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Feedback for twinviperguy

GunsAmerica Member Since: 10/7/2015
Total Transactions: 17
Total Positive: 5
Total Negative: 0
Positive Feedback: 100%

User Summary

Timeframe Rating Total
Past Year Positive 1
All Time Positive 5
Rating Listing ID Date Comment
Positive 975558594 08/02/2023 Mr. Burton has been great to work with, quick with responses, and trying to get his gun store to ship the gun to me. His gun store is running behind on shipping, but they finally issued the tracking number. Mr. Burton sent it to me immediately. If the opportunity comes up again to work with him I am sure everything would be just as awesome.
Positive 977115714 05/02/2023 Awesome seller
Positive 992423424 01/06/2023 good seller fast service
Positive 974014965 01/30/2021 This guy sells QUALITY firearms at a very fair price. Communication was EXCELLENT - My payment, and his shipment went-off without a hitch! Highly Recommended!
Positive 923052283 11/15/2020 Honest seller and fast shipping!
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