Armed Texan Shoots 12-Year-Old Robbers

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Early last Christmas morning, an alleged armed robbery involving four teens ended with three of them shot after they reportedly tried to rob an armed man in Northwest Harris County.

According to deputies, the teens—ranging in age from 12 to 14 years old—approached an adult male, displayed pistols, and attempted to rob him. The man, who was also armed, drew his own firearm and shot the juveniles.

When Harris County deputies arrived on the scene, they found one teen with multiple gunshot wounds. Paramedics rushed him to a nearby trauma center, where he remains in critical condition.

Two other teens, also suffering gunshot wounds, were taken to the hospital in stable condition.

Shooter Returns and Cooperates

The man involved in the shooting returned to the scene shortly after the incident and turned himself in to authorities, reports KPRC. Deputies report that he is fully cooperating with the investigation.

Eyewitness Account

One neighbor described hearing the gunfire, saying it sounded like it was right outside their front door. “I grabbed my gun and walked outside to see what was happening,” the neighbor recounted to KPRC.

Ongoing Investigation

Deputies have also detained a fourth teen connected to the incident for questioning. While the investigation is ongoing, authorities are asking anyone with additional information to contact the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

SEE ALSO: ATF Raid on Mark Choppa: A Chilling Attack on 2A Rights

This case should be a cautionary tale to youths about the life-altering consequences of poor decisions and the dangers of “street life.”

It also serves as a reminder that armed Texans are often prepared to defend themselves when faced with a threat.

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About the author: Larry Z Welcome to “Inside GunsAmerica: Where Values Meet Excellence”, an exclusive deep dive into one of the leading online platforms dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Second Amendment.

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  • STEVEN CHRISTENSEN January 8, 2025, 1:39 am

    Wait. Turned himself in???? What?! Get out with that!!! He should’ve never have left the scene though!! Now he has trouble.

  • jim January 6, 2025, 12:53 pm

    Dumb kids playing the FAFO game …

  • ejharbet January 6, 2025, 7:33 am

    if you begin your life of crime young,you shouldn’t be allowed to get old

  • Dano January 5, 2025, 12:48 am

    A 12 year old is not a “teen.”

  • ralph January 4, 2025, 4:19 pm

    Cant afford to have and raise kid?? Din don’t have no damn kids!!! Common sense 101!

  • ralph January 4, 2025, 10:51 am

    Good!!! Whack TF out of em’!!!!✊😁

  • Russell Miller January 3, 2025, 9:50 am

    Shame he didn’t rid the gene pool of these little turds. Now they have a chance to grow up into adult thugs.

  • Dale E Francis January 3, 2025, 9:35 am

    Live and learn or die being stupid.

  • Allen Merrill January 3, 2025, 9:29 am

    What was the man suppose to do ? He was the victim and had no other choice after seeing they where armed .

  • LJ January 3, 2025, 9:00 am

    Sadly, this is the new America and what happens when you let the streets raise your children for you. Where were the parents? Where did these 12 to 14 year-old knuckleheads get the guns? No doubt these little hood-rats would have continued their reign of terror until they took someone’s life, or lost their own.
    If they had taking someone’s life, due to their age, they would have been right back out on the streets when they turned 18. They won’t charge a 12 or 14 year-old as an adult. I have no sympathy for them. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

  • Norman T January 3, 2025, 7:52 am

    If this happened in a state that restricts the law-abiding people from having a magazine holding more than 10 rounds the good guy might ended up dead.

  • Taurus G3C January 3, 2025, 7:45 am

    This is why I’m convinced poor/absent parenting is the #1 epidemic in our country today. I’m not saying the parents are directly to blame, but I’m willing to bet there are missing parents, especially fathers, in this picture. SO many issues would nearly die off in one or two generations with responsible, good-hearted parents (father and mother) in the same home, raising their children right. Unfortunately, people are idiots.

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