wanna-be trespasser who said “yassa i see you got yo ‘stuff wid yu” —–“if you see me without ‘my stuff’ I’ll be stark naked! Don’t come back!”

  • Jesse Scott December 9, 2016, 12:44 pm

    Don’t care. I’m bringing it anyway. No one (except a bad guy) will ever know. Everyone is happy.

  • Bill December 9, 2016, 12:43 pm

    I am confused.
    Living in central Michigan (only 60 miles from two major metro markets) I know of no exclusive Levi stores. I know a bunch of retailers, both corporate and independent retailers that carry Levi products. But I know of no “factory outlet” Levi stores.
    So Levi is simply a vendor selling goods to a retailer.
    Who cares what he says or thinks? He doesn’t have the authority to speak for retailers of any size or company policy. So…he is just pulling a CYA…”Cover your Ass” statement to make him feel good and protect him from potential lawsuits…maybe…
    There is state legislation that has been introduced that would allow Conceal and Carry permit holders from suing a store or institution who forbids people to carry firearms on their property, even if that person is legal to do so, if that entity doesn’t take total responsibility for the protection of that person.

    Of course this hasn’t been passed but it seems there is a movement afoot.

    If people get hurt or even killed there could be a lawsuit and since Levi was, in essence, a proponent of this policy, they could be names.

    Hmmm…now Mr. Levio CEO doesn’t feel so “touchy and feely good” does it? Could cost you some dough and a lot of buy in from the guys like me that look to Levi as a part of our working wardrobe.

  • max hoyle December 9, 2016, 12:34 pm

    This is a lie by an lier! 20 years ago they were just as antigun as LA is now!

  • ronald December 9, 2016, 12:30 pm

    Don’t worry – you won’t see a gun on me if and when I ever enter one of your stores!

  • Joel Grantham December 9, 2016, 12:30 pm

    Levis, made in foreign countries now. Maybe Levis should not be allowed in the US.

    • ripstop December 9, 2016, 3:52 pm

      Or suffer a TRUMP 500% tariff!

  • Andrew N. December 9, 2016, 12:28 pm

    What a shame! Oh yeah, I don’t buy Levi’s anymore anyway. Ill fitting and overpriced, I switched to Wrangler, then Lee long ago. My size 52 Lee jacket cost me $25 when Levi’s were priced at well over $100 at their “outlet” store. Easy choice, and the Lee still looks great 20+ years later. Yes, it still fits.

  • Mitch Spence December 9, 2016, 12:25 pm

    I never did buy Levis because of their snooty attitude and their lesbian gay tilted advertising. This guy then, is no surprise.

  • Michael Conatser December 9, 2016, 12:22 pm

    That is your right , but this is mine & my family! I have always worn Levi pants, but from this day on, I will never have another pair or or shop in any of your stores . I really liked your clothing, but when you try & take my rights from me & keep my family a sitting duck for a criminal, because criminals don’t abserve gun laws anyway . Then I have a problem with you!
    Michael Conatser

  • Chuck Luck December 9, 2016, 12:12 pm

    Many years ago when I found out this Company supported the Democ-Rat Party, I decided then an there never to purchase any of their products. Still the same today, they can stick all their products where the sun don’t shine!

  • John t December 9, 2016, 12:11 pm

    Quit buying levis long ago. They are too liberal for this old man. They are for the Hollywood group. I wash my pants!!

  • Scott December 9, 2016, 12:09 pm

    Time to find a new brand of jeans. Have been a fan of Levi’s for over 30 years.

  • Ed Morgan December 9, 2016, 12:04 pm

    Its not his decision as to whether i choose to carry concealed in one of his stores or not. I choose to carry a weapon to protect myself and my family. These days one nevers knows who you will come in contact with.

    • Cedric Satterfield December 9, 2016, 1:11 pm

      As the CEO, it actually is his decision whether or not you can carry in his stores. His stores. Boils down to something quite simple don’t like it don’t shop there.

  • Larry December 9, 2016, 12:01 pm

    Adding another free kill zone. courtesy of yet another leftist illogically thinking Liberal! It looks like Levis are off my list of acceptable clothing!

  • robert johnson December 9, 2016, 12:00 pm

    my gun goes with me, its my right, so my fanily will not be going to any of your stores.

  • grifhunter December 9, 2016, 12:00 pm

    Levi’s has been a strong supporter of various gun control groups for over 20 years. Don’t let this wishy washy letter fool you: they are committed anti’s.

    Tons of other choices for pants. Use them.

  • LJ December 9, 2016, 11:56 am

    He (the CEO) mentions the fact that his company is 163 years old implying it’s the same Levi Strauss Company of lore and there should be some brand loyalty. I have no brand loyalty for Levi’s, given the fact they are not even an American company anymore and don’t even manufacture their products within the US.

    As an example, I just purchased a new pair of 569’s – made in Bangladesh – and two belt loops have already pulled out due to poor quality materials and slipshod manufacturing. The denim material is so thin i couldn’t even sew the loops back on where they pulled out.

    Why, as a CCW, would I even want to wear a pair of Levi’s knowing their company CEO’s is a liberal prick that doesn’t support my 2nd amendment rights or even make a pair of pants with belt loops strong enough to support my car keys?

  • No1hunter December 9, 2016, 11:50 am

    “Providing a safe environment to work and shop is a top priority for us at Levi Strauss & Co. ”

    Ok, so you will be employee armed guards with metal detectors to protect everyone? How will you keep the “bad guy” from bringing in a gun? when will people figure out the only ones that obey requests like this are the ones you really don’t have to worry about. You have to worry about the ones that don’t care about what you want or have to say.

    • Cam Stapel December 9, 2016, 12:13 pm

      EVERY LEGAL CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF CLEAN RECORD should have the right if not the Responsibility to carry ANYWHERE with a nation wide carry license, while any owner or manager of a building should have the right to disallow OPEN CARRY in their building. People MUST HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAFTY WHILE IN YOUR STORE! That sign will only be respected by law abiding citizens, no other! If I see a sign in the window of ANY store, I do not go in because that same sign is an open invitation to a terrorist that they will be safe in your store while they commit their crime!

    • KBSacto December 9, 2016, 12:27 pm

      Mr. Bergh is playing the liberal rhetoric now that we will have a conservative in the White House. This should not surprise anyone. I do have to acknowledge that he played his hand carefully, but the multiple comments on how silly this makes our point. Unfortunately, most liberals cannot be convinced that their opposing views of firearms is illogical. So this is not a process of educating Mr. Bergh, but one of sending an effective message that he is taking a position that will impact his company’s revenues.

      The best way to tell Mr. Bergh how you feel is on his Twitter account. Sign up to follow him, wait for his staff to accept your request, then tweet away. Twitter is a much broader audience, and more importantly, Mr. Bergh will hear from his staff that many will now shop elsewhere. Just remember: we live in a country where we have freedom of speech, and Mr. Bergh is exercising it. We also live in a free marketplace, where consumers can express their views with their pocketbook. We should do both.

  • James December 9, 2016, 11:50 am

    Well heres another store and company I will never enter or purchase and item with thier name on it. They want to take my right to protect myself and my family away so they feel better then I refuse to won any product they make and if anyone gets hurt in one of thier store because of this policy then they need to be sued for every penny they an get for not having prtection for its customers

  • Kenny Smith December 9, 2016, 11:49 am

    I understand what he is saying, It sounds like someone that is a concealed carry person was in one of their stores and a gun went off injuring the person carrying it. Someone who should get some training before carrying, anyhoo, their are a lot of people out there like myself who carry and actually know what they are doing with a weapon who do not appreciate the stand this man has taken against firearms. So I will not buy any Levi’s in the future, I also will not wear them anymore. Just because some moron had an incident in one of his stores he wants to take this position towards people who are mostly good and decent concealed carriers he will lose a lot of business.

  • Kevin December 9, 2016, 11:40 am

    That’s fine with me,keep your dam levis as I don’t like them anyway.

  • Jason Blankovich December 9, 2016, 11:29 am

    This letter is the ultimate in liberal angst and indecision. The CEO realizes that he doesn’t want to discourage gun owners from entering their stores. He also realizes that he doesn’t want to discourage gun haters from enter their stores. He should have simply said and done nothing. With this letter he has simultaneously put off both sides of the “gun debate.”

    Concealed carry and open carry individuals will most likely feel the way I do: OK, you don’t want guns in your stores? I respect that. Not only will my gun not be carried into your store, but I won’t be going in there either and I’ll avoid your products in other stores also; there are lots of companies that make great denim products. Who cares if their pants and a little red tag that reads “Levis”?

    People who are on the gun grabber / scared of guns side will also read this and know that the CEO didn’t “ban” guns from their stores (where this is possible anyway, State laws vary widely), so they will still feel “threatened” and “unsafe” as they imagine legions of fellow shoppers carrying, uncontrollable, self actuating hand guns!!!!

    The best thing for all business owners is to simply shut up and run their stores. Whether they have strong feelings against guns or are for lawful carrying of weapons of self defense, their best bet to maintain their sales and sell to all who find their products and pricing acceptable is to make no statement either way.

    This CEO is obviously not only a gun grabber / hater, but also a complete wimp. If gun grabbing and banning is what you feel is best for America and your stores, then come on out and say it. And put up a large, easy to see sign at every door of your establishments announcing that Levi’s doesn’t want guns in their stores except for LEO’s.

    My God man! Take a firm stand here.

  • William Eisenberg December 9, 2016, 11:27 am

    Knowing your bias for self protection I urge everyone not to buy Levi products….

  • No1hunter December 9, 2016, 11:25 am

    Ok, then I guess I don’t belong in your store. In fact, I won’t be caught carrying while wearing your products because I won’t be wearing them! Besides, your jeans are crap now anyways!

  • Pat Coppolecchia December 9, 2016, 11:21 am

    I almost want to kick my own ass for saying this, but I think he is almost correct. He exceeds logic when he includes “offices or facilities” in his ban; however, I tend to agree that one should “leave your firearms at home when you enter the company’s stores AND INTEND TO TRY ON OUR CLOTHING”. In fact, I’ll go a step further and say, I think ALL clothing stores that include dressing rooms should encourage their shoppers to remove their firearm from that setting. The last thing I want going on around me, as I try on clothing, is some yahoo in the next fitting room holstering and unholstering a gun with nothing but a curtain or flimsy piece of drywall between us. And how about when the shopper steps out of the dressing room to ask a friend or loved one, “do these jeans make my ass look fat?” Where is the gun? Still in the dressing room unattended? How about when some kid walks into that recently vacated dressing room, unaware that it is still being used even if it is empty? I know that all of my examples are aimed at exclusively “careless” gun owners, but let’s face it – a small percentage truly are clueless. And yes, that means that the majority are being impacted by the actions of a minority – but does that really surprise you?

    • Jason Connell December 9, 2016, 2:15 pm

      You are obviously very poorly educated and know very little about carrying a handgun and should just keep your comments to yourself.

      • Russell December 9, 2016, 3:54 pm

        Just make Levi’s illegal. Problem solved.

  • JoeThePimpernel December 9, 2016, 11:19 am

    He should be required to post one of these signs at the entrance of all his stores:

  • Jay December 9, 2016, 11:15 am

    I will simply buy all my jeans at Costco where they are around $13 dollars and better than Levis brands. If more people stop buying their products and their bottom line starts to shrink, he will be looking at another company after 163 years.

  • don comfort December 9, 2016, 11:12 am

    Dear Sir,
    It is Not the guns you can see that you need to worry about, it is the guns you can’t see that you need to worry about.

  • Gary Doggett December 9, 2016, 11:11 am

    Works for me, Mr. B.
    I prefer Wranglers.

  • Duke December 9, 2016, 11:06 am

    thanks for the heads up. I will by pass all of your stores!!

    • Mike S. December 9, 2016, 11:50 am

      Me Too!

  • DAKA December 9, 2016, 11:04 am

    No more Levi’s for me…..there are so many other manufacturers why buy Levi jeans?

  • Jacques December 9, 2016, 11:04 am

    I switched from Levy many years ago. I like Carhartt Jeans. I’m not sure that they are all USA made, but many are. If Levy had the monopoly on Oxygen, I would comply, but this is a Democracy. Many people get anxious when they see an open carry firearm. As a courtesy to my anxious and uninformed neighbors, I carry concealed. I test my concealment methods carefully before I do. I don’t need to explain the benefits on CCW. On the other side of the coin there is our responsibility to train and train again. Not just at targets, but to read and join a good training organization.

  • LouisianaMan December 9, 2016, 11:03 am

    Mr. Bergh, I respect your right to define what is and is not allowed in your stores, and will respect your wishes as I would expect you to respect mine in my home. I also appreciate your tact, which is a rarely practiced art these days.

    With those things duly acknowledged, let me explain why I disagree with your stance, and will therefore support other brands henceforth:
    1) As a retired Army lieutenant colonel, I am reminded painfully of the “zero defects mentality” we often struggled under while serving in the armed forces. To avoid the one-in-ten million (?) possibility of a negligent weapons discharge in your stores, you ask your tens of thousands of responsible, proficient concealed carry and open carry customers to disarm. You KNOW you had ONE negligent discharge last year, worldwide; do you know how many robberies, murders, or terrorist attacks were deterred by the presence of lawfully armed citizens on your premises? Of course you can’t, but…does it make you wonder?

    2) In today’s atmosphere of radical Islamic terror, our enemy continues to broaden the spectrum of his terrorist actions without limit, and it is ill-advised to reduce our readiness to respond. Being in one of your stores, now known to be effectively stripped of its heretofore invisible protective layer of unknown, uncounted, and unpaid armed security “volunteers,” now increases my chances of being caught unarmed in the middle of a criminal or terrorist attack. Sorry, that is this old soldier’s worst nightmare.

    3) I have no idea of the insurance liability issues that likely shaped your decision, but I imagine you have legions of insurers and advisers who strive to eliminate every possible danger within Levi’s corporate footprint. Unfortunately, all the suits and ties, rules and regulations, affidavits and depositions, boil down to the same, simple truth as always: in trying to avoid all possible danger, you unwittingly invite the worst possible danger: unopposed armed crime or terrorism. As an Army officer, did you order your troops on perimeter security to unload their weapons, to avoid every possibility of negligent weapons disccharge? Of course you didn’t, wouldn’t, and couldn’t, because your mission and soldiers would have been left totally unsecured, which is irresponsible on its face. I’m fairly certain you won’t have your stores each secured by a squad of your own well-armed and -trained combat troops or law enforcement officers prepared to do battle, and a single security guard is simply a legal fig leaf (and often sitting duck) in most situations–and we all know it. (And if you did have troops on-site, I’d feel honored and duty-bound to be armed and able to support them in any potential crisis.)

    I could cite reasons forever, but trust these will be enough to provide a basic rationale for my decision not to enter your premises or buy your products while your new policy stands. I will have to devote my modest resources to supporting your competitors, who are sticking their necks out to uphold our free way of life. Should they declare similar policies and give rein to further politicization of our commercial world, I’ll change my taste in clothing accordingly. Unfortunately it’s a zero-sum game, and we all know it, and any ground gained by terrorists, criminals, and/or “gun controllers” is ground lost to those willing to stand on the ramparts of freedom, as free Americans who offer a hand of friendship to all, but who bow to nobody.

    My choice is clear. I hope you will read this, reconsider your policy, and recognize your duty and honor to uphold American freedom. Our forefathers stood free and proud, ready to place themselves in harm’s way to protect and uphold law, order, our rights and freedoms–how can we do any less? The exceptional essence of America is that we claim this land, this society, as our OWN–it does not belong to the king, the state, or anyone except us, amd it is therefore incumbent upon us to defend it. Therefore we stand free and armed, peaceable by preference but always prepared to defend ourselves, each other, and our posterity, at any and all hazards. Thus only, united, shall we always stand; divided we inevitably will fall. I offer nothing new here, no insight or wisdom other than those passed down to me by 240 years of freedom and free men. I ask you, Mr. Bergh, to remember these roots and do your duty as you have done before.

  • Les December 9, 2016, 11:01 am

    Gun free zones are where the shootings occur.

  • Paul Goodwin December 9, 2016, 10:56 am

    The answer to this is real simple for me. DO NOT PATRONIZE THIS COMPANY. I prefer Wrangler in the first place.

    • Richard McMichael December 9, 2016, 11:20 am

      Well said Paul Goodwin

      The answer to this is real simple for me. DO NOT PATRONIZE THIS COMPANY. I prefer Wrangler in the first place. I agree 100% I will NEVER buy Levi’s again or where. I have some I will cut all my Levi’s up put them in the trash. Dick McM.

      • ripstop December 9, 2016, 4:26 pm

        I only have ONE Levi’s product – a shirt. I’m cutting it up to make ball patches for my muzzle loading flintlock.

    • joe December 9, 2016, 11:40 am

      It is so amazing how all these people stick to the premiss of safety when it has been proven time and time again that bad guys will get what they need to commit crime and good law abiding citizens that arm themselves are not the problem….so Mr. Levi CEO why not put a sign in all of your stores stating that you wish to have a gun free zones. And I for one wont be going in them! I’m not looking for trouble with criminals that know the chances are going to be high that no one will be armed in your stores…..So all you crooks out there you know where to go………..JUST SAYING……

  • Kevin December 9, 2016, 10:56 am

    Well this is an easy one, not going to buy their crap. A lot of people make blue jeans. Nothing special about Levis, beside the fact that the founder didn’t see the need for these policies when he was starting his business in California during the Gold Rush period, when only a fool would disarm themselves.

    Liberal CEO, wants your money, but wants to make a “feel good” statement for his San Francisco buddies. He could give a care for your safety and prefers you be disarmed. I’m sure he has armed security for himself paid for by the shareholders.

    Nothing to see here. No more money from me.

  • pete December 9, 2016, 10:54 am

    Most concealed carriers are not properly trained and many don’t have their gun in an adequate holster (some carry with no holster). The man has a point. I think he’s speaking to the dummies we all know – those who carry a gun but don’t have a clue. If you’re trying on clothing you really do need to think about whether having a gun with you is a smart move – it almost certainly means there’s a good chance the gun is manipulated in some way. For many gun owners the answer is probably no, leave the improperly on non-holstered gun somewhere else. If you’re properly trained and it’s in a proper holster there’s nothing to worry about, right?

    • don comfort December 9, 2016, 11:14 am

      you know all about people getting training and carry habits How ?

    • Bob December 9, 2016, 11:33 am

      Good thoughts. If you are going to carry. Train. Know your weapon. Just wondering – how many“gun” incidents have the Levi stores had??

  • Robert Rogers December 9, 2016, 10:54 am

    Funny how he thinks he can produce a safe shopping environment, they tried this in France as I recall and they’re still paying for it! Good luck with the odds, I’m not playing!

  • Lyle Knox December 9, 2016, 10:51 am

    I, too, stopped wearing Levi products, including Dockers, after growing up wearing them, after they started giving money to anti-gun groups over 30 years ago. If I get a gift of a Levi product, it goes back for an exchange. Wrangler appreciates my business, I’m sure. Sara Lee got the same treatment at about the same time, and for the same reason.

    • Les December 9, 2016, 11:03 am

      Eliminating Sara Lee helps eliminate risk of diabetes anyway.

    • kane December 9, 2016, 11:52 am

      My last pair of Levis slacks wore out years ago. I prefer Lee’s carpenter pants although Levi’s has good belts still.

  • 2nd Amendment American December 9, 2016, 10:49 am

    Consider the source, Northern California executive! Liberalism is a Mental Illness, and the silent majority has spoken in the
    2016 Election. No Licensed Firearms = No Money, or Freedom.

  • dennis December 9, 2016, 10:42 am

    And your clothes will NOT be found in my house.

  • Jan Z December 9, 2016, 10:38 am

    Sorry I’ll continue to carry and shop elsewhere. I refuse to buy Levis as the 501 was at one time the industry standard for the working man we helped make them what they were and they got greedy I wear wranglers now and don’t miss the Levis line at all.

    You are doing a “CYA” move here

  • John E December 9, 2016, 10:33 am

    I did not know Levis had their own stores. Any place of business that removes your right to protect yourself should be responsible for providing adequate armed security. For very small stores that would be at least 2 armed guards stationed at different parts of the store. If covering an entire mall it would require Dozens of armed security personal making the store look like a police state. Most businesses that I see that post no firearms signs have no security at all and are just waiting to be sued for failure to provide a safe environment. They took away your right to protect yourself but did nothing to ensure your protection.

    The fact is criminals don’t care what this nimrod says except they now know the Levis stores are now safe for them to commit crimes in.

  • Dave W. December 9, 2016, 10:33 am

    I have been wearing Levis pretty much since I was born. Guess what? I will NEVER purchase another Levis product again!. If law abiding guns owners are not welcome in your stores, than Levis are not welcome in my home.

    Dave W.

  • Clint December 9, 2016, 10:29 am

    Yet another reason to buy Wranglers. Made for real men that actually take part in the life and America. Not for posers by UNPATRIOTIC posers.

  • Hank December 9, 2016, 10:24 am

    Levis are still readily available to the gun community, but in a cheaper and more desirable manner. Get them at a Goodwill store. They will already be “broken in” and are usually not over $7.50 to $10.00 per pair. Just take them home and run through the washer. And you will not be supporting the Levis company as they will not derive any further income from a resale.

    • Lyle Knox December 9, 2016, 10:53 am

      I don’t even want to give the =appearance= of supporting Levi Strauss.

  • Albert M December 9, 2016, 10:24 am

    Levi’s CEO is simply pandering to their current liberal customer base. I think he is doing this to increase sagging sales, as he knows that liberals will buy most anything if they can get it from a company that shys away from firearms. As far as my personal reaction to this goes, I couldn’t care less. I quit purchasing Levi products years ago, when they started their steady price increases. It makes no sense to me to spend about thirty dollars for a pair of Levi’s jeans when you can take that same thirty dollars and buy two pairs of Wranglers (which are usually found at sale prices). The Wranglers wear just as well as Levis, and are a much better value.

  • Terry December 9, 2016, 10:20 am

    Screw that prick. I wouldn’t go in one of his stores if he gave their crap away. We had a plant in our small town that manufactured Levi jeans. Before Bill Clinton’s ink was dry on NAFTA, our plant was closed and moved to Mexico. Levis didn’t care about all those workers who lost their jobs so it’s a little too late to pretend they care about their worker’s safety now.

  • JiminGA December 9, 2016, 10:20 am

    It’s amazing that this CEO thinks his stores will be safer without armed legal carriers. It’s also amazing he will base his decision on one incident in one of his 1,000’s of stores. Classic liberal overreaction, but them Levi IS based in San Francisco, ground zero for CA crazy.

  • DrPF December 9, 2016, 10:19 am

    I agree that this bonehead move will only make it less safe to shop in his stores. I, therefore, will accomodate his request by not shopping at his stores or purchasing any of his products.

  • Reelman1 December 9, 2016, 10:19 am

    Other jeans actually fit this old body better anyway.

  • Mustang5x5 December 9, 2016, 10:16 am

    The jeans I’ve chosen to wear for over 50 years has been Levi’s, I will most likely continue to wear Levi’s jeans, a concern that I do have is the welfare of that company, if the CEO is that far left it might mean that Levi’s days are numbered. The only thing that will stop a bad man with a guy IS a good man with a gun, it’s a fact that’s been proven time & time again.

  • Morgan December 9, 2016, 10:14 am

    Yet another CEO that just doesn’t get it. It is even more humorous is that he hasn’t got the guts to take a real stand on the issue. Wishy washy is just as bad as anti-gun. It’s this kind of leadship that has the once great Levi Straus company in decline…that and the fact that there expensive product is made in places like China. This is one more reason to never buy there products.

  • Trixterminator December 9, 2016, 10:08 am

    Well thanks for making this easy Chip. As for me,my friends, and my family we will not be buying Levi’s. I just talked with my local Snap On tool pusher and he said he has been trying to track down Chip to get him his reward. Turns out he was unanimously voted the “tool of the year”.

  • kimberpross December 9, 2016, 10:04 am

    He misses the point. Criminals break laws, ignore signs and requests. Idiots are everywhere, accidents happen. All he did was alienate many law abiding customers from his business. good luck.

  • CURT December 9, 2016, 9:51 am

    Now that I know that law abiding citizens aren’t welcome in his stores, I will respectfully stay away from them. I feel that once you announce that policy to the world, you have invited criminals to feel safe in coming into their stores because there will be no resistance to them carrying out crimes. I can mark one more company off of my list of companies that I will buy from. Their loss, not mine.

  • Will Olpe December 9, 2016, 9:50 am

    Thank God there are other clothes makers. I will keep carrying and shop elsewhere. Besides, their sh_t is to pricey.

  • DIYinSTL December 9, 2016, 9:49 am

    The most important yet unasked question is if his “request” will provide any legal protection to Levi Strauss if some untrained careless yahoo of a customer has an unintentional discharge and injures someone else. Secondary is the matter of does he manage to reassure the anti-gun ignorami without alienating gun owners. But, since the low quality foreign made Levi’s belt loops are in the wrong positions for the way I position my holster, I don’t care too much. It would be a shame for another American icon to go out of business but since their presence in this country has been reduced to purveyors of cheap imported goods, much like Eddie Bauer, no tears if they do.

  • RonBeau December 9, 2016, 9:44 am

    My solution is- I will keep on carrying but will never, repeat never purchase another Levis product ever. Wranglers are far far better anyway. They outlast Levis 3X anyway. You did a major disservice to your company. Dittos for my family and all their friends.

  • Michael December 9, 2016, 9:44 am

    This is just one of many products we all should boycott. You can’t keep the bad guys from bringing guns into your stores and they can do as much damage with a knife or machete. Good luck your profits will
    go down the drain.

  • Bill Lucas December 9, 2016, 9:43 am

    I personally reserve the right to protect myself and my family. This only means that I will assuredly boycott Levi’s.

  • steve Covalt December 9, 2016, 9:42 am

    Safety is in everyone’s mind and obviously, Levi has their right to request customers to refrain from bringing firearms to their stores. Contrary, Levi does not make or imply, they will be responsible for my safety while shopping in one of their stores either. Responsible, licensed gun owners, don’t play with their guns while shopping. To suggest my safety is better served while shopping without my firearm, in one of their stores is an insult to me. Bad people do bad things, laws or rules don’t apply to them. Letting police or law enforcement personnel a free pass is a cop out for their lack of security thinking should something happen in one of their stores , hoping a law enforcement person is there at the same time ready to protect everyone. When was the last time if ever, a law enforcement officer was at a bank when it was getting robbed? Responsible gun owners are the first respondents not the police. I will comply with Levi’s request, I will no longer shop there, because it is the only true way to insure me and my family’s safety in their stores.

  • survivor50 December 9, 2016, 9:41 am

    I knew there was a reason I didn’t like LEVIs…I mean besides the astronomical price tag…and HOITY-TOITY Uber LIB B. S.
    Wrangler and LEE do just fine for me…and my CC fits them perfectly…

  • Tommy Barrios December 9, 2016, 9:39 am

    Firearms Owners to LEVI STRAUSS, F U !

  • Stray Goose December 9, 2016, 9:37 am

    I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but Levi’s has removed two of the back side belt loops, apparently in a money-saving move. Because of that, I’ve quit buying Levi’s, due to the fact more belt loops help the belt hold a holster better.

  • Jimmy Abshire December 9, 2016, 9:36 am

    Levi stores just became a dangerous place to frequent and should be avoided by everyone. I avoid all gun free zones as much as possible unless they have armed security guards, then they are not really gun free.

  • Steve December 9, 2016, 9:34 am

    I think this is a reality CYA move on his part. The sentence “this is not a mandate”, tells me that their legal team is getting ahead because of the idiot that shot himself in their store with his own gun. This way if it happens again and unfortunately God for bid, but someone else besides the carrier is harmed their backsides are covered. I don’t see this as an attack one way or another.

    • max December 9, 2016, 11:11 am

      yeah. I think you’re right. This is all about liability. He’s not making a political statement. I like Levi’s and believe a business should have a right to make their own rules. We either believe in personal freedom and responsibility or we do not…and that freedom extends to business to make internal policy.

  • Ram6 December 9, 2016, 9:32 am

    “…you shouldn’t have to be concerned about your safety while shopping for clothes or trying on a pair of jeans. Simply put, firearms don’t belong in either of those settings. In the end, I believe we have an obligation to our employees and customers to ensure a safe environment and keeping firearms out of our stores and offices will get us one step closer to achieving that reality.”

    Yes Chip, that is a reality sorely to be realized. I appreciate your liberalism but your belief is misguided, and the fact that you were once an Army officer is irrelevant to your stand on this issue.

    Unfortunately “real” reality just might intrude as a criminal enters one of your stores ignoring the signage to disarm and begins to do really bad things to your staff and customers. At that point the police are at least minutes away and in mere seconds many could be dead or injured. You and your staff and customers might take kindly to someone in the vicinity of the stacks of Levis who is armed and can neutralize the perpetrator. But then because of your policy they are all probably dead or injured. Then what good is your “… safety while shopping for clothes or trying on a pair of jeans..”?

  • John N Schoen December 9, 2016, 9:31 am

    Levi’s company policy has been anti gun for years. At one point when I saw a list of companies (including Levi’s) donating to anti gun groups, I started buying other brands. Did me a favor, Wrangler, Lee and others cheaper and of equal or better quality.
    Levi’s stores now join other “gun free” zones such as schools and collages—-sad!

  • N6JSX December 9, 2016, 9:31 am

    I have a question for Levi’s Bergh: Since you see fit to take my self protection right away on Levi Store property can I assume Levi will have posted armed guards in EVERY store to protect patrons? Since Levi has taken my right away then Levi by default assumes responsibility to ALL its patrons safety otherwise Levi should be found negligent if anything were to happen to any patron within the store and traversing to/from the store to their vehicle.

    The OH CCW law has an anti-CCW “posted property” clause that allows anyone to post (even though there is no minimum signage standard) it also absolves the posting entity absolution for any liabilities for leaving law bidding citizens defenseless on their property. The signage part of this law sets up an entrapment potential that requires change but in 12yrs no one has seen fit to apply logic/common-sense to this clause in defining what is a properly posted sign or put the safety responsibility back onto the anti-CCW-postee that solicits patronage to sell their products.

  • Michael Keim December 9, 2016, 9:31 am

    Wrangler cowboy cut. Best jeans out there. Haven’t bought Levis in many years. They’ve been anti gun for years and they’re poorly made junk.

  • David December 9, 2016, 9:31 am

    Stopped buying Levis a long time ago for their anti-gun attitude. Now only Wranglers. The real cowboy jeans.

  • Hef December 9, 2016, 9:29 am

    He needs to quit worry about guns and worry more about the poor quality of Levi jeans. Quality has gone WAY down.

  • bytemarks December 9, 2016, 9:28 am

    $tup*pid cannot not be fixed………… Not even with duct tape!

  • Joe Patch December 9, 2016, 9:27 am

    Well Chip, no more Levis for me as well.

  • Mike December 9, 2016, 9:27 am

    Heard about this when he made his statement. Glad it was talked about here. I have added Levi’s to “my list” of things I won’t buy as well as all Liam Neeson movies. Can you believe as opposed to guns as he is, he has made millions on his gorification of gun violence in the theater?

    • Mike December 9, 2016, 9:29 am

      Meant to say *glorification. Damn spell check. Now I need to put Apple products on “my list”

  • bunky December 9, 2016, 9:22 am

    best ad for LEE jeans ive ever seen

  • L. A. L. December 9, 2016, 9:19 am

    “A fool and his company are soon parted.” Who buys LEVIS anymore? Foreign made. Lacks quality and durability. No loss.

  • MB December 9, 2016, 9:13 am

    Chip Bergh in a flaming fool, and us Texans will never buy another product from that company until he is removed and the company policy reflects the will of REAL Americans, which is the God given right of self defense, not some sissy’s afraid of a inanimate object utopian wet dream.

  • Jack December 9, 2016, 9:12 am

    That’s fine in Gruber world where nothing bad ever happens, but in the real world do these idiots really believe they are immune to the nuts, jihadists and others who mean to injure or kill whomever they decide does not fit their paradigm? Levi-Strauss should rethink that statement. Some nut could easily decide that they symbolize what they hate and go into one of their stores and start blasting or stabbing innocents and if you are disarmed, then good luck defending yourself or putting the carnage to a stop! I refuse to be a fish in a barrel and will not frequent any establishment trying make me one! No more Levis for me! If you want to be victims then that’s your prerogative, not mine!

  • Bob Weaver December 9, 2016, 9:12 am

    I’ve worn Levi’s all my life. Not anymore! Foolish move on his part.

  • Bob December 9, 2016, 9:11 am

    One more reason to boycott Levi products like I have Costco and for the same reason.

    • ALBERT LOWENSTEIN December 9, 2016, 9:45 am

      COSTCO here sometimes displays the no carry sign and sometimes does not. I engaged in a letter chain with them, and their statement was basically the same as Levi’s, you should have a safe environment to shop. SO I pointed out ‘safe’ in Sandy Hook, Colorado, etc. Sure those patrons expected and deserved a safe environment, but did not get one. I now go there only when I cannot find something in Sam’s.

  • MeMikeT December 9, 2016, 9:09 am

    As long as Levi don’t display a ‘Gun Free Zone’ sign or any sign stating gun are not permitted, is fine by me. If I don’t like the policy of Levi, I just will not shop there. IMO, for a business to display a gun free zone sign, it should be required to register and have a licence. The requirement for registration/licence is to provide proof of sufficient and specific insurance protecting against gun violence and an affidavit listing of trained armed security guards to protect customers. No business should not be allowed to display a gun free zone sign without an accompanying sign provided by a government agency stating the registration/licence numbers and armed security guards on duty.

  • Mike Dysart December 9, 2016, 9:08 am

    This is additional proof that you don’t have to be smart to be a CEO. Does he really think he has the market cornered with Levi blue jeans. Gun owners should boycott Levi Strauss, Inc. whether they carry into their stores or not. As with most CEO’s it’s the dollars of revenue and the stock prices that really get their attention. As my economics professor told us “… sooner or later everything boils down to economics.”

  • Mitch Barkett December 9, 2016, 9:06 am

    I don’t see how he can stop a concealed carry permit holder from entering his store besides that person is the least threat of all. He needs to remember gun free zones are death zones. Helplessness is a shooters best friend. Since Levis is a Jewish company he should invite every law abiding carry holder in his store as a deterrent from radical islamists that don’t like Jews.

  • Kenneth L Robertson December 9, 2016, 9:06 am

    Dear Sir, Like you I to am retired from the military. I spent almost 30 years as an “Enlisted Man” and proudly retired with the rank of SGM-E9 in the U S Army. I also am a very responsible gun owner and collector. I also wear Levi’s very often, because they are a quality product and I like the way they look and feel. With all that said, I feel that I must also state my personal opinion about carrying a firearm. I live in a state where “Open Carry” is allowed and also have a permit/license to carry a concealed weapon. I almost always carry when I am most likely to be a “target”, during the busiest shopping season during the year. I do this not only for my personal safety as a “Disabled Veteran”, but also to protect my family while shopping or carrying an arm full of bags and boxes. I really am sorry that you feel that you must make this statement or “Request”. You just lost a very long term customer. Merry Christmas and God Bless America.

  • Marce Porcello December 9, 2016, 9:04 am

    No problem here. I will keep my guns out of his stores. Including my money, my friends and family and their money.

  • Pappa Whitie December 9, 2016, 9:02 am

    Keep your stinking Levi’s! I will buy Carhartt’s. I don’t eat at Paneara , , matter of fact my wife asked me to join her for lunch there the other day and I told her I will go hungry before I eat there because of their anti gun BS. All can go to hell for all I care.

  • Merlin December 9, 2016, 8:59 am

    Gun carriers; Stop buying Levis products. I highly recommend Lee’s. Better quality anyway!
    And yeah, gun owners have a message for you too, Dude. Just use your imagination.
    If we can’t protect ourselves, then who will? Your minimum wage earning clerks?

  • Mikey December 9, 2016, 8:55 am

    Well sadly, I’ve bought my last pair of Levis.

  • Giovanni December 9, 2016, 8:55 am

    Well, just because he “asked” does not mean that responsible gun owners should comply with his request. I have been a responsible CC permittee for more than 20 years. So I am not a “bonehead,” nor am I a criminal and will not endanger my own life, the lives of my family and of other Levi’s customers by complying with such an asinine request which opens the doors to criminals in search of “gun-free zones” to slaughter innocent people. I don’t leave my Second Amendment rights outside a store’s doors unless the law mandates that I do. And in this case I do not go inside that store, nor do the members of my family. After all, there are always dozens of stores that sell the same product. And, I must add, I seem to remember that in the past Levi’s contributed to the anti-gun movement and/or supported it somehow. So I don’t see why I should do business with this firm in their own stores or in other stores or on the Internet. There are more and maybe better and less expensive brands of denim clothing, after all.

  • Alan December 9, 2016, 8:52 am

    Who even wears Levi’s these days? I haven’t bought any of their clothing in over 20 years. Also, if I were to go in one of their stores, I’ll be armed.

  • Joe December 9, 2016, 8:51 am

    If I go to try on a pair of pants..I generally go to the dressing room…by myself. I take my weapon out of my waistband and put it on whatever bench or chair is available, remove my t-rousers and try on theirs. When I’m through…I put mine back on and put my weapon back in its place. Simple.
    Nobody’s business what’s in my pants…
    That said, I think I bought one (1) pair of Levi’s in the last 20-30 years…
    I can buy 2 pairs of Faded Glory at the Mart of Wal for the price of one of their “also imported” overpriced rags…regardless of his gun policy.

  • David R Smith December 9, 2016, 8:46 am

    Hey Dumbass, you just put a target on your stores. Now every criminal with a yern for a fast buck knows your stores are criminal friendly. You have to be the stupidest CEO i have ever met.

  • Blasted Cap December 9, 2016, 8:45 am

    Asshat says they operatestores across every state. He might want to check the list on his store locator section of their website. I know most people don’t realize South Dakota is a state but we’re not on that list.(thank God). Several others are missing as well, guess we don’t count. Oh well, quit wearing them a long time ago any way. Will forward to my friends that do and carry. They’ll switch.

  • Wizard78 December 9, 2016, 8:40 am

    I too can understand his dilemma regarding safety and the litigious society we live in. He is making his decision because he is the CEO and I’m sure he would have a different viewpoint if he had to live life as an average person who did their own shopping and didn’t live in a gated community. I do believe that in most circumstances involving dangerous threats , I am the primary person that can try to protect myself and my family. It’s rare that the Police can prevent a shooting or assault and in most cases are there after the crime, to investigate and possibly catch the criminal. Because of this, I won’t be entering a Levi’s store to shop for myself or for presents for my family. Unless a business can supply armed protection when I’m shopping, I believe that in today’s world, I am at risk if I am not allowed to protect myself in public.

  • George Bill December 9, 2016, 8:37 am

    If you don’t own the property, you have nothing to say about it, State Law superceds individual wants. Some of us carry for over 40 years, and if you can’t gaurantee my safety 100%, I have no intention of disarming to buy a pair of jeans.And do what with my gun. Leave it out in the street, grow up Chuck.

  • Daniel A Ryan December 9, 2016, 8:37 am

    You shouldn’t have to be concerned for your safety ummm,,, at a theatre, or at school, or at a Christmas party, at work, or at any night club you may prefer, or (add any location that’s been shot up in recent history), or in the sanctuary of your own home, yet insanity and greed prevail. Crazy people shoot good law abiding citizens wherever their insanity leads them, and yes, violence is crazy, or stupid, and you can’t legislate stupidity, so I will carry wherever the law allows, I decline to acquiesce to your request Chip. I have the freedom of the law, the freedom that thousands of Americans have fought and died for. My safety and security are my responsibility, no one else’s.

  • jimbo December 9, 2016, 8:34 am

    … but there’s an exception if your a government enforcer. nice.

  • Tony Wind December 9, 2016, 8:34 am

    Time to take my $$$ somewhere else and find another brand.
    This looks like a typical knee-jerk reaction by the boss to punish everybody because 1 bonehead did something stupid.

  • george burn December 9, 2016, 8:34 am

    Hey Chip, my gun goes where I go, if I decide to buy a pair of jeans, it’s coming with me. I really don’t care what you decided, nor do most people who carry a gun for 40+ years. Until yyou can guarantee my familys safety I carry everyware.

  • David A Diller December 9, 2016, 8:26 am

    Hey Levi’s can do whatever they want, but I’ve stopped buying Levi’s.
    Check out the All American Clothing Company. https://www.allamericanclothing.com/
    I love the Jeans.

  • Sam Bones December 9, 2016, 8:23 am

    Look, if you’re going to go somewhere to buy pants, it kind of makes sense NOT to be wearing a weapon in your waistband. I have no doubt that the “bonehead” in this instance shot himself in the dressing room while trying on a pair of 505’s. The man is the CEO of a fortune 500. He needed to respond to the actions of one idiot. He could have taken a hard-line stance but didn’t. If you shop there and have a pistol tucked in your pants…don’t try on clothing. Simple. I usually act negatively when I hear about a company banning guns on their premises. However, I think this guy deserves to get a pass on this one.

    • Methane251 December 9, 2016, 9:24 am

      I for one, will never buy Levi’s jeans again.
      If you have a CCW, you put on your gun when you leave the house and you take it off when you get home. How many times have you had a negligent discharge at home? The same goes for the dressing room in the store. If you do it right, there is no problem. This is an unfortunate incident. But every concealed carrier who shops at the store should not have to pay for the mistake of one individual.
      Now that the word that Levi’s stores are a “gun free zone”, I’m sure that the bad guys will abide by their rule and leave their guns in the car when they decide to rob the place or much worse, go on a shooting spree at the store in which they can do the most harm.

  • Chris December 9, 2016, 8:18 am

    I will respect his request and stay out of his stores. In fact I respect his request so much that I will encourage all my family and friends to do the same. I’m still not sure where all this safety in his stores is supposed to come from, since it seems to be based on magical thinking.

  • Don December 9, 2016, 8:18 am

    You just lost an old customer of 30+ years! Wrangler now has my business!
    You, Sir, are a goofball!!!

  • Steve December 9, 2016, 8:12 am

    People just don’t get the issue…it isn’t the law abiding employees and shoppers that business owners have to worry about, it’s the criminals and mentally insane where the issue lies. If someone enters the business with a firearm with the intent to kill, what are employees and shoppers to do; point or throw a pencil at the would be killer?
    Wake up!

  • Jeff December 9, 2016, 8:09 am

    I carry everywhere not specifically forbidden by LAW. It stays concealed, noone is wiser, I’m protected (along with other law abiding innocents) against a-holes, everybody’s happy. Except the a-hole that starts shooting and doesn’t target me first.

  • Rob December 9, 2016, 8:08 am

    He’s an absolute twit an ass hat “and we sincerely hope responsible gun owners will respect our position.” so what your saying is the irresponsible ones like oh criminals are allowed to because that’s what you and society are going to get.
    Keep up this stupid no this insane idea disarm everyone so only the cops and criminals have guns. Because criminals always listen to rules and laws. It’s better to be alive and tried by 12 then carried by 6.

  • Brian Breckler December 9, 2016, 8:07 am

    And I will refrain from buying Levi’s ever again. Any retailer that deals in cash is doing a disservice to customers and employees with this position. My dad owned 3 cash related businesses in the 70″s and 80’s, and junkies and criminals are not concerned with your no gun rules, so you keep your position and clothes, I will shop where my money and safety are more important to the owner than the PC police at Levi’s…good luck

  • Allen Alexander December 9, 2016, 8:06 am

    Remember gals and guys, this is the same goober who said, “Never wash your jeans, just put them in the freezer for a week or two.” I don’t know about anyone else, but after digging postholes all day or changing the oil on my truck, the freezer isn’t going to do any good. But then again, I wear Wrangler jeans, half the price and better quality. Also, I am not wearing them for the label, I wear them because they fit. And leave my gun at home? Not hardly.

  • Mike December 9, 2016, 8:00 am

    Sad thing is it looks like sloppy firearm handling by a customer was the tipping point. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. I haven’t bought their products in years anyway. I carry everywhere I go regardless of signs. Sometimes it’s more a matter of tool selection. I don’t need a cowboy gunslinger rig to go to Walmart. If I’m the bad guy, my first act will be to take out any obvious threats to my plans, meaning anyone openly armed. Granted, if I see I’m outnumbered I’ll look for a softer target.

  • Michael December 9, 2016, 7:59 am

    Started to wear Carhartt, Dickies, and Duluth Trading Company because of Levis quality issues, thinner material, and higher prices. Have yet hear any one of these other companies CEOs policies in this matter. You can also option for MADE IN THE USA with Duluth.

  • Mike Burns December 9, 2016, 7:56 am

    I guess I want be needing Levi’s anymore.

  • Dan December 9, 2016, 7:47 am

    Oh! Well took another off my list! Places not to shop!

  • BobR December 9, 2016, 7:43 am

    And I don’t belong in your stores.

  • Newton Revell December 9, 2016, 7:39 am

    Fine. Not a problem with it. I will shop elsewhere. They don’t make my size anyway.

  • Scott December 9, 2016, 7:32 am

    I stopped wearing Levis years ago, when their quality went way down. Got tired of leg seams that twist 180 degrees from the waist to the ankle. Simply put they started producing crap. I either wear Carhartt and or mostly Wrangler jeans for about the past 10 years. He says no need for firearms for protection while shopping in their stores, as you’ll be in a safe shopping environment. Just how does he plan on insuring your safety while shopping? Armed security? Armed escort to and from you vehicle? I doubt it. All he’s done is created another false secured “gun free zone” to make it easier for the bad guys.

  • john long December 9, 2016, 7:31 am

    Guess Levis has to much business. They dont want Law abiding citizens in their stores.

    • BR549 December 9, 2016, 9:11 am

      Yeah, I guess Chip loves the clientele that come in to KMart, who just throw the clothes and shoes on the floor when they’re done trying things on.

      What an arrogant little prick. Rather than put it out to the public that he supports the 2nd Amendment, he all but creates another Gun-Free Zone. Those libtards are all alike.

      Not a smart move, there, Chipster. I hear they’re looking for help at MacDonalds.

  • Tom W December 9, 2016, 7:27 am

    “It boils down to this: you shouldn’t have to be concerned about your safety while shopping for clothes or trying on a pair of jeans.”
    You should always be concerned about your safety no matter where you are. No one else will do it for you. That’s why you carry and that’s what these people don’t understand.

  • Kevin Etter December 9, 2016, 7:25 am

    I do indeed respect your position and will therefore wear Wranglers.

  • John Sahagian December 9, 2016, 7:13 am

    I am sure most readers notice the irony of them having the end of a shotgun shell as the pattern for their buttons.

    • Merlin December 9, 2016, 9:02 am

      That’s right!! Good eye! The phonies.

  • Dr. RC December 9, 2016, 7:08 am

    Wranglers just got my money, I have worn Levi’s for over 45 years ,no more.!! Not even a American icon anymore!!!Just saying!!! Maybe made in America will mean something again one day!!!!

  • Kevin Etter December 9, 2016, 7:06 am

    I do indeed respect your position and will therefore Wranglers.

  • Al Howe December 9, 2016, 6:58 am

    And I will leave the Levi’s in the store too!

  • SMITTY December 9, 2016, 6:49 am

    If someone shoots up the store while I’m in it and I can’t defend myself I’ll own Levi!

    • Jack December 9, 2016, 9:20 am

      That’s IF you survive and if you are crippled, then owning the store is little solace…

  • Jerry December 9, 2016, 6:48 am

    He can outright ban concealed carry in his stores but it doesn’t carry the weight of law. The worst that can happen if someone discovers you are armed in the store is to ask you to leave. I ignore all window signs in stores, malls, movie theaters and anywhere else not explicitly outlined in my states law. By the way my state does not have open carry.

  • Jeffrey December 9, 2016, 6:46 am

    I quit buying levis back when they sponsored the million something march. I have been buying Carhartts (better quality anyways) ever since, which I guess has been around 20 years. Never again will I purchase a levi product.

  • Ray Brandes December 9, 2016, 6:45 am

    Like Panera Bread, this won’t stop me from exercising my CCW on Levi’s premises. I think officials make these announcements to sooth and assure the soccer moms that they need not worry about guns in those stores.
    It’s just business, carry if you want to the good guys, don’t be afraid to the cool aid drinkers.

    • Allen Lawson December 9, 2016, 9:41 am

      How many ( as he calls them ) authorized police officers have accidentally shot themself. My first levi’s were size 00 but I recently quite buying them (70 now)

      for all the so well know problems .also the last bunch of 4 that I bought were made in 3 different countries . Same size same style same everything .funny the guy commenting on Duluth jeans . They may have a made in USA option which is good but you can go thru the entire Duluth catalog and find nothing there but imported clothing items for sale .bay rum and maybe a belt or something like that but no clothing . (JUST SAYING) mostly imported and over priced. Anyway keep a weapon on you and buy USA . JUST SAY NO TO LEVI Strauss

  • Jeff Perry December 9, 2016, 6:36 am

    Him and Hillary Clinton would make a good team.

  • Pete December 9, 2016, 6:36 am

    They just lost a 40 year customer . There product is trash now anyway and made over seas . They don’t Deserve to use a iconic name that represents America . Just another corporate sale out of The USA . I will go butt naked before I give them one thin dime.

  • Tarheel Realist December 9, 2016, 6:33 am

    Buy Lee Jeans…”Can’t Bust ‘Em”.

  • Al Schmidt December 9, 2016, 6:29 am

    Fro now on it is Wranglers for me!

  • Orlando Rosario December 9, 2016, 6:27 am

    Well an other check mark on a play or in this case a store that I will no longer support.

  • Diligaf December 7, 2016, 12:20 am

    Carhartt’s are better jeans anyways.

  • John Plough December 5, 2016, 7:22 pm

    This just goes to show you, that some military officers are pussies.

  • Keith December 4, 2016, 9:59 pm

    As the owner of the property, he absolutely has that right to make policy. Think about it like this, some random stranger comes over to your house with a bazooka and starts telling you that you cant tell them not have a bazooka in your house, would you invite them back just because you believe in gun rights? I wouldn’t, I’d tell that sucker exactly what I thought regardless of the bazooka.

    • B. Gun December 9, 2016, 8:21 am

      Really, what a awful example. I don’t let the public come in and out of my house. There’s never “some guy” in my house. “Some guy” enters my house with a bazooka, I would shoot his ass. Levi’s let’s anyone into their store. Maybe some guy comes in to rob the place. Tell him he can’t bring a bazooka in and watch your ass get shot. Dumb ass. Closed minded idiot you are sir.

  • Justin Opinion December 4, 2016, 8:35 pm

    Same fish… new barrel.

  • Glennon December 4, 2016, 3:07 pm

    Well, well, well… I have not bought any levi’s since you move them to some third world country. Once a great American country that does not abide by the Constitution can shove everything your foreign slaves make where the Sun don’t shine.

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