Last year, the release of the M&P 2.0 family of pistols was one of the biggest stories fo the year. Unlike other companies, Smith and Wesson seemed to listen to every customer critique over the preceding 10 years and fixed every one of them in the 2.0. Not some, spaced over the next 3 generations. All of them. Right now. Ready go.

With so much awesome last year, we really wondered what they could do this year. And the answer is mostly line extensions, a huge win for the M&P fans that have been waiting on the more niche products.
Suppressor Ready
First up, a new suppressor ready version of the 2.0, complete with a threaded barrel and tall sights. S&W acquired Gemtech over the last year, so they obviously worked hand-in-hand to make this suppressor ready gun ready for launch. I have a 1.0 with a threaded barrel kit, and it is my go-to suppressor gun. The improvements of the 2.0 will just make this whole concept better.
Lighting It Up With Crimson Trace
Also new for the 2.0 line, the addition of the Shield 2.0. There are several version of the Shield, including one with an integrated Crimson Trace laser.

Let us also not forget the 2.0 9C, a new Glock 19 sized M&P, that we did a full review on back in December. This is a much better gun than the original 9C, which was closer in size to a subcompact. The new Compact 2.0 is a champion, sure to grab some market share in the new year. The MSRP will run you roughly $550 for a Shield 2.0 with a CT laser, roughly $599 for the M&P9 2.0 with a threaded barrel and roughly $569 for the 2.09C.

For more information about Smith & Wesson, click here.
Where’s the new line of threaded barrels for the 40 2.0? I go online and can’t find anything.
why is a striker more preferred over a hammer, and Why?I have a tuarus 40 cal.,but don’t like the trigger-pull feel.Is it because it’s a striker? Thanks
still cant buy one in california. no different than a glock, sd, xd, or other hammer gun which you can buy. granted kind of ridiculous out here but seems like S&W could sell it in california if they wanted to… easier said than done i know. California is one big violation of the 2nd amendment. guns save lives. gun control kills innocent people. like the safety model.
Where is the decocker/safety model ??
Ergonomic grip comfort probably are still bad. Just uncomfortable to hold.
It doesn’t need a decocker as a striker fire is never completely cocked when you rack a round in the chamber it only half cocks the firing mechanism an only completely sets the firing pin when the trigger is pulled and drops the pin as the trigger reaches its break point hope that helps
I would like a full size 10mm and/or 40S&W compact. To me the 9mm is a bit wimpy and 45 is old and slow. Just my opinion.
It appears that you and I are the only two that would be interested in a 10mm M&P, if more people were interested they would build them.
I still own two 3rd gen S&W 10mm’s and don’t really want a Glock. It appears that S&W has no desire to add the 10mm to the M&P line, so I will most likely have to buy a Glock eventually.
I LOVE where they’re going with this line.
A striker fired pistol with a positive or active safety is a game changer for me.
I know super-heroes don’t need them but I like it!
I would love to see something in 357mag I like the bigger round 9mm is good for practice round but I like the punch of the 357mag
Buy a 40 cal and a .357 Sig barrel. I did. I shoot 357 Sig from a M&P40C. Just a thought.
Look at the Coonan Arms 357 mag. in the compact model and get what you want!
Did they have a compact .45ACP model? I’ve only been able to find a full size & a Shield in .45 on their website.
Any insight to M&P’s plan to revise the Bodyguard 380? Maybe change texturing to match 2.0 in other pistols and make it striker fired?