For Shotguns

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Steiner TOR-X – MantiXs and Steiner Team Up!


MantisX and Steiner have launched a new product that combines MantisX training technology with a Steiner laser.

Ultimate Review of SecureIt’s Fast Box Model 47 Vertical Bundle and Model 20 Handgun Safe [Video]

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Secure your firearms with the Fast Box™ Model 47 Vertical Bundle and Model 20 Handgun Safe. Trusted by Donald Trump’s security

3 - The Best Defensive Ammo - Rifle, Handgun and Shotgun

The Best Defensive Ammo – Rifle, Handgun and Shotgun


We use good defensive ammo because the task at hand is so important. Not only that, but we want a round that penetrates deep enough and does enough damage to effectively shut a threat down.

Steiner Mk7

The Steiner Mk7 – A Slick Scattergun Light


Mounting lights to shotguns can be tough, especially pump-action shotguns. You are trying to find a way to balance control with light capability and likely find it tough to do so. Recently I posted a review of my Mossberg 500 Retrograde and got a few questions about the light mounted to the end of the magazine tube. The light is a Steiner Mk7 battle light and, unfortunately, has been discontinued. The good news is that they are easy to find on second-hand websites and seem to be priced to move.

The Best Shotgun Upgrades Out There

The Best Shotgun Upgrades Out There


Estimated reading time: 8 minutes I love my scatterguns. There is something about a shotgun that strikes a chord with me. There is a certain challenge it takes to be skilled with one, and it requires you to be a constant student. The benefit of the shotgun is the massive amount of power it puts [...]

Burris SpeedBead

The Burris SpeedBead – A Disappointing Test


I don’t get why Remington doesn’t just tap their shotguns for an optic’s mount. Like all of their shotguns. Mossberg does it, so why can’t Remington? Luckily, solutions exist, and one that has always interested me was the Burris SpeadBead. It seems like a great solution for a complicated problem. Burris designed the Spea Bead to be an optic mounting solution that doesn’t require a tapped receiver.

Vortex Defender-CCW sitting on the Stealth Arms Platypus

New: Vortex Defender – CCW™ Red Dot Review


Vortex Optics just announced their all-new Defender-CCW™ red dot pistol sight. This optic is designed to be sturdy and portable for everyday use while boasting incredible functionability.

The Retay Gordion Max 7 is Ready for the Hunt in New Realtree Finish -- SHOT Show 2023

The Retay Gordion Max 7 is Ready for the Hunt in New Realtree Finish — SHOT Show 2023

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At SHOT Show 2023, Retay had the Gordion model featured in the new very popular Realtree Max 7 camo finish.

The RETAY Gordion Shotgun Puts More Pellets on Target - Full Review

The RETAY Gordion Shotgun Puts More Pellets on Target – Full Review


Most of you probably don’t recognize the brand name “Retay” as a shotgun manufacturer, and neither did I. However, after decades in the shooting sports I’ve learned not to discount newcomers to the industry; Glock was once the unfamiliar name of a foreign manufacturer

The Flash 5 From TactaLoad

The Flash 5 From TactaLoad


The Flash 5 provides shotgunners a simple but robust stock option that excels at being a stock and a spare ammo holder. It certainly beats the pants off the Speed Feed stocks and provides an ambidextrous, streamlined and well-balanced source of spare ammunition.