Tested True: SEVR Ti 1.5” 4-Blade Hybrid

SEVR ti 1.5 arrow tips for bowhunting

SEVR wins again in 2024 with the mid-year launch of an innovative new broadhead based on the original, award-winning Ti 1.5. Make room for the new SEVR king in town—the Ti 1.5″ Hybrid 4-Blade

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Since 2018, I’ve put my stick-and-string success in the hands of SEVR’s Titanium 1.5 broadhead. 


I realize many broadhead choices on the market—fixed, mechanical, and hybrid—from several top-tier makers. As part of my job, I get to test and tinker with nearly all of the new lung punchers that hit the market each year. I’ve been doing that since 2014. Over the years, I’ve never fired a broadhead that provides more accuracy, durability, and undeniable killing power than SEVR’s 1.5 Ti.


Hunter in tall grass with deer and bow
Since 2018, the author has been a SEVR Ti 1.5 fan. The broadhead proved accurate and durable, and it carves exceptional wound channels. 

Personal Reasonings

One of the most compelling reasons to choose SEVR’s Titanium 1.5 broadhead is the results of my head-to-head test. I have tested the broadhead against my 100-grain field points at 130 yards. The results speak for themselves. Not only do my 1.5s group with my field points at this distance, but my Ti 1.5 groups often surpass those of my field points, demonstrating its exceptional performance. 

Another big reason I was drawn to the head from the get-go is SEVR’s Pratice Lock. I always preach to bowhunters that they must practice with the broadheads they plan to hunt with. I don’t care if the packaging promises field point accuracy; nothing will do more for your confidence as an archer than watching the broadhead you plan to hunt with fall into the 10-ring of a foam target at a distance.

When you shoot SEVR’s 1.5 Ti you get Practice Lock. A second threaded hole in the ferrule allows the addition of an included set screw. When added, the screw prevents the ultra-sharp .032-inch thick blades from deploying. This means you can practice with the same broadhead you’ll hunt with. All you need to do before heading afield is remove the screw.

Desired Features

Other features like the patented Lock-and-Pivot non-barbed blades pivot as needed as the broadhead carves its wound channel. This pivoting action cuts a straight path around the bone and allows the arrow to track directly behind the cut for reduced friction and more big-game pass-throughs.

Deer with puncture wound from SEVR arrow tip

There’s A New Ti 1.5 In Town

I get excited about new products, but I am often skeptical at the same time. There was no skepticism when I opened the SEVR-branded box containing a trio of the manufacturer’s new-for-2024 Ti 1.5″ 4-Blade Hybrid.

At first glance, the broadhead looked like it mirrored the original, and it does, which was a relief. Then, I notice a single .7-inch wide fixed bleeder blade set in front of the main blades directly below the needle-point titanium tip.

SEVR Ti 1.5 arrow blade in bowhunting target
For 2024, SEVR added a .7-inch wide single, fixed bleeder blade to the Ti 1.5.

I’m not a fan of taking a fantastic product and adding features so it can be reintroduced as new. That is unless the features enhance the product. And that’s the case with the new bleeder blades. Adding the single fixed bleeder blade guarantees a cut, even if the mechanical blades fail, and the blades take the broadhead’s cutting diameter from 1.5 inches to a whopping 2.2 inches. That’s an increase in cutting diameter of 46 percent over the standard 1.5 Ti.

SEVR arrow blade protruding through target

Best of all, though, is that award-winning SEVR features like Practice Lock, Stretch Cut, and Lock-and-Pivot remain. 

In The Field With The Ti 1.5

I can rant about how a new feature or technology appeals to me, but that means nothing. If the product’s effectiveness is compromised because of new features, it will quickly be rendered obsolete by the masses. 

While I have many original SEVR Ti 1.5 “favorite” features, the broadhead’s undeniable accuracy was the top-of-the-heap. When shooting this head, I knew that I could expect close and long-range shooting precision if my bow was tuned. That’s why, over the years, this broadhead was responsible for harvesting many trophy critters like whitetail, elk, pronghorn, bighorn sheep, etc.

At the beginning of testing, I told myself that if the Ti 1.5″ 4-Blade Hybrid wasn’t as accurate as the original, I wouldn’t fill my quiver with it. 

Trial by fire, my first shot with SEVR’s shiny new penny was from 60 yards. My bow of choice was Hoyt’s Alpha X 33—a tack-driving machine—and I threaded the head into the 55-grain Aluminum/Aluminum outsert on my Easton X10 Parallel Pro arrow. 

Target with SEVR Ti 1.5 4-Blade Hybrid arrow tips
Ultra-accurate, the SEVR Ti 1.5” 4-Blade Hybrid hit perfectly with a 100-grain field point and standard SEVR Ti 1.5 at distances close and far. This group was the result of three 60-yard arrows.

What I Saw

When the string dropped, the sight of orange Flex-Fletch Pro 2.5 vanes instantly replaced my sight picture. The Ti 1.5″ 4-Blade Hybrid hit the center of the 2-inch diameter black bullseye spray painted on my BLOCK Range Target. 

I tested SEVR’s new 1.5 build for two weeks at close and far ranges. I shot it at dots on foam and rings on 3-D targets. Some may read this and give an eye-roll, but I promise you, this new broadhead is even more accurate than the original.

Man with large hunting bow in field

I don’t write articles for clicks, and I don’t pen them to appease manufacturers. I’m a hardcore bowhunter, and I won’t those who read the ink I produce to know it’s accurate and trust the products I recommend. Friends, you won’t find a more precise broadhead than the all-new SEVR Ti 1.5″ 4-Blade Hybrid.  

I shot the broadhead set in practice mode and with the Practice Lock set screw removed. Performance was always the same—if I did my job and executed a good shot—the broadhead hit home. 

Practice lock feature on SEVR Ti 1.5 4-Blade Hybrid
Practice Lock is a feature that allows you to add an included set screw into a second hole in the ferrule to lock the blades in place. This way, you can practice with the same broadheads you plan to hunt with.

As mentioned, you still get all the incredible features that made the original such a lethal killer. When you can have your cake and eat it too, I suggest you do it. With this new broadhead, you still get the short, sleek, and compact features of the Ti 1.5 with an added cutting diameter of .7 inches. That .7-inch addition in cutting diameter means overall cutting is more than the SEVR’s original Ti 2.0. 

Final Thoughts

Every year, as bowhunters around the country start prepping for fall seasons, broadheads are a point of discussion. Quiver fillers must be accurate, durable, and, most importantly, give the bowhunter supreme confidence. Confidence is deadly. I’m on the brink of an early-season Nevada mule deer tag that took me nine years to draw. I definitely know which broadhead I’ll be sending at Silver State velvet in early August.

READ MORE: Hoyt’s 2024 Aluminum Flagship Win: The Alpha X 33

Man kneeling in field with bow and Ti 1.5 arrow tips

Whether you’re in the market for a new broadhead or simply want to test and tinker to see if you can find a head that outperforms your current arrow-tippers, give SEVR’s Ti 1.5″ Hybrid 4-Blades a go. You’ll be glad that you did. 

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