NRA Scores Big Win! Court Rules Association Cannot Be Dissolved

NRA Scores Big Win!  Court Rules Association Cannot Be Dissolved
NRA Exec. Vice President Wayne LaPierre. (Photo: NRA)

March 2, 2022 – The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) scored a major legal victory today, as a New York court struck down attempts by the New York Attorney General to dissolve the 150-year-old organization. Following a two-hour hearing on December 10, 2021, the Hon. Joel M. Cohen of the New York State Supreme Court issued an opinion today that vindicates the NRA’s position:  the NYAG’s effort to shut down the Association ran afoul of common sense, New York law, and the First Amendment.  

“This is a resounding win for the NRA, its 5 million members, and all who believe in this organization,” says NRA President Charles Cotton. “The message is loud and clear:  the NRA is strong and secure in its mission to protect constitutional freedom.”

The NRA will defend against the surviving claims in the lawsuit – but today’s ruling declares that the NYAG cannot shut down the Association or seize its assets.  

“We applaud the court’s recognition that dissolution is neither appropriate nor justified,” says William A. Brewer III, partner at Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors and counsel to the NRA. “We look forward to continuing the defense of the NRA – and proving that it acts in the best interests of its members and the Second Amendment freedoms in which they believe.”  

Emphasizing that the NRA is “a prominent advocacy organization that represents the interests of millions of members,” the court said the NYAG failed to meet the “rigorous” standard for state-sponsored dissolution of such a group – and her attempt raised free speech concerns. 

In an opinion, dated March 2, 2022, Justice Cohen writes, “The Attorney General’s claims to dissolve the NRA are dismissed.” It adds, “The Complaint does not allege that any financial misconduct benefited the NRA, or that the NRA exists primarily to carry out such activity, or that the NRA is incapable of continuing its legitimate activities on behalf of its millions of members.”

The NRA has argued that it has demonstrated a commitment to good governance, and long believed that the NYAG’s case was part of a political vendetta. NYAG James famously vowed to “target the NRA” and “investigate the legitimacy of the NRA as a charitable organization” while on the campaign trail in July 2018 – before spending even one day in office and without any evidence of wrongdoing. She filed a lawsuit in August 2020 seeking to shut down the Association.

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The NRA has successfully proven there was no legal precedent or factual basis for the NYAG’s scorched-earth, politicized approach.

The court observes, “The Attorney General cites no case in which she or her predecessors have sought – much less obtained – dissolution under analogous circumstances.” The opinion also states, “…dissolving the NRA could impinge, at least indirectly, on the free speech and assembly rights of its millions of members. While that alone would not preclude statutory dissolution if circumstances otherwise clearly warranted it, the Court believes it is a relevant factor that counsels against State-imposed dissolution, which should be the last option, not the first.” 

In addition to the dissolution claims, the court also dismissed claims by the NYAG for unjust enrichment and violations of the Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. 

Against the backdrop of the NYAG’s lawsuit, the NRA is pursuing its own legal action against James. In a legal filing, dated February 23, 2021, the NRA responded to the August 2020 lawsuit filed by the NYAG. The filing alleges that her case is part of a crusade to silence a powerful political opponent – and its stated purpose to defend the Second Amendment.

According to the NRA’s filing, “James’s threatened, and actual, regulatory and civil reprisals are a blatant and malicious retaliation campaign against the NRA and its constituents based on her disagreement with the content of their speech. This wrongful conduct threatens to destroy the NRA and chill the speech of the NRA, its members, and other constituents, including like-minded groups and their members.”

Brewer adds, “Today’s developments underscore the simple truth that since taking office in 2019, the Attorney General has pushed a contrived narrative about the NRA in her attempt to support a dissolution claim that is improper. This is a victory for not only the NRA, but all who believe in the right to free speech and association.”

“I’ve always said that the dissolution case was part of a political vendetta to take down the NRA,” says NRA Past President Carolyn Meadows. “I want to thank NRA members for helping us confront this abuse of power. They deserve an enormous amount of credit.”

NRA First Vice President Willes K. Lee said, “As an NRA member, this decision gives me great pride. It reaffirms an important belief:  the NRA continues to serve as the greatest voice in the fight to protect Second Amendment freedom.”   


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  • Shardale October 7, 2022, 9:45 am

    I’m like others on here, I will not renew my membership until Wayne is gone.

  • Jerry July 5, 2022, 9:35 am

    It was all a money-grab by Anti-2A leftist lawyers, thats what “…seize the assets…” means. After all, they claim the NRA owns everybody on the right, and controls the gun lobby and Washington and all the republican voting blocs. I have heard, tho, that the last several elections saw far-and-away more money handed-out by planned parenthood, than the NRA had ever in 150 years. And where does THAT money come from, eh? Sieze the assets indeed; what sort of elitist reward distribution do you think would happen to, say, the NRA gun museum, and members lists….oh, and howabout that kalifornya govt release of the list and info of all gun owners and anybody who applied for, was granted, and was rejected for, firearms ownership and concealed carry permits? The democtat gunowners aughta be even more honked-off than the republicans who predicted this would happen. That story aint gonna be over for a while; how can they cure THAT mistake?

  • LJ March 6, 2022, 12:43 pm

    If the NRA really wants to boost membership and give the members that ‘warm fuzzy feeling’ they used to have about the NRA they need to remove Wayne LaPierre. I’m a level 3 life and will not upgrade to a level 4 and donate my entire gun collection to the NRA after I pass away until he’s gone. Until then I will not donate another penny! When he’s gone I’ll contact my attorney and have my will amended to support the organization that I once respected so much. That’s opinion of someone that has been a member for also 50 years.

  • Stan d. Upnow March 6, 2022, 11:08 am

    Yes, strike back at that Progressive-Socialist AG James! We must give all of them a triple dose of their beloved “cancel culture.”
    Personally, I’d like to see the lot of them deported, or otherwise removed from our society.

  • CRK1 March 5, 2022, 8:02 am

    As a longtime NRA member I am pleased for this victory. Nevertheless, after researching sources other than the NYAG it is my opinion that LaPierre needs to go. His continuing association with the organization distracts from its core purpose and leaves a stain on otherwise legitimate activities.

    • Jerry July 5, 2022, 9:37 am

      Reminds me of the ol’ justin wilson story, “we declare him innocent, and he can KEEP the mules”

  • Robert A. Geoghegan March 4, 2022, 10:33 am

    I certainly hope the NRA was awarded their attorney fees and court costs.

  • Dav March 4, 2022, 10:07 am

    This should have been a fight to the death for both. Then the NYAG would be dissolved for losing. If there were ANY personal repercussions for the AGs spending tax payer money maliciously and forcing others to pay an enormous amount of money to defend themselves, they might actually reconsider, but they’ve been able to twist the system. At the very least the court should have decided that all of the defense costs should have come straight out of the NYAGs office, which would have meant hopefully laying off dozens. I have at least some accountability for everything I do at MY job, people who work for the government should have the same requirements.

    • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment March 6, 2022, 2:54 am

      Well said! I do think that instead of using taxpayer money, all damages should be paid out of the pockets of the politicians.

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