Looters Beware: Armed Californians Defend Their Homes After Wildfires

in News

When wildfires ripped through parts of California, including Altadena and the Pacific Palisades, earlier this month, they left behind a trail of destruction and a big problem: looters.

With thousands of homes reduced to rubble and emergency services stretched thin, some residents decided they weren’t going to wait for help—they were going to protect what was left, armed and ready.

This is where the Second Amendment really comes into play, even in California, a state not exactly known for being gun-friendly.

Staying Behind to Stand Guard

Take Maggie and her husband, for example. Inside Edition caught up with them in Altadena, where they had stayed behind to guard their home.

They’d already saved it from the flames while their neighbors’ houses burned, and they weren’t about to let looters take it.

Maggie explained how they took turns sleeping in shifts, saying, “We’ve risked our lives to save our home from the fire; we’re not going to lose it to looters.”

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Over in the Pacific Palisades, some folks hired private armed security to keep their properties safe. One resident didn’t mince words, warning looters, “Good luck with that. If you want to get shot, that’s what you can do.”

It’s clear that, when the chips are down, having the ability to defend yourself and your property isn’t just about rights—it’s about survival.

The “Stayers” Take Control

Meanwhile, KTLA 5 reported on a group of Altadena residents calling themselves “The Stayers.” They banded together to patrol their neighborhood, stomp out small flare-ups, and make sure no one got any ideas about looting.

One of the Stayers, EveAnna, shared how she prepared for situations like this, learning disaster readiness from a neighbor and making upgrades like fire-resistant shingles and a whole-house generator.

Oh, and firearms? She made sure she was trained and ready. In her words, “I do have firearms, and I’ve been calling my friends to make sure I know how to legally exist with them.”

In a place like California, where gun laws are strict, stories like Vanessa’s show how crucial it is to have access to self-defense tools and the training to use them responsibly.

Finding Hope Amid the Ashes

While some stayed to fight off looters, others had to leave everything behind. Thousands of students in the Pacific Palisades lost their schools to the fires, with many relocated to a temporary school 20 minutes away.

One mom shared how her home burned to the ground on her daughter’s birthday, but seeing her daughter smile in her new classroom gave her a glimmer of hope.

Why the Second Amendment Matters—Even in California

These stories drive home an important point: when disaster strikes, the ability to defend yourself and your property isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

Whether it’s defending against looters, extinguishing flare-ups, or just standing guard over what’s left, these homeowners remind us that self-reliance and preparedness can make all the difference.

Stories like these make you wonder—what would you do in a situation like this? Would you stay behind to defend your home and everything you’ve worked for, or would you evacuate and hope for the best?

More importantly, are you prepared for the unexpected?

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About the author: Larry Z Welcome to “Inside GunsAmerica: Where Values Meet Excellence”, an exclusive deep dive into one of the leading online platforms dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Second Amendment.

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  • LJ January 17, 2025, 9:58 am

    Nero fiddled as Rome burned. The folks that live in the Republic Of Kalifornistan will continue to vote ‘blue’ no matter what idiots like Gavin Newscum and that POS DEI mayor of LA do to destroy that once great state. That’s on them. LA burned because of mismanagement by the very demoncrats that were voted into office by the folks living in that deep-blue state.

    The fires are tragic, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those folks, but there are people in North Carolina still living in tents in the mountains where temperatures drop down into the teens every night, and no help in sight.

    Matter of fact, FEMA just kicked NC survivors out of their motel rooms they were living in so that money could be re-directed to Kalifornistan. Where does FEMA expect those families to go? Why couldn’t FEMA continue to cover those people for a year or so to give those folks a chance to find permanent housing? Or set up temporary housing like they did after Katrina?

    To all you folks living in Kali wondering how or why this happened — think about that next time you go to the polls to vote.

  • MM in Havasu January 17, 2025, 9:12 am

    Looks like Gavin Spewsom’s political career has also gone up in smoke. Thank God that jackwagon terms out in 2026.
    Hopefully, the good people in the socialist republic of Commiefornya can vote out these leftist idiots and turn it back into California again.

  • Manarii Tane January 17, 2025, 7:33 am

    Unfortunately, this protection is necessary these days with so many illegals around along with the usual crooks. I live in SW Florida and we have had several recent hurricanes and it was mandatory for us and our neighbors to open carry to deter crooks who were just driving around looking for easy pickings. Once they saw our open carry, they bugged out after we took photos of them and their car license plates. Even the local sheriff warned the thieves that they have many available cells and body bags, so they recommend the crooks to leave the area. Thank you Sheriff Carmine Marceno.

    • LJ January 17, 2025, 10:03 am

      Kalifornistan has a castle doctrine but no doubt anyone that shoots someone while protecting their property will be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law.

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