It seems that senior citizens in Chicago are increasingly taking charge of their self-defense. Just weeks after an 80-year-old man successfully defended himself against two home invaders, a 73-year-old resident of the city’s Lincoln Park neighborhood was able to protect himself from armed thieves in the early hours of Tuesday morning, even when one of them brandished a gun.
Believe it or not, as of the time this article was written, this story has not captured the attention of Chicago’s two largest newspapers. Shout out to the website CWB Chicago which reported the story.
The 73-year-old man saw two thieves trying to steal his catalytic converter in the 2000 block of North Larrabee around 3:40 a.m. He confronted the thieves, and one of them brandished a firearm, prompting the victim to open fire, a police spokesperson said.
Both thieves escaped in a dark SUV, which struck a parked car as they fled the scene, according to police.
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Neighbors who called 911 said they heard yelling, followed by two or three gunshots. Police said the victim is licensed to own firearms.
Perhaps catalytic converter thefts have become so pervasive in Chicago that many media outlets no longer consider reporting on individual cases as newsworthy, even when they involve a gun owner defending themselves against armed thieves.
Another round of catalytic converter thefts was reported in the area just after 5 a.m. One incident was reported in the 2200 block of North Cleveland, just a couple of blocks from where the shots were fired earlier. Witnesses said the thieves on Cleveland fled in a white Dodge Durango.
This story is still developing, stay tuned for updates.
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More likely the story doesn’t fit the narrative that guns are bad and can’t be used for things like self defense by good people, so they can’t be bothered to report it.
This is exactly right. It becomes pretty clear what agenda is being pushed.
Thieves brandishing firearms constitute an imminent and otherwise unavoidable threat.
Deadly force is justified only when undertaken to prevent imminent and otherwise unavoidable danger of death or grave bodily harm to the innocent.
Per is still alive. Gentleman needs more range time.
The goal of self-defense is to STOP, not to KILL. MY MANIFESTO ON SELF-DEFENSE:
Expect to testify in court in your defense once you stipulate you caused a death. Deadly force is justified only when undertaken to prevent imminent and otherwise unavoidable danger of death or grave bodily harm to the innocent.
The courts will require you gave an accounting of your assessment of the ability, opportunity, and intention of an aggresssor indicating the goal of serious injury or lethal harm; just like law enforcement.
Be prepared to justify yourself to 12 reasonable persons. Get your facts together before speaking to officials in justifying homicide for self-defense.
Massad Ayoob “Judicious Use Of Deadly Force”
How many lives is a single catalytic converter worth? More than two, or so this story would suggest.
Brandish a firearm at a victim and find out how much your life is worth. The victim had the right to defend himself.
They put their own lives at risk and bear full liability.
Call me cynical but most likely the district attorney will arrest the man for defending himself. They’ll say the man is at fault for confronting the thieves and not calling the police and waiting. On the other hand if this happened in the south or west he’d get a medal and accolades.
Chicago? Try anywhere in Texas right now. We have open and constitutional carry, but the thieves don’t care. It’s only newsworthy if you actually kill one of them.
I got absolutely nothing for thieves. Shoot em all. If they move, shoot em again. The profits from ctalytic converters is small. It takes a lot of em to make any money. Thieves aren’t smart enough to figure how much they invest in such a small return on investment. It really makes no sense. They could have a legitimate job and make more. Shooting them will at least make them think about what they’re doing and might change a few minds.
It the thief survives to think bout what they are doing, someone needs more range time.
Get more “under stress” range time old man. Make a perp DRT next time.
Child, never tell someone who has survived loner than you how to live. I’d rather face a felon in front of a jury than a family claiming they were an angel. You have no idea of what stress is until you are involved in a use of force. As a Vietnam Vet and a 71 year old retired correctional officer, its not our first rodeo, child.