Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Urban gun enthusiast and 2A advocate Colion Noir recently shared his unfiltered take on Nancy Pelosi’s analysis of why Donald Trump won the presidency.
Pelosi, in her analysis, attributed Trump’s victory to cultural issues—summarized as guns, gays, and God.
Noir, however, focused on her take on guns and delivered a sharp critique of her statements and the Democratic Party’s approach to gun control.
Pelosi: “Gun Culture is Central to Many Americans”
In her comments, Pelosi acknowledged that gun rights and the Second Amendment resonate deeply with many Americans, especially in rural areas. Noir wasted no time responding:
“Well, no ____ Sherlock,” he quipped.
Noir emphasized that the Second Amendment is a cornerstone of American values and exists to empower citizens against tyranny.
He noted that Pelosi’s comment wasn’t some groundbreaking insight but rather a statement of the obvious.
Urban and Suburban Gun Ownership is Rising
Pelosi’s assertion that rural Americans are solely driving gun culture didn’t sit well with Noir, who highlighted a different trend: the rapid rise in urban and suburban gun ownership.
Quoting data from the American Rifleman, Noir pointed out that the U.S. gained nearly 3.5 million new gun owners in cities and suburbs over the past decade.
This surge in non-rural gun ownership has reshaped the landscape of gun culture, challenging stereotypes that firearms are primarily a rural issue.
“You wanted it to be the rural areas so you can make it seem like it’s those people that are buying all the guns so you can dismiss them. But it’s really your constituency that’s buying guns, and it’s why y’all lost,” Noir said.
On “Common Sense” Gun Regulations
Pelosi also touched on the Democratic Party’s push for “common sense” gun control laws, claiming Republican narratives cast these efforts as infringements on liberty. Noir didn’t hold back:
“Common sense gun regulations are only ‘common sense’ to people who have none,” he said. “There’s no Republican narrative—there’s only the Second Amendment.”
Noir reminded viewers that attempts to ban popular firearms, such as the AR-15, aren’t narratives—they’re blatant infringements on rights explicitly protected by the Constitution.
“Government Overreach Isn’t Perceived—It’s Documented”
Pelosi described the right to bear arms as a “symbol of resistance to perceived government overreach.” Noir immediately called out her phrasing.
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“Perceived? All y’all do is overreach—it’s not perceived,” he insisted. “it’s documented!”
He cited examples such as the 1994 federal assault weapons ban as proof of Democrats’ history of imposing sweeping gun control measures.
A Party Out of Touch?
Noir also critiqued Pelosi’s acknowledgment that the Democratic stance on gun control likely alienated voters, while she simultaneously doubled down on the party’s commitment to reducing gun violence—a euphemism he equates to more gun control.
“In one breath, you recognize that your party’s stance on gun control is what alienated some voters who prioritize this issue but still maintain your commitment to the very thing you said alienated the voters,” he said.
“You just thought you could call it reducing gun violence, and then that would somehow be different,” he added. “It’s the same—it’s gun control.”
Final Thoughts
Noir closed by reiterating what many in the pro-2A community have long believed: the Democratic Party’s obsession with gun control is costing them elections.
However, he doubts they’ll change course, given the influence of anti-gun billionaire donors funding their campaigns.
“I always said the Democrat Party would never lose an election if they dropped the whole gun control nonsense. But they couldn’t even if they wanted to,” he explained. “There’s just too much anti-gun billionaire money filling the coffers of Democrat politicians.”
What say you?
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The nasty old hag will be missed about like an ingrown toenail!
De Oppresso Liber
Democrat politicians literally get paid big money by the Chicoms and other
America haters to push disarming (gun-control) the American People.
I wish everyone would stop calling the democrat party the Democratic Party, there is nothing democratic about the democrat party.
Very true, but that is there official name (unfortunately)
The Democrats like to pass legislation with a fancy name that misleads the American people about what the legislation does for the American people. The legillation that the Democrats push chips away at our freedoms. This week, I learned that you can get charged with a Class C misdemeanor up to a felony for “verbal assault.” What kind of bullshit is that. Me threatening to kick someone’s ass is not verbal assault. It’s me exercising my freedom of speech to issue a warning to someone. What are they going to pass next? If I think about committing bodily harm to another person, I will get charged with “premeditated assault.” All stupid legislation that lets the government charge a person with crimes that shouldn’t exist. I have a right to make threats to another person. It’s like when I was growing up. If we got in fights, it was a fist fight. The cops usually didn’t do anything. They would break it up and separate us. I never pressed charges on the other guy; even if the other guy started the altercation. Now days, the cops arrest both men and charge each one with assault. The Democrats call it “common sense” gun regulations. I call it “Democrat gun control against the American People.” All gun laws need to be repealed. They go against the Second Amendment. The 1934 NFA act need to go away. The 1968 Gun Control Act also needs to go away.
“I always said the Democrat Party would never lose an election if they dropped the whole gun control nonsense. But they couldn’t even if they wanted to,” he explained. “There’s just too much anti-gun billionaire money filling the coffers of Democrat politicians.”
So Colin thinks the Dims would never lose by supporting insane in-your-face corruption, lawfare, two-tiered just-us, blatant vote fraud, endless wars, endless taxes, endless racial division, endless identity politics, DEI, ESG, radical feminism, drag queen story hour, the gay mafia, border invasion (and gov’t support of same), co-vid insanity (mandates, masks and medical experimentation), the pagan climate cult of Globull Warming, censorship, banning, deplatforming, canceling and all the other fascist Leftist totalitarian globo-homo nonsense?
It’s only ‘gun control’ that stands between the God-hating, America-hating, Constitution-hating, Freedom-hating, baby-murder loving Party of Sodom & Gomorrah, and massive popularity?
Pelosi should become a member of The View, she’s as delusional and nutty as the rest of the
Like most ‘legacy’ democrats, that old hag has lost touch with the very people she represents. We need term limits!
how about he won because the people are sick of the lies, bullshit, lack of morality, being screwed financially while you get rich, and most importantly being told how to live our lives all the way down to how to mow our grass or eat….just for starters