Gun sales continue to stay strong, although classic rifles like these aren’t moving. (Photo: GunsAmerica.com)
Remington, one of the biggest and oldest names in the gun industry, is seeking out financiers to help it enter a controlled bankruptcy. The company, headquartered in Madison, North Carolina, owes $950 million in near-term loans and bonds due in two years or less.
Until then Remington will keep their doors open, although they will probably need to take a new approach toward how the company is run. Last year Remington’s gun sales were down by 27 percent for nine months and the company took a $28 million loss overall.
According to multiple reports Remington’s sales are down even though gun sales and background checks continue to boom, with over 2 million background checks run in January 2018 already.
“Historically, January is sluggish, but we were up over 10 percent from last January, so our outlook for the year is bright,” said Justin Anderson, director of marketing for Hyatt Guns. “While sales nosedived last February as the result of the presidential election, we don’t expect the same drop off this year. We are continuing to see new customers buying guns and we expect more new shooters to become customers this year.”
See Also: Remington’s PCR: a Ruger Precision Rifle Challenger
If firearm dealers continue to maintain strong sales than the problem isn’t that people aren’t buying guns, it may be that they’re not buying Remington’s guns.
Remington certainly has gone through ups and downs. Recently the company reshuffled its executive staff after several top execs moved on for personal and professional reasons. Remington also settled a massive class-action lawsuit which led to 122 employee layoffs.
New products are often the lifeblood of gun companies, even the most established firms. Lately, though Remington’s new releases have been viewed as hit-or-miss.

The 870 TAC-14 defined a new market for shotguns, but it was quickly crowded by competition from Mossberg. (Photo: Remington)
Some products like their 870 TAC-14 have been at the forefront of shotgun innovation, leading to a new class of pump-action guns. Others like the re-invented R51 self-defense pistol have been panned as a failure by critics.
So, what does the future hold for Big Green?
I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Assuming they get their financial ducks in a row, they could start to rebound as early as this year to get things back on track.
I’ve owned a Remington 870 shotgun had no problems.
The best AR15 I’ve ever owned was older Bushmaster made in (Maine) superior quality and accuracy. I will say after Bushmaster bought them made in (New York) the quality has gone down like (tightness between upper and lower, and groupings) but they’re still better than the average AR.
I then bought an ACR $2,200, great concept (the Lego of guns) I read a lot about future accessories, easily convertible into a sniper rifle, standard rifle, and submachine gun configurations. Also calibers were easily convertible into 4 different rounds like 5.56, 6.8, 5.45 x 39, and 7.62 x39. But 10 years later the only factory not standard accessory is a 10in barrel.
I have been told that under the eight years of Obama they focused on making AR-15s because there were so popular, but as for my ACR I do feel like I’ve been ignored.
Here’s what’s wrong with Remington…..
Firearms—Acquired Bushmaster Firearms International, from Windham, Maine native Dick Dyke for an undisclosed sum in April 2006, and purchased Remington Arms in April 2007. Under Cerberus direction, Bushmaster Firearms acquired Cobb Manufacturing, a manufacturer of large-caliber tactical rifles in August 2007. Cerberus also acquired DPMS Panther Arms December 14, 2007.[71][72] Remington Arms acquired Marlin Firearms in January 2008.[73][74] In October 2009, Remington Military products acquired silencer manufacturer Advanced Armament Corporation.[75] These companies were combined into the Freedom Group. Cerberus made plans to sell its share in the Freedom Group on December 18, 2012, after the Bushmaster AR-15 was used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[21] This decision was made due to a threat by the board of the California state teachers’ pension plan, which owns a stake in the company, to dispose of stakes it holds in any firearms manufacturer that makes weapons banned by California state law. In March 2014, Cerberus rejected a $1 billion buyout offer for Freedom Group.[76] As of April 2015, Cerberus continued to have ownership in Freedom Group, but CalSTRS announced its divestment from Cerberus’ gun holdings in June 2015.[77]
Not surprising and completely expected since notoriously anti gun multi billionaire George Soros purchased Remington and many other Gun manufacturing companies. For me it was and is just a matter of time that he will run them all into the ground.
nonsence! I have a 742-308 I bought in 1965 for $115.oo and it still kills hogs in central fla. sos! the Harvard mba’s have all the answers!
nonsence! I have a 742-308 and I bought in 1965 for $115.oo and it still kills hogs in central fla. sos! the Harvard mba’s have all the answers!
Sad, if another great old name bites the dust. Problem is, if someone wants a traditional style rifle or shotgun, there’s a lot of competition out there, and many have better prices than Remington. Just the way business works. Great old names in other industries are gone too, like Plymouth and Pontiac. Whirlpool appliances are in trouble too.
Although one does have to ask how any gun company could have such massive debt after 8 Obama-driven years of fantastic sales.
I’ve been waiting since Thanksgiving for my Rebate check from Bushmaster-Remington. Anyone else?
I got mine awhile back. They have a tracker on their website if I recall correctly.
Me too. Since December. They got big to fast and screwed up some good marlin rifles. In today’s market if you make junk you will take a big hit. Remington is figuring it out the hard way……
How do you go bankrupt after 8 years of Obama and record gun sales? Bad management and poor guns that’s how. I am a long gun hunter and Remington hasn’t had a quality long gun in a while. I have a Mod 11 that was my grandfathers and it is a quality gun. I bought a 700 in a 222 mag back in the sixties and had to have a gunsmith machine the chamber because it wouldn’t feed a shell. No more push feeds for me. I ordered an 11-87 20 years ago and it took 3 guns to find one that didn’t have some cosmetic defect. I am done with Remington. RIP.
The way you go bankrupt in a period of huge gun sales is to be put together through a series of heavily leveraged buyouts, leaving you with a string of outdated factories and a mountain of debt. This is what happens when a group of Wall Street investors decide to apply the combine and sell game to the gun manufacturing business.
My gut feeling is you are liberal and telling anything but the truth. I live in Missouri. Show me, if it is true, i will be the first to apologise.
So speaking facts makes one a liberal? Its not some liberal plot, its just good business as some would say. Its the wall street way of doing things, they come in, pile on the debt, take the cash, then let the company fail. What about all that poor quality Chinese made Remington branded junk sold at Wal Mart? Thats some liberals fault? The R51 fiasco, that’s some liberals fault or bad business decisions? Again, how does a company pile on nearly a billion in debt during the best 8 yrs of sales in a long time? By selling junk, not some mysterious deep state.
I do have an MBA so I know not to analyse Remington or its operations without doing an actual deep dive. Many of the other well meaning commentators offer their “expert” opinions as to what Remington should and shouldn’t do. Offering a better selection of 6.5 Creedmore rifles or firing all the engineers I would think is probably not high on their reorganizational list.
I own an even 12 Remington shotguns and rifles. I can say without exception that the latest three I purchased in 2017 were true junk. I sent them back and they sent me new replacement junk. I sent those back and more junk returned. If I were hired to analyse Remington, the first place I would start looking for issues for a decline in net income would be in operations and the root cause as to why manufacturing has failed. As I said before you can only know the root cause by doing a deep dive. And only Remington, management and their fully informed consultants can do that. We as consumers can really only do one thing, buy a different brand.
Remington is the only gun I have owned that all I will ever use Thank you Remington .
My first was a Remington R1 1911. Very high quality product. Accurate, reliable and beautiful to look at.
My most recent was a Marlin 1873. Same high quality as the R1.
Good stuff.
I have several other handguns and long guns made by other American companies. All excellent products.
I also bought a Remington R1 SS ,after I called Remington and asked if it would take COLT parts and magazines. They said YES it would .Well NO it will not. The R1 will only take Remington parts and magazines. In a way to control the market Remington has in effect ruined their market. Take the MARLIN line , gunsmiths have a boon in reworking the new MARLIN lever actions.Yes I have a couple of MARLIN lever actions, from the 1970’s and my father used the 870 he bought in the mid 60’s and all those are great. But I don’t own one new Remington today.
Remington builds overpriced bolt action rifles. They build heavy pump shotguns with godawful ergonomics. If u can’t scratch your knees while standing up strsight, there no way you can reach the slide comfortably. Their new TAC-14 is longer and holds 1 less cartridge than Mossberg’s version. Their R51 is a pos. Oh, and their other innovation in the handgun field was….wait for it….a 1911! Time the went the way of the do-do.
Sorry I don’t agree with much of your post. Your writing appears very biased. While Remington has their duds, all companies has problems. But their 700 series bolt rifle is anything but a dud. Similar can be said for their Versa Max. As for their 1911 pistols, they are on par with most anything out there. If you have something against the 1911s, then that is your opinion and problem.
BTW, I learned a long time ago not to become a radical fanatic over any manufacturer of anything.
Remington needs to be allowed to fail and let something new rise from the ashes. The Remington name still means something, at least for right now. Let it be put on something worthwhile, not trash like the 710, 770, 887, 597 or RM380. I could laud some of their products as serviceable but nothing in the Remington line really stands out as a good value within its niche in the industry. Remington has lost its place from a generation ago. I am not putting down old Remingtons – those workhorses are still out there putting meat on the table after 30, 40, 50+ years of service. And maybe that was the problem? There were still too many good, working Remingtons out there. That certainly won’t be said for any of Remington’s products today!
Dude you are wrong about guns you call trash.
Just like a pair of blue jeans that fit a supermodel sure as hell aren’t going to fit your fat ass.. Am I right, fat ass?
Btw I bought my wife the rm380. She loves it more than her 642CT.
You must not like the wife very much if you didn’t talk her out of the RM380, I own one and it truly is a POS. The gun has been back to Remington 3 times now…my friends jokingly refer to it as “the as seen on tv jammomatic”…absolutely the worst .380 I ever let myself purchase. Remington has been no help..
I had an RM380 fall apart in my hands. All you have to do is hold it to the side and rack the slide slowly – the gun will either seize up because the disassembly pin falls part of the way out or the slide will come off the frame because the pin FELL COMPLETELY OUT OF THE GUN and into a crack, never to be seen again and you have to write an embarrassing e-mail to Remington asking for another take down pin. Not even a Hi Point falls apart if you hold it wrong.
I personally believe the major executives and stock holders of Remington raped the company of money for themselves. You don’t go almost a billion dollars in debt without showing quite a bit for it. Execs and major stock holders today have learned the art of bleeding a company to death. We hear of it all the time. While I don’t know the specifics on Remington, all the evidence points to a deliberate bleed of of company assets for strictly personal profits.
After the company was bought by the current owner, they added most of the current debt. This is a common tactic of Corporate Raiders. Buy a company, borrow heavily against their assets and pay the new owners HUGE management and consulting fees. When the money is gone, bankrupt the company, stiffing the creditors.. Just a few examples; Romney and Trump both did EXACTLY this.
Sad. I saw this coming years ago…
Legacy……… Nardelli
Remington’s biggest problem to me has been their customer service. I own 7 of their products and I wouldn’t own another. Add to it the700 debacle and how they handled it didn’t help them either
You say they…. There is one person at the top making poor decisions just using poor advice from their subordinates. There will be a change and the company will come out swinging. Other companies will be scared as Remington will have dumped a ton debt and become profitable again…
junk, the last 3 remington guns i have bought were total junk,and i dont buy anymore,,,,,
I have the 783 in 270… I was going to shoot up the 500 rounds I inherited from a navy buddy. But now I like it so much, I will keep it and improve the optic. The trigger is sweet.
I’m sorry you’ve not had good luck with Remington. I’ve had the opposite experience.
Since 2016 I’ve purchased a Remington 783 in 7mm magnum, a Marlin 1895 Cowboy in .45-70, and even took a chance on a Remington R51, Gen. 2 9mm in January of this year, based on my good experiences with the first two, and the reviews of others who’d experienced the “Gen. 2” model.
All three are great shooters. The 783 is accurate as can be. The Marlin works perfectly and looks great. And the R51 is quickly becoming my favorite small pistol.
The only beef I’ve had is that Remington should have sourced a better scope for the 783, of just left it off and sold it without one. The scope was garbage. But they did replace it free of charge, and I put it in a drawer and bought a Nikon for the 783. The guns themselves, I’m very happy with.
Oddly, the only Remington I’ve ever had trouble with was a Nylon 66 .22 that I bought 30 years ago during the “DuPont” days. I sent it back, they fixed it, and it works well to this day.
Its not really surprising. All of these venture capitalist outfits are about maximizing profits and investor returns.
They consolidate, outsource and drain capital from companies through lawyers, advisors, consultants and the ever stupid “Wiz Kids” who really know how to run your business, cause they learned it all in business school. As long as the company is providing a return, they keep it alive on life support. When the starving goose lays its last golden egg, the company files for bankruptcy and when all debt is cleared, the company or perhaps just its “Brand” is sold to the highest bidder.
Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. has been looking for a buyer for Remington and its other “Gun Properties” for a long, long time. They had a lot of push back after Sandy Hook from Unions and Government Pension Funds asking to be divested in the “Evil” Gun business. So far, no one wants to buy the company as is, hence the need to bankrupt it first.
Hopefully, they will be sold and end up like Smith & Wesson, U.S. owned and produced, making guns at a profit. The worst case is Winchester, which is just a trade name owned by FN Herstal, with all their guns made by either Miroku in Japan or imported from Turkish makers.
Anyone who buys them better 100% flee New York State and open up shop in an American State, preferably in the South or the South West. If they adopt Quality as their first and most important value, the new company will survive. Union members need not apply. Otherwise they will start to look a lot like the “NEW New new….Colt”.
Bingo. You nailed it.
If Remington reads this- you are missing the boat with your production of Sub-par calibers. sub-par in relation to market demand. Also you are missing the boat, rather, missed the boat! Why on earth did you not work to standardize the 6.5 SAUM? why aren’t you producing it and other popular calibers ie 6.5 Creedmoor, 6 creedmoor, and I’d work to come out with a “fast twist” 22 creedmoor and set the market on its head! Secondly, you should be producing hunting rifles of quality and weights that people are “into” also of twist rates that will cater to the modern offerings! ALSO YOU SHOULD CONTACT GEISSELE and offer their new triggers as a factory offering! It’s a cry8ng shame you aren’t paying attention to what needs this modern market dictates. It’s a damn shame!
Sorry, but specialty calibers does not sell firearms to the public at large. I’m not saying not to spend some time on a speciality, but your post reads like all their was wasted because they didn’t spend it all on speciality calibers. That does not create an atmosphere for bringing in the average firearm buyer.
I will be royally urinated if they weasel out of my $100.00 rebate on the RP9 I bought before Christmas through the bankruptcy. I absolutely love the RP9, excellent fits my hand well good weight dead on.
tough stuff Dave , your like the democrats you would rather watch our great country go to hell rather than take one for the team ,Now the Remington gun company will sink into oblivion if a few dont take on for the team
Dave don’t fret. I just got the reply from them today. They “are business as usual and will honor the rebate”
My wife’s loves the RM380 I bought at Christmas too..
Too late Big Boy. If you didn’t file for the rebate prior to the preference period (90 days prior to filing) you are just another unwashed, unsecured, screwed creditor.
You should get the rebate, if you haven’t already. I bought my Remington R51 (ALMOST went with an RP9, and I agree it’s a great fit, but it was too close in size and style to other 9mm’s I already own.) and mailed my rebate form second week of January. Got my rebate check a couple days ago.
Remington has been on the rocks for years and you can drive on rocks only so long before you have a blow out! Most Big Company’s fail to see the invest in the future part and rely to heavily on past performance. Today;s market changes rapidly and if you want to survive, you gotta go with the flow, be part of the flow and in many cases make the flow and be quick about it! Management needs a fire lit under their backsides or replaced or their doomed! Remington is too important of a part of America, I hope they make it out of their troubles!
They will not be the first to die in 2018 and 2019. The gun market is overloaded with a lot of fine firearms.
Recently bought one of their RM380 pocket poppers mainly because it was on sale at an unbelievable price for such a nice little old-school metal-frame pistol with a $100 rebate…which I haven’t gotten back yet. Oh well, if they go belly up before I ever get the rebate then I guess I’ve got a collector’s item LOL.
Nope, don’t fret. They are honoring the rebate. I asked them and got reply today
And you believe that?
I got two rm380’s in november and got my rebate for $200 today, I think they estimated it’d be here within two days of that so don’t worry perhaps
Assuming that Remmington can get out of the lawsuits against the old company during the reorganization, they have lots of excellent opportunities: They are the major shotgun brand in the US. They should start by leveraging that position. Disrupt the market with low cost, high quality made in America O/U and SBS shotguns. Benchmark Citori and Italian SBS makers. Make a better gun for less. Leverage Remmington’s volume capabilities to make lower cost AR’s and pistols. Become known as the low cost American made brand. The 1911 R1 is an excellent example of where they could take the brand in this way. The 700 is the rifle – full stop. It’s like the Ford F150 is the truck. Assume and maintain the title; don’t make it a secret. Ammunition: Please, make some Shotgun Ammo sub brands that compete. Where is the Remmington answer to “Black Cloud”, “Fast Steel”? Get back into the game and tout “the ammunition made for your Remmington Shotgun, or Remmington Rifle”. …. I could make Remmington Rock…It’s not that tough. You just have to know Guns, Manufacturing, Hunting, Shooting, and Marketing…..If Cerberus really wants to make Remmington Rock, they can. I know I could. btw, I’m a restless retired manufacturing executive, living in NC…I’m just saying.
Success in the low cost market depends on adopting high technology to increase productivity while protecting margins. this is how Remington got in the mess they are in to begin with. Unwilling to put money back into their manufacturing technology. Survival of the fittest applies to manufacturing as in everything else. Colt, S&W, are both other examples of companies unwilling to put money into the technology required to compete.
sounds to me like your looking for a job , talk is cheap , offer your ideas , the young money hungry idiots running the company are just users
I agree that Remington are missing the boat on the u/o market. My understanding is they sold the rights to the model 32 to Krieghoff decades ago. That gun, when made by Krieghoff was the K32, then it was improved upon and became the K80. Remington went a different direction with the 3200, which was a decent gun (no K80 though) but didn’t sell enough to keep it going.
Every weekend you can go to any NSCA registered shoot and see between 50 and 300 shotguns being used. From my amateur guess it’s at least an 80/20 mix of U/O to autos, of the 20 %, Remington does seem to have a good share, but very few that were built this century. On the U/O side, Browning and Beretta have the lion’s share of the population, the higher end portion being Perazzi, Krieghoff, Caeser G and increasingly Blaser taking up the rest. It just feels to me that Sporting Clays is becoming a behemoth in American Shooting and therefore in American Shooting business. If you want to be growing your shotgun business you’ve got to be in it. It would take something brilliant to break into the market at this point, a good product notwithstanding, the perception has become that Remington made your grandad’s duck gun and deer rifle.
\”Disrupt the market with low cost, high quality made in America O/U and SBS shotguns. Benchmark Citori and Italian SBS makers. Make a better gun for less. Leverage Remmington’s volume capabilities to make lower cost AR’s and pistols. Become known as the low cost American made brand.\”HELLOOOOOOOO, THIS IS THE KIND OF THINKING THAT GOT REMINGTON INTO IT\’S CURRENT POSITION. Remington\’s nitch in the market was always as a top quality mid-market brand. If you were on a budget you bought Mossberg or Savage. (Marlin at the time bridged the gap of budget/mid-market). If you wanted a solidly built gun with top quality and a nice finish you bought a Remington or Winchester. If you wanted to \”show off\” you went Browning, Weatherby or foreign (especially for your shotguns).The mid-market brands where what most shooters and hunters purchased. Renington won the battle, Winchester (US Repeating Arms) was put out of business by a combination of Marlin (with their levers) and Remington. Then came along the idiots from Freedom Group who bought Marlin and Remington and decided to race to the bottom. In doing so there was a market inverson with Savage and Mossberg who now seem to be the \”go to\” mid market brands with far superior quality and Remington quality sucks, Marlin quality sucks, the Warranty service for both suck. I have been predicting this outcome on this sight for years.
“I know I could. btw, I’m a restless retired manufacturing executive, living in NC…I’m just saying.”
Really? You could make “Remmington’ rock? You already did, 7 times.
Maybe a certain retired business executive should spend some of his restless energy and learn to spell the American brand name of ‘Remington’; it’s only 200 years old…
Business exec’s and cubicle toads sometime ask to borrow my tape measure; a least significant tool among $5 to 6 grand of Toolmaking instruments…
No, I say. I can’t roll in here without all this [pointing to cabinet and chest]; you have an expense account, use it.
Their 191-380 and 1911-22 are great little pistols. They seem to be of good quality, some other companies have been having QC problems lately. I hope they make it through reorganization.
It was just a matter of time for Remington. It has been a slow slide into the abyss since the problems with the Model 700. I was one of the buyers of the infamous R51. A replacement after the original purchase and a complete rebuild of the replacement. I wonder if them still trying to maintain the large plant in NY had some affect on their business?
Will Remington still back Para’s lifetime warranty?
prices are too high and the quality has gone down, just look at the recalls that Remington has had over the last few years. I am a Remington fan and I hope they correct all the problems.
Will Remington still back Laura’s lifetime warranty?
Contact them on their website. They answer within a couple hours.
Remington’s problems are likely more related to their antiquated manufacturing processes and closed minded management.
Same with Colt, with Smith and Wesson not far behind. Unions afraid of losing jobs to technology, and management afraid of unions is just part of it. Successful manufacturers, in any industry, stay on top of technology available to increase quality and production. Not investing in technology in the interest of maintaining current margins often results in failure of the entire business.
What a shame but really it shouldnt be a big surprise to them or anyone else. Remington quality has been going down hill for a few years. Just visit some gun forums and see what people have said about Remington quality. People like myself that once purchased 700’s, 870’s etc., won’t even consider buying a newly made Remington now. Look at what happened to Marlin once Remington acquired it. Now days a used JM made Marlin is worth more than a brand new Remington made Marlin. It’s a sad situation for a once great company. I hope they don’t go out of business and they again start making quality products.
It’s a bit off track to give Remington any credit for being at “the forefront” with their TAC 14. Mossberg did the 14″ non-NFA shotgun first. Even before Mossberg there was Black Aces who pioneered the short ( non-NFA ) box mag fed shotguns years ago. Remington is tail-end Charlie and from the news today Mossberg is suing Remington; and Black Aces has filed patent violation complaints against both Remington and Mossberg. And they will prevail. They took the trouble to patent their innovations, like the magazine fed shotgun receiver, and Remington stepped all over their toes without so much as a “mother-may-I?” Remington apparently conned the state of Alabama ( $54 million ), the counties of Madison. Limestone and Morgan and the city where I live, Huntsville, out of $100 + million in tax incentives and are still not on track with the numbers of employees they promised they’d hire to get the breaks. They promised to hire 200 in the first period and they did. They promised 2,000 total jobs at a median salary of $40,000 a year. Crickets.
Just bought a Remington 572 .22 pump action with the intention of handing it down to my grandsons. Seems to be just as well made as the ones friends have handed down to them from the 50’s & 60’s. A lot of old 870 and 1100 shotguns out there with the multitude of hunting rifles still in service. No built in obsolescence with the old standards, so why replace them. Hence a diminishing market unless you join the plastic gun industry with an innovative product. Or better yet take on one of the new small time innovators as a partner.
Remington bought out Para Ordnance. Para made some very good pistols and I really like their LDA triggers. Seems to me Remington should consider producing some of the these weapons.
I feel the name of Remington will always be great but the company’s backbone is breaking do to pore choices and customer support. A few years ago bought a top self 597 17hmr nice gun but had recalls do to case splitting they said it was amo but no one else had the issue, long story short 575 for gun they offered to buy they back for 225 but to get had to buy another Remington gun to get money back. Still to this day don’t own one of their products or ever will they should have handled way better actions like this will send them up shit creek with no paddle and hole in boat.
Stories like this and the R51 (and the Marlin) debacle illustrate that they do not have professionals leading the company. When you make a mistake, you need to own it 100%. If you take care of people, they may tell 1 or 2 of their friends about it. If you screw them, they will tell at least 9+ people and never buy from you again. I don’t know what it costs a company like Remington to attract a new customer, but companies like Best Buy spend $10-20,000 USD to get a new customer and don’t even realize a profit from them until years down the road. Losing customers is very expensive.
The other thing these experiences tell me is that either they don’t have a competent engineering and design staff or they are poorly lead and have zero authority over product development and quality control. I remember when the “Gun (Pimps) Press” got ahold of the R51, they said it worked great, was better then sliced bread, etc., etc. Hand checked and fitted samples, plus lost of cash to reviewers, purchased magazine covers, etc. duped a lot of people. So either they didn’t pull 10 production samples off the line and fire 5,000 in each to check for issued and to evaluate wear patterns prior to releasing the guns or they just ignored (leadership) the results, as it didn’t fit the narrative put out by the marketing department.
After the dust settled, one could hear the faint sounds of loyal customers leaving, perhaps forever. These rumblings never reached those living in their ivory towers, hence the bankruptcy. Some companies deserve to die.
Loyal customers? Are you nuts, any collection of substantial note has guns from EVERY maker. Winchester makes great lever, Colt makes awesome autos, the standard every copies. Remington shotgun, 700….. And a bunch other guns. S&W wheel guns. There will be hiccups but don’t crucify them for trying to give the public what they want.. I’m sure every a-hole on here writes them and says “please make a —- for me”. So they attempt it and the criticism never stops.
Good lord! people are so cruel and ignorant on this comment board sometimes…
I bet some of this reorganization is due to the damn lib-tard judges allowing them to be sued by Sandy Hook families.
The people who should be sued are the medical professionals who knew that kid had a big problem.
Sorry that a company that has been around forever has to surrender to today’s tactics but when you put George Soros is name into the picture it’s the end, he is the most evil person we have in our country as far as I’m concerned he is here for one reason one reason only to destroy America. The CEOs of Remington made a poor choice when they let him invest or buy out the company because I would no longer support anything that George Soro has his name associated with. I don’t know if Donald Trump will ever get our country back for us because he’s being attacked and he’s being stopped at every turn he makes because the people that have destroyed our nation Want It That Way he’s the only one in politics that apparently wants to turn things around but I realize there’s also a lot of backing because that’s why he’s where he is but we need to get this country back. How we the people ever let it get this far out of control in the past 25 years letting these politicians destroy our country is beyond belief all for greed. I hope someday they realize that their grandchildren and their children that will have to live here under the conditions that they’ve created without Donald Trump we have no hope please give him your support thanks for listening.