Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Late last Monday night, Austin Sumpter, 23, from Thrall, Texas tried breaking into a home on Donna Drive in Taylor and things didn’t go well for him.
The homeowner called the cops at 11:35 PM, saying Sumpter, who had a knife, was trying to get inside.
Before the Taylor Police Dept (TPD) showed up, Sumpter managed to get into the house, and the homeowner shot him.
When the officers arrived, they found Sumpter on the front porch with a gunshot wound to his hip. They also found a knife with “Hail Satan” on the sheath that Sumpter was carrying.
After getting treated for non-life-threatening injuries, Sumpter left the hospital on Wednesday morning at 11:30 AM.
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The Taylor Police arrested him right after and took him to the Williamson County Jail. He’s now facing charges of Burglary of a Habitation with Commission of a Felony, a 2nd-degree felony.
Facebook users had plenty to say about the incident.
One user commented, “Good job homeowner and Taylor PD. I know we will all feel and sleep a little safer.”
Another added, “This is what happens when you value somebody else’s items in their house more than your own life. Hope this was an eye-opener for thieves.”
Another user expressed sympathy for the suspect, saying, “Really sad to hear, I graduated with Austin and although he seemed ’emotionally’ challenged (all the devil/trench-coat stuff), I hoped he’d grow out of it. Glad the homeowner is safe.”
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“Another user expressed sympathy for the suspect, saying, “Really sad to hear, I graduated with Austin and although he seemed ’emotionally’ challenged (all the devil/trench-coat stuff), I hoped he’d grow out of it. Glad the homeowner is safe.”
Note stream of priorities; sadness, prior association, observations and idle hope regarding a loser outrank concern for well-being of another.
Buckshot would have had better results.
Again we have a obviously disturbed young man that the mental health system has failed. Like most news articles they are lean on this guy’s history. It’s time we bring back mental institutions and end the stupid liberal experiment of free range mental patients. Lucky for him the homeowner needs more practice.
I recall a road sign in the 80’s , when I visited Texas ,
declaring “ Don’t mess with Texas “ .
Gun control here would have been a couple of feet higher and more numerous. This guy will be back at it to the detriment of all.
awwwwww that was really nice of the guy with the knife, giving the home owner live fire training