Homeowner Shoots 14-Year-Old Attempting to Break Into Car

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Kimber Pearce, This Week
Police investigate scene after teen is shot by homeowner
Image from ABC13 News Report

A teenager in Southeast Houston got shot by a homeowner last week while allegedly trying to break into a car on Saturday. 

The 14-year-old boy got caught in the act by the homeowner, who then shot the suspect in the stomach. 

After being shot by the homeowner, the boy ran for help and knocked on a neighbor’s door, who rushed him to a hospital. Fortunately, he’s expected to recover from his injuries, despite needing surgery.

Reports say that previous to this incident, another homeowner was seen chasing the teenager away from a different car. 

Apparently, this isn’t the first time there’s been a string of break-ins and thefts in the area. A witness told ABC13 she had seen strangers strolling down the street and looking into people’s houses earlier that day. 


When she came home she found a crime scene and said her husband had heard gunshots, stating that this was normal for their neighborhood.

SEE MORE: Texas Homeowner Shoots Crazed Intruder Searching for Woman

This witness even said that she has had neighbors move out of the area because of the increase in crime. She wishes more was done to prevent the break-ins and shootings.

When interviewed, investigators indicated that they viewed this as a self-defense case.

However, as of right now, there is no word on any charges against the homeowner. She was handcuffed and taken in by officials. 

While it isn’t legal to shoot every time someone sniffs around your car, let’s hope that the citizens in their neighborhood stay prepared. 

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About the author: Kimber Pearce is a student, an avid shooter, and a pro-2A advocate.

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  • gunfreak August 23, 2023, 2:51 pm

    I bet we all know what race the 14y.o. POS is…

  • Phil April 21, 2023, 10:22 am

    Did the 14 y.o. wear a brightly lit readable at 20 feet sign stating he was 14? How would anyone know he was 14 during the commission of the crime?

  • Dave158 April 21, 2023, 6:03 am

    You wrote: “Fortunately, he’s expected to recover from his injuries, despite needing surgery.”
    99% of your readers STRONGLY disagree with that heinous(according to THEM!) statement. In the hood, being shot and then surviving is looked at like a Medal Of Honor among thugs. LIVING is not a deterrent. Sadly.
    Just stating cold hard facts. No opinions. I promise.
    I reserve the right NOT to say if I am in the 99% or the 1%.

  • Jim Farmer April 17, 2023, 10:59 am

    If you look up the “Castle Law” and read it word for word and not the short version . . .
    You are entitled to use deadly force if you believe a person is going to commit arson to your property
    “I swear that kid had a lighter in his hand” . . .

  • Sam I Am April 15, 2023, 5:11 pm

    It amazes me when certain people seem to think that because a story is based on a property crime, deadly force isn’t justified. I don’t think people with that mindset should even own a slingshot. A main point of having a gun is self- protection, which includes ones property. If someone is attempting to take or damage your property, you most certainly have a right to try to prevent your property from being taken/damaged. You also most certainly have the right to arm yourself (in advance) to be sure that you can defend yourself, if attacked. Just because this loser is 14 doesn’t mean that he didn’t do anything against the property owner or make it seem that he was going to do something to the property owner. Either way, it’s a “great shoot” in my book and hopefully, this little 14 year old degenerate learned his lesson. He’s lucky to be alive!

  • James C Nye April 14, 2023, 5:22 pm

    Since when is Theft from auto is punishable by itself with a
    firearm ?

    • billy gibson April 14, 2023, 7:00 pm

      when it’s yours!

    • LJ April 15, 2023, 12:22 pm

      When you are fed up and tired of being a victim.

    • D.J. April 15, 2023, 3:28 pm

      In most states , when one is the legal owner / operator , or
      in some situations , a legal passenger within said vehicle ,
      Operating in a legal manner , at a legal location , and the
      attempt is made to inflict bodily harm to said operator / passenger ,
      during the commission of a Felony , one is justified in the use of
      deadly force to defend said vehicle , operator or passenger .
      Answer your question , Leftist Commie ?

      • Dave158 April 21, 2023, 6:12 am

        Florida Law takes what you said and codifies it. Our vehicles we own or are a passenger in, is the SAME as our domicile. Therefore the Castle Doctrine AND the Stand Your Ground Law BOTH apply.
        A while back an off-duty FBI agent got shot and died when he exited his vehicle and began pounding on the shooters vehicle over a silly road rage incident. The guy shot the off duty Fed right in the face and was not even arrested. FLORIDA!!!! (NEVER get out of your car to threaten another person in their car. BAD things can and will happen to you. STAY in your vehicle. Yell, gesture, etc. Do NOT brandish your gun, or make threats.

  • kent April 14, 2023, 3:33 pm

    I feel sorry for her. She is going to find out what inappropriate use of deadly force can cost, both in attorney fees and judgements. Better to have handed the little POS the keys so he didn’t break into it and let him rummage around and then ask him to watch his step as he left the property.

    • Eric April 15, 2023, 8:32 pm

      No matter what happens to the shooter, at 14, perhaps the little b@$tard will take this as a sign to turn his life in a different direction.

  • LJ April 14, 2023, 11:14 am

    People are sick and tired of being a victim of our revolving door justice system and having some little degenerate a-hole take what they have worked their whole life for. Only time will tell if THIS little degenerate POS learned a lesson from this, because it sounds like they got the right resident troublemaker, and I’m sure this isn’t his first run in with the law.

    Maybe getting shot will help him change his career path. Doubtful though. He’s lucky he wasn’t permanently taken out of the gene pool. But there again, at 14, he probably already is a “baby daddy”.

  • Frank Staples April 14, 2023, 10:59 am

    “Fortunately” he’s going to recover? So he can get off by a liberal judge to continue his life of crime?

  • Brad F April 14, 2023, 10:24 am

    Even if the homeowner is not charged, s/he could be in for a nightmare of civil litigation for shooting an *apparently* unarmed CHILD — under the law — who did not pose any immediate threat to life and limb. Ironically, he may lose his house AND his car if a jury finds his actions to be unjustified. And for what? To protect the change in his cup holder? Wasn’t the car itself insured? Not trying to start an argument; the shooter made a choice. I might have made a different one.

    • Andrew April 14, 2023, 11:22 pm

      How do you know that this kid did not threaten her with bodily harm? Do you know for a fact that he was unarmed?
      As others have said, enough of having to be forced into being a victim by corrupt judiciary & politicians. This is what happens when people have been pushed too far.

    • Elapid King April 17, 2023, 8:24 am

      If Texas’ “Stand Your Ground” statute is anything like my state’s, and I would seriously doubt that it would be any different, then once the shooting is ruled as justified any civil litigation would be precluded under state law.
      So she wouldn’t be even have to fight a litigant for this matter, every judge would be required to dismiss the case with prejudice per state law.

  • Sean April 14, 2023, 9:09 am

    The law is clear. Yoy cannot use deadly force to protect properly alone. There will be charges if there is not more to this story.

    • Andrew April 14, 2023, 11:23 pm

      You can in Texas.

  • Hondo April 14, 2023, 8:17 am

    The moral of this story is, don’t be a thieving POS, classic case of F around and find out.

  • dragon April 14, 2023, 7:13 am

    Actually, in Texas you can shoot someone trying to break in your car if it’s night or twilight.

  • Kane April 12, 2023, 9:22 am

    A Black man named Roderick Scott shot and killed a White teenager for breaking or attempting to break into his car.

    Scott was NOT charged in the incident and the news was largely ignored outside of Greece, NY.

    • kent April 14, 2023, 3:42 pm

      Ah, but then there is the inevitable civil lawsuit to deal with, isn’t there…. So many only think of the criminal charges as the end of it, and forget about the ambulance-chasing lawyers. That will be an EASY 30%.

      • Doc Loch April 14, 2023, 10:57 pm

        Maybe more lawyers need to be shot? I’m not suggesting this, but noting that some humans are getting tired of being ruled by an un-elected class of criminals pretending to be justice. I can see the signs, I would never be a lawyer or a LEO in this world.

      • Elapid King April 17, 2023, 8:27 am

        The problem with your assessment is that most states with a “Stand Your Ground” statute, the law precludes any litigation for any justified shootings. Once a shooting is ruled justified, no one can sue you for it, unless, of course, there is collateral damage.

    • billy gibson April 14, 2023, 7:03 pm


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