New Survey: Americans Don’t Think Gun Control Reduces Crime

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A new survey from McLaughlin & Associates, commissioned by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), reveals something the mainstream media won’t highlight: most Americans don’t believe gun control reduces crime.

Only 19% of voters think passing more gun control laws will make a difference. Another 21% think stricter enforcement of current gun laws might help. Add those together, and just 40% of voters tie crime reduction to gun control at all.

Are you surprised by the results of this poll? (Photo: CPRC)

So, what do most Americans actually want? Arrest the bad guys and keep them in jail. A solid 54% said locking up criminals is the real solution.

This survey also exposes a common flaw in traditional polling. Usually, respondents only get two options: pass more gun laws or enforce the ones we have. But when you add the option of actually holding criminals accountable, the focus shifts away from firearms entirely.

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For comparison, Rasmussen conducted a survey around the same time and used the typical question structure. They found 56% supported stricter enforcement of existing laws, and 31% wanted more gun control. But those numbers don’t tell the full story.

When voters get the chance to consider broader solutions, the results are clear: Americans, across the board—urban, suburban, rural, men, women, every racial group—agree that crime is best reduced by tackling the actual criminals, not by piling on more restrictions for law-abiding citizens.

Support for gun control largely comes from the usual corners: Democrats, liberals, and those who voted for Democrat congressional candidates. Everyone else seems to agree that holding criminals accountable is a smarter path forward.

Bottom line? The American people aren’t buying the idea that more gun laws equal less crime. They want real action against criminals, not more restrictions on their rights.

Check out the full survey HERE.

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About the author: Larry Z Welcome to “Inside GunsAmerica: Where Values Meet Excellence”, an exclusive deep dive into one of the leading online platforms dedicated to the promotion and protection of the Second Amendment.

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  • DurvPoiguy January 3, 2025, 6:35 pm

    As a twice retired LEO with almost 60 years experience, gun control is not crime control, it is people control. Only honest citizen are affected. All the laws in the world are irrelevant to a criminal who, by name, disregards laws altogether. I think everyone who wants to be armed, should be, but with a caveat that formal training required. There are too many accidents and idiots without a clue carrying guns to just blanketly grant weapons carry.

  • dit pook January 3, 2025, 2:23 pm

    Doesn’t go far enough. In addition to keeping them in prison, you need to have prison reform. If they are illegals and staying, put them in prison conditions similar to their own country. If they are citizens, look at the lowest living conditions of the poorest citizens and make sure prison is below that. Maybe 10 to a cell. Maybe spending the days in a cyclone fenced area with no room to sit down. My wife worked for a lawyer and when he saw how she was living in the city of Boston, he said the prisoners live better than she does.

    • Dano January 5, 2025, 1:01 am

      Ridiculous. Our recidivism rates are already high compared to more modern justice systems which focus on rehab. Suggesting prison or jails here are too nice is nonsense.

      • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment January 5, 2025, 2:22 pm

        errr……..that would be from the gov locking up the law abiding

  • GreatGrandPa January 3, 2025, 9:47 am

    No more new “gun control laws ” Abolish Red Flag Laws. Firearm control to me is situational awareness, aim, breath control and trigger pull control.

    • Buzz January 3, 2025, 10:00 am

      I like my guns, want to keep em. You sir don’t help at all with idiotic comments…. aim, breath control and trigger pull control. Sounds like you’re just itching to kill someone. So calm down…we’re keeping our guns.

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