NY Homeowner, 64, Arrested for Fatally Shooting Home Invaders w/ Unregistered Gun

in Current Events, This Week, Uncategorized

A New York homeowner was arrested this week after fatally shooting two suspected burglars with an unregistered handgun.

Ronald A. Stolarczyk, 64, confronted 57-year-old Patricia Anne Talerico and her nephew, 27-year-old Nicholas Talerico, both of Utica, at his residence in Deerfield, NY, Tuesday afternoon.  The two suspects were in his garage going through his stuff, according to police.

Evidently fearing for his life, Stolarczyk opened fire on the uninvited guests.  Ms. Talerico would be pronounced dead at the scene, while her nephew would be transported to a local hospital where he, too, would die from injuries sustained in the shooting. 

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“The word that we had originally was a possible home invasion, possible suspect running at large,” New York State Police Trooper Jack Keller told WSYR-TV. “We were able to quickly identify who those people were identified as…but also we were able to determine quickly that there was no one else and the public was not in danger at all.”

Police indicated that this may not have been the first time that Stolarczyk’s home was targeted by the duo.  Investigators found items belonging to Stolarczyk at Nicholas Talerico’s home.  No word yet on whether the victim knew the burglars or vice versa. 

Stolarczyk, so far, is not being charged for his use of force in defending his home — but he is being charged with felony possession of an illegal handgun, a class “E” felony. 

NY Homeowner, 64, Arrested for Fatally Shooting Home Invaders w/ Unregistered Gun
The two suspects, 57-year-old Patricia Anne Talerico and, her nephew, 27-year-old Nicholas Talerico, were fatally wounded. (Photo: Oneida County Sheriff’s Office)

Under state law, all handguns must be registered.  The handgun Stolarczyk used in the shooting belonged to his deceased father. Stolarczyk told District Attorney Scott McNamara that he forgot to register it, reports Syracuse.com

McNamara added, “There is no indication the homeowner had money or drugs.”  So, it doesn’t appear to be a drug deal gone bad.

Though early signs point to a burglary, an investigation is ongoing to determine the motive of the suspects.  

Stolarczyk, if convicted, can face up to 4 years in prison.  Additionally, as a convicted felon, he would permanently lose his right to keep and bear arms. New York is one of only a handful of states that requires gun owners to register pistols and revolvers.

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About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Penrod August 6, 2021, 7:49 pm

    It will be a terrible day if the law-abiding middle class decides that Antifa is correct about the police.

    Arresting people for felony violation of constitutionally prohibited laws is one way to do it.

  • michael October 16, 2020, 11:15 am

    That would be Clarksburg WV. Best of luck to ya.

  • Mike Watkins October 26, 2019, 8:11 pm

    Probably can’t take back New York, as it has too many who have a personal interest in prosperous homeowners being disarmed. And too many politicians who cater to the permanent criminal and welfare class. And it’s obvious from the perps pics that not all the predators are minorities.

    So decent people just need to effing LEAVE that excrement hole!

  • Fred July 19, 2019, 8:16 pm

    12 Good and honest people need to aquit this hero. Let new york understand that law is bull crap and tbat we are tired of it. Has that law been usex against criminals yet?

  • Ken June 10, 2019, 10:44 pm

    There a simpler solution my friends. It to join the Democratic Party and take over from the inside . I made the switch to purposefully vote for candidates who can’t win and beat the republicans. And lots of my friends are doing the same thing. A spy or mole is the worst thing that can happen to an organization or a government. Let’s all start joining The groups that hate us and start to F¥@k them from the inside out.

    • G.O.A. Patriot October 25, 2019, 10:09 am

      In my state registered as an unaffiliated voter I can vote in either parties primary elections but only one party. I’ve been doing the same as you in the several elections!

  • Jim T June 7, 2019, 4:22 pm

    Required Registration of any firearm is totally unconstitutional and unamerican. I am not surprised that New York does this as it is a dictitorial government and what is really mind boggling is the people of the state of New York tolerate it. What the hell is wrong with you people? Can’t you think for yourselves?

  • John R Shusdock June 5, 2019, 10:08 am

    As of this morning 6/5/19, the charges have been dropped and he has been released.

    • G.O.A. Patriot October 25, 2019, 10:13 am

      Did they let him have his gun back?

  • Lopaka Kanaka June 4, 2019, 8:08 pm

    We are over run by Demo’s in this State and they cotrol the gun laws and have made buying any
    fire arms a diffcult for a law biding citizen. We can not pass any law that is good for the gun owner.
    We are trying to start another State called the 51st State of Jefferson. We the Rebublican members
    are 2nd members supporters and beleive every person should have several hand guns in their home
    to protect their love one. Do not let your state law take away all your gun rights and stop you from
    owing a God Giving Right to have guns.

  • John K. Harris June 4, 2019, 5:18 pm

    Mao, Josef and Fidel would LOVE New York. Their kind of place.

  • Paul June 4, 2019, 4:55 pm

    You people need to wake up, New York and California are trying and calling the shots in your state. Their gun control efforts are being pushed on the other states and you. Just look at the businesses that have changed to anti gun, all due to New york Raqueteering them. Also look where the politicians are from that scream gun control the loudest. My guess is that they learned a lesson from Nazi Germany- how to be dictators!

  • Jim June 4, 2019, 1:51 pm

    Draconian laws, compliments of the Disarm America types.

  • larry June 4, 2019, 8:30 am

    Time to lay down our bibles pick up our guns and take our country back.

  • robert June 4, 2019, 8:28 am

    Stupid NY laws! The guy had the guts to defend himself and his property, and now he’s being punished for it. Don’t you just love NY?

    • PB- dave June 4, 2019, 9:25 am

      Friends it’s not just NY, Cal., ILL, or even the blue states….. there is an unsettling trend in the Midwest, ( conservative, fly-over country ) , criminals, some juvenile, are targeting cars and homes, and even fleeing police and in some cases exchanging fire. Sadly the law enforcement main response is to target the homeowners for not locking their property up better.

  • zach miller June 3, 2019, 11:39 pm

    if the gun belonged to his father it very well could have been bought before this shit became so complicated and could have never been registered

  • Travis Bell June 1, 2019, 9:32 pm

    What a bunch of tyrants.

  • Mike June 1, 2019, 8:09 pm

    This is a clear case of the state being on the side of the burglar’s. How dare the homeowner be able to defend himself and his property without paying the state for the privilege.

  • Russ June 1, 2019, 5:57 pm

    I bet they would be happier in this crap hole area if the victim was killed and his property was taken by these scumbag thieves. Why do people live in these areas where the scumbags have more rights than legal American citizens who defend themselves from scumbag thieves?? This is a crock of crap.

    • Lloyd Elledge June 4, 2019, 11:21 am

      Problem is, more and more of the socialist states are in the process of implementing even more restrictive gun laws. These laws not only include weapons, but place limits on ammunition purchases and prohibit purchases of certain parts needed to enhance and/or repair a weapon.

  • richard shepas May 31, 2019, 7:47 pm

    imagine the half million dollars (or more) he saved the state in medical bills, lawyers, court costs and incarceration fees for the two perps. he should receive a 10 percent bounty for projected taxpayer costs.

    • Lloyd Elledge June 4, 2019, 11:25 am

      Money is apparently no object in New York to implement these kinds of unconstitutional laws? But I thought the Marxist state was on the verge of bankruptcy.

  • Sean C May 31, 2019, 6:00 pm

    That’s some bullshit right there. Fuck New York.

  • Glenn61 May 31, 2019, 5:51 pm

    Yup, an Un-Registered gun will get you jail time in NY..

    The old dude should have had a Bow and Arow set, or a Katana Sword, or a spiked club like the kind sold on BudK,,, and just go medieval on their fuckin ass…. !

  • Glenn61 May 31, 2019, 5:48 pm

    That was Hillary that said “I don’t recall” a 50 times in questioning in court.
    Clarence Thomas is a 100% Honorable man.

  • SuperG May 31, 2019, 5:41 pm

    Is Justice Clarence Thomas can commit a federal felony and get away with it by saying “I forgot”, then this man should be allowed the same defense and the charges should be dropped.

    • AK May 31, 2019, 1:03 pm

      Maybe you could enlighten us on this little piece of ostensibly fake news you just spewed?

      • Lloyd Elledge June 4, 2019, 11:29 am

        Is ostensibly fake news the same thing as lying, deranged Liberal bull-cheet? It would help if wackos like him understand the topic before making a fool out of himself.

  • Skip Barker May 31, 2019, 5:38 pm

    While the law being used against this man is unconstitutional, and should be ignored as his the right of the people, and also their duty, he will never get a fair shake in commie land New York. What shocks me, is the number of people that comment he should have registered it, you are part of the problem and none of the solution. You either believe in the 2nd amendment or you don’t, and if you do then you will never adhere to the statutes passed by the satanist. I hope this man gets a jury that will flip the finger to the judge, the district attorney and the legislation by using jury nullification. As for the investigation and them saying they are looking for a motive, we know they were not looking for their stray cat or dog, nor hoping to find their lost will in this guys residence. If the bad guys knew anyone at anytime might be carrying, and more are then not, I am willing to bet that the crime rate would drop drastically. But hey that would destroy the agenda, and take away jobs from those that love to feel important, or use control. I congratulate this man and all like him, he did the community a great service.

  • Jay May 31, 2019, 5:00 pm

    Why would any supporter of our second amendment want to stay and live in the Marxist colony of New York? Get out of the anti-gun zones and let them have them, you can live many times cheaper elsewhere! I feel like criminals as I do snakes, the only good one is a dead one!

    • DOUGLAS SMITH May 31, 2019, 10:46 am

      NY has degenerated sooo much since Republican Nelson Rockefeller. The Empire State “NO MORE” what a shame to themselves and to our nation.

    • Gary Clark May 31, 2019, 11:29 am

      GTF out of the commie/marxist state.

  • WEDGE May 31, 2019, 2:45 pm

    “Under State Law”. That’s how genocides are justified in the beginning. The arresting cops should be ashamed of themselves.

  • lefty May 31, 2019, 2:38 pm

    Who’s going to help me exit western New York?e.g.TN,AR,ID,WY,UT
    Retired and continuing to be screwed by NY.

    Who’s going to help me get my suspended NICS[gone since October 2013 !].I got my CCW and arms back Octrober 2014[$8,000 legal fees] but no NICS
    Being jerked around by the FBI NICS Appeal Team in Clarksburg,VA.

  • Gregg E Edwards May 31, 2019, 1:23 pm

    The good citizens of NY get exactly what they voted for. They can live with it. Welfare and gun control seem to go hand in hand.

    • PB- dave June 4, 2019, 9:05 am

      Your first sentence says it all……. there and everywhere. you get what you vote for, and then some.

  • LHTwist May 31, 2019, 12:24 pm

    I’m curious how police determined that the unregistered firearm didn’t belong to one of the burglars. Think about it for a moment Mr. Stolarczyk, there’s only one story to be told in this case. It would make sense to me that one of the burglars produced the firearm, a fight ensued where both suspects got shot. One of them may have even shot the other before they lost control of the weapon to the homeowner.

    • Penrid May 31, 2019, 1:59 pm

      Aside from the practical issue of committing an additional felony by lying to the police about who owned the gun, the gun well have been registered to the the deceased father. Even if never registered, if the father bought it from an FFL, there is a paper trail to him.

      Try explaining that to the court after lying to the police. Committing a felony in order to avoid being prosecuted for a felony just doubles his exposure to felony prosecution. How does that improve his situation? As an additional issue, lying to the police about the gun would raise very serious, and legitimate, concerns about the rest of his claim about what happened. How does that improve his situation?

      While the state of New York may not have constitutional authority to require registration, and may well be prohibited by the constitution from requiring registration, we live in the real world in which the state DOES require registration. It is highly unlikely that is going to change short of a US Supreme Court decision which is itself highly unlikely anytime soon.

      He could have avoided this whole felony level mess by complying with a law with about which he may or may not think is unconstitutional. We don’t even know if he thinks the law is constitutionally prohibited. He may just have been too lazy to be bothered to comply with felony level laws. We don’t know.

      Yeah, the law should be repealed, or better yet struck down, but that isn’t the world in which he lives right now. So: comply or suffer the consequences. His call, and yours too.

      • Lloyd Elledge June 4, 2019, 11:47 am

        Penrid, When I legally purchase a gun from an FFL, the background check remains on file for six months and then destroyed. If all background checks nationwide became permanent records, there would be no need for registration, assuming the FBI had followed all the requirements of NICS to allow the purchase in the first place.

    • Penrod May 31, 2019, 2:05 pm

      Aside from the practical issue of committing an additional felony by lying to the police about who owned the gun, the gun well have been registered to the the deceased father. Even if never registered, if the father bought it from an FFL, there is a paper trail to him.Try explaining that to the court after lying to the police. Committing a felony in order to avoid being prosecuted for a felony just doubles his exposure to felony prosecution. How does that improve his situation? As an additional issue, lying to the police about the gun would raise very serious, and legitimate, concerns about the rest of his claim about what happened. How does that improve his situation?While the state of New York may not have constitutional authority to require registration, and may well be prohibited by the constitution from requiring registration, we live in the real world in which the state DOES require registration. It is highly unlikely that is going to change short of a US Supreme Court decision which is itself highly unlikely anytime soon.He could have avoided this whole felony level mess by complying with a law with about which he may or may not think is unconstitutional. We don’t even know if he thinks the law is constitutionally prohibited. He may just have been too lazy to be bothered to comply with felony level laws. We don’t know.Yeah, the law should be repealed, or better yet struck down, but that isn’t the world in which he lives right now. So: comply or suffer the consequences. His call, and yours too.

      • Tony May 27, 2022, 12:09 pm

        Hey, they must have stolen it before! They didn’t know how to use it, so I offered to help. They didn’t get it the first time, took twice!

  • David Chili May 31, 2019, 11:36 am

    Those pictures are mug shots! What fine upstanding citizens they must have been.

  • Mark Kiernan May 31, 2019, 11:36 am

    Two less dirt bags out on the street should be enough for the DA to give him a free pass on the unregistered weapon. Just think how much money the state saved on future prosecution and incarceration of these two worthless sacks of garbage. – just sayin…

    • Todd R May 31, 2019, 7:06 am

      You are exactly right. It’s not like he bought a 80% gun and finished it.

    • ron May 31, 2019, 7:46 am

      Not to mention the decades of welfare payments…

    • Jake May 31, 2019, 12:09 pm

      Yes but if they let people shoot robbers, who will be left to vote for the real criminals, the Democrat scum politicians?

  • Robert Messmer May 31, 2019, 11:15 am

    An unregistered gun – gee how terrible. Bet that the state of New York does not require you to register, fill out a ton of forms, charge you loads of cash, and make you wait a year to get an abortion. Should be no different to have a gun, any gun with any size magazine.

  • Erwin Lang May 31, 2019, 10:50 am

    The first step to confiscation is registration. A guy defends his home and property and he gets arrested. Ha! Oh well, it is New York.

  • DOUGLAS SMITH May 31, 2019, 10:44 am

    NY has degenerated sooo much since Republican Nelson Rockefeller. The Empire State “NO MORE” what a shame to themselves and to our nation.

  • Brian May 31, 2019, 10:04 am

    As much as I agree with the actions of the homeowner, he made a mistake in using the unregistered gun. I would hope the DA finds him innocent of all charges. In the heat of the moment, would any of us do differently? Probably not, except if you consider the below questions? Why not have a registered gun, shotgun, anything that can be legally registered, and have that readily available?“Fear for your life“-seems to be the overused excuse for shooting someone. It gives law-enforcement more reason to investigate your case. How can you be in fear of your life if the intruder/insurers are unarmed? This particular reasoning is going to bite legitimate gun owners right where they sit down.1. Did the intruders brandish a weapon?
    2. What is he directly threatened by the intruders?
    3. Did he have a viable means of escape?I absolutely agree with his actions. Wake up people, we can’t continue to use that excuse when the district attorney is going to ask these questions.And please remember, it’s only stuff-and stuff can be replaced. Is your life worth/is your freedom worth -Stuff?

    • John May 31, 2019, 10:22 am

      You are correct till a certain point. NYS in general makes it very difficult to obtain and register a legal firearm. The process on average takes up to a year or more and they do not put a rush stamp on the paper work. As for using the “excuse” of being in fear for your life, your home is exactly what is is…yours. if some one who is uninvited to your home and is going through all of your personal belongings to remove it with out your consent and knowledge, yes then in would say I am in fear. If those individuals went through all the trouble to illegally enter my domain to commit a crime, who knows to what extent they would go through to to eliminate the threat of being caught in the act. Just like you would fear for your life, the fear of being caught in the commission of a crime can cause criminals to eliminate a person who has caught them in the act. The news is full of those stories. This is why I moved from NY to Florida where a government acknowledges your right to protect and defend your home. There should be no reason to retreat from my house if someone breaks in to it. I would do all in my power to defend my family.

    • John May 31, 2019, 10:23 am

      You are correct till a certain point. NYS in general makes it very difficult to obtain and register a legal firearm. The process on average takes up to a year or more and they do not put a rush stamp on the paper work. As for using the \”excuse\” of being in fear for your life, your home is exactly what is is…yours. if some one who is uninvited to your home and is going through all of your personal belongings to remove it with out your consent and knowledge, yes then in would say I am in fear. If those individuals went through all the trouble to illegally enter my domain to commit a crime, who knows to what extent they would go through to to eliminate the threat of being caught in the act. Just like you would fear for your life, the fear of being caught in the commission of a crime can cause criminals to eliminate a person who has caught them in the act. The news is full of those stories. This is why I moved from NY to Florida where a government acknowledges your right to protect and defend your home. There should be no reason to retreat from my house if someone breaks in to it. I would do all in my power to defend my family.

      • bruce May 31, 2019, 11:28 am

        to john: You must mean NYS makes you wait a year to get a legal HANDGUN, not “firearm.” I bought three rifles at auction last year; they were sent to my local gunshop in a week, and I walked out with them the next day.

      • bruce May 31, 2019, 11:31 am

        to john: You must mean NYS makes you wait a year to get a legal HANDGUN, not \”firearm.\” I bought three rifles at auction last year; they were sent to my local gunshop in a week, and I walked out with them the next day.

        • John May 31, 2019, 4:36 pm

          You are correct Bruce, but certain cities in NY place the same requirements as handguns. It differs from municipalitys. NYC is one that requires a License to purchase and own a rifle/shotgun. More of the suburban areas don’t require a license, simply a NYS drivers license will do.

        • ted May 31, 2019, 7:32 pm

          NY has very complicated firearm laws. The City of NY has a whole different set of laws . Handgun permits in general are issued under s400 of the penal law. Depending on the COUNTY OF RESIDENCE, it could take in upwards of 16 months to get the actual permit to own, even though the maximum time allowable by state law is 6 months from “time of presentment to a licensing official”. After that . you still need to get a purchase document to add a new pistol to your license. In NY CITY, this can take weeks for 1 handgun document to buy, and 3 months between purchases. Also, in NY CITY, you need to apply separately for a license to own a rifle or shotgun, and they all need to be registered on that permit to keep them in the City limits. OUTSIDE of NY City, you may purchase rifles and shotguns without registration of any type with only a drivers license or ID card. Also of note, since the NY SAFE law in 2013, ALL firearm transfers that are not between direct family members ( outlined in the law) MUST go through a FFL and have a NICS check.

    • Charles Moore May 31, 2019, 12:14 pm

      In this country, where half or more of homes have at least one firearm in them, it is presumed that if one is willing to take their chances by breaking into an occupied dwelling that they are probably willing/able to harm the occupants in order to succeed in their criminal intentions. THEREFORE, they rightly SHOULD be considered a deadly threat and dealt with accordingly for your safety. That’s basic, human law. Same if they are attempting to break in, especially after being warned. They do not have to actually make entry in order to be “stopped.”

  • Brian May 31, 2019, 10:03 am

    As much as I agree with the actions of the homeowner, he made a mistake in using the unregistered gun. I would hope the DA finds him innocent of all charges. In the heat of the moment, would any of us do differently? Probably not, except if you consider the below questions? Why not have a registered gun, shotgun, anything that can be legally registered, and have that readily available?

    “Fear for your life“-seems to be the overused excuse for shooting someone. It gives law-enforcement more reason to investigate your case. How can you be in fear of your life if the intruder/insurers are unarmed? This particular reasoning is going to bite legitimate gun owners right where they sit down.

    1. Did the intruders brandish a weapon?
    2. What is he directly threatened by the intruders?
    3. Did he have a viable means of escape?

    I absolutely agree with his actions. Wake up people, we can’t continue to use that excuse when the district attorney is going to ask these questions.

    And please remember, it’s only stuff-and stuff can be replaced. Is your life worth/is your freedom worth -Stuff?

    • Edward O'Daniel October 17, 2020, 11:09 am

      Brian, regarding your comment –
      “ How can you be in fear of your life if the intruder/insurers are unarmed? This particular reasoning is going to bite legitimate gun owners right where they sit down.”

      The homeowner was 64. He most likely was no physical match fir a younger man and much less for a pair of criminals. They may have threatened him in the past. He may well have been decidedly in fear for his life or well being.

      FBI data also shows that more people are killed by club type weapons or bare hands than firearms so just because a criminal (and if they are in your property without your permission and going through your possessions they ARE criminals) appears “unarmed” it does not mean they are incapable of killing or severely injuring you.

  • LJ May 31, 2019, 9:02 am

    God bless the home owner! As the old saying goes: ” better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6″

  • Alej May 31, 2019, 8:28 am

    What a nice , naive guy to call the police. NEVER involve the police if you can help it.

    Shoot, shovel, shut up.

    • Barry May 31, 2019, 12:20 pm


  • Alfonso Alfredo Rodriguez May 31, 2019, 8:24 am

    This in now in the hands of bureaucrats. Law enforcement is mostly that, bureaucracy. Most law enforcement is like my memory, never there when I need it. This homeowner, with luck and spending a fortune he does not have in lawyers, may just get a suspended sentence but will still be a convicted felon.

  • Deveron Martin May 31, 2019, 7:17 am

    They should give the guy a medal.

    • E. Manley May 31, 2019, 8:19 am

      AMEN !

  • Dr Motown May 31, 2019, 7:05 am

    \”There is no indication the homeowner had money or drugs\”….what a BRILLIANT DA you guys have there in Oneida County! Obvious case of burglary, with previous evidence of theft by the two douchebags, and you can\’t figure this out???

  • Chick May 31, 2019, 5:17 am

    Hey, New York! Are you listening? I got the middle finger for you. You boys did not pay attention in history class, did you.

  • David Mckittrick May 31, 2019, 5:03 am

    Did the deceased father register the handgun? If so, there is no class e felony; as it is passed down within the family as a family heirloom.
    This is why liberal leftist’s “laws” infringe upon the rights of homeowners.

    • Todd R May 31, 2019, 7:08 am

      I couldn’t agree with you more

    • ron May 31, 2019, 7:47 am

      Is that NY state law?

    • james May 31, 2019, 8:05 am

      It’s still a transfer. You would still need background checks to validate that the person receiving the gun wasn’t prohibited from owning a firearm in some way. Do you think a felon or jihadist should be allowed to have a firearm because his dead father bequeathed it to him/her?

      • MadDog Mike May 31, 2019, 10:20 am

        James, Spoken like a true Liberal Socialist puppet subject.

      • Stud May 31, 2019, 12:05 pm

        James ,Do you think a felon or jihadist gives a fk about what the law says he is supposed to do?
        I grew up in NY & fled that Un-Constitutional state 35 years ago. The law there doesn’t give a damn about the Constitution or your rights as evidenced by all the illegal stops and searches without probable cause I and my friends went thru growing up there. There’s some good cops there but the DA and most of them think they’re above the law. Do as I say not as I do ! Completely socialist state government. Why do u think Bill & Hillary and their uncle George live there only a few miles apart from each other. Because they have the state in their back pocket. NYC has a full blown commie mayor and the governor is right there with him. The rotten apple !!

      • Barry May 31, 2019, 12:24 pm

        Actually depends on how long ago his Father Passed, might be before the law was passed. Also Father dies there is a lot to do ,all the while trying to Grieve the loss

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