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Spearfishing, the Shortest Hunting Season

Spearfishing, the Shortest Hunting Season

One of the barracuda turned and started swimming towards me then opened his mouth full of pretty intimidating teeth. The game had just changed.

The Renaissance of Elk Hunting

The Renaissance of Elk Hunting

The 80’s were an interesting and important time period for how elk were hunted.

Take the Shot? A young hunter is presented with a make-or-break long-range shot at a big bull elk. The pressure is on and time is short. Will he take the shot? - Presented by Badlands

Take the Shot? A young hunter is presented with a make-or-break long-range shot at a big bull elk. The pressure is on and time is short. Will he take the shot? – Presented by Badlands

A young hunter is presented with a make-or-break long-range shot at a big bull elk. The pressure is on and time is short. Will he take the shot?

Take the Shot? An Experienced Hunter Gets a Close Opportunity at a Good Bull Elk, but the Vitals are Covered and His Shooting Position is Unsupported. Will He Take the Shot? - Presented by Badlands

Take the Shot? An Experienced Hunter Gets a Close Opportunity at a Good Bull Elk, but the Vitals are Covered and His Shooting Position is Unsupported. Will He Take the Shot? – Presented by Badlands

An experienced hunter gets a close opportunity at a good bull elk, but the vitals are covered and his shooting position is unsupported. Will he take the shot?

Take the Shot? A Young Hunter gets an Opportunity at a Magnificent Mule Deer Buck. It’s a long shot in challenging, windy conditions. Should he Take the Shot? - Presented by Badlands

Take the Shot? A Young Hunter gets an Opportunity at a Magnificent Mule Deer Buck. It’s a long shot in challenging, windy conditions. Should he Take the Shot? – Presented by Badlands

A young hunter gets a hard-won opportunity at a magnificent mule deer buck. It’s a long shot in challenging, windy conditions. Should he take the shot?

5 Dumb Hunting Mistakes I've Made

5 Dumb Hunting Mistakes I’ve Made

Perhaps the only thing better than learning from your own mistakes is learning from someone else’s.

Doubling Down on Big Bears in Alberta

Doubling Down on Big Bears in Alberta

I had just shot the biggest black bear of my life. Thirty minutes later, I shot an even bigger one.

Wyoming Handgun Antelope

Wyoming Handgun Antelope

Handgun hunting tends to make every animal a memorable trophy. Although I personally prefer to take my handgun game at more sedate or reasonable distances. Knowing that the XP is capable of making solid hits on game at rifle distances allows me to carry it as a backup for those rare instances where getting closer isn’t possible.

5 Spot & Stalk Bears in 5 Days! Spring Bear Adventures

5 Spot & Stalk Bears in 5 Days! Spring Bear Adventures

In five days we killed five bears, for three of the hunters it was their first. This will keep a few extra elk calves alive through the spring, provide a pile of meat to the hunters, and make some fine memories.

The Biggest Black Bears in the World

The Biggest Black Bears in the World

In most of the US, an average boar black bear weighs 250 lbs and a sow 150lbs. The largest sow taken in this region was nearly 450lbs.