Gruesome Feral Hog Attack Leaves Woman Dead in Houston Suburb

Gruesome Feral Hog Attack Leaves Woman Dead in Houston Suburb
Feral hogs are a big problem for landowners in Texas, especially around the Houston area. (Photo: Public Domain)

A woman was attacked and killed last week in the Houston suburb of Anahuac by what investigators believe were multiple wild hogs, Chambers County Sheriff Brian Hawthorne said at a press conference on Monday.

Christine Rollins, 59, was walking around 6 a.m. from her car to a home where she worked as a caretaker for an elderly couple. When she didn’t arrive at her usual time, the homeowner came out and found her dead body lying between the car and the house.

“Unbelievably tragic. This is a very rare incident, just what little research we have found less than six of these have been reported in the nation,” Hawthorne said. “In my 35 years, I will tell you it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.”

Hog attacks are extremely rare. A 2013 study found only about 100 attacks in the United States between 1825 and 2012, four of which were fatal. Of those four, three involved hogs wounded by hunters.

Still, the scene and the nature of Rollins’ wounds indicated a hog attack, and Jefferson County Medical Examiner Dr. Selly Rivers determined the cause of death to be “exsanguination due to feral hog assault.”

“There is no question in the medical examiner’s mind that this was feral hogs that caused her death,” Hawthorne told reporters.

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Not all of the neighborhood residents agree. One of the reporters at the news conference spoke with one man who was “convinced” that Collins had been killed by a pack of dogs that had been known to attack humans and animals. He also pointed out, according to the reporter, that hogs tend to eat the animals they attack.

Hawthorne reiterated that the nature of the scene strongly suggested a feral hog attack.

“He didn’t see the crime scene that I did. If he saw the crime scene, he might think differently,” he said.

The incident occurred on a property comprised of 10-12 acres of fields and woods. Hawthorne said the hogs had “taken over” some of that land and roamed mainly at night.

“Feral hogs are a problem across the state of Texas and definitely a problem in this country,” he said.  

Texas Parks and Wildlife estimates that over 1.5 million feral hogs roam throughout much of Texas. They’re distributed mainly in whitetail deer range, with higher concentrations in East, South, and Central portions of the state.

They are a non-game species in Texas, which means they can be killed by any means or method at any time of year.

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Hunters should be cautious when in close proximity because, while generally not aggressive, they “will lunge at you and attack you” if they perceive a threat, according to Texas Tech professor John J. McGlone.

The 2013 study found that most feral hog attacks are perpetrated by a single male pig and appear to be unprovoked. Most victims are injured in the legs and feet, and fatalities are caused by blood loss.

McGlone told the New York Times that the pigs may have felt threatened by Rollins’ car if they had been lying near the house when she arrived.

Hawthorne added that Rollins appears to have been attacked by multiple hogs given the varying sizes of bite marks.

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  • Rickey L Keen January 12, 2020, 4:09 pm

    I have been hunting hogs for almost 50 years now and they get smarter and more nocturnal if pressured. Hogs will take over sooner or later they are like rats and roaches……. you can’t eliminate them.As long as federal and state refuges do not allow Year round hunting…… they are protected by the federal and state authorities.

  • A.Pritchard December 12, 2019, 11:25 pm

    I live in an central Texas,just about half way between Fort Worth and Waco,it’s in a rural area with nothing but large tracts of farm and wooded land,hogs are a problem and I do agree that they should be controlled in force,the land owners that want to make a huge profit from willing hunters is a great idea but only if they do it in a way that truly does the best for controlling the growing population,I don’t have to pay to hunt and have a lot of friends that are always welcome to bring others and their kids to shoot as many as they see,FOR FREE.My point is that if we do not get a handle on this now then in another 10 years we will simply be overran by a degradating species that get stronger and smarter with every new litter,I swear these thing are born pregnant

  • KEN_W December 12, 2019, 2:50 pm

    I tend to agree with the dog theory. I have hunted and trapped these hogs for many years. I have had them in a trap, bloodied by ramming the trap sides. When I release them I would stand behind the gate or to the side. I have not yet have one think twice about me when they hit the opening but head straight for the woods. Walking to my stand in the dark I have been so close to a pack that you could hear and smell them. Now do not take me as a fool, at all times I described I always had a pistol in my hand while holding my rifle in the other. But in50 years I have yet to see them ever try to rush me. I have heard of them attacking hunters from other people but have not seen it or know the circumstances that caused this. They fear vehicles and scatter when they see them. I can pull 50 yards from them at my feeder and they scatter. I have even had a mother cross the road in front of me and I would stop because she left her litter and i would be looking at them and they were so young they would come toward me in the truck and then wonder away. Don’t figure.

    • R L Diehl December 12, 2019, 5:43 pm

      Weren’t there tracks? And if there were a pack of wild dogs in the vicinity why hadn’t anyone done anything about it/

  • Douglas Pope December 3, 2019, 9:03 am

    It doesn’t matter if it’s Texas or Florida , untill landowners allow hunting on their property without charging outrageous fees. Don’t complain about the damage and destruction that feral hogs create .

    • WILLIAM Ramsburg December 12, 2019, 2:32 pm


    • Jgh December 12, 2019, 3:14 pm

      D Pope has it exactly right!

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