Backyard Machete Threat and Dabney Shootout: Texans Fight Back

in Defensive Use of Firearms, News, This Week

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A town in Texas witnessed multiple shootings in one night last week, resulting in at least two people injured. 

The Corpus Christi Police Department released a statement about the first shooting on Facebook

Man With A Machete

The homeowner lived on Graham Road, which is relevant only to distinguish him from the other events of that night. He encountered someone outside in his backyard around 7 p.m. Friday.

The homeowner told police the stranger carried a machete. The stranger “made several threatening movements towards the homeowner,” according to the police statement. 

It appears the homeowner was not originally armed but he “retrieved a firearm,” according to police. He felt he and his family were in danger as the stranger continued to threaten them with the machete.

Homeowner Shoots

The homeowner shot the suspect. The machete man left the premises and police arrived on the scene. 

Police have not yet found the suspect from the Graham Road shooting, but they informed nearby hospitals and clinics that this man may have been shot. The CCPD set up drones and a K-9 unit to look for the suspect. 

At this point, the police have still not found him.

Second Shooting

Less than 15 minutes after the first incident, police got a call of a second shooting on Dabney Street. The CCPD investigation shows that a young male arrived around 7 and shot someone.

The victim, another young male, pulled his own gun and shot back. 

The injured suspect ran, and police found him when a dispatch sent them to a third shooting. 

According to the local 3 News, the police think the suspect and victim to be around 18 or 20. Both young men went to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 

Police think the young men involved in the second incident knew each other previously. 

The CCPD is still investigating both cases.

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About the author: Kimber Pearce is a student, an avid shooter, and a pro-2A advocate.

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  • El Zorro January 13, 2025, 10:14 am


  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment January 11, 2025, 1:07 am

    story needed a happier ending……… like 3 bad guys died.

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