Is This Guy Really Going to Be the Next ATF Director?

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In a recent Washington Gun Law episode, William Kirk tackled swirling rumors about Blake Masters being considered for the role of ATF Director under a potential Trump administration.

While the name might not ring bells for everyone, Kirk didn’t hold back in breaking down who Masters is and whether he’s the right pick for the job.

Who is Blake Masters?

He’s a successful businessman with an impressive professional background. However, his political career has been far less stellar.

He ran for U.S. Senate in Arizona against Mark Kelly, lost decisively, and followed that up with an unsuccessful congressional run in Arizona’s 8th District. Despite significant funding and high expectations, both campaigns floundered, and Masters walked away without a win.

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After those losses, Masters reportedly vied for leadership of the Presidential Personnel Office but was turned down. Now, rumors suggest he’s aiming for the top seat at the ATF.

Is Masters pro-Second Amendment? Kirk highlighted a Facebook post from Masters where he’s seen holding a semi-automatic pistol with a stabilizing brace (see below):

While Masters presents himself as pro-Second Amendment, concerns linger. Critics question whether his ambition for power outweighs his dedication to defending constitutional rights.

One anonymous Arizona gun owner, quoted in the Arizona Daily Independent, put it bluntly:
“It’s clear Masters wants power, and that’s why President Trump can’t give it to him—especially not over our firearms.”

Some suggest more experienced and trusted figures, like Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, would be a better fit for the role.

Kirk made one point crystal clear: the ATF doesn’t just need a Trump loyalist—it needs someone fiercely loyal to the Second Amendment and the constitutional rights of all Americans.

While Masters has the business acumen and the connections, his shaky political track record raises legitimate concerns about his ability to lead such a critical agency effectively.

For now, it’s all speculation. But if these rumors materialize, gun owners across the country will be watching closely.

As always, Kirk reminded viewers to stay informed, stay involved, and stay vigilant in defending their rights. You can follow Washington Gun Law HERE.

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About the author: Larry Z Welcome to “Inside GunsAmerica: Where Values Meet Excellence”, an exclusive deep dive into one of the leading online platforms dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Second Amendment.

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  • Ojibwa62 x January 19, 2025, 11:52 am

    William Kirk would make a fantastic ATF director.

  • R HAYS January 17, 2025, 8:21 am

    Brandon Herrera for head of the ATF!!!!

  • Moe Stelz January 14, 2025, 7:49 pm

    Hey Jack,
    All gun control laws, or I should say most if not all, are unconstitutional at best. So you are right, we should do away with them, then the ATF.
    Blake Masters is a better nominee than any democrat if we have to spare the ATF. Really appreciate the comment that Lincoln lost a few attempts before he won any office. That comment puts the article in perspective.

  • slope ball January 7, 2025, 5:27 am

    The potential appointment of Blake Masters as ATF Director raises significant concerns among gun owners about his commitment to Second Amendment rights despite his business background.

  • darren January 6, 2025, 8:26 am

    The best person to turn out the lights would be Brandon Herrera, who also lost a political race.

  • Doug Stead January 6, 2025, 7:41 am

    What is his NRA-PVF rating? Running for political office his record should be known, or as a first timer in the political arena he would have been sent an NRA questionnaire. Either way he would have been given a rating, even if he didn’t answer the questionnaire. The ratings are no longer available on the NRA-PVF website, only during and leading up to an election. Maybe someone here remembers.

    As for the ATF I agree with the comments of others that it should be dismantled and abolished. A lot of its duties can be transferred to other agencies that also provide the same or similar services. It is a duplication of government effort and should be reviewed by the new DOGE.

  • Dano January 5, 2025, 12:52 am

    One thing we can expect from Trump is he will line his cabinet with incompetent, but loyal idiots.

    • Patrick January 6, 2025, 3:17 pm

      Trump is lining his cabinet, administration, and appointments with loyal supports, who happen to be extremely competent.

      Trump learned from his first term, just how nasty the SWAMP can be. Trump doesn’t hire idiots.

      • Jack January 7, 2025, 10:51 am

        RFK Jr. can be seen on video stating that the Covid 19 virus was engineered NOT to affect Chinese or Jewish people, in spite of the fact that the Chinese government placed the city of Wuhan and much of the surrounding province under martial law in order to contain it. I don’t know how that can possibly strike anyone as a “competent” statement.

        • Kane January 7, 2025, 10:12 pm

          This is how.

          China is harvesting global medical data on all humanity. China has long be studying the ethnic aspects germ warfare (probably paid for by people like Dr. Fauci). People from China and the ME are most commonly of the blood type O. The blood type most resistant to Covid is blood type O, although Ashekenazi and Sephardic Jews tend to be most commonly type B. However, there are many levels of genetic suceptibility and resistance to Covid 19. Covid 19 appears to have been engineered in a lab and not in the bat cave like we were originally told by the dubious “SCIENCE.”

          I did NOT catch complete video where RFK Jr. made that staement but I have seen him interrogated by Dems from Congress on this specific statement and as you should know, if you paid a little attention, is quite reasoned. Review below.

          “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese…we don’t know whether it’s deliberately targeted that or not.” -RFK Jr.

          Here’s another FACT for you to be outraged over, the majority of Sephardic Jews believe themselves to be the only true Jews and the Ashekenazi do NOT make the cut. So, there are all sorts of views on the human genetic world that many people hold without sharing those views while RFK Jr’s FACT based observation gets the fake outrage.

          • Jack January 8, 2025, 11:08 am

            There you go, folks. It all makes perfect sense if you’re wearing a thick enough tinfoil hat.

        • Kane January 8, 2025, 2:17 pm

          Everything I stated was accurate and you had no relvant reply. Not 1. You said nothing to deny the fact that China is harvesting medical data, nothing explain away the dangerous China bio-warfare programs, nothing refute genetic suceptibility with Covid 19.

          Most importantly you inaccurately described JFK Jr.s statement. Below are his words.

          “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese…we don’t know whether it’s deliberately targeted that or not.” -RFK Jr.

          I hope this time you caught the parts were he states “…THE PEOPLE MOST IMMUNE…” and “…WE DON’T KNOW…”

          Did you actually see RFK Jr. on this video yourself? A large aspect with “a ‘competent’ statement” is maintaining a basic level of fairness to ones counterpart. The fake outrage on the left was telling.

          • Jack January 9, 2025, 7:36 pm

            Clearly no point in reasoning with someone who, by his own account, think this all makes more sense if you consider that there is dissention among the Jews.

            Anyway, here’s the video in question for anyone who hasn’t seen it:

            RFK’s stuttering, stammering delivery almost makes Biden seem coherent by comparison. That brainworm clearly got the good stuff while it was in there.

        • Kane January 9, 2025, 9:50 pm

          The one thing this Jack did that was worthwhile was find a longer version of what Jr. said since he was usually cut off much earlier. Jr. is touching on the trade off that exists in all types of war, whether it is conventional, nuclear or biological. Make your enemy suffer unsustanable losses before your side does. And the tendencies of Covid 19, according to Jr. displays charateristics of a bio-weapon that has been egineered to spare and decimate specific targets. There are many horrific examples of cold war bio weapons that are consistant with Jr. views and I am certain that both China and Israel among many other nations have developed numerour agents and toxins that make this fake outrage again Jr. even more pitiful. At no time did Jr. claim that the Chinese or Ashekenazi would suffer no losses from Covid 19, Jack allows for no nuances throught his posts.

          Jack ignores the fact that genetic suceptibility is a fact with Covid 19 and blood types. Covid 19 is far from the only example of genetic sucepibility or predisposition include, certain cancers (like breast cancer or colon cancer), diabetes, heart disease, obesity, asthma, celiac disease, Huntington’s disease, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s disease, addictions like alchohol, and some mental health conditions like depression or bipolar disorder even tay sachs disease that Ashekenazi have a strong genetic suceptibilty.

          What Jack tries to paint as a mere “dissention among the Jews” is in fact an intra-ethnic rejection of a group of people based on genetics. Where is the outrage?

          The take away, Jr’s views are only theory but far from the quackery that his former fellow Democrats pretend it is by telling only half the story and faking outrage. At the same time Jack calls attention to some physical problems that Jr. may suffer from but Jack is supposely angry because Jr. made some statements that the left portray as insensitive? Busted Jack.

          • Jack January 10, 2025, 9:56 am

            I’m just calling bullshit where I see it. You’re the one desperately trying to reframe it as anger and fake outrage. It’s a hollow rhetorical tactic used by political extremists on both sides of the aisle.

            Thank you for pointing out how commonplace genetic susceptibility to disease actually is in the natural world. The examples you listed clearly show that a genetic susceptibility to the Covid 19 virus (if one actually exists) would be perfectly ordinary and not some smoking gun pointing towards Chinese bioengineering. The opposite can also be true of course. For example, individuals whose genome contains only one of the two required genes for sickle cell anemia will generally live healthy lives, but gain a resistance to malaria as a bonus without any Chinese assistance at all!

        • Kane January 12, 2025, 1:04 pm

          Except, in this instance the outrage is fake and is really a smokescreen. The misstep Jr. made was to be careless when speaking to character assassins. I am all for calling out BS where you see it, but what if during the news cycle the public people missed things that should been noticed? What if the most important issues are being obscurred for a much less important issues? What Jr. said had some basis in fact and his intent was not malicious and no person was really hurt. That statement by Jr. was used to discredit him in his efforts to reform agencies like the FDA that have been captured by the powerful intrests like Big Pharma and the food industries.

          So, very flawed people are the last hope for protecting US from very real threats. What is wrong with Jr. trying to eliminate harmfull artificial coloring that is poisoning comsumers? Maybe the EPA should NOT have be ignoring “forever chemicals” for decades. Maybe Jr.’s unguarded moment is being used as a misdirect by powerful interests that are the real threat to all of US.

          At least Jr are is offering solutions to the burgeoning health crises that our agencies have failed to address for generations. Everybody knows that the youth of the US has a health crisis that is burning out of control like the Pacific Palisades. The youth of our society has been transformed into confused, angry, unhappy creatures with very few leaders admitting what is really occuring. Did this last Admin. really try to stop the narcotics crises in the US? That’s the BS that I will call out and will support others that are far more influential than me and put their skin on the line to do the same.

          • Jack January 12, 2025, 3:00 pm

            Fascinating. When I call BS on Biden, I like to think that I’m being a critical thinker but when I call BS on RFK Jr., I’m apparently being a “character assassin.”

            “Maybe Jr.’s unguarded moment is being used as a misdirect by powerful interests that are the real threat to all of US.” -Karl

            No, it’s just a clear statement from the idiot who thinks that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS, and who believes that the coronavirus vaccine is the “deadliest vaccine ever made,” while apparently forgetting that it was his future boss’ Operation Warp Speed that got those vaccines rolled out in the first place.

        • Kane January 14, 2025, 6:56 pm

          That sounds so unfair, good thing it did NOT happen as you describe. The character assassins’ reference was intended to describe the press that pretend they are so outraged at his words while they selectively edit his statement over and over again. Here is my statement on character assassins, “the misstep Jr. made was to be careless when speaking to character assassins.” Seems clear enough to me that my point concerned with the group that Jr. was directly speaking too, or the groups later edited his statement. Unless you are an attending member of the press or edited his words than you were not included in my observation.

          Never noticed you “call BS” on anyone before. Feel free to repost some examples where you did this to any Dem..

          I do NOT know what Jr. may have said on HIV and AIDS. I do know that there are dissenters on the correlation of the two conditions including a minority of scientists that do NOT agree with the official opinions of the majority. I also do NOT care about whether Trump and RFK Jr. are in lock step on this vaccine. I do know that Trump is NOT an advocate of this vaccine at this point. I have no problem with an Admin. with dissenting voices and evolving opinions.

          BTW, I made a post that never appeared but will touch on a few points. Under the FDA additives like Ractopamine are pumped into the US livestock like pigs and cattle despite the health concerns of most of the rest of the world. Under the EPA dangerous forever chemicals have polluted our environment causing cancer while the agency looked the other way. Innocent dogs, cats, monkeys are tortured for no good reason. Whose past behavior poses the most serious threat to our society, the FDA, the EPA or RFK?

          Under Jr.’s uncle, JFK, there was a national youth conditioning program that was best exemplified by La Sierra HS in California. There are a few videos easily found by anyone willing to search. It’s amazing how in the spam of 3 or 4 generations the US has been transformed from excellence in youth conditioning to a national health crisis.

          You do NOT like Jr. and his ideas that reaches a point of contempt. In your opinion, what is the deadliest vaccine ever made? Can you offer a better advocate to reverse the awful trend? Why don’t you list the top 3 examples of any previous Administration appointees who have tried to present solutions to health policy problems and the youth health crises in the US?

  • Charles Woolfolk January 4, 2025, 8:08 pm

    Why not Brandon Herrera?

    • Dano January 5, 2025, 12:52 am


    • Dano January 5, 2025, 12:53 am

      Why Brandon Herrera?

      • OldBeast January 6, 2025, 8:26 am

        Because he hates all gun laws and is a gun lover himself. He has several machine guns and has even manufactured his own brand of AK47’s! He is one that can’t be bought!

  • Doug January 3, 2025, 11:28 am

    Abraham Lincoln lost five separate elections before winning the presidency so I’m not sure Mr. Masters political loses should be used as a barometer for deciding how well he’d serve in the position of ATF Director. I’d rather hear what his history & philosophies are with regard to gun ownership & gun rights while under oath at a Congressional hearing. President Trump would be more in the know on this guy’s views in these areas so perhaps we should support him & just see how it all plays out. I think we probably need an ATF but we certainly don’t need one infested with anti-gun minions who there at the behest of a gun hating president like we’ve had for the last four years. Things are about to change (on several fronts) for the better in DC & it’s going to be fun to watch.

  • TexasPatriot January 3, 2025, 7:32 am

    We don’t need a new director. We need to abolish the agency and send all of those shitty over zealous agents to the unemployment line.

    • Hondo January 3, 2025, 1:38 pm

      Agree, nothing to add.

      • Kane January 7, 2025, 10:19 pm

        I was worried the fake POTUS (genuine POS) sent the ATF to run 4AM raid on you.

    • DIYin STL January 3, 2025, 2:26 pm

      Do you honestly think we will be better off with the FBI enforcing the laws and less known faceless deep state anti-gun bureaucrats ginning up new regulations? Without changing the laws or having them nullified in court, we are far better off to have a director of the ATF who understands that being a public servant means serving the public, not enlisting in a tyrannical army bent on subjugating the populous.

      • Phil January 3, 2025, 7:00 pm

        What does the ATF really do besides cause harm to FFLs? Call or email the JPFO and get their opinion.

      • Jack January 6, 2025, 11:16 am

        It’s embarrassing how many people in the 2A community think that congressionally passed gun control legislation would just magically go away without the ATF, as if there were no other law enforcement agencies in the country sworn to uphold U.S. Code.

        • Griffy January 7, 2025, 12:15 am

          Getting rid of the ATF would merely transfer the complicated body of federal gun regulations to non-expert generic agencies, such as Treasury, IRS or FBI. What should be tried is having at the ATF top someone with 1) held an FFL in commerce in the private sector 2) a law degree and ideally, 3) a law enforcement background. The head of the ATF should be able to state under oath that the 2nd Amendment protects an citizen’s civil right to own/carry martial arms in common use for the defense of home AND homeland.

    • Patrick January 6, 2025, 3:18 pm

      Totally agree. Get rid of the ATF. Repeal the 1934 Nation Firearms Act. Repeal the 1968 Gun Control Act.
      That would be a great start.

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