Ann Coulter: ‘Americans Should Fear Immigrants More than ISIS’

Threat assessment, it’s something all engaged and responsible gun owners do. You know, you size up threats in your neighborhood, at work, in your city, around the country and in the world.

Who poses the biggest threat? In a localized discussion, you might say it’s the seedy-looking guy down the street that probably sells drugs or the registered sex offender two streets over. In more macro or global terms, you might say it’s the Obama White House and its never-ending quest to roll back the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens or maybe you’d say it’s a failed state like Iraq.

I don’t know, we all see things differently. Speaking of seeing things differently, Conservative author Ann Coulter told Fusion’s Jorge Ramos that immigrants from Mexico are a greater threat to American security than the Islamic State.

“I have a little tip. If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria. If you don’t want to be killed by a Mexican, there’s nothing I can tell you,” Coulter told Ramos.

“Very easy to not be killed by ISIS,” she added. “Don’t fly to Syria.”

Perhaps Coulter isn’t aware of the two ISIS sympathizers were preparing to shoot up citizens outside a “Freedom of Speech Rally” (Draw Muhammad contest) in Garland, Texas, recently. Thankfully, local law enforcement stopped them dead in their tracks — literally.

Nevertheless, Coulter believes that the Mexican culture is one that is cancerous to the U.S.

“There are a lot of problems with that culture,” said Coulter, in reference to Mexico. “Hopefully it can be changed. But we can share our culture with other nations without bringing all of their people here.”

“America is the best in the world. And we are about to lose it,” Coulter continued. “Everyone who lives here is going to lose that.”

There’s no doubt that Coulter says stuff that is designed to be inflammatory and divisive. It’s what helps drive her book sales. But I’m wondering what you think of her comments.

Do you think Mexican immigrants are an existential threat to the well-being of the U.S.?

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  • .45StayAlive November 13, 2016, 7:00 pm

    I believe from an empirical point of view, the likelihood of being harmed or killed in the United States by an illegal Mexican immigrant is greater than the likelihood of being harmed or killed in the United States by someone acting on behalf of ISIS. Even in recent times, more people in the U.S. are killed by illegal Mexican immigrants than by ISIS each year. So in that regard Ann Coulter is correct. That may change in the future.

  • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 9:38 am

    Ann Coulter knows how to speak in sound bites. However, her understanding of the threat posed by ISIS is sketchy at best. It’s not just immigrants who pose the danger to Americans, it’s home-grown terrorists like the Orlando killer, Omar Mateen. She apparently missed the memo that Mateen was a native-born US citizen. He grew up notionally in a culture where you don’t haul a battle rifle with a bunch of loaded magazines to a crowded club and try to kill them all because you don’t like their sexuality.

    Now, whether Omar Mateen got that from his parents, his mosque, or over the Internet, or over the news media who have been telling us all along that a religion that endorses murder here and snow for such matters isn’t “really”responsible for murders done in its name (we need to have a nationwide dialogue not just with Muslims, but Dominionist Christians and anyone else who wants to bring back the days of correcting sexual deviance by death) he did it. He was a native-born America. None of the dead people at Orlando had to do as much as visit a travel agent to die at Mateen’s hands.

    People would take Ann Coulter more seriously (I do not, for example) if she thought a little before she wrote or spoke. I enjoyed almost all of her book “Treason” but the part where she didn’t feel sorry for the kids of writers and actors blacklisted during McCarthyism. The honest truth is, McCarthy didn’t do a single concrete thing to fight Communism. He created what’s known (wrongly) as a “moral panic” against Communism while the nation abandoned its allies Britain and France to Soviet interference in the Suez Crisis, and no one ever got to see those lists he had of “card-carrying Communists” (when what we needed was more vigilance against those people who were quietly selling secrets to the Communists, like Alger Hiss and Currie Laughlin, while being comfortably set up in high Federal office. All those writers and actors did was say the wrong thing at the wrong time, their Constitutional right – and they lost their jobs, and had to scramble for work – they didn’t always get it.

    Ann Coulter’s good-looking. She can write glibly. She interviews well. But she doesn’t always make good sense.

  • GJ July 21, 2015, 5:31 am

    I believe that many of you are somewhat overwhelmed and confused on this issue because you think it is an attack on the wonderful and diverse Mexican culture.
    What Ann Coulter, Donald Trump and others are referring to here is the culture of millions of immigrants from Mexico who are living in The United States in violation of the law and have formed a culture to do so.
    That has little to do with the great culture of Mexico nor the wonderful culture of Mexican Americans.
    These illegal immigrants are criminals by definition. They violate the laws of The United States every day and indeed live in a culture that native Mexican Americans and legal Mexican American immigrants do not share nor care to share.
    While trying to survive in this country these people must go about their lives on a daily basis in violation of the laws that we legal and honest Amercans happily live by in our daily lives.
    That is the cultural difference.
    All immigrants from all the countries of the world that have joined in building our great United States society while abiding by its laws are victims in one way or another of those people who do not obey its laws and we must all equally shoulder the burden.
    An immigrant from Mexico, like immigrants by any other country name, is Mexican until they have legally become a citizen of The United States and then they can proudly proclaim they are Mexican American.
    Perhaps those of us who are interested in keeping America strong and love the culture and traditions of our neighbor Mexico can help others understand these differences and find a way to help resolve the anger and frustration brought about by lack of understanding and the burdens we all shoulder in such a way that will brighten all peoples futures.

  • H. S. Plouse July 20, 2015, 12:14 pm

    Why do people, who call Coulter “inflammatory”, insist on misconstruing her message? Her point isn’t that Mexicans are biologically violent or corrupt or criminal (it was a BS question, Jorge…), it’s that Mexican culture is endemically beset with violence, corruption, and criminality. Ask any Mexican waiting in line for his/her visa – or, for that matter, sneaking over, under or around our “border controls” (in quotation marks for obvious reasons), why they want out of Mexico. If they were happy with Mexican culture (in all its aspects, including economic ones – there’s a reason why Mexico is poor, despite its riches, and the answer lies in Mexico’s tolerance of graft and corruption and exploitation), they wouldn’t be emigrating (yes, that is the correct term for “leaving”, look it up before you try to correct me). However, those people who come here legally are “vetted”. They don’t come here with criminal records, with drug resistant TB, or with any inherent disregard for American laws and mores. They come here intending to become Americans and they do it “the American Way” and with due regard for American laws. People who come here (or stay here – the bigger problem) illegally, regardless of their reasons for doing so, have, by their very act of illegal entry (or failure to leave in accordance with the terms of their original admittance), declared themselves inimical to those laws and mores and that initial illegality colors all their future actions and relationships. They have, by breaching our borders, breached our laws and rejected our mores and, having thus criminalized themselves, are far more likely to continue that criminality, either because that is who and what they are or because they make themselves subject to criminal coercion. Yeah, we know you didn’t come here hoping to be a drug runner, but, ya’ know, somebody has to pay off that “coyote” who snuck you across the border… That won’t be cured by any “amnesty”, because it attaches (or attached) the moment they decided that the law should not apply to them and it reflects a view, already adopted before they crossed the border, that the USA is just Mexico with better roads. They did not come primed for acculturation, they came here in an act of rejectionism – rejection of the very American cultural standards which are the chief reason we are not Mexico. If you need proof of that, go to any “barrio” in the USA where illegal aliens congregate and what you will find is NOT the “Little Italy” or “Paddy Town” or “Chinatown” of the past, a way station on the road to becoming “fully American”, but, rather, a recreation of everything that is wrong with Mexico today. It’s not the Mexicans who are the problem, it is the Mexican culture and illegals never leave that behind. Instead, they bring it with them. THAT is what Coulter is talking about. Trying to make it an issue of race is ridiculous (BTW, despite what the government may want you to believe, with their questionnaires, “Hispanic” is NOT a race or even an ethnicity – go turn on “Univision” or “Telemundo” and you’ll see more white faces than on any American TV station – it isn’t skin color which makes a Mexican Mexican, it’s attitude and one is not “racist” for rejecting attitudes which are inimical to our way of life).

    • Michael Junco June 26, 2016, 6:40 pm

      Well said!

  • H. S. Plouse July 20, 2015, 12:14 pm

    Why do people, who call Coulter “inflammatory”, insist on misconstruing her message? Her point isn’t that Mexicans are biologically violent or corrupt or criminal (it was a BS question, Jorge…), it’s that Mexican culture is endemically beset with violence, corruption, and criminality. Ask any Mexican waiting in line for his/her visa – or, for that matter, sneaking over, under or around our “border controls” (in quotation marks for obvious reasons), why they want out of Mexico. If they were happy with Mexican culture (in all its aspects, including economic ones – there’s a reason why Mexico is poor, despite its riches, and the answer lies in Mexico’s tolerance of graft and corruption and exploitation), they wouldn’t be emigrating (yes, that is the correct term for “leaving”, look it up before you try to correct me). However, those people who come here legally are “vetted”. They don’t come here with criminal records, with drug resistant TB, or with any inherent disregard for American laws and mores. They come here intending to become Americans and they do it “the American Way” and with due regard for American laws. People who come here (or stay here – the bigger problem) illegally, regardless of their reasons for doing so, have, by their very act of illegal entry (or failure to leave in accordance with the terms of their original admittance), declared themselves inimical to those laws and mores and that initial illegality colors all their future actions and relationships. They have, by breaching our borders, breached our laws and rejected our mores and, having thus criminalized themselves, are far more likely to continue that criminality, either because that is who and what they are or because they make themselves subject to criminal coercion. Yeah, we know you didn’t come here hoping to be a drug runner, but, ya’ know, somebody has to pay off that “coyote” who snuck you across the border… That won’t be cured by any “amnesty”, because it attaches (or attached) the moment they decided that the law should not apply to them and it reflects a view, already adopted before they crossed the border, that the USA is just Mexico with better roads. They did not come primed for acculturation, they came here in an act of rejectionism – rejection of the very American cultural standards which are the chief reason we are not Mexico. If you need proof of that, go to any “barrio” in the USA where illegal aliens congregate and what you will find is NOT the “Little Italy” or “Paddy Town” or “Chinatown” of the past, a way station on the road to becoming “fully American”, but, rather, a recreation of everything that is wrong with Mexico today. It’s not the Mexicans who are the problem, it is the Mexican culture and illegals never leave that behind. Instead, they bring it with them. THAT is what Coulter is talking about. Trying to make it an issue of race is ridiculous (BTW, despite what the government may want you to believe, with their questionnaires, “Hispanic” is NOT a race or even an ethnicity – go turn on “Univision” or “Telemundo” and you’ll see more white faces than on any American TV station – it isn’t skin color which makes a Mexican Mexican, it’s attitude and one is not “racist” for rejecting attitudes which are inimical to our way of life).

  • ejharb June 15, 2015, 8:09 am

    Miss Coulter fore tells too late the invasion of America and it’s destruction.we
    Were promised hope and change but have been served hoax and chains. Prepare to survive at least 6 months in the woods as the city’s burn and die and when it’s over we’ll try to restore it to pre-wilson a way I pity the invaders because when we turn and fight they will wish they’d not come here.

  • l June 6, 2015, 11:56 am

    Round them up just as we did LEGAL Japanese Americans in WWII and get the ILLEGALS out of our country.

  • law dawg June 2, 2015, 1:46 pm

    Ann Coulter is not saying anything that hasn’t been said, time and time again. The fact of the matter is the big money boys want the illegals here for many reasons. Example: working jobs for much less money, no benefits, no high wages affected to corporations, and no complaints from the illegals. There is a shit load of problems that exist and are created by allowing illegal immigration… High crime, diseases, exhausted resources, e.t.c. And it’s not only the people coming from countries south of the border. There’s a tremendous amount of Asians flocking to this to the U.S. They are sending hords of pregnant Chinese women here and setting them up in motels, hotels, and homes so they can birth their babed here and start collecting government aide. What needs yo happen is the U.S. has to stop all immigration now!! Let the country try and recover and deal with our legal citizens needs. First thing is to get rid of anti American politicians, I.e. obama, biden, Michele Obama, pelozi, sharpton, Jackson, the clitons, get the liberals out of our government they’re destroying the very existence of our lives as we knew it. Obama set out to bring down the U.S. with his socialistic agenda. He’s s hater of Christians and has continued to keep progressing forward with his unsavory agenda. My opinion is he’s playing it to the max and is planning to declare marshal law very soon. GOD bless America…..

  • Eddie June 1, 2015, 9:58 pm

    You are all right, and wrong at the same time. Obama´s immigration policies are indeed directed to create more votes for the people that placed him in the White House, although I really don´t think Hillary will get her wet dream…even with all the votes coming in from minorities, which she won’t get. Mexican immigrants are not the problem… They are hard workers, and I know many that have served the U.S. proudly and with great courage. Politicians are the problem, here in the Unites States and in most countries in South America. Americans, Mexicans, Guatemalans Central Americans Venezuelan’s etc, etc. should do something about the poor quality of their politicians governing the future of the American continent. The problem the U.S. has with immigration has to do with Al Qaeda, and now (thx to Obama´s inaction) ISIS. Venezuela has daily flight to Tehran, Nicaragua has over 400 “political officers” working in their Iranian embassy. The Venezuelan government has become the biggest and more dangerous drug cartel in History. The Alba group which comprises of the communist factions (they call themselves 21 century socialists because the real acronym which has been defatted is not of their liking) of Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador , Argentina has been providing Cuba with oil from Venezuela doubling the amount of financing the Russian ever gave them… Iran, with uranium out of Bolivian mining operations and the US with plenty of drugs. Countless amounts of Chechnian, Iranian, Syrian illegals have been caught in the border with Mexico for years… Other terrorists with fake passports from various Latin American countries. We just never hear about them… Mexican immigrants are the least of our troubles. The U.S. needs to take effective care of its southern and northern borders. And yes! the U.S. also needs to start paying attention at what´s going on with its southern neighbors and help them get better controls. Duping M- 18 gagsters deported back has just caused this same gangbangers to step up to the next level and get in touch with terrorist organizations coming in from Venezuela. Most of this countries have no means to deal with that level of terro-narco violence. Thus Honduras been the most dangerous country in the planet alongside Venezuela (By the way the amount of black on black killings in Baltimore alone double those of this two countries… That’s right, if Baltimore was a country the State Department would warn you not to go there…politicians at work). Today there are thousands of young students screaming to get Maduro out of power in Venezuela and , as it happen in Iran a few years ago when their students went out in the streets to get rid of their oppressive government thinking the US would do something, Obama did, and has done nothing… hundreds of young students are ding and fighting for their future in this countries wile ours are getting high in Panama city Florida. No ladies and gets, the problem here is the “F” politicians not the hard working Mexican immigrants trying to get out of the violent mess provoked because we turn a blind eye, and are still the second largest drug consumer-region in the planets (Europe took that price last year). There is a very good reason Obama finally declared Venezuela a national security threat. Also the opening of Cuban American relations is not a savvy political move (otherwise he would have done it years ago) the U.S. figures that opening up to Cuba will create trouble for the Castro´s plans for South America by allowing the U.S. better ears with in the island. Ann Coulter and Jorge Ramos’s comments are quite irrelevant at this point and I personally think just design to keep the eyes and ears form the real issues… Wake up America! Politicians in Washington will never change their ways if we don´t force them to do so by kicking them out of office and replacing them with good old fashion brassy young minds that will get the United States back to been the great Republican experiment the forefathers intended, and the only one in the entire planet…

  • David G June 1, 2015, 9:51 pm

    I really pity the people on here worrying about jobs being taken by Mexicans. Are you telling me that these little, uneducated, non English speaking people that come into an entirely different country and culture are taking the jobs of Americans who were born and raised here? I mean you’ve had all your life to study and get a job that anyone off the street shouldn’t be able to get. It’s a real shame that these guys are coming and our working you guys.

    • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 9:48 am

      The problem isn’t the Mexicans here. It’s the immigrants on H1b visas who aren’t much more qualified than those illiterate illegals, but whom are hired by the big tech firms, which then force American workers to teach then how to program computers and do the other nice tech jobs – then fire the Americans and keep the H1b hires (who work much more cheaply). Many of these people come from where life is cheap and Sudden Jihad Syndrome not just a joke.

  • Christophe June 1, 2015, 2:57 pm

    if you look back at other periods of immigration…
    The people coming to America embraced it, loved it, wanted it for what it stood for and the was FREEDOM, not for money!!!
    The incoming flux of people assimilated into society….they did not FORCE society to change for them!
    This is the difference, if Hispanics wish to come to America ….legally and are willing to learn the language and are willing to assimilate then by all means….
    However forcing the population to change is not what we should be doing.
    I am tired of bilingual signs….tired of bilingual recordings…..and really really tired of inconsiderate assholes forcing you government to become part of mexico!!!!!!!!

    • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 10:02 am

      And it’s the same issue we have with the families of the Omar Mateens here – something didn’t “click” in their heads when they came, that they were supposed to become tolerant, hard-working people who believed in the rule of law and equal rights for everyone. Omar Mateen wasn’t born wanting to load up on guns and ammo and try to wipe everyone in a bar out. The San Bernadino shooters didn’t get the idea of murdering everyone at an office party from American culture – their social media posts indicate they were solidly connected with the “folks back home” in the sway of radical Islam. And illegal immigrants from south of the border are a constant threat to people here legally because they came here breaking our law and have learned that there’s very little downside to breaking our law – we choose not to enforce our immgration laws, and they think all the other laws are fair game, too.

      But Ann Counter had to oversimplify and say “immigrants” are the problem. No. ILLEGAL immigrants are the problem. Immigrants who insist on perpetuating a culture of hate in their kids are the problem. And political parties which encourage both illegal immigration and try to hide the problems with cultures of hate are the problem – the Democrats. Omar Mateen had a voter registration card marked “Democratic” in the “party” section in his wallet when he walked into that bar with that rifle. The San Bernadino killers were likely registered Democrats. Illegal immigrants who register to vote illegally are almost overwhelmingly registered Democrat. It’s time we systematically held the Democrats responsible for their LETHAL policy failures – every American killed by an illegal immigrant or an Omar Mateen or another Democrat with a gun. It’s time they got some of their own medicine.

  • Uncle Nat June 1, 2015, 1:34 pm

    All of the Latinos I’ve ever met, especially those with dubious immigration status keep a low profile and have, through necessity, learned at least some English. Most of all they work incredibly hard in conditions that would be intolerable for many modern Americans. I can’t help but admire them for attempting to improve their life. This is my own experience and others’ may differ, but I prefer to base my judgement on that and not some fear mongering pundit attempting to get rich off the anxiety she creates.

    • Fro June 2, 2015, 12:57 pm

      So, what do you really think about the Clintons. You know, Slick Willie and the Hill-of-Rotting-Ham Clinton. What about Al Sharp-tongue. What about supreme court justice Sotomayor who was the prez’s chief solicitor to get obamacare passed as a commerce regulation. ” it’s a tax, not a fee so it is legal under commerce clause” . Then we are charged a fine or fee if not covered. For your fine performance in front of the then supreme court, potus will make you a justice as soon as an opening becomes available, oh look, one is just around the corner. Too many immigrints will ruin a nation who try to escape their country of origin and go to another country only to try and make their ‘new’ country just like the country they left. There are always some good that try to start over, but, you have to make sure the BAD ONES don’t get in. For instance, France and the muslim influx. Some parts of France are no-go zones by the French. Same thing happening in other European countries.
      Do you think that Native-Americans (immigrants also, just farther back) would have allowed the ‘white-man’ to settle in America if they knew then what they know now? I don’t think so.

    • ejharb June 15, 2015, 8:25 am

      Let’s see how you feel when 3 take turns on you wife or daughter before caving her head in with a ball peen hammer. As I posted elsewhere we will be soon fighting them from our front doors.coulter raises the alarm too late.

    • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 10:16 am

      I lived next door to an illegal immigrant family whose home was a boarding house for illegal immigrants passing through Denver. Their guests and relatives were foul-mouthed vandals who threatened me and others in the neighborhood with violence on more than one occasion. They stole from us, vandalized our cars and home and made our lives Hell. I don’t know if you lived next door to the Latino charm school, but I lived next door to REAL illegal immigrants. I just WISH I was a “fear mongering pundit” or that speaking the truth made me a thin dime. You’re not in contact with reality as it exists.

      I disagree with Ann Coulter because, like Donald Trump, she slays not just herself but the whole conservative narrative with the jawbone of an ass by saying “Mexicans” are the problem. Actually, illegal immigrants are mostly here from Mexico, but also here from all over Central and South America. Worse, our lack of control over our southern border makes it very easy for ISIS and Al-Qaeda to slip THEIR people in with the torrent of illegal aliens. It would take Coulter just another minute to say that – she doesn’t. So she wastes valuable time she could make valid points with.

  • Edward June 1, 2015, 1:26 pm

    Really Ann? Like millions of others, my family emigrated to the United States from somewhere else. So you can’t trust me nor my family members and likely millions of other immigrant-descended Americans. So what about Ann? Can we trust her? Well the Coulters are of ancient Gael Ireland’s Ulidia (kingdom) that is now the Barony (Ireland) of Castlereagh. So I guess we can’t trust her immigrant butt either.

    • Fro June 2, 2015, 9:01 pm

      Ed, are deliberately missing the point here? The Coulters came here long ago and became ‘Americans’ . Everyone here had an origin from somewhere else. But we wanted to become Americans. Assimilate into society, learn English and work hard to become better off. Remember ‘America, the melting pot of the world’. What that meant was that many cultures came here and ALL became AMERICANS with an allegiance to our flag which represented our Nation. So in fact it is an allegiance to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Now days people come here for free handouts. Trying to change our system to the one they just ran from. Mexico, a beautiful country but also one of the most corrupt country in the world. I have many relatives there and they have even told me that Mexico will ruin the U.S. unless WE change things. Imagine, why would Hillary Clinton go to Brownsville , Texas before she was even a senator for new York and lobby for money for her campaign? This is how long ago the Clintons (IMO) have been promising amnesty for future democratic votes to keep the democratic machine in power. Think about it, bring in about 15 to 20 MILLION new democratic voters by promising them FREE , housing, schooling, food, money, heck, bring your relatived too and the US will pay for them also. This maneuver could keep the dems in power for a long time to come. All at the American taxpayers’ expense. Well I’m glad that we all have unlimited wealth and extremely deep pockets to afford this. In a nutshell, We let in many from different cultures and those cultures cluster together and later want to form new states or countries breaking down and then breaking apart our once great country.
      We already have laws. Our leaders need to follow and abide by them, not pick and choose which ones to follow or which piece of a law they want to follow while forgetting the rest of the law. America is for Americans.

  • Lui June 1, 2015, 1:18 pm

    I agree. I believe Obama’s whole amnesty program is to acquire recruits for what he called his Civilian Army as powerful as our own military. I know he does not trust the soldiers in our Military to march in lockstep at his order to oppress the American people, basically their own family and friends. He needs to acquire his “Civilian Army” members from stock who have no ties and loyalty to America the country but as a means to become American, loyalty to the current administration.

    • rickMT June 2, 2015, 3:19 pm

      All that military equipment and vehicles that obama gave to your local sheriff is being returned to the Federal Government by order of the great muslim pretender. He never considered that most of our law enforcement officers believe in the U.S. Constitution and are patriotic Americans. No doubt it will be used against us by his “Civilian Army”.

  • Earl June 1, 2015, 11:05 am

    In times past, immigrants came to America to become “Americans”. They learned to speak English and they gave their children American first names. They spoke of having French, German, Scottish, Irish etc. blood but they were proud to be an “American”. They maintained certain ethnic traditions and food but they considered themselves to be “Americans”. They immersed themselves in the culture of this Country. Today, the push is for ‘multi-culturalism’ for the sake of “diversity”,which seems to be the keeping of the immigrant’s culture as a separate culture from that of America and thus preventing the immigrants from becoming Americans. Our children are told not to wear T-shirts to school promoting America so as not ‘possibly’ offend anyone yet the immigrant can wear Cinco de Mayo t-shirts or Muslims wear traditional garb. English, we are told, is not our only, much less our primary language. And we should not refer to those who break our laws to get here “illegal”. Ann’s point is well taken, we are the frog in the cold water with the heat being slowly turned up to the point that it will be too late when we realize we have lost the Nation. ISIS announces its intentions, immigration is the means to an end of the secular progressive movement.

  • Dhntr June 1, 2015, 10:02 am

    Well. I have lost 3 jobs to immigrants !

  • Chris Mallory June 1, 2015, 9:42 am

    Immigrants are a greater danger to Americans. Every wave of immigrants, starting in the 1840s, has been harmful to our freedoms as handed down to us by the Founding Fathers.

    Importing hordes of people who have no ties to the traditional freedoms of Americans and the “Rights of Englishmen” has lead to the tyranny we suffer today. It doesn’t matter if those immigrants were Irish, Germans, Mexicans or from Outer Bumfreakistan.

  • Tom June 1, 2015, 9:23 am

    Ann looks a lot like the woman from Westboro Baptist Church (Church members that go to military funerals). I was wondering if she is closely related, maybe a sister?

    • BENJAMIN FORTNER June 1, 2015, 12:51 pm

      People say illegal immigrants are working jobs that bonus one else wants. We are in 18 trillion in debt. With every illegal immigrant there is a job taken by a American. Before the flood of illegals American citizens were doing those jobs. No one can say

    • BENJAMIN FORTNER June 1, 2015, 1:20 pm

      People say illegal immigrants are working jobs that no one else wants. We are in 18 trillion in debt. With every illegal immigrant there is a job taken by a American. Before the flood of illegals American citizens were doing those jobs. Anyone would love to not pay taxes. Im not talking about sales tax, which is what I commonly hear. A undocumented immigrants do not pay social security, or any other federal taxes. They use our welfare and food stamps. They get free medical. The key word is illegal. If a American citizen does anything that is illegal, we get put in jail and pay super amount in fines. Illegals are cough with identity theft, drug dealing, rape, murder. They drive illegal, have no insurance, and destroy people belongs. If we don’t have the job openings l, Americans can’t go to worki if there is no jobs due to over population. There is not any countries that allow immigrants to flood into there,should because there economy can not handle over population. We will never be able to pay our debt if we continue to work illegals and not have cash flow being paid in. The police and government can’t say if we should fear the people we live around, when they don’t know anything about what they did before they snuck across the border.

    • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 10:19 am

      In other words, “she’s a blonde white lady”? You’re a racist.

  • Mario Gudino June 1, 2015, 7:52 am

    Ann Coulter is showing how racist a person can be, she should pack up her things and leave the US, that will be one less here.

    • John Gill June 1, 2015, 10:24 pm

      Ann Coulter is just a price we have to pay for the First Amendment .

    • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 10:20 am

      Actually, before we ask Ms. Coulter to leave, let’s wait for the racist couple in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC to leave the country.

  • Will Drider May 29, 2015, 7:23 pm

    I see her on Fox but she is almost as much of a hustler as Sharpton and Jackson. More Americans kill Americans then Mexican and South American Nationals combined. If however you break down convicted murderers by race you will see the higher minority numbers.
    I don’t like the open door policy, no ability to screen for criminals AND repeat offenders (not just illegal status) returning to the U.S. and continuing their criminal activities, vehicular manslaughter and drawing tax dollar financial assistance. If they are born in a politically oppressive or crime ridden impoverished country, it is not the responibility of Americans to support them or endure their criminal activity.
    Put up the no vacancy sign. They can take a number and follow the old process. I don’t give a damn if you are a doctor or a nuclear physicist: NO FAST TRACK either. Cut all aid to Mexico until they stop allowing through passage of all non Mexicans. We need to follow the Australian model. We are being overrun and bled dry financially and bodily.
    I’m opposed to seperating Familes and extenderd Families. They need to be together. If their desire is to be together then they need to join their relatives outside the U.S. Make everybody happy!

    • RTM June 1, 2015, 10:17 am

      Agreed. They are bleeding this country dry and the liberals just keep turning a blind eye. We must close our borders and get legal immigration under control or I’m afraid my children just may not have a future.

      • ejharb June 15, 2015, 7:30 am

        Hardly a blind sir wake up.
        The liberals are accessory to their invasion and should be given traitors deaths.its almost too late for America we will soon be fighting this from our front doors

  • George May 29, 2015, 11:36 am

    Wow, she is stunning in her ignorance, and her ability to generalize all Mexicans as being the same. I guess the equivalent would be to say that all Americans wear baseball caps. Both are preposterous statements.

    • DT June 1, 2015, 6:36 pm

      I like baseball caps

    • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 10:26 am

      Yes, Ann Coulter had a Donald Trump moment then. But a slight one. What she almost said which would have been very true is that illegal immigrants from Mexico and points south are a national security issue. It’s not so much the murders they commit (though in Denver, your chances of getting a your ticked punched by an illegal were pretty high compared to having it done by an American – but Denver cops can be fired for asking anyone if they’re here legally) as the wide open gates we now have on our southern border – all the Border Patrol can do now is write summonses to appear in court they know will be wadded up when they catch an illegal; Coulter had the chance to tell a valuable truth, instead she muffed it and came across as a bigot. Her bad.

  • joe May 28, 2015, 7:18 pm

    I’m not a huge fan of Ann Coulter – I think she says a lot of things to spark debate. Re. ILLEGAL immigration, look no further than our schools and prisons. Our schools are overrun by children of parents that trespassed her ILLEGALLY, and the ratios affect the education our children receive – it is a travesty. I have three young children in public elementary school; their reading sucks, their math skills suck, common core is a disaster, and the classroom ratios keep getting larger – right now stands around 28 kids to 1 teacher. Any many of the kids barely speak english. I could go on and on…

    • Mario Gudino June 1, 2015, 7:49 am

      Yes JOE,, go on and on … its the same old story, but where would we be without the low laborer, putting the vegetables on the shelf or preping your food in a restaurant , try working out in the sun 10 to 12 hours picking lettuce, do it for one day and you’ll change your mind, you wouldn’t last one hour out in the sun bending over, yes the schools are crowed , don’t blame the children, they deserve a better life, remember where you or your parents came from, because we were here first. (west coast )

      • Motown Marty June 1, 2015, 8:36 am

        Get rid of the welfare state and some lazy Americans might have to work those lettuce fields and landscaping jobs. Flooding the country with illegal aliens while millions sit around and collect free money is one of the reasons we are $18,000,000,000,000,000 in debt.

        • John Gill June 1, 2015, 10:11 pm

          Is that Fox News math? There was a surplus in 1999 and I don’t think Bush put us that far in the hole. You may be right since the two wars weren’t funded and they never let us know how much it cost. But 18 quadrillion?

      • Poore, Richard June 1, 2015, 9:52 am

        Where would we be, indeed. More Americans would be employed. Schools would be less crowded. Roads would be a little safer. Oh, and Mario, some of us are descended from the First People. Attitudes, and apathy, such as your’s which is destroying the United States. The welfare system is in place to keep the poor from rising up and saying enough!

      • A.D. Monday June 1, 2015, 1:38 pm

        I can grow my own vegetables and I have worked all day in the sun picking strawberries. I don’t need mexicans doing anything for me.

      • Patrick June 1, 2015, 7:37 pm

        Not Hardly there Mario what tribe is your descendants Inca’s, Aztecs they may have settled in the southern part of southern California and some other of the neighboring states in the southern regions but Spain did not settle any land west of the Mississippi ( The Mexican People need to fix there own Country instead of taking the easy path north? USA is an Immigrant nation, but IMMIGRATION LAWS HAVE TO BE FOLLOWED OR THE USA WILL BE RUINED FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF IMMIGRANTS AN ITS CITIZENS.

        • john gill June 1, 2015, 10:21 pm

          Actually you are wrong. The Spanish build mission towns along the California coast from SanDiego to San Francisco. Where did you think those names came from? What is now Texas was part of Mexico until Sam Houston and the Texicans rebelled and defeated Santa Anna at the battle of San Jacinto in 1836.

      • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 10:28 am

        I’d rather pay the slight extra money to import all that food from Chile (they’d be happy to sell it to us) than deal with the crap we have to deal with now from illegals.

    • Andrew N. June 6, 2015, 11:39 pm

      I don’t follow her at all, but she has a point. To all of you “But who’s going to pick the lettuce” types out there, the answer is simple. The same people who did it BEFORE the illegals overran America and undercut the wage structure. The illegals are desperate enough to do that work at a significant reduced rate, and put up with a lot more in the way of poor working conditions. Now, they have infiltrated the building trades, undercutting the TRAINED AND EXPERIENCED carpenters, painters, etc., just like they did the farm workers decades ago. Now we have houses that are falling apart because they are being built by people without the actual skills required. We need to start jailing the people who hired the illegals, and if that doesn’t work, the owners of the company that hired them. If no one hires them, they have no reason to come here. I can’t blame the illegals for trying for a better life, I do fault them for doing it the wrong way.

  • William Gore May 28, 2015, 6:34 pm

    Since immigrants from Mexico have been in this country pretty much since its founding, I think her opinion of the threat presented by the Mexican culture is just one more thing about which she knows absolutely nothing.

    • vb June 1, 2015, 2:44 pm

      Hey Bill, it’s apparent you’ve not kept up with all the imprisoned illegals Obama has been freeing from prison, who been reported in the news committing MORE CRIMES.!

    • Luis June 4, 2015, 11:21 am

      We the imigrantd are the real americans you are the new american that came from europe wr were here first what an irony

      • loupgarous August 25, 2016, 10:34 am

        From your English, I can tell YOU came here a long time later than MY ancestors (who dropped German like a bad habit, picked up French and English after landing in New Orleans and farming land from there to Morgan City). The fact you speak Spanish indicates you’re also from an immigrant culture. Otherwise you’d be speaking Toltec or another Mayan language, or perhaps one of the plains Indian dialects. Perhaps your ancestors conquered their way across Mexico to get to the border they crossed into land someone else’s ancestors conquered. If so, what you’re saying is “my ancestors conquered this land before yours did,” a much weaker claim, and the irony is that you’re defending your right to be on land someone else lost to YOUR ancestors.

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