UPDATE: Liberty Safe Betrayal? Company Owned By Firm That Donates to Anti-Gun Candidates

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

UPDATE: Liberty Safe Changes Company Policy Amid Intense Backlash!

The Full Announcement (emphasis added):

At Liberty Safe, we are dedicated to safeguarding the rights and privacy of all our customers.  It is a promise that remains deeply personal to our employees and leadership.  Our company, one of America’s oldest and largest safe manufacturers, was founded on the belief that Americans should have the fundamental right to protect and safeguard their valuables and property.  

As a courtesy to our customers, Liberty Safe has long adhered to industry standards by maintaining a secure database of factory-set combinations.  This practice helps customers regain access to their safe for a wide range of reasons, including loss of the original combination, service requests, and warranty issues.  Liberty Safe processes over 4,000 requests of this type annually and provides combinations to safe owners only once they provide clear documentation of their identity and their ownership of the safe. 

We listen to our customers and update our products and practices in response to their evolving needs.  Today, we are announcing a change that empowers our customers with greater control over their information.  Effective immediately, existing customers can visit www.libertysafe.com/pages/combination-removal and fill out the form to have records of their access codes expunged.  In the coming weeks, we will be releasing a feature that gives every new customer this option when registering their safe.  

This change allows customers to take control of how their information is stored and protected.  We understand that many of our customers are willing to assume responsibility of safeguarding their own combination.  While those who opt out of our data storage process will have limited recourse in the case of a lost combination, we respect their choice and are here to support them in the way that’s best for them.

We have also revised our policies around cooperation with law enforcement.  Going forward we will require a subpoena that legally compels Liberty Safe to supply access codes but can only do so if these codes still exist in our system.  

Our mission is to protect what matters most to our customers, whether that be valuables or privacy.  It is our pledge to continue to make excellent products that serve gun owners everywhere.  

Liberty Safe Owned by Billion-Dollar Firm that Donates to Anti-2A Candidates?

In 2021, Liberty Safe underwent an ownership change when it was acquired by Monomoy Capital Partners. Monomoy, an East Coast investment firm, has shown a consistent pattern of donating to Democratic candidates.

An analysis of FEC reports obtained by Charlie Kirk reveals that the company has made contributions amounting to roughly $400,000 over the past ten election cycles. Some notable recipients of these donations include Democrats like:

  • Raphael Warnock (GA)
  • John Fetterman (PA)
  • Mandela Barnes (WI)
  • Mark Kelly (AZ)

It’s significant to mention that Liberty Safe’s current CEO, Justin Hillenbrand, isn’t just any executive. He was a founding partner of Monomoy and made a $4,600 donation to Obama for America.

For added context, especially relevant for those unfamiliar, Sen. Mark Kelly, one of the aforementioned donation recipients, is married to Gabbie Giffords.

The couple co-founded ‘Giffords,’ an anti-gun nonprofit with a mission to roll back the 2A rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Given these revelations, some consumers are expressing concerns and skepticism about the company’s recent decisions, particularly regarding its cooperation with the FBI.

SEE ALSO: Giffords Gun Control Tries ‘ILL’ Fundraising Scheme

The belief among these skeptics is that the company’s affiliations might have influenced its policy changes, potentially compromising customer trust in favor of other interests.

The connection between corporate decision-making and political affiliations is a topic of debate, but it’s undeniable that a section of the consumer base feels betrayed.

Calls for boycotting Liberty Safe are emerging as some question the alignment of the company’s actions with its purported foundational values.

Liberty Safe Betrayal! Attorney Weighs In on Company Giving Access Codes to FBI

In the shadow of a growing police and surveillance state, individual rights and privacy are increasingly taking a back seat to concerns over “national security.”

The recent case involving Nathan Hughes from Fayetteville, Arkansas is a stark reminder of this transition.

Arrested in relation to his involvement in the January 6th protests, Hughes’s arrest has stirred both sympathy and skepticism among the public. Yet, an overlooked aspect of this case, but equally if not more troubling, involves the actions of Liberty Safe.

When the FBI sought to access Hughes’s gun safe during their raid, Liberty Safe was all too quick to comply, in the eyes of many 2A advocates.

They apparently handed over the access codes without being compelled to do so by a court order.

This decision not only challenges the very purpose of a safe, which is to protect its owner’s privacy and belongings, but it also raises serious concerns about where companies draw the line in protecting consumer rights.

Apple, a global tech giant, has historically refused to provide backdoor access to iPhones even when faced with intense pressure from law enforcement. They’ve set a precedent in defending their consumers’ right to privacy.

In contrast, Liberty Safe’s hasty decision to cooperate without a clear legal mandate begs the question: Can companies be trusted to uphold the rights of their consumers?

SEE ALSO: Safariland Launches Exclusive Kryptek Highlander Holsters

Liberty Safe encourages its customers to register their safes with the company to ensure the warranty remains valid. This is standard practice.

However, the implicit trust that customers place in the company should not be taken for granted. It should not expose them to potential breaches of privacy by Big Brother.

The public backlash against Liberty Safe is growing. As voices like Dorie Neuhaus and Hunter Broadhead point out on social media, the company’s actions seem unnecessary and overreaching.

Customers trusted Liberty Safe to protect their belongings and their privacy. By all accounts, it appears the company faltered on both fronts.

As this case unfolds, it serves as a critical reminder for businesses everywhere. Consumer trust is hard-earned and easily lost.

In a world where individual rights are frequently challenged, companies play a vital role in upholding or undermining these rights. The choices they make today will undoubtedly shape their reputations tomorrow.

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  • Doug Stead September 16, 2023, 1:36 pm

    I hate to spoil everyone’s rantings about Liberty Safe, but if they hadn’t given up the combination the FBI would have simply torched it open. These safes are relatively easy to open with the right tools. Just ask the ATF, they do it all the time. I think the most disturbing thing is the revelation of who actually owns this company and their political donations. This is what disqualifies Liberty Safe as a choice for gun owners. Before buying a safe in the future do the research on the company owners and whether they support the 2A or not.

  • Lord Bludgeon September 13, 2023, 8:59 pm

    I’d say they just shot themselves in the foot. If gun-owners stop buying their safes (I would never buy a Liberty now, regardless of any pious statements they issue, and especially now that I know they’re owned by socialist leftists), and if gun shops refuse tho carry them, they will go under in short order.

  • David B September 11, 2023, 11:21 pm

    Buy Smith safes, he has a great business of safes and safe doors.

  • Ray Flaherty September 11, 2023, 8:37 pm

    They made their bed, now let them live with it. Boycott. They can find customers who need storage for their Bud products .

  • Jon D September 11, 2023, 10:21 am

    There are MANY great gun safe alternatives. My view is that we, as firearm owners should purchase products from firms that support the Second Amendment. Liberty Safes is just one more liberal owned opportunistic and cynical company that wants money from firearms owners while simultaneously donating large sums to those who would have those owners disarmed.

    Just say no to this hypocrisy and walk over to the next alternative. As of now, Libert Safes is dead to me. And I hope to you.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment September 9, 2023, 6:15 pm

    Puts a little context to the big push for safe storage laws!

  • Hondo September 9, 2023, 5:08 pm

    These leftist companies keep tripping over their own dicks, f these unAmerican clowns, you’re now dead to me.

  • Analog Locks September 9, 2023, 8:15 am

    A citizen’s trove of firearms, in secure storage, gets attention and targeted by FBI (+ I’m certain, un-named agencies)?
    Wasn’t Brandon adamant we’d need private F-16’s; do those fit in a gun safe?

  • Papa Bear September 9, 2023, 12:15 am

    Anti-Liberty Safe Co. To little too late!! Any gun owner, or safe purchaser, that trusts you to do the right thing now, is a fool. If there is not a total boycott of your all your products, I’ll be very surprised.

  • Jim September 8, 2023, 8:27 pm

    Let’s see. Apple can tell the FBI to pizz off. But Liberty Safe bends over and drops trousers as soon as FBI whistles.
    That about right?

  • MeSeaHunt September 8, 2023, 1:55 pm

    even though this is NOT good news, LIBERTY is NOT going to be hurt in any way shape or form when it comes to sales….. this conglomerate just like ALL the others have been donating and having wolves in sheeps clothing sitting on the BOARD of Dir’s for many many many YEARS!!!! what is GOOD is this info is now coming out and people are being made aware, that is all though, things will NOT change because there is toooooooooo much red tape involved and there are not enough at the top with the balls to make it happen, UNFORTUNATELY!!!

    • Bobo September 11, 2023, 11:30 am

      I think a lot of people would be absolutely shocked as to how many companies in the industry are owned by Investment Groups – which donate to anti causes – Investments groups exist for one Main reason and that’s to make them as much $$ as they can, politics really don’t come into it.

  • Ralph Cramden September 8, 2023, 12:39 pm

    Put dem TF outta Bidness….they made the decision to go woke and betray the customer and support the corrupt FBI.

  • Ralph Cramden September 8, 2023, 12:35 pm

    We don’t need them….put them TF out of bidnesss!!!!! Effing traitors to the customers who customers think they can trust to protect their rights! Eff’m!!!

    Put the them on the same sh!tlist with …
    Bed bath and Beyond

  • Chuck Davidson September 8, 2023, 12:11 pm

    Beware. The current regime is spending a lot of effort and money on eliminating any threat to their power and their continued control of the levers of power. Nothing is beneath them. They are punishing FFL holders for typos and such as if that was a conspiracy to overthrow the government. They are doing everything that they possibly can to corrupt the election system in their favor. They are destroying the economy for the middle class because that makes people more dependent on the government.
    Think before you vote. Voting for anyone with a D behind their name is a vote for tyranny.

    • Tom B September 11, 2023, 9:59 am

      Just remember to vote! Don’t believe the lies that they won’t count your vote. We need everyone of us the vote Republican. If you don’t like Trump or any of the other GOP candidates then just hold you nose and vote GOP. That’s what democrats did with Biden and Fetterman.

      Dems are not longer Dems. They are Socialists/Communists that want total control over everything and everyone. If you think you can just ignore because it doesn’t affect you (like my brother) then think again. If you catch cancer early enough you can stop it. if you wait until end stage then nothing can be done.

  • jerry September 8, 2023, 12:08 pm

    This will continue until folks wake up and start voting for freedom. I fear it’s going to get much worse before that happens. Remember, we need to win by at least ten percentage points to counter their cheating! Stay safe.

  • Dr. Dave September 8, 2023, 11:01 am

    Fu(k Liberty Safes and their support of traitorous anti gun politicians (pieces of feces).

    Death to tyranny & tyrants.
    Buck Fiden & Yuck Fou for voting for pedophile Joe and & his buttbuddy buttigieg.

    Si Vis Pacem para bellum
    Molon Labe

  • AR Libertarian September 8, 2023, 10:43 am

    I’d not buy a Liberty Safe due to the political donations.

    As far as turning over a combination? Eh. Either turn over the combination or get ready to see Mr. Acetylene Torch cut the door off. That fight would occur in court, not in the home.

  • Randall Slack September 8, 2023, 10:36 am

    I choose a Fort Knox combination safe…
    If I had a Liberty not only would I call and have my code info removed from their list, I would change the electronic lock to another electronic lock or combination.

  • Randall Slack September 8, 2023, 10:31 am

    So the bigger picture is being missed.
    As I understand the FBI got the warrant first.
    They knew had the safe?
    How oh must be through his CC company or they searched his bank account?
    Then proceeded to get a warrant specifically targeting his safe…

    If he is identified as a person on the grounds of the Capitol on J6th what does opening his safe, searching his safe and if they did confiscating his guns?
    Also he is now guilty now prove yourself innocent?

    I think we as gun owners need to start rethinking about supporting the thin blue line and all related law enforcement agencies…

    • Heavyguns31 September 9, 2023, 10:19 am

      Easy there Randall…it will be a cold day in hell before I trample the gun rights (or any rights rights) of a law abiding citizen. The same with everyone on our dept. To blanket statement “the thin blue line” is no different than gun control itself. Punish the good masses for the bad few…thats what you just said about us…same thing and it’s WRONG. Punish the bad cops…leave me alone because I do care about your rights AND mine…same as punish the criminals not pass dumbass gun laws punishing all of us.

      • Hondo September 20, 2023, 6:58 pm

        I can’t support that group that will be the ones that infringe on our rights, just following orders does not cut it in my book. A blanket support for cops? Are you retarded or something?

    • Dbuck September 11, 2023, 11:03 am

      A warrant to search the residence includes the safe that is within the residence. My understanding is that Liberty gave the combination without need to receive a copy of the warrant. Just a phone call. As far as knowing what is in everyone’s houses, folks post videos showing their safe and its contents. Not sure if this fellow did, but the warrant covers everything in the residence, business, or building regardless of safes and locked hope chests.

      • Zomo September 15, 2023, 1:17 am

        A warrant does not cover everything in the house! That’s asinine! A warrant couid be given fir the whole house if approved by the judge but no judge would approve that, there would be too many what ifs and everything would be thrown out in court!! What would that do?
        Before a warrant is approved abd signed by a judge it has to be specific in what they’re looking for? If they granted a warrant fir the entire house then what’s next? The entire street that the house is on, the entire town? Cmon bud? Nit trying ti piss on your parade but I think you’re mistaken!! Warrants have ti be very specific in what they’re asking to look for!!! I’m not an attorney but I’ve been on the wrong side of the law my entire life! Not by choice ya know but you learn some of the most bizarre shit when you’re looking up codes and crimes and why you’re being charged with whatever it is you’ve done! I’m not siding with the FBI whatsoever, they need to be redone, rewound, re screwed etc!!! Like I said, a judge could possibly order a whole house warrant but I think not! From my readings of warrants anyway!! Correct me if I’m wrong, and my bad for coming off like that but it just sounded absurd is all.
        Ok, im ready fur my beating!! Lol
        Let the beatings continue until moral improves! Good day sir!

  • Glenn Stanton September 8, 2023, 10:27 am

    go woke, go broke.

  • Nobody September 8, 2023, 10:20 am

    Well you learn something new everyday. Guess those 2 liberty safes I was looking to purchase, will look at someone who supports my views.

  • Chris Stevens September 8, 2023, 10:12 am

    I was on the fence about this attributing the incident to a glitch in Liberty’s procedures, but after seeing a glimpse of their political donor list, it’s clear the ownership group’s political views don’t align with mine. Any business who donates to Warnock and Fetterman doesn’t want me as a customer.

  • Zane R Nobbs September 8, 2023, 9:55 am

    We’re looking at safes for our new home, and you can be Liberty won’t be one of them.

  • Stephen Dreher September 8, 2023, 9:39 am

    Whether Liberty was shown a warrant or not is irrelevant. A warrant is not the standard for releasing confidential information. It requires a court order. A warrant is not a court order. A warrant is just some LEO’s suspicion countersigned by a friendly judge with a wink and a nod. A court order is issued after an evidentiary hearing. You do not have “Liberty” and your stuff is not “Safe” with this company’s products. Regardless of a safe’s manufacture, the very first thing you should do is have a reputable locksmith change out that stupid electric push-button lock for an honest-to-goodness combination dial with, of course, a different combination/ access code than the safe came with. Keep The Faith.

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB September 8, 2023, 9:16 am

    I already know the answer to this question: Are the feds going this hard after BLM and antifa for causing 2 billion dollars worth of property damage in the “summer of love”? That’s a big negative! F’ liberty safe & FJB, Si Vis Pacem Parabellum! Trump 2024!

  • Steven J Money September 8, 2023, 9:15 am

    I don’t own one, and I won’t.
    Research everything, trust no one.

    • Kane September 8, 2023, 2:05 pm

      The International Investment Firm, Blackrock, owns huge firms and thus backs social policies that are counter productive to the smaller companies market industry. You actually have firms that do NOT insist on a fuduciary relationship. Investors money is used to push agendas that the stakeholder opposes.

      It’s happening in the Catholic Church where the Church finances have for generations been controlled by Rothschild financial interests this dangerous family is finally playing it’s long game. Look for major up heavels in Church Doctrine with this current dangerous Pope, without regard to the “traditional Catholics.” Despite the crummy hymns, “All Are Welcome” traditional Catholics will be targetted.

      • Dbuck September 11, 2023, 11:09 am

        You do realize that the church of rome is the great whore in Revelation 17 ? Remember the Roman Catholic Inquisition? Remember Rome hunting, torturing, and killing anyone who owned the Holy Bible ? Rome still has the same agenda of destroying all Bible believers and forcing all to bow to the antichrist or pope, whichever you wish to call him. They bow to idols and removed the second commandment which forbids making or bowing to idols. The have their own corrupt bibles and hate all who worship the God of the Bible.

        • Kb31416 September 11, 2023, 6:45 pm

          Ah, yes, the last socially accepted form of bigotry: anti-Catholic.
          Your post is pure, unadulterated bravo sierra.

        • Kane September 12, 2023, 9:38 pm

          The Protestant Bible that the Royal families changed like “King James” version was based on the Catholic Bible. The Catholic Church covers the original Bible in Church over the coarse of a year and guards against Prod like a David Koresh from making dubious interpretations. The Prods are bowing bown to the pervert homo agenda just like this current Pope and so is your US government. I know you prods think there was no salvation in the world until some time after Martin Luther and that Jesus waited until the snake handling abortion loving Pros came along to open the doors of savation.

          “Remember Rome hunting, torturing, and killing anyone who owned the Holy Bible ?” No, provide the details.

          “Rome still has the same agenda of destroying all Bible believers and forcing all to bow to the antichrist or pope, whichever you wish to call him.” Name your Church, why do I have to even ask? Are you Church shopping again?

          “They bow to idols and removed the second commandment which forbids making or bowing to idols.” You mean like the images on your automobile or your firearms? Provide your top 3 examples of how the Catholic Church does this.

          “The have their own corrupt bibles and hate all who worship the God of the Bible.” You hate the Catholic Bible? In my experience, you Prods are race worshiping , Old Testament fanatics. That was never my covenant.

  • Chris Thomas September 8, 2023, 9:11 am

    Well, I guess my next safe will not be a Liberty Safe! This company will probably end up in bankruptcy! Good riddance!

  • Quadrophenia September 8, 2023, 9:07 am

    So what is safe in a liberty safe… Nothing!
    Their lawyers suck, or they are cowards… To many manufacturers to choose over liberty safes.

    The name of the company is an oxymoron

  • gregory j wangler September 8, 2023, 8:42 am

    “…when registering they’re safe.”
    It’s good to know we’re safe while registering. That makes me feel less safe.

  • Kane September 8, 2023, 12:44 am

    Man, J6???

    Remember when the US used to make a big deal over all the false flag operations commited by our foreign enemies. “Choose your enemies well…”

  • Kane September 8, 2023, 12:36 am

    Hopefully bankruptcy lawyers like Peter Francis Geraci walk away with all of Liberty Safe for supporting anti-2A politicians. Even if the access codes were given by mistake while a company imbecile manned the phones, the political donations are enough of a violation sink this company.

    *Raphael Warnock (GA)
    *John Fetterman (PA)
    *Mandela Barnes (WI)
    *Mark Kelly (AZ)


    • martin fierro September 8, 2023, 11:32 am

      No safety in Liberty safes! Buy another brand!

    • Ralph Cramden September 8, 2023, 12:58 pm

      ✊😁Din putt’m outa bidness….traitors.

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