‘The View’ Calls for ‘Real Gun Control Legislation’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Several ladies on ABC’s “The View” called for tougher gun laws in the wake of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

The incident occurred during a Pennsylvania rally over the weekend, where a would-be assassin narrowly missed Trump but injured others.

“I’m very happy Donald Trump is safe, full stop, period.” said co-host Ana Navarro.

The assailant injured Trump and killed former Fire Chief and father of two, Corey Comperatore. Two more attendees were wounded but are in stable condition.

However, it didn’t take long for Navarro, who is no fan of Trump, to pivot to gun control.

“I hope that at some point in this country, we do have a conversation about what’s happening because we can’t just react when it’s our side. This was a 20-year-old lone-wolf white whack job with easy access to a gun,” she said.

“We need to have a conversation about that because it wasn’t a drag queen, immigrant, or pissed-off liberal woman,” Navarro continued. “This keeps happening, and we need to react not as left or right, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans and ask better questions.”

The shooter, a 20-year-old kitchen worker from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, bought 50 rounds of ammunition just before the rally, reported CNN. Some on the panel believed that this (very modest) purchase should have raised red flags. This, despite the fact that the suspect had no criminal record.

“Shouldn’t that have been reported? We’ve seen young white men with guns many times, and nobody reported that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition,” said co-host Joy Behar.

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Then, co-host Sunny Hostin chimed in.

“Everyone says it’s too soon to talk about guns, but now is the time to talk about America’s fascination and obsession with owning guns,” she said.

“The common denominator in this assassination attempt is guns. The Supreme Court just found that it’s fine to have bump stocks. We need real gun control legislation,” she added.

Of course, Hostin didn’t specify what she meant by “real gun control legislation.” But it wouldn’t be shocking if it included a sweeping confiscation ploy.

Look, while the ladies on “The View” are entitled to their opinions, their knee-jerk call for stricter gun control after the Pennsylvania rally shooting is out of touch with reality and the Constitution.

Monitoring every young white male’s ammo purchases in real-time is not only ludicrous but also a huge invasion of privacy.

Plus, even if one supported Joy Behar’s Orwellian tracking scheme, authorities don’t have the resources to knock on a door every time some white dude buys a measly 50 rounds of ammo.

Collectively, their comments show a clear lack of understanding of guns, the firearm industry, and the way the world works.

No amount of gun control will stop a determined and resourceful killer. It wasn’t our laws that failed President Trump on Saturday, it was his security detail.

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About the author: Larry Z is a seasoned outdoorsman, lifelong hunter, and the kind of guy who’d rather track whitetails than scroll social media. As an editor for GunsAmerica, he’s got a sharp eye for spotting both solid gear and bad gun laws. Whether he’s deep in the woods or deep in editorial deadlines, Larry brings a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is approach to firearms, hunting, and the great American tradition of self-reliance. If there’s a hot debate on gun rights or the latest in hunting tech, you can bet Larry’s got an opinion—and it’s probably backed up with both facts and field experience.

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  • DurvPoiguy July 26, 2024, 10:58 am

    New gun laws are absolutely not necessary. Everything possibly illegal is covered already. The solution to gun crimes, we believe, is the strict enforcement of existing laws by feckless politicians and prosecutors who do not do their jobs! These corrupt, incompetent scumbags are as guilty as the criminals and must be called into account.

  • Michael July 21, 2024, 7:15 am

    I marvel that more pragmatic daytime discussion shows aren’t on the air. Is the media absolutely controlled by Liberals with axes to grind?

  • patrick July 20, 2024, 4:07 pm

    Fuck the View.

  • D July 19, 2024, 6:50 pm

    Fuck the view

  • paul July 19, 2024, 2:36 pm

    The common denominator is idiots that want to kill other people, PERIOD! Psychopaths don’t care what method/tool they use, it’s whatever is handy at the time! The firearm belonged to the father, and the father should have known the kid was whack, and therefore should have kept it away from his kid, or the kid away from the firearm! Americans have the RIGHT to own firearms, which also means we have the right NOT to own a firearm, it’s a choice to exercise those rights or not! I won’t force anyone to get a firearm, and I’ll be damned if someone is going to force me to give them up! EVERYONE on the pew is a communist, they should be stripped of their citizenship and shipped to GAZA!

  • dit pook July 19, 2024, 12:23 pm

    I listened to a radio show in Boston years ago led by two idiots who demonized hollow point bullets like they were cop killers or something. When I had enough, I called the radio station and mentioned my occupation (scientist) and some neutral observations to make sure I got on the air. Once I was live I said I was a Certified Firearms Instructor approved by the State Police with over 20 years experience and I could safely say they had no idea what they were talking about. LIVE FOR THEIR AUDIENCE. I then offered to give them for free, the standard 10 hour firearms safety course mandated by the state for purchase of a firearm so they could be educated in what they already had opinions on.There was silence on the radio. A long silence. Then they started talking like two kids who broke mom’s vase with a baseball and were found out. One was a court reporter. In all her time in court, she never educated herself in firearms. What a piece of work.So try to get people on the set with these blow hards and have everything they say proven to be BS.

  • Beobear July 19, 2024, 11:56 am

    Those old hens are not only unbelievably stupid in general but ridiculously uneducated on all the subjects they cluck about. It’s like government testing 5,000 five year olds to find the ones with the lowest IQ’s and then choosing 5 of the lowest IQ five year olds from that group to make all the important decisions. Not un-similar from our current administration. You can literally lose IQ points from listening to those nut jobs.

  • DB July 19, 2024, 11:16 am

    “LADIES”? You’re kidding, right! These binary idiots are batsh!t crazy. Far from ladies. Maybe they can have BraindeadBiden sniff their hair.

  • Jeff July 19, 2024, 10:48 am

    The common denominator in this is NOT the gun, it’s the mental illness of the perpetrator. Get a clue View.

  • brf July 19, 2024, 10:02 am

    Apparently the wacko’s only want to track WHITE males who buy ammunition. I guess BLACK thugs and mexican cartel members who
    buy ammo rather than steal it get a pass, eh?

  • Mario July 19, 2024, 9:53 am

    Mexico tracks ammo sales, even for a box of .22lr. We see how well that works at preventing murder and violent crime.

  • AK July 19, 2024, 9:50 am

    Navarro should change her first name to “ano.”

  • Rodney Hytonen July 19, 2024, 9:29 am

    The Cuckoo (oh, c’mon!) TRUMP candidacy, should have HANDED the Dems the election.
    INSTEAD they choose to shoot themselves in the foot, with an EVEN LESS popular anti-gun thing!

    Will purportedly SANE politicians never understand they exist to SERVE popular issues, not CHANGE them?
    After all, the founders GAVE them a blueprint, in writing.

    As for myself, this gun-collecting “Liberal Socialist” (hopelessly trapped -retired- in a Red State,) cancelled PayPal -over their gun policy- years ago, costing them considerable business, is now considering doing without YouTube. – and will probably have to vote third (Green) party again, handing that dangerous lying narcissistic corporate criminal TRUMP, the election.
    And how do we deal wth the dangerous ignorance that allows gun detractors to think a single (much less regular) purchase of 50- or even 500 rounds-
    is notable for anything but practice to maitain a safe and reasonable proficiency with one’s firearm?
    God help us if (when) we ever NEED that mlitia to protect the homeland on the ground!
    (And- the standing army will also need a FUNCTIONING ammo -and indeed firearm- industry!)

  • joe July 19, 2024, 7:55 am

    First mistake is that .223 rounds come in 20 round boxes. There is no way the kid could have bought 50 rounds. That negates the entire conversation of the women since they no nothing about guns.

    • Dude July 19, 2024, 8:17 am

      Well, no. When I buy .223 or 5.56 online, the place I order from (Freedom Munitions) sells it in 50 round boxes. I have no financial interest in that company, btw, just an easy place to buy ammo.

    • jrkmt1 July 19, 2024, 12:40 pm

      I purchase 150 round “range packs” of 62 grain M855 by Winchester from Cabela’s and 200 round packs of same from a local ranch and farm supply store on a regular basis.
      Several other companies also package 5.56/.223 in fifty round boxes.

  • hasbeen July 19, 2024, 7:40 am

    how about laws to limit the stupidity of tv shows.

  • LJ July 19, 2024, 7:33 am

    Do people actually watch these idiots?

    • AK July 19, 2024, 9:51 am

      Idiots. Who else?

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment July 17, 2024, 3:55 pm

    stupid hags need to go fly away on their broomsticks!

  • Blue Dog (he/him) July 17, 2024, 3:15 pm

    Honestly, what would it take? Thank goodness Trump is not more seriously hurt and the death of this firefighter is a real tragedy, but when are we going to do something about these weapons of war in American streets making our streets and schools and political rallies into war zones? I wonder what kind of video games had rotted this boy’s brain? We reacted when a determined marine changed the course of history with mid-19th century junk he bought through a Sears catalogue for $3, why not revisit the availability of unregistered ARs, AKs, and other weapons of war and parts kits? Why not modernise gun laws regarding updating serialisation laws to reflect modern designs and common practices? Why not take the opportunity to make America a safer place?

    • Kane July 18, 2024, 10:41 am

      WRONG, the Carcano was advertised in an edition of “American Rifleman” for a mail order purchase in Chicago from Klein’s Sporting Goods delivered to a PO Box with the name Alex Hidell. You know the hometown of criminals like Jack Ruby, no direct link to LHO.

      The picture with what appears to be LHO’s head is NOT the same Carcano that is clamed to be from the Dallas TBD, anyone remotely famaliar with the case should understand why NOT. And of course the “lone gun man” who was a mediocre shat in the USMC (qualified in BC, Sharpshooter- FMF, Marksman) was seen practising at a RR. Later the same lone gun man supposedly shot at deep state homosexual General Walker at his home in TX. No theories on how a guy who did not have a car or driver license traveled around with the Carcano. No explanation how a mediocre shot could pull off a world class string of shots on a rifle that the FBI could not zero with the scope.

      You missed the details of the greatest crime frame ups in your home state ever. Here’s a reading assingmentment to start clueing you in to the actual world you live in, read about Dallas Sheriff Roger D. Craig. Even my eyes well up with tears for that awesome man and strong American. Pay attention to the rifle discovery on the 6th floor and how Craig refused to lie where every other LEO caved to bear false witness.

      Quit backing goverment solutions to government created crimes, BD.

      • AK July 19, 2024, 9:59 am

        Why bother responding to this basement troll, who gets his life joy either from fapping to bestiality porn or getting the residents here riled.

        • Kane July 19, 2024, 8:24 pm

          There’s the old adage, “silence is consent.” There are many people that stop these types of forums that are anti 2A and if left unchallenged would take over this MB. I treat these types of people with civility and caution, for all I know they are agents provocatuers looking to bring charges on any gun owner that might make a careless statement. How and why did the US government start tracking Craig DeLeeuw Robertson online before they raided his home and killed him?

          A few years back a pro 2A group, the Virginia Citizens Defense League, agreed to allow Katie Couric to interview them. They agreed to the interview to defend and spread their values to others, which did NOT included Katie Couric. Couric and her team deceptively editted the interview but the VCDL was prepared with a back up video and Couric and her fellow BS artists ended up showing their true colors. For whatever reason someone like BD enters the arena, I consider challeging some of the most blatently wrong posts as a duty to truth.

          • AK July 20, 2024, 10:56 am

            Damn good answer with which I acquiesce. I have engaged him in the past. I would posit our responses are not for him – he critically depends on the .50 cents-per-post Soros Troll Central loads on his EBT – but for others who need reinforcement.

            Good memory on the KC incident, who is one of the more repulsive MSM Karen’s.

    • Frank July 19, 2024, 8:44 am

      Well… It was nice while it lasted, but I guess you eventually had to crawl back from under your commie bed. Good to know you still haven’t any common sense when it comes to our freedoms. If you’re such an avid supporter of gun control, you can always go live in Australia or the UK.

    • Rodney Hytonen July 19, 2024, 10:07 am

      Respectfully, a weapon is a weapon- which, like any tool, exists because its need exists.
      Even (impossibly) removing the tool’s existence or availability, cannot remove that need. It is foolish. futile, and wasteful to try. Another tool will simply (and logically) be invented, improved, or repurposed, to continue to address that need.
      Yes, humans are imperfect, and will occasionally malfuction;
      and therein lies the most reasonable and effective opportunity to avoid catastrophes.
      Only a fool blames the tool.

      • Michael July 21, 2024, 7:31 am

        Absolutely agree with this! Statistics from more gun-adverse countries show that people are still murdered, sometimes in large numbers, and without a gun. In Canada, one guy set a building on fire after being laid off. Another guy boarded a bus between cities and started stabbing passengers with a kitchen knife. In Great Britain, there’s serious concern about the use of edged weapons. So… gun debate is somewhat pointless; there are more than enough laws already on the books; we just need to enforce them. (Sorry, Hunter Biden… who still hasn’t served a day behind bars!) It seems to me that gun control laws are something of a red herring, a distractor to keep people busy while something else is going on. Our standing military is small; our infrastructure is crumbling; resources to fix both are being sent to other countries; meanwhile, wealthy investors who make catastrophic mistakes with their wealth demand that the government bail them out… meanwhile, our youth are woefully undereducated, meanwhile Liberals are controlling many college campuses (as the recent protests prove) and thereby heavily influencing the minds of those young Americans who make it to college so that they can be, basically, anti-American. It all feels like a crazy nightmare.

    • Dwane July 21, 2024, 8:56 pm

      Probably but maybe not obvious to some is a few paragraphs in a book some label a myth mentioning the first recorded murder. The description of the event does not mention the tool used. I can state unequivocally the tool was not a firearm. The point being anything can be used. Maybe a dagger does not have the range an AR type does but it can be as effective. Ask Caesar. Why, Medical errors (the former director of AHRQ estimates that about 75,000 patients experience preventable in-hospital deaths yearly) cause many more deaths than all types of firearms here in the U.S. on a yearly basis. I don’t hear of waiting periods or background checks in place prior to tending patients. If there is, please let me know!

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