Kansas City, KS (April 12, 2023) – The Limited edition CZ 75 Order of the White Lion right to purchase vouchers will be available at auction today. This series consists of only 100 hand-engraved firearms, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Czech Republic’s highest state decoration. The auction will begin on Wednesday, April 12th, and run until Wednesday, April 19th.
The CZ 75 Order of the White Lion limited series serial number range is RBL-001 to RBL-100. The same unique serial number engraved on each pistol can also be found on the gold-plated base plate of its corresponding magazine. Seven pieces of these unique, artistically decorated pistols, with serial numbers from RBL-024 to RBL-026 and RBL-028 to RBL-031, are being offered in this upcoming auction.
The auction will be for NFT “Right to Purchase” tokens, which serve as vouchers for the right to purchase a specific pistol. These digital assets backed by blockchain technology make them unique, ensuring they can’t be duplicated, and allow you to trade them safely on the Colt CZ Group marketplace.
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Each CZ 75 Order of the White Lion pistol is being auctioned separately. Bidders may bid on the serial number of their choice and any number of NFT tokens. Once bidders win the auction to reserve their serial number, the physical pistols are then sold separately to the winning bidder. The cost is independent of the amount paid for the Voucher.
Register at the link below to receive additional information if you want to purchase the CZ 75 Order of the White Lion pistol through the NFT auction.
Link to the auction portal: https://hub.coltczgroup.onblocktrust.com/.
About CZ-USA
Since 1997, CZ-USA has offered American shooters and hunters the best firearms the Czech Republic has to offer. CZ-USA will continue to improve, innovate, and add to the CZ-USA line-up of high-quality, affordable handguns, rifles, shotguns, plus custom-quality handguns from Dan Wesson. See how CZ-USA can make your shooting better, easier, and a lot more fun at cz-usa.com/.
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People who spend money on non fungible tokens (NFTs) either have zero understanding of what they are buying or have more money than common sense.