Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Akron, Ohio — In the early hours of Saturday, August 17, 2024, what started as a routine investigation into a stolen U-Haul at a gas station on East Avenue took a turn for the worse.
Akron police officers arrived at the Arco gas station just after 1 a.m., spotting the U-Haul in question. They pulled up behind the truck, and one officer approached the driver’s side door, ready to investigate further.
But things quickly spiraled. Just as the officer was knocking on the door, it appeared as though the U-Haul was going to take off. The officer managed to open the door, asking the driver, 54-year-old Michael Jones, to step out.
— Shane B. Murphy (@shanermurph) August 24, 2024
*potentially disturbing*
“The Akron Police Department on Saturday released surveillance and body camera footage depicting the Aug. 17 shooting in which an officer fatally shot a man suspected of stealing a vehicle in the parking lot of an East Avenue gas station.”
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At first, Jones seemed to comply—he took off his seatbelt and began to get out. But then, he hesitated and asked why he was being arrested.
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That’s when the situation got chaotic. Jones suddenly hit the gas, and the officers struggled to regain control. In the midst of the struggle, one officer fired two shots, hitting Jones.
The officers then pulled Jones from the vehicle, handcuffed him, and tried to administer first aid, but it was too late—Jones was pronounced dead at the scene. Afterward, the officers found a loaded handgun in the vehicle.
Fast forward to August 24, and Akron Mayor Malik addressed the community after the police department released body camera footage of the incident.
“Today, the Akron Police Department released body camera footage and surveillance camera footage of the officer-involved shooting last Saturday that resulted in the death of 54-year-old Michael Jones. My heart goes out to his family in this loss,” Mayor Shammas Malik said in a recent press release obtained by GunsAmerica.
He acknowledged that watching the footage wasn’t easy but emphasized the need for the community to see what happened.
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The mayor also stressed that the investigation is just beginning. The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) will be conducting a full, independent investigation.
On top of that, the Akron Police Department’s Office of Professional Standards and Accountability (OPSA) will do its own internal review, with Akron’s Independent Police Auditor keeping a close eye on the process.
Mayor Malik reassured the community that he’s committed to keeping the conversation about public safety open and honest.
“My thoughts remain with the loved ones of Mr. Jones, and with the officers involved,” he said.
After watching the footage, what are your thoughts? Was the use of force justified?
[H/T: Police Activity]
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What if the police let this man drive off in a stolen vehicle and he ran someone in YOUR family over getting away? Would you then criticize the officer for letting him get away to injure someone? How about if it was your vehicle he had stolen? Would it be OK for the police to let him have your vehicle? What if they set up a roadblock 5 miles away and again stopped him and he refused to get out? Should the police open the roadblock and let him drive off until he decided he was ready to stop and get out? How about if we let all criminals do and take what they want? That’s a break down in the social norms conduct. “Social norms are shared standards of acceptable behavior by groups. Social norms can both be informal understandings that govern the behavior of members of a society, as well as be codified into rules and laws.” With no social norms we can have a breakdown of society and all you personally own or cherish is then available for the strongest to take from you whenever they want. HOW ABOUT IF HE SAID “OFFICER-I AM GETTING OUT NOW-LETS GET THIS RESOLVED.” WASN’T THAT AN OPTION OPEN TO HIM?
What is it with you BLM types? Why do you insist on fighting with law enforcement knowing you’re not going to win? You know you have the soft-on-crime DA’s and judges on your side that squirt you through our revolving door court system like shit through a goose. You know whatever evil you commit, or whatever society rules you routinely violate, will only garner you a slap on the wrist. Do you really care so little about you’re own life? I mean it’s obvious you don’t give a damn about anyone else’s. It’s very simple, follow police instructions, don’t argue, don’t resist. Live to have your day in court. You’re going to win anyway.
Patrick, your comment is as dumb as he was
I don’t understand why the shot this man. If he was attempting to run, the officer could have stepped back and let the man drive off. Mr. Jones didn’t reach for a weapon. Mr. Jones didn’t threaten the officer’s life. Mr. Jones may have stepped on the gas during the officer’s attempt to drag him out of the truck. Mr. Jones may or may not have stolen the truck. It does’t mean the man had to lose his life. Mr. Jones posed no danger to the officers. I know people will respond and say that he was a criminal and deserved it because he didn’t comply. That is wrong. You shouldn’t get shot because you didn’t comply and were suspected of stealing a U-Haul truck. The officer could have used a taser or just let the man drive off. The police could have set up a road block and stopped Mr. Jones later. Resorting to pulling your side arm and shooting a man while he is sitting in a truck is not ethical behavior.
Spoken like a true democrat …🙄
If Mr. Jones had chosen to comply with the officer’s commands, he would not have lost his life.
The officers reacted out of concern for their own safety as well as the public to which they had taken an oath to protect.
Sorry depending on the States Statues and Department SOP/ Standard Operation Procedures on a Felony Stop Person in Stolen Vehicle. That refuses to Comply with Officer performing their Legal Duty. This person also had a Fire Arm as not all Facts at this written Statement by Writers and Photos. Is not the final out come of Legal Investigations by all Agency also may take up to 6-Months on Official Reports Inquires from Local Grand Jury if need to be performed by Local District Attorney also. Then States Attorneys’ if in any Civil Rights Violations also by Federal Investigation Dept. as well. If a Just fide Action by local Law Enforcement of Department Policy and State Ethics on Legal Shooting. Then if Family of Mr. Jones still may find a ACLU or other group if this maybe bad shoot as Mr. Jones was not the Stolen Vehicle Driver with Knowledge that U-Haul Truck was Stolen. Then Gun in Vehicle may be his or also proven to be Stolen as well. These issues need to be Released to the Public over reasonable Time for all Investigation completed. Sorry all real total Criminal, Civil, Departments, State Federal Investigation all need to be completed to prevent any Misstatements or Prejudgment views unfounded at this time or voiced by Public or News Media not Present at time of this total incident. Balance of Justice must be performed in both Agency Officer’s Involved is Fair and Impartial.
When I was young I got arrested, and yes I’m a white boy,the judge told me when Signed for my driver’s license at seventeen I also agreed that I would comply with law enforcement. Did that change over the years?
I have the following comment saved so that I can pull it up, and paste to any of the many stories like this.
When confronted by a Police Officer, or other sworn enforcement agency person, comply with any and all legal demands from the officer, such as: “Keep your hands where I can see them…Step out of the vehicle…Let me see your driver’s license, insurance card, and registration…Make no sudden moves…Step over to the curb…Turn around and put your hands behind your back”, and many others.
All of the above are legal commands, and will save lives and injuries if simply complied with. It is not rocket science, yet so many people just don’t want to follow these legal commands.
You forgot to drop down and lick the boot!!!
Mr Jones is dead because of HIS poor decision to resist arrest. This is VERY clear and simple.
Why do criminals believe they can resist arrest without any repercussions? Life is harder when you’re stupid.
Mayor!! My heart goes out to the police officers (and their families) that in a split second had to decide whether or not to use deadly force when dealing with an armed criminal caught in the act of committing a crime. This criminal made a very poor decision to steal that vehicle and unfortunately for his family, suffered the consequences of that decision.
watched this on the local news and it took a lot of creative editing to give just a hint of police abuse
He got what he deserved. Obey and live.