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3-Will-Frogfoot Larceny: The Russian Warthog

Dr. Dabbs – Frogfoot Larceny: The Russian Warthog

The Soviets saw the writing on the wall back during the Cold War as well and decided to build their own dedicated close air support platform. The end result was the Sukhoi Su-25 Grach. Grach literally translates as “Rook.”

The Defection of Viktor Belenko: One Man Shifts the Balance of Power in the Cold War

The Defection of Viktor Belenko: One Man Shifts the Balance of Power in the Cold War

Viktor Belenko was born in Nalchik, Russia, on February 15, 1947. By his 29th birthday, LT Belenko was at the top of his game. LT Belenko was the poster child for 1970’s-era communism. Under the surface, however, all was not well with the Soviet Air Defense Force’s fair-haired boy.