
GunsAmerica selling APIs enable dealers to manage their sales by using simple REST API. Back in 2016 we introduced Bulk Upload Inventory, where inventory is managed by uploading/downloaing excel file containing the entire inventory. The new GunsAmerica APIs infrastructure, provides major advancement over traditional Bulk Upload. With our new APIs dealers are able to incorporate their sales and listings from GunsAmerica into their system or their web site.


GunsAmerica selling APIs are built on latest RESTfull and JSON technologies and are secured with OAuth 2.0 protocol.

We are using seller stock number based inventory management, which allows you to manage multiple listings by your SKU rather than by the listing IDs.

Currently there are 3 selling APIs:

The Base URL for all api calls is:

Inventory API

The inventory API allows sellers to manage their inventory on GunsAmerica web site. It allows user to post and update items to GunsAmerica web site or to the Seller Store (if there is one). Items are managed by the seller stock number instead of listing id.


Single seller stock number can only be listed once on GunsAmerica and once on seller store.
In case when the item with the same seller stock number is already listed manually by seller that item cannot be created/posted by the Inventory API.
If the item that is posted by API is edited on GunsAmerica, or seller store web site, that item becomes a manual item and cannot be updated by the Invetory API anymore.

Items - Listings API

The items API allows sellers to view their listings on GunsAmerica and seller store, regardless of if the items are managed/created by Inventory API or using GunsAmerica web site. Items are not grouped by the seller stock number.

Orders API

This API enables sellers to monitor their orders on GunsAmerica and seller store.


All GunsAmerica API use OAuth 2.0 protocol for application authentication and user authorization. To access our API, you will first need to obtain an access token from GunsAmerica access token service by providing your Client ID and Client secret.

All requests made to GunsAmerica REST operations require the authorization HTTP header for authentication

To obtain Client Id and Client secret you must sign up for GA API.

Obtaining OAuth access token

The request requires the following values:

  • ClientID - your client id (provided to you when you sign up for the service).
  • ClientSecret - Base64-encoded string (provided to you when you sign up for the service).
  • OAuth scope(s) - required for access to the REST interfaces.

Access token Request example:

HTTP method: POST

HTTP headers:

content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request body


Response Body


Error Codes

Rate limit


Inventory API Reference

GET Inventory

Returns uploaded inventory on GunsAmerica associated with dealer account.


The authorization header is the only required HTTP header for this call.

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type application/json The format and encoding of the request message.
Authorization OAuth 2.0 access token OAuth 2.0 protocol used for application authentication and user authorization.
Field Type Description
AddToGA boolean Is item posted to GA Listings
AddToLSF boolean Is item posted to Live Store Front.
BuyNowPrice decimal Buy it now price for auction listing.
Caliber string The caliber that item uses Required if firearm
CategoryID int GunsAmerica category Id.
CategoryName string GunsAmerica category name.
Condition int Item Condition:
2 - NIB
3 - Never fired
4 - Used, As New
5 - Used, Minor Wear
6 - Used - See Item Description
CountOfDrops int Count of quantity reduced.
DeletedOn datetime When item was deleted.
Description String Item description.
Error string List of errors if any.
FixedPrice decimal Item price.
InspectionPeriod int Return policy.
1 - AS IS - No refund or exchange.
4 - Three Days from the date the item is received.
6 - Five Days from the date the item is received.
8 - Seven Days from the date the item is received.
10 - Fourteen Days from the date the item is received.
12 - 30 day money back guarantee.
14 - Factory Warranty.
ItemID int Inventory item id.
ListingId int Listing Id.
ListingStatus string Last listing status.
  • DROP - listing has been deleted.
  • MANUAL - You have a listing with the same seller stock number as manual listing on GunsAmerica.
ListingUrl string URL of listing on GunsAmerica.
ListingDuration int Number of days before listings ends.
Manufacturer string Name of manufacturer Required
MfgPartNumber string Manufacturer.
Model string Name of model Required if firearm
ModifiedOn datetime Modified date time.
PictureURLs string Comma delimited image URLs.
Quantity int Quantity
ReserverPrice decimal Reserve price if item is an auction.
SerialNumber string Seller stock number.
ShippingCost string Shipping cost.
ShippingText string Shipping text.
SKU string Item SKU.
StoreListingId int Store listing id.
StoreListingStatus string Last listing status.
  • DROP - listing has been deleted.
  • MANUAL - You have a listing with the same seller stock number as manual listing on GunsAmerica.
StoreListingUrl string Listing URL on your store.
Title string Item title.
UPC string Item UPC.
Weight decimal Item weight.
WeightUnit int
  • 1 - Pounds
  • 2 - Kilograms

GET Inventory Item
{{url}}/api/inventory/{your seller stock number}

Returns an item that matches your seller stock number.


The authorization header is the only required HTTP header for this call.

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type application/json The format and encoding of the request message.
Authorization OAuth 2.0 access token OAuth 2.0 protocol used for application authentication and user authorization.
INPUT - URI parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
id string Seller stock number.
Field Data Type Description
AddToGA boolean Is item posted to GA Listings
AddToLSF boolean Is item posted to Live Store Front.
BuyNowPrice decimal Buy it now price for auction listing.
Caliber string The caliber that item uses Required if firearm
CategoryID int GunsAmerica category Id.
CategoryName string GunsAmerica category name.
Condition int Item Condition:
2 - NIB
3 - Never fired
4 - Used, As New
5 - Used, Minor Wear
6 - Used - See Item Description
CountOfDrops int Count of quantity reduced.
DeletedOn datetime When item was deleted.
Description String Item description.
Error string List of errors if any.
FixedPrice decimal Item price.
InspectionPeriod int Return policy.
1 - AS IS - No refund or exchange.
4 - Three Days from the date the item is received.
6 - Five Days from the date the item is received.
8 - Seven Days from the date the item is received.
10 - Fourteen Days from the date the item is received.
12 - 30 day money back guarantee.
14 - Factory Warranty.
ItemID int Inventory item id.
ListingId int Listing Id.
ListingStatus string Last listing status.
  • DROP - listing has been deleted.
  • MANUAL - You have a listing with the same seller stock number as manual listing on GunsAmerica.
ListingUrl string URL of listing on GunsAmerica.
ListingDuration int Number of days before listings ends.
Manufacturer string Name of manufacturer Required
MfgPartNumber string Manufacturer.
Model string Name of model Required if firearm
ModifiedOn datetime Modified date time.
PictureURLs string Comma delimited image URLs.
Quantity int Quantity
ReserverPrice decimal Reserve price if item is an auction.
SerialNumber string Seller stock number.
ShippingCost string Shipping cost.
ShippingText string Shipping text.
SKU string Item SKU.
StoreListingId int Store listing id.
StoreListingStatus string Last listing status.
  • DROP - listing has been deleted.
  • MANUAL - You have a listing with the same seller stock number as manual listing on GunsAmerica.
StoreListingUrl string Listing URL on your store.
Title string Item title.
UPC string Item UPC.
Weight decimal Item weight.
WeightUnit int
  • 1 - Pounds
  • 2 - Kilograms

This call returns one of the following HTTP status codes:

Status Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

POST Inventory Item

This API enables you to create (post listing) or update inventory item.

Important notes/rules:

If the same seller stock number is listed manually the item will not be created.

If you edit a listing on GunsAmerica that is created by API or bulk upload, that listing cannot be updated anymore by API/Bulk upload.

If the item is listed on both GunsAmerica and Store both items will be updated.

If the item has already been posted to your inventory an UPDATE will be performed. In this case the fields that are not sent and not required will not be updated. For example if you only send required fields and Item Title, only the Title (plus required fields) will be updated. Other fields will be ignored.

When item is updated, if the quantity is 0, listing on GunsAmerica and listing on your store will be dropped and inactive.

Category ID must be a valid GunsAmerica category. If your listings contain UPCs, this field is optional as we will assign the proper category based on the UPC.

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type application/json The format and encoding of the request message.
Authorization OAuth 2.0 access token OAuth 2.0 protocol used for application authentication and user authorization.
Field Data Type Description
AddToGA boolean List item on GA Listings
AddToLSF boolean List item on Live Store Front
BuyNowPrice decimal Buy it now price for auction listing.
Caliber string The caliber that item uses Required if firearm
CategoryID int Valid GunsAmerica Category ID.
Required if UPC is not provided for item.
Condition int Item Condition:
  • 2 - NIB
  • 3 - Never fired
  • 4 - Used, As New
  • 5 - Used, Minor Wear
  • 6 - Used - See Item Description
Description String Item description. Non ASCII characters will be removed. If length is > 5000, the rest is truncated.
FixedPrice decimal Item price.
InspectionPeriod int Return policy.
1 - AS IS - No refund or exchange
4 - Three Days from the date the item is received
6 - Five Days from the date the item is received
8 - Seven Days from the date the item is received
10 - Fourteen Days from the date the item is received
12 - 30 day money back guarantee
14 - Factory Warranty
ListingDuration int Number of days before listings ends.
Manufacturer string Name of manufacturer Required
MfgPartNumber string Manufacturer.
Model string Name of model Required if firearm
PictureURLs string Comma delimited image URLs.
Quantity int Quantity
ReserverPrice decimal Reserve price if item is an auction.
SerialNumber string Seller stock number.
ShippingCost string Shipping cost.
ShippingText string Shipping text. Non ASCII characters will be removed. Maximum 500 characters.
SKU string Item SKU.
Title string Item title
UPC string Item UPC. Max length is 500 characters.
Warning string Warning messages. For example if you have item in store and GunsAmerica, and one of the items cannot be updated or created you will receive warning message.
Weight decimal Item weight.
WeightUnit int
  • 1 - Pounds
  • 2 - Kilograms

This call returns one of the following HTTP status codes:

Status Description
200 OK
201 Created
400 Bad Request
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error
This call will return created or updated inventory item. The item will have a separate status for GA listing and status for Store listing.

Status can be:
  • DROP

The returned item will also have a list of error messages if any.

POST ITEM Request example:

          var settings = {
      "async": true,
      "crossDomain": true,
      "url": "http://{{url}}/api/inventory/",
      "method": "POST",
      "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      "processData": false,
      "data": "{
                    "CategoryID": 894,
                    "Condition": 2,
                    "Description": "For sale is a Glock 19 gen 5 chambered in 9mm!",
                    "FixedPrice" : "600",
                    "MfgPartNumber" : "glock",
                    "SerialNumber" : "135686-mro997",
                    "UPC" : "723175704183",
                    "SKU" : "JRC10G3-TB/BL",
                    "ShippingCost": 19.99,
                    "ShippingText":"not expensive shipping... 
only $19.99", "Title":"Glock 19 gen 5 w/ 3 mags and add ons!", "Quantity":5, "ShippingCost":30, "AddToGA":"true", "AddToLSF":"true" }" } $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });

POST ITEM response example:

  "ItemID": 246266,
  "ListingId": 933227534,
  "ListingStatus": "CREATED",
  "ListingUrl": "",
  "StoreListingId": 733801442,
  "StoreListingStatus": "CREATED",
  "StoreListingUrl": "",
  "Message": null,
  "ModifiedOn": "2017-12-29T01:24:31.567",
  "DeletedOn": null,
  "Error": [],
  "Warning": [],
  "AddToGA": true,
  "AddToLSF": true,
  "BuyNowPrice": null,
  "CategoryID": 894,
  "CategoryName": null,
  "Condition": 2,
  "ConditionDescription": "NIB",
  "CountOfDrops": 0,
  "Description": "For sale is a Glock 19 gen 5 chambered in 9mm!",
  "FixedPrice": 600,
  "InspectionPeriod": 14,
  "MfgPartNumber": "glock",
  "ListingDuration": null,
  "PictureURLs": null,
  "Quantity": 5,
  "ReserverPrice": null,
  "SerialNumber": "135686-mro997",
  "ShippingCost": 19.99,
  "ShippingText": "not very expensive shipping... <br>only $19.99",
  "SKU": "JRC10G3-TB/BL",
  "Title": "Glock 19 gen 5 w/ 3 mags and add ons!",
  "UPC": "723175704183",
  "Weight": 0,
  "WeightUnit": 0

DELETE Inventory Item
{{url}}/api/inventory/{your seller stock number}

This will mark your uploaded item as deleted. Listings with same seller stock number that are not manually listed will become inactive.

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type application/json The format and encoding of the request message.
Authorization OAuth 2.0 access token OAuth 2.0 protocol used for application authentication and user authorization.
INPUT - URI parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
id string Seller stock number.

This call returns one of the following HTTP status codes:

Status Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

Items API Reference

Listings on GunsAmerica and dealer store.

GET Items

Returns your items listed on GunsAmerica.

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type application/json The format and encoding of the request message.
Authorization OAuth 2.0 access token OAuth 2.0 protocol used for application authentication and user authorization.
URI Parameters
Field Data Type Description
Caliber string The caliber that item uses
Categories string Comma-separated list of valid category ids.
Keywords string The keywords to use for search
Manufacturer string Name of manufacturer
Model string Name of model
MaxPrice decimal Maximum item price
MinPrice decimal Minimum item price
SearchType string Search by title or title and description. Default = 0 - Search by title.
  • 0 - Search by title
  • 1 - Search by Title and Description
SellingStatus int Search for items that are selling or items that are not selling. Default = 0 - Both.
  • 0 - Both
  • 1 - Selling
  • 2 - Not Selling
SerialNumber string Seller stock number.
SKU string Item SKU
UPC string UPC
Sort int The order in which the results are returned. Default 7 - starting date desc.
  • 2 - Item number Asc
  • 3 - Item number Desc
  • 4 - Item price Asc
  • 5 - Item price Desc
  • 6 - Starting date Asc
  • 7 - Starting date Desc
Page int Page number of the result set. Default = 1
Page Size int Page size of the result set

Field Data Type Description
ListingId int Listing URL
ListingUrl string URL of listing on GunsAmerica.
BuyNowPrice decimal Buy it now price for auction listing.
CategoryID int GunsAmerica category Id.
CategoryName string GunsAmerica category name.
Condition int Item Condition:
  • 2 - NIB
  • 3 - Never fired
  • 4 - Used, As New
  • 5 - Used, Minor Wear
  • 6 - Used - See Item Description
Description string Item Description
FixedPrice decimal Item price.
InspectionPeriod int Return policy.
1 - AS IS - No refund or exchange.
4 - Three Days from the date the item is received.
6 - Five Days from the date the item is received.
8 - Seven Days from the date the item is received.
10 - Fourteen Days from the date the item is received.
12 - 30 day money back guarantee.
14 - Factory Warranty.
IsManual bool Is item manually created or edited. If true, item cannot be updated by the API.
MfgPartNumber string Model.
ListingEndDate Date Date when listings ends.
ListingType string Listing Type:
  • IN - Store ad.
  • A - Auction.
  • AB - Approved bidder auction.
  • CL - Classified ad.
Quantity int Quantity
ReserverPrice decimal Reserve price if item is an auction.
SerialNumber string Seller stock number.
ShippingCost string Shipping cost.
ShippingText string Shipping text.
SKU string Listing SKU.
Title string Listing Title.
UPC string Listing UPC.
Weight decimal Item weight.
WeightUnit int
  • 1 - Pounds
  • 2 - Pounds
Manufacturer string Manufacturer.
Model string Model
Caliber string Caliber
Barrel length float Barrel length
Total Capacity string Capcity
Grip string Grip material
Frame string Frame finish

Orders API Reference

This API enables dealers to monitor their orders from creation to completition. Orders can be filtered by Buyer User ID, Buyer User Name, Item ID (listingId), Seller Stock Number, Modified Date, Order Status, Created Date, and can be sorted by sort fields provided below.

API objects:

Order Detail
Field Data Type Description
ItemID int Listing item ID.
ItemPrice decimal The price of the item.
Quantity int Quantity purchased.
SalesTaxRate decimal Tax rate for the item.
SalesTax decimal The sales tax on the item.
IsFFLRequired bool Is FFL Required for this item.
Title string Title of the item.
Weight decimal The weight of the item.
WeightUnit int The unit weight.
  • 1 - Pounds
  • 2 - Kilograms
ItemSubTotal decimal Total for item before taxes and discounts are applied
Thumbnail string A fully qualified url to an image file
Field Data Type Description
UserID int
AccountStatus int
FeedbackRating string
IsFFL bool Whether or not the User is an FFL Dealer.
IsRegisteredUser bool Whether or not the User is a valid registered user.
IsVerified bool Whether or not the User is a verified user.
Username string The User's Username.
MemberSince DateTime Date user registered on GunsAmerica.
Order Line Items
Field Data Type Description
Note string Seller note.
Amount decimal Line item Amount.
CreatedOn DateTime Create on.
ModifiedOn DateTime Modified On
Order Notes
Field Data Type Description
Note string Note note.
CreatedOn DateTime When the note is entered.

GET Orders

Returns your orders on GunsAmerica.

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type application/json The format and encoding of the request message.
Authorization OAuth 2.0 access token OAuth 2.0 protocol used for application authentication and user authorization.
URI Parameters
Field Data Type Description
BuyerUserID int User ID on the order.
BuyerUserName string User name on the order.
ItemID int Listing Id on the order detail.
OrdersModifiedSinceDate string (DateTime) Date order was modified on.
OrderStatus int Status of the sold order. Default = 0 - All
  • 0 - All
  • 1 - Pending Seller Review
  • 2 - Pending Buyer Confirmation
  • 3 - Pending Payment Received
  • 4 - Pending Shipment
  • 5 - Complete
  • 6 - Cancelled
  • 7 - Pending Buyer Review
SerialNumber string Seller Stock Number on the order detail.
Sort int The field to sort on. Default = 0 - OrderID
  • 0 - Order ID
  • 1 - Buyer Name
  • 2 - Item ID
  • 3 - Order Date
  • 4 - Total Price
  • 7 - Payment Received
  • 8 - Order Picked up
SortOrder int Sort direction. Default = 1 - Descending
  • 0 - Ascending
  • 1 - Descending
TimeFrame int When the order was created. Default = 3 - 7 days ago.
  • 1 - CreatedLast24
  • 2 - CreatedLast48
  • 3 - CreatedLastWeek
  • 4 - CreatedLast2Weeks
  • 5 - CreatedLast30Days
  • 6 - CreatedLast60Days
  • 7 - CreatedLast90Days
  • 8 - CreatedLast360Days
Field Data Type Description
OrderID int ID of the Order
ItemIDs array[integers] An array of itemIDs on the order
BillToName string Billing name
BillToAddress1 string Billing address 1
BillToAddress2 string Billing address 2
BillToCity string Billing city
BillToState string Billing state
BillToPostalCode string Billing postal code
BillToCountryCode string Billing country code
BillToEmail string Billing email - buyer email
BillToPhone string Billing phone
Buyer Buyer Summary Buyer object
CancelDate DateTime The date when the order was canceled.
LostCashDiscountPercent decimal Percentage Discount lost when using a credit card.
LostCashDiscount decimal Discount amount lost when using a credit card.
FFLNumber string The FFL number on the order. (if the order needed a FFL)
FFLReceivedDate DateTime The date when the FFL was received.
FFLStatus string
  • Unknown
  • Selected
  • Provide Later
  • Pickup From Seller
  • Pickup In Store
  • Arrange Local Transfer
  • Not Required
  • Not Entered
HasBuyerLeftFeedback bool Did buyer leave feedback.
HasSellerLeftFeedback bool Did seller leave feedback.
IsStoreOrder bool Is the order placed on Seller store on GunsAmerica.
Items Order Item List of order details.
LastModifiedDate DateTime The date when the order was last modified.
MiscCharge decimal Any miscellaneous up charge a seller may add.
MiscDescription string The description of any miscellaneous up charge a seller may add.
PaymentMethods key/pair ( integer/string )
  • 4 - Personal Check
  • 8 - Visa MasterCard
  • 64 - AMEX
  • 128 - Discover
  • 8192 - Certified Check
  • 32768 - Money Order
PaymentReceivedDate DateTime Date when the seller received payment.
OrderDate DateTime Date when order is created.
OrderTotal decimal Order Total
SalesTaxTotal decimal Total Tax amount.
Seller User Summary The Seller of the order.
SellerOrderID string Order number.
ShipCarrier key/pair ( integer/string ) Shipping carrier
  • 0 - Unknown
  • 1 - FedEx
  • 2 - UPS
  • 3 - USPS
ShipCost Decimal Shipping cost.
ShipDate DateTime Date the order shipped.
ShipFromName string Name of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromAddress1 string Address1 of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromAddress2 string Address2 of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromCity string City of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromState string State or provinces of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromPostalCode string Postal code of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromEmail string Email of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromPhone string Phone number of the seller warehouse.
ShipHandlingCost decimal Handling cost.
ShipInsuranceCost decimal Insurance cost.
ShipToName string Buyer name.
ShipToAddress1 string Shipping address 1
ShipToAddress2 string Shipping address 2
ShipToCity string Shipping city
ShipToState string Shipping state
ShipToPostalCode string Shipping zip.
ShipToEmail string Buyer email adrress.
ShipToPhone string Buyer phone.
ShipTrackingNumber string Tracking number.
Status key/pair ( integer/string )
  • 0 - All
  • 1 - Pending Seller Review
  • 2 - Pending Buyer Confirmation
  • 3 - Pending Payment Received
  • 4 - Pending Shipment
  • 5 - Complete
  • 6 - Cancelled
  • 7 - Pending Buyer Review
PaymentReceived bool Is payment received.
OrderNotes Order Note List of order notes.
OrderLineItems Order Line Item List of Line Items.
IsLocalOrder bool Is order local order.

GET Order

Returns order detail by order id.

Header Data Type Description
Content-Type application/json The format and encoding of the request message.
Authorization OAuth 2.0 access token OAuth 2.0 protocol used for application authentication and user authorization.
INPUT - URI parameters
Parameter Data Type Description
id int Order ID.
Field Data Type Description
OrderID int ID of the Order
ItemIDs array[integers] An array of itemIDs on the order
BillToName string Billing name
BillToAddress1 string Billing address 1
BillToAddress2 string Billing address 2
BillToCity string Billing city
BillToState string Billing state
BillToPostalCode string Billing postal code
BillToCountryCode string Billing country code
BillToEmail string Billing email - buyer email
BillToPhone string Billing phone
Buyer Buyer Summary Buyer object
CancelDate DateTime The date when the order was canceled.
LostCashDiscountPercent decimal Percentage Discount lost when using a credit card.
LostCashDiscount decimal Discount amount lost when using a credit card.
FFLNumber string The FFL number on the order. (if the order needed a FFL)
FFLReceivedDate DateTime The date when the FFL was received.
FFLStatus string
  • Unknown
  • Selected
  • Provide Later
  • Pickup From Seller
  • Pickup In Store
  • Arrange Local Transfer
  • Not Required
  • Not Entered
HasBuyerLeftFeedback bool Did buyer leave feedback.
HasSellerLeftFeedback bool Did seller leave feedback.
IsStoreOrder bool Is the order placed on Seller store on GunsAmerica.
Items Order Item List of order details.
LastModifiedDate DateTime The date when the order was last modified.
MiscCharge decimal Any miscellaneous up charge a seller may add.
MiscDescription string The description of any miscellaneous up charge a seller may add.
PaymentMethods key/pair ( integer/string )
  • 4 - Personal Check
  • 8 - Visa MasterCard
  • 64 - AMEX
  • 128 - Discover
  • 8192 - Certified Check
  • 32768 - Money Order
PaymentReceivedDate DateTime Date when the seller received payment.
OrderDate DateTime Date when order is created.
OrderTotal decimal Order Total
SalesTaxTotal decimal Total Tax amount.
Seller User Summary The Seller of the order.
SellerOrderID string Order number.
ShipCarrier key/pair ( integer/string ) Shipping carrier
  • 0 - Unknown
  • 1 - FedEx
  • 2 - UPS
  • 3 - USPS
ShipCost Decimal Shipping cost.
ShipDate DateTime Date the order shipped.
ShipFromName string Name of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromAddress1 string Address1 of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromAddress2 string Address2 of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromCity string City of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromState string State or provinces of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromPostalCode string Postal code of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromEmail string Email of the seller warehouse.
ShipFromPhone string Phone number of the seller warehouse.
ShipHandlingCost decimal Handling cost.
ShipInsuranceCost decimal Insurance cost.
ShipToName string Buyer name.
ShipToAddress1 string Shipping address 1
ShipToAddress2 string Shipping address 2
ShipToCity string Shipping city
ShipToState string Shipping state
ShipToPostalCode string Shipping zip.
ShipToEmail string Buyer email adrress.
ShipToPhone string Buyer phone.
ShipTrackingNumber string Tracking number.
Status key/pair ( integer/string )
  • 0 - All
  • 1 - Pending Seller Review
  • 2 - Pending Buyer Confirmation
  • 3 - Pending Payment Received
  • 4 - Pending Shipment
  • 5 - Complete
  • 6 - Cancelled
  • 7 - Pending Buyer Review
PaymentReceived bool Is payment received.
OrderNotes Order Note List of order notes.
OrderLineItems Order Line Item List of Line Items.
IsLocalOrder bool Is order local order.
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