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Suit Filed to Get SCOTUS to Tackle Interstate Handgun Transfer Ban

CCRKBA Updates ‘Don’t Feed Them’ Anti-Gun Business List, Adds Gucci

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today announced it is updating its list of businesses and CEOs who push for increased gun control and prohibition, adding Gucci to the roster.

'Gun Death' and Suicide: How the Pro-Gun Community is Working to Prevent Suicide in America

CCRKBA: Arrest of Armed Felon by Seattle Police Should Not Be A Surprise

“When the gun prohibition lobby spent more than $10 million to pass Initiative 594 back in 2014, we warned voters it wouldn’t prevent criminals from getting guns,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.

Gun-rights group sues government over ban on interstate handgun purchases

CCRKBA: Rise in Seattle Shootings, Fatalities Proof of Gun Control Failure

An increase in the number of shootings and gun-related homicides in Seattle during the past year is more evidence of the failure of gun control laws adopted in recent years, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Gottlieb: 'Like It or Not Americans Support the term Background Check'

CCRKBA Declares Democrats Have ‘Hidden Agenda Behind Impeachment’

“It is clear to us that Capitol Hill anti-gunners are doing everything in their power to prevent confirmation of conservative judges who will adhere to the Constitution,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.

Gun-rights group sues government over ban on interstate handgun purchases

FBI Says Violent Crime Down; CCRKBA Asks Dems ‘What Gun Violence Epidemic?’

In 2018, an estimated 10,256 slayings involved firearms, down slightly from the 10,982 posted by the FBI during the previous year.

CCRKBA: China School Attack Shows Madmen Cause Carnage Without Guns

CCRKBA: China School Attack Shows Madmen Cause Carnage Without Guns

“There might be a lesson in that for people in this country who rush to blame guns and punish all gun owners when some individual commits a terrible crime,” Gottlieb concluded.