Bodycam: Cop Stabbed in Neck Serving Warrant

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A routine warrant service turned into a life-threatening situation late Saturday night when an officer was injured, and a suspect was fatally shot at an Arby’s restaurant in Shelby, Ohio.

At approximately 11:18 p.m., Sergeant Noah Kocher and Officer Dominic Ewing of the Shelby Police Department arrived at the Arby’s on Mansfield Avenue to serve a warrant on 31-year-old Tyler Jacobs.

The warrant was issued by Shelby Municipal Court.

As the officers informed Jacobs of the warrant, the situation quickly escalated. Jacobs attacked Sgt. Kocher, stabbing him in the neck with a knife.

Despite his injury, Sgt. Kocher managed to create physical distance from Jacobs, who then advanced toward him again with the knife still in hand.

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Acting swiftly, Sgt. Kocher drew his service weapon and fired, striking Jacobs.

Officer Ewing, who had been securing the back entrance of the restaurant, rushed inside upon hearing the commotion. He provided immediate aid to both Sgt. Kocher and Jacobs. Emergency responders from Shelby Fire transported both men to the hospital.

Sgt. Kocher is reported to be in stable condition. Jacobs succumbed to his injuries.

Following the incident, police searched Jacobs’ belongings and discovered over $8,000 in cash, multiple cell phones, SIM cards, a laptop, a face covering, gloves, and an additional knife, per News5Cleveland.

Jacobs had a history with law enforcement dating back to 2017. His record included a drunk driving crash in Mansfield in 2021.

This violent episode highlights the unpredictable dangers officers face in the line of duty. Sgt. Kocher’s quick response and Officer Ewing’s decisive actions prevented further harm. The incident remains under investigation.

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About the author: Larry Z Welcome to “Inside GunsAmerica: Where Values Meet Excellence”, an exclusive deep dive into one of the leading online platforms dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Second Amendment.

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  • Pantexan December 16, 2024, 12:27 pm

    What type of warrant ?
    What was the warrant for ?
    It seems like they should have had more than one cop covering the rear and one serving the warrant if the warrant was an arrest for a violent crime .

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment December 13, 2024, 3:43 pm

    he was white so the cop should be exonerated for this!

  • Steve December 13, 2024, 12:57 pm

    Tommy Barrios
    Obviously you’ve never been in a situation like that. Typical comment by the inexperienced

  • LJ December 13, 2024, 8:55 am

    If the guy was black, the BLM’s would be screaming police brutality and overkill.🙄 Thoughts and prayers for this officer.

  • Tommy Barrios December 13, 2024, 8:26 am

    We need to return to old school policing methods!
    This lackadaisical attitude that we see from police officers today it’s just disgusting and dead;y!
    Walking up to the perp like you’re meeting him as a friend when he should’ve had his hands up immediately!
    Also this mag dumping BS is gotta stop! f you can’t stop a perp with three rounds at that distance, then you need to stop carrying a gun give up your badge whatever, because you suck!

    • LJ December 13, 2024, 11:35 am

      What an asinine comment. Let me guess, you’re a BLM amd you live in NYC, Kalifornastan, Chicago, or other socialist/communist ran city that doesn’t believe in law and order.

      I agree approaching a potentially dangerous suspect with caution is of the utmost importance, but you really WOULD have your knickers-in-a-knot had he drew down on the kid as he approached and THEN shot him for failure to comply with orders to halt. The kids hands were clearly empty and then he drew a knife from somewhere on his right side and stabbed the cop in the throat. Yes, the cop was doing his job and giving the little animal the benefit of the doubt.

      The purpose in using lethal force is to fire until the assailant is incapacitated, or dead, or both. Not fire three rounds and standby and wait and see if it worked. People hyped-up on drugs, adrenaline, or both have been shot multiple times and weren’t even aware of it and STILL went on to take someone else’s life. The same thing can happen with a charging dangerous animal. A lot of times, only taking out the central nervous system or stopping the heart can stop the attack. Watch the video again. The officer fired until the threat stopped. Besides, the cop just had his eff’ng throat cut, what the hell did you expect him to do?

      • Tommy Barrios December 13, 2024, 5:59 pm

        Listin UP LJ which obviously stands for Limpdick Jerk
        I am an expert with a firearm, handgun or rifle, at any range, so don’t tell me about how it should be done!
        If they have any decent training on how to use a firearm, a triple tap will take anybody out and that’s all you need, so you can STFU with your mag dumping BS!
        The guy was going to the ground with the first two shots and he kept on popping into him, that’s stupid and a waste of ammunition, and causes all kinds of background problems which come from lack of proper fireams training!
        He should’ve had the perp approach him with his hands up at all times or made him turn around and face the wall with his hands behind his head not walk towards him like they were going to shake hands, THAT is how and WHY he got stabbed, so you don’t know a damn thing about what you’re talking about!
        Please explain to me what Law & Order has got to do with mag dumping, if that’s what you call Law & Order you’re one sick SOB!
        I don’t need any instruction on the use of deadly force from a complete arrogant MO RON so keep your opinions about it to yourself until you’ve been in a gun fight like me, so STFU!
        And for your dumb åss information I ain’t no fking BLM Ghetto Trash or from Californication, I live in the gun carrying FREE State of Texas and your assertions further shows your asinine narcissistic ignorance!
        That video is nothing more than a complete thorough documentation of piss-poor law-enforcement training, nothing less nothing more, and your opinions are nothing more than asinine assertions!

        • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment December 16, 2024, 5:14 am

          your an expert with a firearm…………i suck but i’ll bet i’m better than you will ever be………..effing know it all experts….

        • LJ December 16, 2024, 8:04 am

          If you want to make a liberals’ head explode, disagree with them.🤯🙄 But there again, the late-great Ronald Reagan summed it up when he said; ” …liberalism is a form of mental illness…”.

          Seek help, obviously you need it. In the meantime, stay away from sharp instruments.

    • Jason Wissbrod December 13, 2024, 12:03 pm

      How about I stab YOU in the neck and let’s see how you react. Idiot.

  • Dr Motown December 13, 2024, 5:57 am

    Clean shoot…society safe from Tyler’s criminal BS. Thank you Officer Kocher and Godspeed with your recovery

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