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The Most Hated AK on the Market: The Riley Defense RAK-47 - Full Review

Riley Defense AK47 Review: Why the RAK47 Hate?


The RAK47 comes with a lot of questionable quality baggage. Are Riley Defense AK47 problems still a worry? Read our Riley Defense AK47 review find out.

2 - Mk 47 Redux

Clay’s Love for the MK 47 Mutant (w/Mag Tests)


Now, to be honest, I did not expect the Mk 47 to even work. I have been sold this bill of goods before and had yet to see an AR/AK hybrid that did anything besides look hideous.

AK Buyers Guide

AK Buyers Guide


While new weapons platforms are constantly in development, the AK-47 pattern rifle has withstood the test of time and proven that old designs still have their place in the modern world.

Red Oktober: AK Culture Kalash

Red Oktober: AK Culture Kalash


Red Oktober is an amazing collection of unique individuals and organizations coming together to celebrate freedom and fun. I have been to three Red Oktober’s and I will be back in 2022 with better gear. If you shoot, collect uniforms, like tanks, or just enjoy hearing machineguns, make plans to come out to Vegas next Oktober.

Super Slick AK’s from Big Bear Armory - Epic Shoot 2021

Super Slick AK’s from Big Bear Armory – Epic Shoot 2021


We met Brown Bear Armory at the Big Daddy Unlimited Epic Shoot this past week. Brown Bear Armory is producing 100% American Made AK’s. Go basic with a Bravo47 or build out a full custom rifle.

Zastava M70 ZPAP: An AK for AR Guys

Zastava M70 ZPAP: An AK for AR Guys


AK’s are effective rifles. They’ve certainly proven that over the decades but the Zastava M70 ZPAP is a fantastic and relatively modular rifle at an attainable price point.

Modernizing the AK with the SLR Rifleworks ION MLOK Hand-Guard

Modernizing the AK with the SLR Rifleworks ION MLOK Hand-Guard


I own several AK’s and the new Zastava M70 ZPAP is my favorite but I wanted to modernize the hand-guard to accommodate an angled vertical grip and provide some more rail space.

Lee Armory's AK Build Class: COMBLOC Culture Club

What Makes the AK47 Special? Genius Russian Solutions to Unique Russian Problems


Kalashnikov’s legendary AK47 is unlike the battle rifles of the NATO. The AK47 was a unique marriage of an intermediate cartridge with a sophisticated mass production design. Perfectly integrated with the Soviet doctrine of mass attacks and mass fires, it became a symbol of revolution.

CMMG Mk47: Best of Both Worlds

CMMG Mk47: Best of Both Worlds


It has been a dream for a very long time to have all the best of the AK-47 and AR-15 attributes combined into a rifle. And how would that rifle look exactly?

'Project 74' - 100% US-Made AK74 in 5.45mm - Century Arms - SHOT Show 2020

‘Project 74’ – 100% US-Made AK74 in 5.45mm – Century Arms – SHOT Show 2020


Century International Arms is going back to building AK-pattern firearms in-house with an ambitious new project, “Project 74.”