Read more: https://www.sccy.com/
Buy one, or a couple, on GunsAmerica: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?T=sccy
I really wish this SCCY were blue. Blue SCCY. It would seem less ominous, euphemistically speaking, than the black SCCY I’ve got in-hand. This is, after-all, a very optimistic gun.
The appeal of the SCCY is easy to see. It all has to do with price–$225 new-in-box. That alone could sell this gun, but it also shoots straight. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t be reviewing it. So the price is right, and it functions well. For some of us out there, that’s enough. If that’s all you’re looking for, you can stop reading now and click on the GunsAmerica link above.
Is it the thinnest 9mm? It is not. It is also not going to win any bulls-eye competitions–no one ever said it would. It doesn’t offer the most generous capacity. The SCCY isn’t much to look at, either–in my considered opinion. But $225 new-in-box, right?
But it is the perfect gun to keep under the seat of your truck. It is an ideal 9mm for a tool-box. You aren’t likely to cry if you drop it in a lake. They’re easy to replace.
Up until very recently, SCCY had a tremendous replacement policy. They’ve had to rescind it because of criminal abuses. You can read more about that here: https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/sccy-will-stops-replacing-stolen-guns-thanks-to-bad-apples/.
The CPX line still has a life-time guarantee.
The CPX-2
- Barrel: machined from bar stock with 7 lands and grooves having a 16‐1 right hand twist.
- Receiver: 7075‐T6 aircraft grade heat treated aluminum alloy, machined from bar stock.
- Grip/Frame: Made from Zytel polymer, with ergonomic finger grooves and an integral “RECOIL CUSHION” on the back‐strap.
- Recoil Spring System: all steel, fully encapsulated for ease of disassembly and reassembly.
- Slide Lock/Release: steel with a Zytel over molded polymer extension for ease of operation.
- 3 dot sight system: steel rear sight, adjustable for windage only with locking screw.
- Hammer firing system: double action only, internal hammer with inertial firing pin to prevent accidental discharge if dropped.
- Double action trigger: specifically designed for shooter comfort and accuracy by designing the system to have a smooth effortless, consistent 9 pound trigger pull.
- Magazine: included with (2) double stack, 10 round capacity magazines with finger extension base installed and 2 flat magazine bases included.
- Trigger Guard Lock: custom designed to properly fit and be child resistant. Includes 2 keys.
- Barrel Length: 3.1″
- Height: 4″
- Length: 5.7″
- Width: 1″
- Weight: 15oz
The CPX line has two main variants. The CPX-1 has a manual safety. The CPX-2 (which we have for review) doesn’t. They come in a myriad of colors. Too many to name, actually. Trust that if you have a favorite firearm shade, the CPX will likely have a frame color that comes close. Slides come in less vivid shades, but there’s more there than the typical black.
So why isn’t the SCCY more popular than it is? Fair question. The way I’ve been talking about it so far, it would seem to be the somewhat of a wonder-gun. But there are some points about the CPX that some people don’t like.
The first would have to be the trigger. SCCY’s specs state that the trigger has “a smooth effortless, consistent 9 pound trigger pull.” The 9 pound pull is right, but I’m not going to sugar-coat it. The trigger is rough. The take up is long. The one I have stacks before the break and has a longer reset than I’d like. I will note that the SCCY is far from the worst trigger I’ve felt on a compact 9mm. And $225, right? Some triggers cost almost that much, and don’t come with a gun attached.
Does stacking or reset really matter for a defensive handgun? The take-up, not so much. The heavy pull plays into accuracy. The reset is more important for those accustomed to a short reset for follow-up shots in rapid succession. If you ride it back, but don’t get far enough for the reset, you’re in trouble. But I’d suggest that this is something you can address by training with the SCCY. And since you will only be out $225 for a new gun, you can afford to buy some practice ammo.
The other complaint is less important. The grip is boxy. The whole gun feels slightly over-built. As the rest of the market continues to produce willowy single-stacks, and more efficient double-stacks, the SCCY remains, unapologetically, boxy.
The gun shoots. There’s nothing I could do that would make it jam. There was no failure-to-feed. No failures to eject. The gun performed. And I’ve shot it in moderate, dry conditions, and in the icy snow. No problems.
The accuracy isn’t anything to write home about. At this point in the review, I’d typically show a target riddled with holes. There wasn’t ever a point during this review when I thought I’d gotten the best out of the gun, so I didn’t run the camera. The results were not stellar. I blame that on the trigger. But from 7 yards, I consistently hit in a 5″ circle without trying. At that distance, I’d really like to be able to make one ragged hole. I couldn’t get that level of accuracy, but I’d have no difficulty using the SCCY for defensive purposes.
As for the power, the SCCY has a 3.1″ barrel. So you will loose a hair of velocity off any of the 9mm specs you see on the box, but it is still smokes the .380. And I ran the full smattering of 9mm flavors through the gun with no issue. Steel cased Tula ran well, as did +P loads.

The double-stack mags hold 10 rounds. They sacrifice capacity for a shorter grip. A flat mag base can replace the pinky extension for a shorter grip length.
How does it handle?
I’ve already mentioned that it is large in the hand. The texture on the gun is sufficient. Nothing spectacular there. You could stipple the frame, if you wanted to. But it isn’t slick, either. It works. The finger grooves help add some grip to the boxy grip. All-in-all, I find recoil is easy enough to control. My split times are not as fast as they are when I’m shooting my GLOCK 19, but I think that is due to my familiarity with that platform.
As for the controls, they are easily accessed. The slide drop is easy enough to reach, yet not so obtrusive that it will get caught on clothing. In fact there’s nothing that’s likely to hang up on either the frame or slide. The mag drop works well and the mags drop free. And the mags are steel.
The 3 dot sights are typical for this price range. You don’t get fancy combat sights, or a front shelf on the rear for one handed manipulation, but they work–and the rear sight is steel, which is more than you can say for some compact 9mms. I feel like I keep coming back to that mantra–it works. The trigger works. The magazine works. The sights work. The SCCY works.
And that’s the takeaway. The SCCY works. If this were a much more expensive gun, I’d be inclined to bitch about the trigger. I’d likely try to change out the sights to fit my very particular needs. But this isn’t an expensive gun. I frequently spend more on ammo for a single range trip than I would on this gun. That means something.
You can buy a SCCY, a holster (and there are hundreds of available options), practice ammo and carry ammo for the price you’d likely spend on most other compact 9mms.
So what is this gun’s role?
For some–those who are hamstrung by a lack of funds–the SCCY may very well serve multiple roles. Though it is less ergonomic than a lot of the compact double stacks, the SCCY can be concealed easily enough that it serves the concealed carry role. In the appendix position or the small of the back, the SCCY hides well–even under something like a bowling shirt. I wouldn’t try to conceal it under a t-shirt, or carry it strong-side–even in an IWB holster–though it could be done.
The flip-side to this, though, is that the gun is big enough for open carry. Where some micro guns hide well, they are too small to make the visual impression that comes from full-sized, or even compact guns. And that size carries over to the range, too. The SCCY is not so hard on your hands as the tiny 9mms. In fact, it is a relatively easy gun to shoot.
The SCCY is a crazy good gun for what you pay for it. Look at the potential. It isn’t going to be an heirloom. It is hardly ever precious, unless you get attached to one of the color schemes. For those of us who have much more elaborate–and expensive guns, the SCCY offers knock-about potential. Where could you safely store a gun for an emergency? That’s where I’d keep a SCCY.

The grip, only an inch wide, lacks the ergonomic curves of the new grips coming out of Germany, but you have more than enough to hold onto.
[This is an interactive dealer locator map with the dealers who have the SCCY CPX-1 or CPX-2 available. IF YOU DON’T SEE A MAP, CHANGE THE ZIP TO A MAJOR METRO AREA NEAR YOU.]
Shot a few clips one FTF on each clip light bump on slide feeds round haven’t found what’s its
catching on but will probably probably polish it out or shoot it out which ever domes first.
Why is nobody mentioned that it’s about the safest semiautomatic to carry with a round chambered!
Within the first two hundred rounds the frame started to crack in two places. Also two frame pins kept walking out. I contacted SCCY and they sent me a new frame and larger pins. The gun always fired well without hang ups. I feel it’s a decent product and a company that stands behind it! That being said, I got what I paid for , a low price gun. It won’t ever be my edc but I’ll probably always have it. I don’t think I’ll get much for it if I tried to sell it and it’s not even good trade bait because the cost was so low.
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duplicate), then after a couple of clicks you insert
a blank disk, wait for burning process to finish along
with a defined replica with the original disk. The closer you happen to
be towards the green the more you will need to come up with different finesse shots to accommodate
the distances and shot requirements.
Just got back for the gun show they had in Ft. Worth today and yesterday. Bought my wife a SCCY
CPX-2 9mm. Her favorite color is pink so I bought her one with a pink one. Saw some at several tables and the price ranged from $219 to $249. Finally found one table that had them for $179 cash or $189 is you used a credit card. Paid cash for mine but with the taxes came out to $190 something. Will take her to the range next week to try it out and the sign her up for classes to get her License to Carry. Think it’s about the right size.
I’ve been researching for a concealed piece for some time. I like the SCCY for the size, weight, cost and the fact it’s American made. Within an hour of getting my permit, I purchased a CPX-2. The only complaint I’ve had so far (yet to shoot it) is forgetting the barrel down putting the pin back in when I oiled it. So far the mag springs are tight and 8 is the most I’ve been able to get in. Waiting I’ve managed to get another round over the first load attempt at 7. I purchased mine for $229.99 on sale but have seen them in multiple local, physical locations for $249.99. The long, heavy trigger pull is something I was originally concerned about until I remembered I was buying a DAO handgun. I’ve owned wheel guns as well as automatics in the past and have had no problems with any I’ve ever had as long as I took care of the weapon and use good ammo.
I purchased the ammo before reading the manual and noticed that the Hornady Critical Defense I purchased for concealed carry is the same ammo shown in the manual with the FTX tips. I’m planning to go shooting with it soon and thanks to reading this forum will be aware of the trigger reset so shouldn’t have any difficulties. The one thing I did notice that I will have to get used to is the magazine release, but that’s due to the way I hold it when releasing the mag. My finger on the opposite side has impeded me pushing it with my thumb but that’s “user error” not any fault of the gun.
I will admit that at this point in time, the cost was a contributing factor in my purchasing it. Taking it to the range will have to be taken into account, but as yet I’m happy with the CPX-2. I like the fact it’s shorter than other weapons I’ve owned so the barrel isn’t as likely to show OWB. Finding a good leather IWB left hand draw for a SOB right hand carry is my next goal, but so far, my OWB holster is working fine.
I think I will like the gun for what it is, an inexpensive, American made gun. For the person who mentioned a Taurus being a better weapon, my brother has a PT111 that had a bad mag when he bought it. When he contacted them they said “Too bad, it’s yours now, your problem” or something to that effect. I’m looking forward to any dealings I may require with SCCY’s customer service since everything I have heard regarding dealing with them has been excellent from multiple gun shops.
Mine needed a break in period but after a hundred shots or so it works just fine. It’s accurate, reliable and we’ll made.
Have had the SCCY CPX2 for over a year and a half now. It has NEVER failed to go boom. No failures of ANY kind in over 500 rounds. Accuracy is pretty good…at 25 feet it’s all center mass, think pie plate sized. Second shots get much better/faster with practice. It’s on my hip, wherever I go, with a spare magazine as well, 21 rounds in all. Can’t get that with a Nano.
Wow! Wow! Wow! 2/2017 and i just put 400 rounds through it today with nothing but good things to say. DAO is good and accuracy is well in the real world for a ccw pistol. Trigger pull could be improved as in length of pull but when you get used to it its not bad at all. Was bought for wife’s first pistol and she has no complaints. All the reviews are what this pistol is really about. Did my homework on the reviews and have nothing bad to say. Can’t wait on them to come out with a .45?!?!?
What is the real link between SCCY and KelTec?
When I purchased mine,I was told that two of the big guys of Kel-tech went off to start their own company.
And Sccy is the result of that venture.
Is the SCCY a better version of the Kel-Tec?
Very nice inexpensive handgun. Easy to carry and shoot. Haters goona hate but there are lot of people which like this handgun.
As someone who builds custom firearms and owns bianchi cup pistols, I have to say the SCCY is a great OPTION. It’s not my edc as my XD9SC with a Techna clip gets banged around the most. I do enjoy it strapped to my boot during supermoto rides though. Is it the best? No. Worst? Hell no…i almost threw the LCP and LC9 down the range as I purchased both at the same time when passing boredom in the Nodak missile fields. The triggers were terrible. My wife carries this gun mainly. She likes the smaller profile. A Kahr-CW9 is her go-to gun but it isn’t easy to conceal in today’s fit ladies clothing 😉 The slightly smaller SCCY leaves a good impression of being safe while out on a jog or cruising the mall without having to leave the larger framed CW9 in her purse…and the extra 3 round capacity is always better.
Bought at Coastal farm Supply gun jamed on 3 bullet extremely hard to load clip extremely hard spring on slide owning less than a day they wanted to send it in for repair also wanted me to take to gun Smith before returning with bullet stuck in gun look what you get for a cheep cheep gun I was told this was a really good gun.
We had some new MAGAZINES and a stiff recoil spring.
I loaded as many rounds as I could get in and let it sit. Then pulled the Slide back and locked, Let it sit.
All works great after a few days without having to fire hundreds of round for breaking in.
Rounds can stick in any NEW firearm.
Use Only NEW Good Brand brass for 1st 200 rds but you may still get that one out of spec case.
Bad ammo rounds is Not the Firearms fault.
Funk that, a gun should be ready to operate fail proof out of the box. I recently bought a cpx2 & had many failures to feed & eject with first 100+ rounds. SCCY recently sent new mags to correct problem. Gotta test them this wkd to see if it helps. I’m not very happy to have to keep tweeking this gun to get it to work as it should considering the fundamental purpose of it..to disengage life threatening targets INSTANTLY
Stop buy junk FMJ rounds from wal-mart and it wouldn’t fail on you, being military this is 1 of my 2 choices for a side arm due to precision and ease of handling this weapon
U got to break it in shoot atlest 100 round befor downin the gun i pick this gun over a glock an i have both so i no
There’s one in every bunch .
You must be a competitor. SCCY ALWAYS Responds as many forums will attest, including me.
Either you don’t know how to shoot, have weak wrists or are a snowflake.
Snicker Snicker!
Its not a bad gun at all.
Snowflake definitely
My CPX2 also jams with Hornady ammo.Also has FTF with same.Switched to Remington Golden Sabre,everything ok now.NO MORE PROBLEMS.
No you didn’t give them a fair chance. Sounds like some trolling. Competitor perhaps????
I’ve had my CPX-2 for 2-1/2 years. Fired an estimated 4K rounds of most brands and reloads. Keeps on ticking. Thanks SCCY for an inexpensive range and carry pistol.
I recently bought it for my own personal protection. As a woman, (and lefty shooter) I find it works well for what I was looking for. I understand there are those gun snobs who look down their noses as SCCY (my brother!) but even he was impressed with how easy this gun was to carry and use. Accuracy is not as good beyond 7-8 yards compared to my SIL’s Sig P238, but if I’m shooting at someone more than 20 feet away, its really not ‘personal protection’ now is it – and that is my goal for this gun. Inexpensive doesn’t mean worse as long as it checks the boxes you are interested in and it suits your needs. Asshats need to zip it……
I’ve had my sccy cpx 1 for about 6 months, not a single issue after 520 rounds. Only thing I can say is the frame pin walks out a little when shooting and gotta tap it back in here and there. Plan on sending it in soon for that. Great gun tho, might buy another.
Sent my SCCY in to get those pins replaced. They had it back within a week exactly. Great customer service and they fixed the issue no problem. Also upgraded various parts of my gun. I just bought a CPX-2 to go with my CPX-1. Love this gun.
The gun’s a piece of junk–pins walking out, frame cracking, extractor breaking, recoil spring getting mangled after 7 shots, etc. The company’s garbage, too, and has been lying about releasing the CPX-3 for the last year and a half. I’ve already dumped my CPX-2 and consider it a learning experience.
cgray, you are a liar.
I would guess you represent another gun manufacturer or you are just an idiot.
Check out http://www.sccyforum.com, and call me a liar then, moron. Oh, and after that, you can go to your nearest gun shop and pick up that “CPX-3” that SCCY’s been promising for the last year and a half. Hilarious.
cgray you must be the dingbat that forum has been trying to get rid of for years. Why
are you still even there, no one likes you///
Maby U NEED to stick to the rubber pocket knives u r bought for U as a kid. Mine works great. Never missed a beat. Always goes bang when trigger is pulled.
Where Would I Go To Get One OF These SCCY’S, I Live in Lorain, Ohio. OR Where can I Get One For The Same Price As In This ADD.??? Zip # 44055
Try a Rural King or The Sportsmans Den in Shelby, or Fin Feather Fur Outfitters in Ashland, Canton,or Middleburg Hts.
Great gun. I own a CPX-2. To me, it’s clearly the best value on the market. Made in USA, outstanding warranty. I’ve fired mine at BUG matches. Never a misfire or any other problem. Seems to me a lot of the hateful comments are from non-owners. I highly recommend this gun.
Once again lots of hype, lots of stats, but not a word about where it is manufactured. If I am purchasing a firearm,a knife, or ammunition my first question is WHERE IS IT MADE??? Are you ashamed of where it is made?? This seems to be a standard “oversight” by GunsAmerica.
A simple Bing search brings up a headline of “American made” SCCY 9mm.
for all of your rant it took me 2 seconds to look it up, you ever heard of “google’…it is Made in Florida.
It’s mfg. in Daytona Beach,Fl. Great Co.. Modern CNC equipment.
Made in Florida. Mine runs well. No ftf or fte after 400 rounds. Sends brass to the right just fine. My Glock 19 had weird ejection issues that made me feel insecure until repair. This gun has heavy trigger pull, but you are really going to mean to shoot it. I think that’s a good thing, since I never want a negligent discharge. Good car gun. Trust it for self defense; at reasonable distances, it was quite accurate-better than merely acceptable. I added the Armalaser for target practice, but iron sights are fine in daylight. Good gun.
Daytona beach FL …its called google
You clowns that bought this garbage would have us believe it is “decent”. These things are garbage and only a phucktard would have us think,even for a moment, it is a decent quality handgun
Nice! You’re an asshat. If you have an opinion, and can’t express it without insulting others, then keep your peabrain comments to yourself.
Now no opinion of yours is worth reading, as you’ve managed to show your lack of depth of thought and character.
Up yours Greg.
VERY WELL STATED Alan. I agree Greg is an asshat. BTW, what is an asshat?
One who wears his rectum as a hat.
Another armchair “gun expert” who has never handled, much less fired, the firearm in question puffs up his chest and gives us his expert opinion while spewing He Man profanities from the comfort of mommies basement.
Carry on Mr. Gun Expert……
Carry on……
So, crap enough you would want to get shot by one?
If you can throw a rock near enough to hit something, odds are a lethal encounter will be much at a much closer distance, and god help you try to defend a long distance shooting in court.
the only clown i see is you. I bought this pistol almost 2 years ago and have not had a problem with it yet.
So, you’re trailer trash who can’t afford a decent gun. Ok.
Not everyone is a Rockefeller like you. What gun would you suggest for the price, nimrod?
I agree
Rural King often has the SCCY on sale, plus they have a 12% rebate from time to time. I picked one up there for $209.00 with the rebate. I have been carrying a G27 and the SCCY beats it hands down for concealability, although it is a 9mm not a .40. The DA only trigger doesn’t concern me much as I carried the Beretta 96D for years as a duty handgun so I’m used to it. As someone else stated it doesn’t like the polymer tip ammo, but everything else feeds fine. As retired LE, the SCCY is now my everyday carry CCW gun. Buy one, you won’t be disappointed.
looked at their website they sell for 3334.oo
Hope that was a typo. : )
I have a SCCY that I bought in December of 2015. Didn’t get to shooit it until April of 2016. The second shot out of a new gun,the barrell expolded. I asked for a refund,as I would not feel comfortable shooting one again. I was told that since it was 60 days past my purchase date,that I would recieve a new handgun,Not a refund. So I will be trying to get rid of a new SCCY,unfired when I get the new one from the factory.
I have spent over twenty years in the oilfield, and known guys that could screw up an anvil using a rubber mallet. Blow up the barrel? I’d like to see that.
Right…. the barrel blew up….right…….
So I live here in Daytona Beach, Fla, where they make the CPX 1-2…….was at a gun show here in town and saw this for the first time a few yrs back…….$179 new in the box….WHAT!!! I put it in my hand…..it’s ok…..trigger pull was ehhhh, but for that price and to support a local business…….why not !!! Took it to the range and after getting the feel for the trigger……worked very well at 7 and 25yrds……very surprising and even got a good hmmmmm from the range officer…..lol Bought 1 more and always have (10) 9mm around where ever I may be…..just because !!! Definitely not my carry or go to…….but I like the idea that it’s always there……just in case !!! Nice bang for the buck !!!
They run a little more than $225, but still a bargain.
Actually I bought one two weeks ago for less, far less in the small profit margin world of small town gun shops. I bought mine for $205.89 I will say I haggled with the shop, and this is my second SCCY from the same shop. I personally cannot say enough about the SCCY company.
Sadly, this handgun is not on Ca’s list. Not suprising, here, you pay almost full list for most and if you ship one in from out of state(the few that they allow), you have $150 in FFL cost, lock, DROS costs and a waiting period.
Please help me(wife won’t move)
what is fll cost?
In Ca, a Federal Firearm License (FFL) holder must accept the gun from another out of state FFL. They then run the DROS and hold the gun in their safe for 10 days while we cool down from the murderous fury that presumably led us to buying a gun. For that service they usually charge us between $65 and $125.
$65 to $125 for the FFL? Wow, here in Idaho it is usually $20 to $25 and no charge for background checks in the shops like they had in Washington state (another $25). And if you have your CCW permit, there is no background check required.
When I moved from the people’s republic of Maryland to South Dakota, my wife didn’t want to move either. Told her that she could stay if she wanted but I was moving. 10 years later she won’t even go back to visit family.
yes,I worked at a gun shop in So Cal. Slim pickins. Moved to Tennessee. Getting my ccw and a Sccy! $219.
A 225$ gun. You get what you pay for. Add to it the folks that own and run SCCY are some of the worst people I have ever delt with in life. Ask any gun shop that has delt with them. There is a reason they chose to make and sell a 225$ gun instead of a 500$ gun or 1000$ gun. These folks will always live at the bottom. Again, you get what you pay for.
You think that buying a cheap gun equates to one’s character? You’re ignorant – I guarantee I’m higher class than you and my character exceeds yours. And yes, I own 3 of these for the precise reason the author states – personal protection. Your statement is the definition of someone with a shallow character and outright ignorance. Do all of us a favor and keep your ignorant views to yourself.
some people don’t have your kind of money but would still like to defend themselves.you should shoot one, they go bang when you need it to.poor people have a right to defend themselves and there families to.
Wow, that’s harsh! Makes me think of the story about the person who thinks everyone around him is wrong because they don’t agree with him, and he’s actually the problem …
I’ve had an SCCY CPX-2 for 3 1/2 years (which I bought for $234) and never had a problem with it, although it is a little bulky to try to put in a pocket holster. I don’t even mind the trigger!
My only complaint is not about the gun, but about the fact that Crimson Trace doesn’t make a laser grip for it. I ended up putting on a different (much cheaper) laser grip (not sure of the brand and I’m not at home to go check, so I won’t guess) and it’s never worked consistently – I even sent it back and got a replacement, but it has the same consistency issues.
And right this minute, GB has several NIB SCCYs for sale, and some for $225 – or a shade less – at a Buy Now price. I stopped counting at six.
I agree with your statements completely, I personally have had my first SCCY CPX-2 CB for around 4 years, I have shot over 500 rounds through it. After a little over 300 rounds I perceived some light scratches on the outside of the internal barrel as a possible issue. I sent the gun back to SCCY through my local gun shop to have them look at it. They determined the scratches were normal wear but replaced an entire list of parts, the list includes every part in the receiver group except the receiver itself and the trigger… For free, nothing, no charge. Turn-around time was very fast. I recently purchased a second SCCY for the home, I carry my SCCY daily and trust it implicitly.
All this sounds good
How do I purchase .And is Guns America gonna ever contact me I’m trying to make a first time puchase
Visit GunsAmerica.com
You are either dead wrong, misinformed, or just ignorant. Or maybe I own the only first rate SCCY Pistol.
I have had my CPX-2 for almost ten years now. I have run at least a thousand rounds through it. Not a single malfunction and it is dead nuts accurate. I carry it because it rides well, and I trust it with my life. It also spends a lot of time in my nightstand.
I could go on and on but no point in that. I hope to get another CPX-2 soon, because I am afraid the prices will go up when more people share my happy little secret. ~ Over and Out.
P.S. I don’t own stock. Wish I did.
You are either dead wrong, misinformed, or just ignorant. Or maybe I own the only first rate SCCY Pistol.
I have had my CPX-2 for almost ten years now. I have run at least a thousand rounds through it. Not a single malfunction and it is dead accurate. I carry it because it rides well, and I trust it with my life. It also spends a lot of time in my nightstand.
I could go on and on but no point in that. I hope to get another CPX-2 soon, because I am afraid the prices will go up when more people share my happy little secret. ~ Over and Out.
P.S. I don’t own stock. Wish I did.
This may not see the light of day on this site, but SCCA is an excellent outfit, so here goes:
I have a very good 9mm handgun (and a 9mm carbine, both of) which got really good reviews, takes any ammo, including +P, without a hitch or hiccup and has yet no FTF not FTE after 100s of rounds with 4 different brands. I’m counting to see how far it will go without a hitch over 1,000 rounds. “Complete disassembly and cleaning should be performed at 1500 to200 rounds.” It’s the HiPoint C9 at $189, $6 more w/hard case, or other options at under $225. I have recommended it to several people and they all thanked me, one even gave me 100 rounds as thanks!
I beg your Pardon, I own a SCCY 2 plus I have Glock 21 (4) , Glock 36, & Kimber & enjoy shooting my SCCY more than some of my more expensive pistols
Bottom feeder, huh? Well, I’ve got a $2500 gun (S&W 952 long slide, selling for more than 4k now) and several $1000+ Sig pistols right now too. I have many $400-$500 Glock, S&W and Springfield Armory pistols too. But my SCCY CPX2 is my EDC. It has all but replaced my G19. The G19, S&W 60, Sig P226 and others are in the rotation, but it is my CPX2 that pulls >50% of my carry needs. It is light (for a 11 rd 9mm), accurate, durable and has been 100% reliable for well over 800 rounds. Probably closer to 1000 rd. What more could anyone ask?
Jim = Jerk, snob, show-off, etc…
He probably has an expensive sports car too, to make up for his many inadequacies.
Jim, if you had known the degree of abuse you were going to take for your stupid, very unpopular, point of view, would you felt it worth the price to express your opinion. Or do you get your jollies by being pompous and obnoxious. Have a great day.
I wear a 10k Rolex submariner everyday and I own a SCCY pistol. I guess I live at the bottom……
Wow! Great price for a pistol that works! I may have to own one!
According to Jim, you “live at the bottom”. Jim, however, lives at the top because he spends $1,000 for a gun.
It’s easy to complain about the CPX-2 if you want to. But living in Florida where they are made and seeing how many people use the gun, you begin to scratch your head and say that it does make sense for many of the reasons mentioned in the review. I have a couple more to add though first I have to agree that $225 is a lowball price for the gun that I’ve only seen once at a gun show never to be repeated. Still, even if you part with a few more shekels the gun still makes sense so here goes:
1. Because of the double action only feature and the long trigger pull the gun is a great novice shooter option for both carry and home defense. As with any gun you use for these purposes it requires some dedicated practice. And no, you will never become an IDPA master with the SCCY, but you will get 5 shots to where you want them to go in a stressful situation and have 5 left over. None of the small single stacks give you that option especially in 9mm.
2. If you are planning for in home defense and place more than one firearm throuout your home the SCCY could be your ticket so you can keep your Anacondas and Single Action Army in the safe where they belong.
3. I’ve fired a couple of thousand rounds through a CPX-2. I had a couple of misfires and at one point the tiny washer that holds the recoil spring broke. I called SCCY customer service and within 3 days I had a new spring assembly. No questions asked.
Every handgun is a compromise in one way or another and there is none out there no matter how much you’re willing to pay that does it all. That’s why there are so many models, calibers and styles and the list keeps growing. So I take my hat off to SCCY for building a gun for which there is an identifiable place in the mix out there.
I’ve owned my CPX for about a year now and find it a very comfortable carry. It did jam quite a few Federal loads but fire everything else I’ve put thru it. Customer service was great to me. Had sent it back in for retooling of the ejector and turnaround was super fast. Even got to talk to the armorer who reworked the pistol to discuss what had been done afterwards. I have large hands and my pinkie wouldn’t quite grip properly so with the use of a heat gun I merely softened the magazine base and flattened it downward a bit and it fits perfectly now. Long throw on the trigger, yep. Practice time on the range takes care or that. Nice concealed weapon, carry it mostly all the time like that with minimal “printing”.
I’m glad I’m not the only one calling out the price of this gun in the comments here. I have an FFL and storefront and I promise you, there is no way I’m selling this firearm to anyone for $225. They run from $215 with no safety to $235 with safety at wholesale cost. How nice of Guns America to run ANOTHER irresponsible article with misinformation. I wonder how many people will leave my shop thinking that I’m screwing them now.
Having been in the industry for a very long time, and 3 decades in sales in general, there will ALWAYS be some cheap ass thinking you’re screwing them.
That is ESPECIALLY true of ‘gunnies’, who are some of the cheapest people out there.
That’s retail for you.
BTW folks, I have this gun, it works well for the price point, and now at 1200 rounds, it hasn’t had a hiccup.
If you’re THAT sensitive to trigger pull, then pony up for a semi custom piece and deal with it.
LOL, I paid $205 for mine. Quit screwing people!
opps….I got screwed; paid 229 +tax+check=245 out the door for the no safety model. My biggest complaint is the flat trigger guard…my finger gets caught between the trigger and the guard. I wish the guard was more rounded.
Do prices differ in different areas due to some regulations? I ask because I am not in possession of an FFL but do know my local shop here in WI indeed has this gun for $215 and an older model for less than $190.00 If we were allowed to show pictures on here I’d head to the shop and snap a picture for you. Calling Guns of America irresponsible for the price they paid and repeated in the article is extremely uncalled for and places you in both the hypocrite and irresponsible categories. READ what others have stated they paid, look up prices online, just because you claim to have (over-paid) paid more wholesale does not make anyone else anything but smart for looking for a deal and not shopping at your gun shop. Don’t read the articles if they upset you, life’s to short to hang out reading articles you find irksome.
I bought my first SCCY a couple years ago for $260 Price them and get your best price. I got another for $200 with ammo purchase. Sold that one for $300. I think they are worth what you want to pay but are good guns. My brother had the one with the safety and I would not buy it. No need for safety and the safety is backwards and puts safety on after almost every shot with my thumb position This is my EDC with a sneaky pete holster comfortable to carry.
The SCCY is definitely not a gun I would want to bet my life on. The trigger is ridiculous, The reset is almost 3/4″ which is totally unacceptable. Anyone that shoots a typical 9mm gun with a known name would not put up with this. You go for your 2nd shot and find that you haven’t extended your finger out to the trigger guard so that shot is only dead air space and you have to extend again.
Recoil is more than expected unless you shoot very tame ammo.How could you compare it to a Glock or any other reputable firearm? Accuracy, even at close range is more of a pattern and not a group.
If you reload, even the light reloads you may find that the cases become bulged around the base and are unusable.
Where the $225 price came from I’d like to know. All that I’ have seen are selling between $255 to $275. Spend another $100 and get get an S&W Shield or other pistol that;s been around a while adn shoots normally.
Try shooting one instead of just reading the specs and thinking you are an expert. The CPX-2 is pleasant to shoot and the long trigger pull took all of two magazines to get used to. This is an accurate, dependable, and fun pistol to shoot.
Sounds like you need to learn to shoot. Get to the range practice,practice,practice.Maybe it’s not the gun it’s the one shooting the gun.
Where can you purchase one for $225.00 ? I have never found any at near that price unless you have an FFL.
You can’t. They retail from $259-279. No dealer would sell that gun for cost.
Not if you are not including FFL etc. as in extra costs associated with any gun. There are 5 available here on Guns America for $245.00 and under and Gun Broker has $229.00 on a brand new CPX-2 and 12 of them for $245 and under. You have proven your ignorance and laziness as I found these each in under a minute.
This past fall Rural King had this gun for $199.00 +tax &$2.00 state call. That was GREAT!
They were at the Havasu gun show AZ foe 229$ three weeks ago. They do have a long trigger.
I have a sccy cpx2 love it bought it on sale at rural king $209.00 . I have a ruger lc9 and carry the sccy. I don’t have lots of money in guns but when I bought the cpx2 TT I’ve decided to buy my wife one. She likes the ruger but sccy is lighter and has more rounds.
It may be a decent gun, but for 249 dollars I can buy a Taurus millinneum g2 pistol in 9 or 40. The Taurus is in EVERY way, a better gun. I have shot both, and it is not even close. Just my 1.5 cents worth. (Inflation claimed the other .5 cent)
Seriously i want some of what you are smoking! Taurus g2 is in know way a better gun than the CPX-2. Everything about the Taurus is cheap including the look and feel.
I’ve had my SCCY 9 CPX-2 for three-four years. It’s a bargain to buy, a pleasure to shoot, and easy to field strip. It’s an ideal model to introduce our lady students to medium-caliber handguns that fit their hands & purses – both economically and ergonomically. It’s not a target shooter’s gun, but as a carry gun with decent ergonomics, good accuracy inside defensive distances and ammo available anywhere it’s hard to beat. Blackhawk doesn’t seem to have a holster for this specific handgun, but their Glock-26 model with a small piece of belt leather in the barrel top postion to reduce rocking gives good retention & accessibility.
I like my CPX-2 for the price but I’m not near as accurate with it as I am with my High Point C-9 ($134) or Sig P938. I just can’t get used to that long trigger pull. It’s my desk gun in my home office.
I have 3 of them. a black one I got in 2011. I just got a white and red one. Tried to get a orange SCCY however the supply at dealers is drying up due to the demand. They are great guns for the buck. $250 and come with 2 mags. Very reliable anf fantastic customer service. Good luck finding one.
Why are you screaming at us?
Hhmmmm, looks a lot like my KT P-11.
So, its a kel-tec PF9…
The CPX2 has currently become my EDC, replacing the Glock 19 and my favorite EDC Kel Tec PF9. The size and weight put it over the G19 as I am dead on accurate with both. EDC reliability puts it over the PF9 due to my preferred carry position. I absolutely love carrying in Under Tech compression shirts. The PF9’s weight and slimness make it a pleasure to carry. Sweaty armpit carry however compromises the PF9’s reliability versus the CPX2. My normally reliable PF9 tends to occasionally malfunction after a sweaty day without a quick strip and lube which had turned into a daily routine. I enjoy stripping, cleaning, and lubing all my guns, just not as a daily chore. The SCCY just keeps on running without issue even if i’m a little late on the proper maintenance. Over a thousand rounds of mixed brands, styles, and weights of ammo from armpit to target without a hiccup. I do agree the grip did feel odd which I thought was an oversize issue, but it was actually slipping slightly. I added the Talon Custom Rubber grip and now have the perfect fit. Wanted my wife to trade her 10 shot P3AT back up for my PF9. It would make a good purse gun, but she says it weighs too much. Not as much as that make up pouch!
Why are you screaming at us also? Are you with Ed?
I’m a cop and I carry a SCCY CPX-2 as a back-up gun. I qualify with it on the same range as I do my Glock 22, and I have no complaints. It’s small enough to conceal whether I’m in full duty uniform, or wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I’d put it up against other more expensive compact 9’s anytime.
Bought my wife a SCCY CXP2 a last year, got to say I wasn’t too impressed with the DA trigger pull, but after putting a few rounds down range, I got use to it, and it works flawlessly. The only real bitch I have about the gun is the magazines feel cheap. Yes they’re steal, they drop easy, but they feel like their made out of tin. Other than that, like the author said, its not a nail driver, but my wife can hit a index card double tapping at 7 yards, so its works. I’m slightly better I can get a two inch group at around 10 yards, but that’s using serious concentration on the trigger. This summer I plan on picking one up for myself to replace my CZ-82 which is my EDC right now.
If you are used to the CZ action, why wouldn’t you go with the P-07 in lieu of the SCCY (just as reliable, but with more capacity)?
Seems more and more the purpose of these articles is to expose the Idiots among us via the comments. They have yet to dissapoint me. Good grief…
Nicely stated. Lol.
Had mine for a few months and I’m loving it. Only had failure to feed with independence polymer tipped ammunition, which the service department stated is a known issue. Use quality hollow points or FMJ and it will treat you well.
Also, point downward when reassembling the slide to the subframe. The barrel can get stuck otherwise. This is reflected in the manual, but I skipped that sentence sadly.
Great sub 9mm, with a great price for what you get. I have to say they offer one of the best customer service/warranty depts. I ever had the pleasure to deal with. Had an early CPX 2 version with a flat slide release. Noticed this was updated
and sent it in to upgrade and they did plus additional work I hadn’t realized was needed. Shipping to and from was covered and all was done in one week including shipping. Only concern is as previously stated the trigger. More I shoot, the better it becomes.
Have owned the CPX-1 for three years this month and even though I own several compacts (Shield, Kahr, Glock), I find myself taking this one with me more than the others on a ration of 3-1. Why? I think the best reason is the added firepower (others are 6-7 mag capacity vs this with 10). More importantly, it’s comfortable to wear and shoot. The first 150 rounds gave me a couple of stovepipes but as I analyzed it, it was my grip and readjusting my ‘muscle’ memory to do the right things. Since the initial ‘burps’, there hasn’t been an issue with the function for over 1000rds. I can hit where I point. It will put all ten rounds in an 8″ circle at 10 yards. That’s good enough accuracy for me. (Range master liked it over his high $$ sidearm.) The nice thing is that shooting the CPX-1 has not affected my ability to maintain accuracy with my other compacts. If there was a complaint, I would have to echo the author comment about the trigger. The take up does not bother me as much as the reset factor. Again, it’s taken practice and developing that ‘memory’ knowing what the pistol will do for you when it has to. Grip is comfortable for my hands and it’s light enough to wear all day. I’ve carried all positions but the appendix or cross draw carry seems to be the most comfortable (and accessible). In a tuckable holster, it does not print. (I’m 6’2″, 240#) Talking to customer service is like talking to an old friend. Will bend over backwards to help you. All in all, great shooter.
Family name correction
How can i order the scc cpx2…im here at chantilly virginia
I haven’t handled one yet. From what SCCY offers in their CPX-2 it seems ideal as an extra car, boat, cabin, bedroom, den, name-your-location hide-out weapon. If their prices remain this reasonable and their warranty is as stated it’s definitely going to make me want to get my hands on one.