Noir: Dem Delegate Robbed At Gun Point in Chicago After DNC

Colion Noir discusses robbery at DNC.
An Anti-You-Have-A-Gun Democratic delegate attending the Democratic National Convention in Chicago was robbed at gunpoint by suspects in ski masks. (Photo: Noir)

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

By Colion Noir

An Anti-You-Have-A-Gun Democratic delegate attending the Democratic National Convention in Chicago was robbed at gunpoint by suspects in ski masks.

Police say the armed robbers (who weren’t supposed to have a gun) pulled up to their victims in a dark-colored Range Rover Discovery with a gun, threatening deadly harm while demanding their belongings.

The armed robbers (who weren’t supposed to have a gun) then crossed the street and robbed a man and a woman, said a Chicago Police Department spokesperson.

The armed robbery took place in a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation—yet, criminals still managed to get their hands on guns.

This shocking incident highlights the ongoing debate about the effectiveness of gun control.

Watch (video embedded above) as we break down the irony of democratic gun control advocates becoming victims of gun violence in one of America’s most regulated cities.

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  • Morgan, Job K. September 3, 2024, 10:26 am

    Indiana, always.–Cump

  • Herbert Gerald Broughton Jr August 29, 2024, 11:05 am

    What’s even more amazing is the fact that if this occurred outside the DNC, that means there was more Federal, State, and local police within 1/4 mile of this armed robbery than probably any other crime in US history in the last 5 to 15 years. They got clean away, no suspects, no evidence, and probably will never get caught because they forgot about the few that eventually get comfortable with all the police presence and step outside the herd and get taken down by a predator. One of thier own get’s a taste of the real world outside of thier private security or police details and have to face the real world, but don’t worry, they will rescue this minor hitch in thier matrix and blame a MAGA attempt to disrupt thier perfect imaginarium

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment August 28, 2024, 7:04 pm

    they will just pass the blame on everything but themselves for their failed policies……wonder what state will get blamed for supplying the guns?

  • Kane August 28, 2024, 12:52 pm

    Range Rover Discovery sticker price range from over $60,000 upwards of $80,000 +. Did the plates come back stolen?

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