Why One Pistol Isn’t Enough

in Authors, True Pearce

If you’ve ever wondered whether one handgun could handle all your defensive needs—or if it’s worth investing in more than one—this is the video for you. Today, I’m sharing my perspective as a professional shooter, attorney, and firearm instructor on why owning at least two handguns can make a huge difference in your home defense, concealed carry, and overall personal safety. We’ll talk about the benefits of full-size versus compact pistols, setting up your gear the right way, and how to train effectively—so you can feel confident and ready should any critical situation arise. Let’s jump in!”

Please leave us a comment and let us know how many handguns you think you should own.

Learn about the guns we used in this video by visiting FN America

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About the author: True Pearce is the Managing Editor at GunsAmerica. He’s a competitive shooter, hunter, instructor & attorney. You can see and follow his adventures on Instagram. @true1911 https://www.instagram.com/true1911/

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  • Roger Mccausland January 10, 2025, 11:35 am

    Wasp spray works great too
    Shoots 32 feet
    Spray that shit it someone’s face before you shoot
    I keep two by my bed
    With other fire power

    • LJ January 11, 2025, 8:03 am

      Fuck that! The only ‘shit’ I’m going to spray in your face if you break into my home is 12ga buckshot out of a semi-auto bullpup with a 20rd drum magazine. After I empty that, or it jams, and you’re still wiggling, THEN I’ll reach for Glock 10mm and pump 15 rounds of 10mm Double-Tap into your ass. I’ll repair the dry wall and mop up the mess later. . 😂

  • Roger Mccausland January 10, 2025, 11:32 am

    Shot gun
    The real home defense
    A pistol is great but in your home a shot gun with buckie in the chamber is a good combo

  • Henri January 10, 2025, 10:31 am

    It’s good to remember that in a serious domestic situation a handgun is only the means to fight your way to your rifle or shotgun. I have a Glock and a HK P7 in bedroom, a double stack 10mm 1911 in a quick access safe across the house and the first three long guns in the actual safe are a pump shotgun, AR and AK, all loaded and ready to go.

  • Wade January 7, 2025, 10:40 am

    Please write up an article. Hate ‘reports and opinions’ on video.

  • Kevin January 7, 2025, 10:33 am

    True, you lost me at the end when you said don’t be like me you only need 2. Lol

  • Brad Beeson January 6, 2025, 8:33 am

    I have a loaded 15 round pistol by bed stand, and a 9mm of 10 rounds by front door I am Vietnam Veteran, 78 years young. Brad

  • Big Al 45LC January 6, 2025, 8:31 am

    LOL! Yes, and let’s face it, it’s what we tell ourselves and our other halves, true or not.

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