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An attempted shooting in Las Vegas was stopped last weekend when a concealed carrier shot back.
The story goes that an armed man shot his way into the Turnberry Towers on Friday afternoon. Onlookers said he was wearing a helmet and carrying an AR-15 rifle among other weapons.
CCTV footage shows shots were fired near the front desk, causing glass to shatter.
It was at this point that the employee, identified by one witness as “Homberto,” shot back.
Worst active shooter ever.
— Donut Operator 🍩 (@DonutOperator) June 27, 2023
Dude gets lit up immediately after shooting out the glass doors and entering Turnberry Towers in Las Vegas.
Police responded to the incident to find one man in critical condition. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) has stated that this man had been the perp. He was transported to UMC Trauma.
We can tell from the video footage that the suspect was the only one harmed.
Witness Responses
Various news channels interviewed residents of the Towers, one man telling 8 News that the employee “may have saved his life.”
Another resident of the Towers told Channel 13 that the building employee is a hero.
SEE MORE: How Likely is an American to Die in a Mass Shooting?
Despite limited information from the LVMPD on the incident, Lt. Noe Esparza reassured the public in his statement to 8 News that, “The community is safe, this appears to be an isolated event.”
In the meantime, the events have also inspired a lot of chatter on Twitter.
Claims were made that as many as 20 police vehicles were on the premises. The 8 News live report confirmed this.
Employee For The Win
In the face of such an intimidating and dangerous situation, the courageous actions of the employee, Humberto, were paramount.
Having made a prior decision to arm and prepare himself, Humberto was able to keep a clear mind and protect those around him. It’s a sobering reminder of how much worse the situation could have been, and a testament to the lives potentially saved by his swift actions.
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A happy ending because of an armed citizen. The police response would have been far too late to save lives. Of course, the Democrats would never admit this.
And that’s why you pray the shooter dies. Less legal hassle and potentially less expensive. That’s when you learn, you don’t leave the perp laying there kicking in the street. Two shots would have been better than one.
That’s all fine and good but here’s the reality:
The “Hero” (absolutely!) will now get the obligatory “free ride” downtown, his weapon confiscated for evidence, and probably ultimately “no-billed” by a Grand Jury. Fair enough. NEXT, pray the man has never EVER uttered “DJT” aloud or he’s doomed. The family of the shooter will run to the closest camera and start saying “he’s been trying to get his life straightened out, he recently lost his job (Wife, Car, Dog, etc) and has been taking drugs for depression. He’s a good man and never ACTUALLY hurt anyone. Why did you have to shoot him in the back since he’d obviously changed his mind and was running AWAY from people?” Now said “Hero” gets slapped by a civil “wrongful death” lawsuit that will bankrupt him just for being a Hero and doing what most of us hope we NEVER HAVE to do. That my friends is the REALITY of his situation. Pray for him….
The next step Turnberry Towers should take is to fire Humberto. How dare he, an employee, carry a concealed weapon at work? By repelling the shooter, he is definitely unaware of how to act when confronted by a criminal intent on doing harm. What he should have done is duck under a desk or something, closed his eyes and covered his ears until the shooter left. By repelling the shooter, Humberto has revealed himself to the public as a conservative, the bane of liberals.
Good job, Humberto. Mindset, Skillset, Toolset. You had them all when it mattered.
Two Truths are always obvious in such situations; The Perp is a psycho and usually has been ingesting major doses of some type of mood altering/controlling prescription (under a doctor’s care of course). But, these facts may never see light.
Strange coincidences seem to also occur; use of the fearsome and evil AR15! Which we all know has staggering mind-control powers. With predictable regularity the tortured and now “zombied” shooter appears at a victim-rich location and begins the slaughter……………EXCEPT, when ONE,1, single solitary citizen happens to be there with their sidearm and quite literally says: “Oh HELL NO!”…in a few seconds the needful has been accomplished; the perp is down and out and innocents live on. Also, there is the obvious fact that no official armed security is present at the chosen location. Hmmm, I sense a pattern here.
Now it would occur to a rational and analytical mind that this outcome is preferable to the alternative. But, oh no, not to the communist ilk. Free people with arms are the bane of their existence. Any person or group of persons who possess the audacity to embrace Liberty must be eradicated, cancelled, if you will. Only the State and it’s minions can be allowed to possess such fearsome and black-magical powers (my Precious!)…..BTW, “MINIONS” means the cops…..Generally useless except for applying extortion techniques to collect “contributions” to the State’s coffers. Road cops, airline cops, school cops, tax cops, farm cops, environment cops, forest cops, whew! Maybe you can name some others……and we don’t live in a Police State? Stalin spins dervishly in Hell in envy!
The term “Liberal” has been bastardized and used as a poor euphemism for Communist. Communists are Godless, evil creatures that seek only Power over innocents and innocence. Regardless of how history remembers J. Edgar Hoover, he had the crosshair on communism and fully understood it’s Hellish origins:
“Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
The media must be kicking itself that it had to publish this event, as it is one of many. Guns are used in defense more than crime in a 10 to one ratio, or even more, but we hardly ever hear about it.
Most people that are law abiding and carry guns are a resource for safety rather than a problem.
It is no surprise that evil shooters always find “gun free” zones to shoot innocents.
Perhaps we can reduce those zones?