Boston Mayor Laments Lack of Protests Over Shooting of 7-Year-Old Boy

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh expressed frustration Sunday that there wasn’t more public outrage over a shooting involving a 7-year-old boy who was simply riding his bike in a Dorchester neighborhood.

“We’re working hard every day to make sure we can bring down the violence,” Walsh said. “What’s sad is there’s no outrage or protest about a 7-year-old being shot.”

“There’s some protests around the country with police officers’ interaction with people, I think some of those protests, we need to start looking at our neighborhood and say, ‘what do we need to do to get the guns off our streets,’ Walsh continued.

The boy, identified as Divan Silva, survived the gunshot wound. However, the gunman who also shot a 20-year-old man during the incident has not been caught.

“This should not be tolerated. You owe no allegiance to anybody that would fire a gun brazenly in the streets and hit a 7-year-old child. If you know something, turn them in,” said Boston Police Chief William Gross.

“It’s such a sad situation and we’re asking people to be diligent and if you know any information just let the police know,” added Walsh.


People should be outraged. Though, not at guns or gun owners but at the scumbags on the street who would indiscriminately fire into a crowd of people. Bottom line: we need to get these thugs off the street!

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  • Wayne Clemon May 15, 2018, 12:10 pm

    The thug is armed and still at large and has shown a willingness to shoot people. On the other hand law abiding people are severely restricted in their ability to own or carry a weapon for self protection, so they simply don’t want to make themselves targets.

  • Dan Martin October 9, 2017, 10:06 am

    It’s quite simple, a cop did not shoot the boy so it does not fit the agenda of anti-police. If a big deal was made of this shooting the people behind the anti-police movement would have to admit it’s not the police that are the problem. That’s why you only hear about the occasional police shootings not all the hundreds of shootings not done by police.

  • Derwurst July 8, 2017, 9:12 am

    At the Massachusetts various freeway border highways and airports there are huge signs stating if a citizen is caught with a single .22 shell they can be jailed for one year. Yet a thug can randomly shoot an innocent child on the street is not questioned. Hmmm double standards for criminals I guess is acceptable in society there in Boston

  • Frustrated May 26, 2015, 9:32 pm

    Why no signs & shirts that say kids lives matter? No riots over a 7 year old shot? Sounds an awful lot like priorities are BACKWARDS. How about the 29 shootings that left 9 people dead in Baltimore over Memorial Day weekend? Hmmm . . . No signs that say black lives matter being put up over this. Oh ya and they are not COP related. Call that Hypocrisy.
    By the way . . . I’m black too.

    • Bill in Lexington, NC February 6, 2017, 8:07 pm

      It doesn’t make any difference what color you are … people riot when thugs are shot and keep their mouths shut when some kid on his bicycle gets shot. That should tell you something … that the riots are paid for, not spontaneous from the heart.

      Blacks AND whites AND Amerind AND Asian (and, and, and …) need to wake up to what is happening in our country … while we still have one.

      • Wayne Clemon May 15, 2018, 12:16 pm

        That’s because if you piss-off a gang member you’ll likely be the next one shot and if you live in Boston you probably can’t legally protect yourself with a gun. The mayor needs to look at their own backwards laws that empower no one but criminals.

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