Here we go again…
Last week, it was Joshua Horwitz from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence who was blaming gun owners for the occupation at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Now, this week, it’s The Atlantic.
In an article titled, “The Gun-Rights Movement Fed America’s Insurrectionist Fever Dreams,” philosophy professor Firmin DeBrabander argues that in light of recent events a widespread curtailment of 2A rights is necessary to preserve the Republic.
“This year has revealed all too well what insurrectionist fever dreams bring: In the spring, they delivered mobs who occupied state capitols and threatened legislators; in the summer, they led to dead protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon; now they have wrought death and destruction in Congress,” wrote DeBrabander.
“The gun-rights movement deserves a reckoning for this,” he continued. “Our leaders should do everything in their power to enact laws that ensure peaceful protest. We must ban assault rifles and open carry. Their legality is premised on ideas that are inimical to democracy itself.”
First off, the gun-rights movement is not a monolith. It’s as diverse as America itself. And, while this isn’t a shocker to those of us who actually frequent a gun range, it consists of many of those “oppressed” and “marginalized” groups the Left claims it’s so worried about.
If DeBrabander doesn’t believe it, he should do a little research on groups like the Pink Pistols, an LGBTQ gun-rights group, or NAAGA, the National African American Gun Association, or JPFO, Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
What he’d realize is that one’s right to keep and bear arms is not a fringe political issue that only concerns straight, white males on the far-Right, rather it is a mainstream idea that is celebrated by millions of Americans from all walks of life.
SEE ALSO: Anti-Gunner Says NRA is Responsible for Capitol Occupation, Meanwhile Video of Alleged Antifa Members Surfaces
To put things in perspective, more than 21 million citizens purchased a firearm last year. That’s about 8 percent of the adult population. Many bought a gun, around 8.4 million Americans, for the first time in their lives. Forty percent of those new gun buyers were women, and African Americans bought guns at a rate 58% greater in 2020 than in 2019.
As survey data indicates, these folks didn’t buy guns because they wanted to foment an insurrection or because they’re an acolyte of some crazy Internet conspiracy. They mostly bought guns because once-trusted institutions are failing us.
Between COVID protocols that force law enforcement to catch and release hardened criminals to the unchecked rioters and looters of the George Floyd protests, it became clear to many Americans that one’s safety is ultimately a personal responsibility.
Government, despite what Nannystaters would have people believe, is not equipped to protect citizens, especially during a crisis.
DeBrabander’s scapegoating of the gun community for last week’s attack on the Capitol, therefore, doesn’t hold water because it wasn’t a broad coalition of 2A supporters that raided, looted, and vandalized the grounds. It was something else altogether: a mixture of cosplay weirdos, Neo-nazis, and motley rabble-rousers.
In fact, if we are to believe House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the driving force behind the decision to break through the barriers and storm the Capitol was the work of a coordinated group of agitators. The chaos wasn’t precipitated by run-of-the-mill Trump supporters.
NY Times Opinion: I’m a Black American. I Need a Gun to Feel Safe in This Country
“The evidence is now that– that it was a well-planned, organized group with leadership and guidance and direction,” Pelosi told 60 Minutes in a Sunday interview. “And the direction was to go get people.”
Who planned it? Who led it? Who participated in it? And, who paid for it?
Those are questions we hopefully get answered, soon. Responsible parties should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. We all agree on that.
But in the meantime, people like DeBrabander and Horwitz need to stop politicizing this event. They need to stop using it as a way to blame the modern gun-rights movement.
We cannot, as they seek to do, chill the 2A rights of all law-abiding citizens for the criminal acts of a reckless few. Because, as we’re fond of saying on GunsAmerica, disarming good people (poor blacks, single mothers, trans folk, etc.) does not make bad people (violent criminals, gangsters, professional agitators, etc.) less dangerous.
“Their legality is premised on ideas that are inimical to democracy itself.”
This statement itself shows his absolute foolishness, and academic incompetence.
When I read that line I was appalled that a Professor could be that ignorant.
Rarely if EVER has Democracy been established WITHOUT fighting for it from Tyrants, Dictators, Despots and KIngs.
Our very own Founding Fathers spoke to and wrote of this VERY concept in multitudes of posts, scripts and writings.
The 2nd is FOUNDED on that principle, so this man is either disingenuous, or stupid.
Wheres the RED FLAG enforcement? now released from custody and his legal counsel is Kamala Harris brother in law
This one was easy to see coming. It also goes in the file under : A few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us.
And that,”It was Antifa” stuff will not fly. The public’s perception of violent extremism is now a middle aged white guy in a MAGA hat…. blame that on what you will, but that’s a fact.
What did anyone expect after watching folks armed with long guns on state capital steps; riding in the back of pick ups like a bunch of cartel thugs; doing counter protests while armed and scaring mother and children at the local I-Hop?
Do we have a 2A right to long guns? Yes, but only as long as we can keep it…. and we ain’t keeping it scaring the shit out of non gun folks.
Eventually, the politicians and the courts will choose to protect scared civilians over your 2A rights.
Its starting to happen… Leave ’em at home for a while if you want to keep them.
Strange. Only person shot during the Capitol riot was an UNARMED white woman by a black Capitol Police Officer.
The officer who shot Ashli Babbit in the capital is a black man of Brazilian origin named David Bailey whose previous work was serving as protection detail for Rep Steve Scalise. Bailey is known to have a hatred towards white people and probably let Scalise get shot by the deranged leftist assassin.
Yeah it wasn’t personal just business 🤦♂️😒
DeBrabander and Horwitz are two moronic Leftists, who posture as wiser-than-thou, yet fail to recognize that throughout history Socialist/Communist regimes have, after stripping firearms from the general populace, set about to eliminate any they perceived might be a threat or challenge to their totalitarian rule. One group topping the list to be eliminated were the Intellectuals. As they say, “Can’t fix stupid.”
I’ve never heard of Firmin DeBrabander. I’ve no interest in anything he(?) says. It has no relevance on my day-to-day activities. There’s no reason I can figure why this talking head is on the public stage making pronouncements about anything. For those who follow his every word, have fun. He(?) is just another wackadoo spewing irrelevant theories about nothing. “A real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, thinking all his nowhere thoughts about nobody”. That seems to wrap this up quite nicely. Have a nice weekend!
“Firmin DeBrabander is a professor of philosophy at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore and author of the upcoming book Life After Privacy.”
I wonder if his book is bewailing the loss of privacy, or more likely, the extolling the virtues of same think. Anyway, he is sadly misinformed about guns and gun culture, as demonstrated by the following quote for an article he wrote for America, the Jesuit Review: “The gun rights ideology, which says we need ever more guns to deal with the threat of violence, that we must expand the number of public places where people may carry weapons and that we must legally protect people who use firearms, is opposed to the message of the Gospel and Catholic social teaching. The radical agenda of the contemporary gun rights movement undermines the very basis of civil society, reducing community members to atomistic, alienated individuals and contradicts the Catholic doctrine of the common good.”
Antifa and blm rose up in part with support from the left and media of that glossed over their destructive nature.
Mom always said “be careful what you wish for!”
You’re not doing anyone any favors by continuing to propagate misinformation. Smh
I am appalled at the damage and destruction of tge capitol building. This is NOT what should have happened. All that was acvomplished was giving all Trump supporters a black eye. As for gun rights. There will never be national recipricity in most of our lifetimes. And now with the new administration and old enemies still in office we need to find more backing to fight anti gun legislation. Lest we lose what little we have left.
Try posting these articles where everyone can read them, not just those of us avid gun owners. Let those people know that most gun owners respect the law, not break it. And tell them why. Because we know a felony conviction would take our guns forever, making us criminals.
There wasn’t much damage to speak of. Where is the footage of ‘all of the damage’ you speak of? Were you appalled at the BLM riot across from the WH that injured 60 Secret Service personnel back in summer?
If a group isn’t helping neighbors and neighborhoods. Shoot them all solves the problems….. People don’t have problems until they start them!!
MP, can you provide any significant evidence of “ tidal wave of white supremacy that Trumpism has wrought upon this country”. The MSM and other leftist cable “ news” channels use the term white supremacy to color all who support Trump with a broad brush. The left never seem to want talk about policy, just denigrate personally those that disagree with their big government, socialist solutions that have NEVER worked historically. Policy positions posited by the Left have given us the results seen in big Democratic cities and States. How can any reasonably intelligent person deny the results of leftist policies and demand all of the US follow the same course. Leftist policies are not about helping those they say they represent, they are policies about Power.
That doesn’t matter. Leftist/collectivists are hypocrites and liars. When caught in a lie, they merely double down. That is what they are taught to do. They revel in double standards.
Considering how the Eastern establishment press and the left coast media establishments are carrying their water, nothing short of a purge will change things.
McCarthy wasn’t spot on, but he was close.
Nope, self defense because of democrat Incited lawlessness
“Crime and violence are out of control because Democrats kicked off a wave of pro-crime decriminalization programs, freed prisoners, and supported race riots.” Dan Greenfield
MP, did it ever cross your mind that people of color bought guns at an unprecedented rate due to all the civil unrest this summer, police pulling back due to the attacks and attitude towards law enforcement and that they felt the need to be responsible for their own protection?
I know a lof of ignoramuses don’t want to believe that dozens of not hundreds of people brought guns onto the Capitol grounds. DC police said they confiscated dozens of guns that day. You say, how could they? Gun owners are law abiding citizens! Had to be antifa! Come on man! I can tell you this: if the crowd had been substantially black it would have been a bloodbath. The cop who got crushed by the door knew people were waiting for the cops to shoot first, which is why he didn’t use his gun. He almost got killed. If those of you who thought invading the Capitol was a good idea, you did the guns rights movement no good at all. Given what’s at stake with our democracy in free fall (a free and fair election was almost usurped by congress and then by a mob), I’d tell the cops to shoot anyone with a gun during a mob attack in DC (black or white). This was beyond disgusting.
There wasn’t much damage to speak of. Where is the footage of ‘all of the damage’ you speak of? Were you appalled at the BLM riot across from the WH that injured 60 Secret Service personnel back in summer?
“. . . confiscated dozens of guns that day”? Really? Who did they arrest for illegally carrying? Or were the guns just “seeded” onto the ground to be “confiscated” to build the narrative of how dangerous legal gun owners are? Have they even bothered to run a cursory search with ATF to find out the history of those guns?
“Free and fair election” my ass! This election was stolen from the American people. Two days after I went on mivote.gov here in Michigan and found out that my parents voted Democrat. I could believe that of my dad but my mom prided herself as a lifelong republican. One major problem my parents are DEAD!!!! My dad died in February of 2018 and my mom passed in 1987. I went back on the site after reporting it to our Secretary of State and found the site down for maintenance. When I finally could get back into the site I couldn’t even find my own name and I voted straight republican. The “come on man ” comment really?
TRUMP 2024!
Remember if you come for mine you better bring yours!!
The anti gun groups are just ridiculous! This was not an armed attack on the Capitol. What does that event have to fo with gun owners? I also read that somebody started that “these people cared moe about their whiteness moe than democracy. WTH!? How did race come into this? The left is hinging on insanity asnd will use anything they can to incite hatred.
Did it ever cross your mind that people of color bought guns at an unprecedented rate last year because of the tidal wave of white supremacy that Trumpism has wrought upon this country?
You have to be mad.
The white supremecy stems from the left.
The KKK was founded and still funded by the DNC. They’re not even hiding it.
Any racail bidding has been from the left for division. Their main goal is to destroy this country.
Don’t believe me, sit back and watch what happens to the Constitution over the next four years.
Today’s KKK is an FBI-SPLC project, and it has been fukky infiltrated since WWII. It’s 2021 not 1933 as you assert.
Dude, spew your commie wet dreams somewhere else.
Oh sure moron. Maybe that’s why 89% of blacks are murdered by other blacks. Maybe they’re buying guns to protect themselves from their own kind.
MP, can you provide any significant evidence of “ tidal wave of white supremacy that Trumpism has wrought upon this country”. The MSM and other leftist cable “ news” channels use the term white supremacy to color all who support Trump with a broad brush. The left never seem to want talk about policy, just denigrate personally those that disagree with their big government, socialist solutions that have NEVER worked historically. Policy positions posited by the Left have given us the results seen in big Democratic cities and States. How can any reasonably intelligent person deny the results of leftist policies and demand all of the US follow the same course. Leftist policies are not about helping those they say they represent, they are policies about Power.
He won’t, because He can’t, thus far I have NEVER seen ant proof of his or others idiotic claims.
Sorry to burst your bubble. But Obama did more damage to race relations with his rise up retoric.
No, but it did cross my mind that once in a while, ignoramuses post nonsense here.