Before You Book a Hog Hunt – Ask These Questions

This is an example video of what it is like to encounter hogs on the ground “stalk hunting.” Not all hunts are what they appear to be, so ask some good questions of your guide about game management, just so you are on the same page.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Ed Lukehart shot this hog at 146 yards on Dwayne’s second ranch about an hour from Okeechobee, Florida this weekend. If you watch the video it will give a feel for what it is like to walk up on the hogs. Sometimes you jump them and they charge at you instead of running away. No video of that yet.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Wild hogs travel in groups, with some dominent boars and several sows and shoats, or piglets. There is also something called a “barr” or “barrow” hog that has been gelded. Barr hogs grow bigger than ungelded boar hogs, and you can eat them.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Check with your guide before book a hunt and ask if the land they hunt is fenced with hog fence or high fence. If you click this picture to make it larger you will see that this is three line barbed wire cattle fence, and that there are hog tracks running back and forth in and out of the ranch. When the animals are well kept and well fed, but free to leave, that is true open range hunting.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Feral hogs have become popular to hunt but they are an invasive nuisance animal species. This was a cow pasture but it has been destroyed by hog rooting. This is why ranchers and dairy farmers will often welcome you to rid them of their hog population.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Hog sign is not difficult to spot. These are holes that they dig to lie down in.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Most guide services will replenish their hog population by trapping hogs on other farms or ranches. This is a hog transport trailer, and it requires a special license to transport wild livestock.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
Not just small hogs get caught in traps. This monster has over 2 inch tusks and probably weighs upwards of 400 lbs.

Mossberg Silver Reserve II Over/Under Shotgun—New Gun Review
This is the kind of wallowing hole that can get you in big trouble with a big boar hog. If you walk up from behind he can spook, and nearly 100% of the time he will charge right at you.

Kissimee River Hunt & Fish
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Sometimes we take for granted some of the most obvious things, then when you find out that what you took for granted doesn’t actually exist anyway, it can be terribly disappointing. A lot of people have been asking our resident guide Dwayne Powell of Kissimmee River Hunt & Fish about “free range” game lately, as opposed to fenced in game. The guided hunt market exploded a couple years ago, and this far down the line some people are getting wise to the fact that a lot of guided “hunts” aren’t hunts at all. They make it feel like a hunt, but really what you are shooting are caged animals on very small parcels of land. There are guys selling “open range” hog hunts, turkey hunts, deer hunts, and even alligator hunts, on from 100 down to even 5 acres of land. Around the property is a high fence, and none of the game is native and wild on the property. it has all been deposited, to be caged and killed. On the smaller properties the “guide” will drive around in circles, then take you a feeder you would swear is deep in the woods, but is really only a couple hundred yards from where you started.

One recent client of Dwayne’s went so far as to check the Google maps on his ranch, just to see if he could find the “high fences” that would “prove” that the animals were fenced in. Not finding any fences (there isn’t even any hog fencing on the ranch), they booked the hunt with Dwayne and were shocked to find that all of the game is indeed free ranging, and they come and go as they please. But it led to us thinking, is there an informational article we could do on this subject? Dwayne is a wealth of information, as he has been hunting hogs, with and without dogs, his entire life. Since we began this series you guys have been booking hunts with Dwayne like crazy, and the hunting pressure on the original 8,000 ranch has taught us even more. Keeping the game fresh and available is a challenge when you have guns blasting several times a week, but here are some of the things we’ve learned. Because hog hunts are so available we’ll stick to hogs, but, within the bounds of legal game management, some of these principles apply to other species as well. Hogs have very few laws regarding them so you can pretty much do what you need to do to maintain a sustainable population.

Hunting Leases vs. Guided Hunts

In Florida it is a felony to hunt on land that you don’t have a legal right to hunt. Hunting is big business here, and the same is true for Texas, Wyoming, Montana and many other game rich states. In some cases the hunting leases on farm or ranchland produce more income for the landowner than the farm or ranch itself. Per-acre costs can run up into the triple digits, and for many people even a shared lease isn’t money well spent, because even if you have time to hunt it occasionally, finding the game in different seasons can be a challenge. Most people don’t have the time to stock feeders and monitor game cameras, and without these tools of the trade, you can find yourself paying for a hunting lease without a viable hunt. On a shared lease, you could prepare and scout a hunt, then get your game spooked or killed by another party the day before. Leases are great in theory, but they don’t always pan out to successful hunts.

Guided hunts, especially for wild feral hogs, are much more affordable, but if you want it to be a “hunt,” and not just a kill, you really need to do your homework in advance. Pounding the same half a dozen stands day in and day out takes a toll on the available game. Even with carefully aimed shots at single hogs in a group, the rest of that group gets spooked after a couple times at the same feeder. Once they are boogered, you can sit in the stand all night and they won’t come in. Instead they will linger near the feeder and sniff for a while, so that even if you have the wind right and you are using scent blocker, they will eventually get a whiff of you and run off.
On unfenced land, if you have a booming guide business, eventually you will figure out that successful hunts get harder and harder, and eventually you run out of decent sized hogs unless you replenish your stock. Every guide deals with these issues in their own ways. Getting them to come clean with the details on how they do it will tell you if they are guiding hunts, and running a kill your own supermarket, or, worst case scenario, charging people full prices for hunts while delivering an ever sinking success rate. Whether your hunting guide is on leased land or owned land, unless they have a way to keep the game fresh and the pressure down, the quality of the hunts will go downhill.

Trapping & Fencing

There is no “best practices” book for running a hunting guide service , so you really have to develop your own methodology. As things started to take off for Dwayne at KRH&F, he was fortunate enough that some of the calls ringing the phone off the hook were from local ranchers in the Okeechobee, Florida area. The dairy farms especially are not generally able to sell hunting leases on their ranches, so they get over-run by an unmanaged hog population. The dairy farmers contacted Dwayne to see if he had the ability to trap the hogs on their dairy farm land and bring the hogs to Dwayne’s land. Fortunately Dwayne has been trapping hogs since he was a kid, and it was just a matter of buying some traps and trailers, so it worked out great for both parties. Even some ranches that had expensive hunting leases contracted on their land have asked Dwayne to come get their hogs, because the leases were purchased just for Osceola turkeys and whitetail deer, and the hogs have gotten out of control.

Can you keep game fresh without bringing in trapped hogs? Our experience so far has been that the answer is no, and this was not lightly researched. The main ranch on which Dwayne guides is a private lease on 8,000 acres of virgin cattle ranch. There is artesian water on ranch in 4 locations, making it the only water during the dry seasons for the entire surrounding area. Dwayne runs only three full time feeders on this entire acreage, and there are active hunters on the land 3 to 5 days per week, with occasional short lulls due to weather. For the most part there has been a steady and available supply of both meat and trophy hogs, but sometimes, because the land is not fenced, the hogs just disappear. The same feeder can have a dozen large hogs on the cameras every night for two weeks straight, then poof, they are gone. Sometimes it is because of natural food sources, like acorns, which the hogs like better than feeder corn. But other times the only explanation is that they got spooked and wandered off. Such is life. Hogs tend to wander.

At some point Dwayne does plan to make a 60 to 100 acre fenced in area using low hog fence for hunters who are looking for both a hunt and a somewhat guaranteed shot at some hogs, but for now nothing is fenced and the success rate has been over 90%. His methodology is to pen the trapped hogs in for a few days with a feeder, then open then open the gate and let them go. If they wander off they wander off, but many of them stay, and that has kept a good crop of fresh hogs that visit the feeders at specific times. If your guide either doesn’t want to tell you what they do, or attempts to convince you that he can have guns going off several nights a week without some kind of management plan, you may want to bring up the Google map to see just how much land he is guiding, and if he is running a zoo, not a guiding business.

Basic Management Plans

On a sizeable piece of property, at least in the thousand acre range, rotating feeders and stands may be enough if the guiding operation is small. In areas where hogs are nuisance animals, your guide will probably be able to buy hogs from locals who trap problem hog populations. Hogs are rangy animals. If they have what they need for food, water and basic nutrients, they will hang around. Otherwise they just shuffle along until they find something new. This is what makes them serious nuisance animals in many parts of Texas, Florida and some of the Southern states. Hogs don’t just stay in one place. They bounce around, rooting everything in their path, until they hit a fence. Then they walk the other way.

Fencing hogs, or the absence of it, isn’t the Holy Grail of guided hog hunts. For most people, hunting is supposed to be hunting. Otherwise it would be called killing instead of hunting. The probability of failure goes way down when you fence in a specific amount of acres and trap the hogs in a giant cage, but don’t feel too bad if you prefer to success to being a purist. These animals are food, not just trophies. The important thing is to get what you are paying for, and to be on the same page with the guide so that you are not disappointed later when someone at the shooting range says “oh yea he fences in 5 acres and pretends it is a 5,000 acre ranch.” Don’t laugh. It happens, and more than you think. But that isn’t to say that you shouldn’t expect some kind of management plan, with some level of trapped or purchased hogs. Pheasant hunting in New England is the same way, with nearly 100% of the birds farm raised. You have to expect that at some point, 100% wild game can only go so far. It’s ok to cheat a little to make your clients successful, so you should expect that going in.

Meat Hogs. vs. Trophy Hogs

Sport hunting, or trophy hunting, is demonized by a lot of the shooting world who don’t hunt. But this is mostly from ignorance, because the last generation was so decimated by divorce and family breakups that hunting traditions were not passed down. In many ways the tables have turned on hunters in the last 20 years. It used to be that the shooters and self defense gun owners depended on hunters to back up the pro-gun vote, because they outnumbered us. These days, however, hunters account for under 20% of gun owners and it is now the shooters organizations, NRA included, out there fighting for hunting rights. The 2nd Amendment was not written to protect sporting arms, but as shooting sports enthusiasts we are all in this together and we should all have each other’s backs when it comes to enjoying our firearms.

Hog hunting has become a great, low cost, re-entry for a lot of people who skipped a generation learning how to hunt. You can easily kill hogs with a .223/5.56 if you use the right bullet and have good shot placement, so entry level “tactical” gun enthusiasts have flocked to go try to shoot a hog, mainly because they are good to eat. We all eat meat, which means that someone is killing an animal at some point on our behalf. It is somewhat hypocritical to cry foul on “sport hunting” when it amounts to no more than what the slaughterhouse did for your dinner tonight in the case of hunting hogs. But you have to shoot the right type of hog if you intend the eat them.

You may not know this, but a very high percentage of the beef and pork you eat comes from gelded male animals. Dwayne is actually a licensed butcher and worked as a supermarket butcher for many years. Over 80% of the cows and pigs were gelded males. This is why you have to make a decision, before you go hog hunting. Are you hunting for a meat animal or a trophy animal, because most wild male hogs are not gelded, and they taste terrible. You may find some ranches that capture and geld their hogs, then turn them back out. They are called “barr hogs” or more correctly “barrow hogs.” Again, this is something you need to ask your guide. If you want a 400 pound trophy hog with two inch tusks for your wall, don’t plan to eat him unless he is is a barr hog, gelded before puberty. Otherwise plan to shoot a female “meat hog” in the 200-300 pound range. Hogs are much heavier than they look, and the yield in meat is surprisingly small, so settle yourself on what you want before you go out hunting so there is no disappointment.

Rotating Ranches & Stalk Hunting

The best management plan answer you can get from a guide will be that they rotate hunting leases and let the stands go “fallow” for lack of a better word, the same way a smart farmer does with farm fields. There are people who get into guiding hunts because they don’t have a job, and there are hunting guides, born and bred. If you have a chance to hunt with the latter you will know it, and most likely your first clue will be that they have some kind of stewardship plan for the land they are managing. Real hunters love and respect the animals they hunt, and even though hogs may officially be a nuisance animal, they are no different. Dwayne has already been asked to manage the hog populations on two other large ranches, so he is able to let the original 8,000 acre ranch go fallow for several weeks at a time. This allows the regular hog population to un-booger themselves from gunfire, and it allows the newly trapped and released hogs to establish patterns there on the ranch.

A side benefit is that proper management allows you to “stalk hunt.” Hogs are not by nature entirely nocturnal. If you think of pigs on a farm, they are up and around during the day, and the same is true of wild hogs if they are not under hunting pressure. The real fun hog hunting is to stay on the ground and attempt to walk up on hogs that are rooting either early morning or just before dusk. On a piece of land that is overpopulated with hogs you can even find them out in the middle of the day. Sitting in a stand shooting a hog that walks up to a feeder is fun, and probably a best bet for a new hunter, but it just can’t compare to “tactical hog hunting” on the ground with the animals. The only caveot to this is that it can actually be dangerous, or even deadly. These wild hogs will eat you. If you jump them when they are lying in one of their “wallow” holes, the boars will almost 100% of the time charge you. Be prepared to take a shot at 10 to 100 yards plus. The shot right in front of you may be at a hog charging at full steam, and the 100 yard shot may be running toward you or away from you. depending on the mood of the hog. These animals have great noses, and if they start to notice you before you get close, you may have to take a long shot.

An Inexpensive First Hunt

For all the trouble you would think that hog hunting would be expensive, but it isn’t, because there are a ton of hogs in Florida, Texas and other places. The key is managing them on the land you hunt, without bringing down your overall success rates, on real, honest, hunts. If your guide service has a website or a Facebook, look on their for references from other clients. Be careful of the paid results in Google search. Many of those are in Texas and they use bait and switch to get you to pay for more than you initially agreed upon. There are some charlatans out there and there are some honest guides with a love for hunting and for continuing the great American hunting tradition. If you live in an area where the farmland is tied up with expensive hunting leases, ask if they need help managing their hogs. Sometimes you can get lucky, but even if you have to pay for a hunt, there are a lot worse ways to spend a few hundred bucks in a day. Hog hunting is a lot of fun.

  • William R Smith Jr. January 21, 2018, 12:28 am

    Your should be removed

  • Jimmy Rey December 21, 2016, 8:53 am

    I really appreciate the insight here in this post and confident it’s going to be helpful to me and many others. Thanks for sharing all the tips.

  • Gary MacDonald August 20, 2016, 12:14 pm

    A few years ago I moved to SC from CT, yes it is like moving to the free world. I hunt deer as a member of a hunt club on 2400 acres of mostly pine plantation. It is mostly hunting in tree blinds over corn. there is a fairly good population of feral hogs on thjis land and we shot a fair number during deer season (Sept. 1 – Jan. 1), and trap quite a few also. Obviously trapping them is a meat thing which several of us enjoy. Generally, we only eat the sows and the boars under about 150 lbs although some have been shot in excess of 350 lbs. more for population control than anything else. The article suggests that boars “past puberty” are no good to eat. We would like to know what other pig hunters think is the size limit for boars that have not been gelded?

  • John July 24, 2016, 11:06 am

    I just moved to Tenn. from Ct. I’m in the Nashville area. A close friend from Mass (served USMC 1972) wants to come down for a hog hunt. I’ve heard there are many farmers that permit you to hunt their land to rid the destruction. Any suggestions how I might contact one of these farmers to obtain permission?
    Thanks for any input,

  • Jay October 6, 2014, 1:48 pm

    I feel I need to comment, especially after reading the article and the fact that I’m an experienced hog hunter – both simply for meat and also for sport. For a “first-time” hog hunter, a smaller fenced ranch is not a bad way to go. Just understand that it MIGHT not seem like a hunt. I hunt a place in OK that is about 100 acres with about 6 ground blinds and feeders. Yep, you wait for the hogs to come to the feeder and whack them. Almost. In the five or six times I’ve hunted at that ranch, I’ve only been unsuccessful one time, and that was because I was being too picky. It was a relatively inexpensive hunt (about $400 for one hog) and the owner was a great guy and would work with you on how “hard” of a hunt you wanted. He didn’t pull any punches and was very honest about the type of hog and type of hunting. My son got his first hog here, and this ranch is primarily a bow hunting ranch even though we used firearms. I hunted with a 44 Magnum each time, my friends used bows or handguns, my son’s first was with a 44 magnum rifle. Every hunt, on the same small ranch, was VERY different. One of our hunters was in a tree stand, and was eating candy, playing games on his phone, and not even trying to be quiet when his hogs came within 15 yards. He shot a 300 lb. russian boar. A group of hogs came to my stand, and were extremely wary. They spooked off the first time when I pulled back the hammer on my Ruger. They did come back eventually, and I took a 250+ lb. boar at about 30 yards. My son ended up with hogs in the brush that would not come in to feed at all. He made a 75 yard shot at a monster boar with a 44 Mag rifle. So, hog hunting is easy. And hog hunting is difficult. You just never know, even at a “fenced” ranch.

    I’ve also spot-stalked many times in Texas with a high-powered rifle. Totally different experience. My point is that each hunt is different. My buddies and son all had very different experiences on the same “small” ranch. I’ve since hunted that ranch more times, and had very different experiences. The hogs are brought in from neighboring ranches as nuisance animals, and all have learned different behaviors. DON’T think that “canned/caged/fenced” hunts for hogs are easy!

    To answer the caliber question from MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE only: 44 Mag handgun minimum for large hogs up to 40 yards. I wouldn’t go any smaller (even though I am a 45ACP guy!!!). Hogs ARE tough to kill. My last was a 240gr. XTP loaded very hot at 23 yards. Heart shot clear through, bullet went through body. Hog ran 50-75 yards with very little blood trail. Other than pure spine shots, every well hit hog I’ve hit with anything from a 44 Mag did not just fall down and die right there. Bullet placement is key, but with a handgun I prefer the bigger is better philosophy.

    As far as danger – mostly hype to get you to hog hunt and have a good story to tell your friends about your dangerous game hunt. Yeah, if you get between a sow and her pigs, she’ll be after you. If you wound and corner a boar, he might charge you (from experience). Otherwise, they will run at first smell and you won’t get close unless you really try. Oops, I guess I shouldn’t have said that – I just ruined a whole bunch of “dangerous game” hunting stories!!! (It is fun, however, to walk to your stand in pitch black when you are in a fenced area with dozens of big hogs snorting and huffing in the dark!!)

    To summarize my extremely long comment, it is a lot of fun for the young and old, experienced and inexperienced, and CAN be as fun as YOU want to make it.

  • D Hicks October 6, 2014, 9:17 am

    Check out where I live, The Wild State of ARKANSAS! Feral and wild hogs are a real problem here.Check with Arkansas Game and Fish.We are also over run with Deer and Black bear.Oh I almost forgot Mountain lions.

  • Larry C October 6, 2014, 9:00 am

    I have hunted for over 55 years, have B&C trophies and have used wild meat as a staple for most of my life. I have never paid a “trespass fee” to hunt anything and never will. I have paid for outfitters for deep wilderness hunts but that was not a fee to get on some private land. If I cannot get permission to hunt on private land without paying a fee, I refuse to hunt there.

    There is constant complaining abut lack of recruitment of young people to the hunting sport. How do you expect a young person to join hunting when (s)he cannot afford the often substantial “trespass fee”. And “yes” I can easily afford any fee. Hunting will die out with successive generations due to the high cost of getting onto private land. In some provinces in Canada it is absolutely illegal to charge a fee for access to hunting on private land.
    Landowners who will not allow hunting without a fee should not receive any compensation for wildlife damage and should plainly shut up or allow access. F&G managers should not waste their time with such landowners.

    Persons who want a “canned” (fenced-in) hunt could easily go to a local farmer, pick out an animal and shoot it. But please do not insult the real hunters by calling it a “hunt”! Hunting by definition does not guarantee success of even a high probability of success.

    • William R Smith Jr.I January 21, 2018, 12:42 am

      I totally agree with what you had to say. It will become a thing of the past ,before the next century. I started at age 12 , my father did it 3 to 5 days a week and returned with many pheasants & rabbits and squirrels,as children we ate a lot of wild game. I never saw a man that could shoot a model 12 better than him.Never saw him miss a shot ever

  • Airport Transfers February 22, 2014, 10:06 pm

    Excellent wayy of telling, and nice article to obtain
    information regarding my presentation subject, which i am going to present
    in institution of higher education.

  • Bob M December 24, 2013, 5:42 pm

    I sent my son-in-law this article so he would have some good info for his Fl hog hunt. Turns out he booked with Dwayne, I know he will not be disappointed. Great article for us snow birds looking for a warmer winter hunt.

  • Bob M December 24, 2013, 5:41 pm

    I sent my son-in-law this article so he would have some good info for his Fl hog hunt. Turns out he booked with Dwayne, I know he will not be disappointed. Great article for us snow birds looking for a warmer winter hunt.

  • DHConner December 23, 2013, 3:11 pm

    Outstanding article. I’d always figured you just got there, went riding away on your great big strong gentle mule and come back with a monster before sunset. This is the best article I’ve read on hogs hunting. You get the Golden Ink Pen for best hog hunting article of the year.

  • Edwarc Wolf December 23, 2013, 9:17 am

    I live in southeastern Indiana, would like to start hunting again now that i retired are there hogs in Indiana if so please let me know ,if not then where would i go to hunt hogs?

  • Kamoze December 23, 2013, 8:44 am

    Looking for a suggestion on a good side arm caliber for hog hunting. I am planning to go on a hunt with my .308 but wanted to carry a side arm that could take down a hog in case he got in too close for my rifle. Some have suggested a .357, but could a 45ACP also do the job?

    • Administrator December 23, 2013, 9:50 am

      Yeah with the right shot placement.

  • fencing September 28, 2013, 12:22 pm

    He is mad and keeps consuming and destroying my wood wall in various places.

  • David Gregory August 31, 2013, 6:03 pm

    Great info on the hog hunt. I live in San Antonio now and am interested in finding a farm that wants their field rid of the pesky hogs. Please let me know if you have a contact or few. Thanks.

  • David H Wakefield February 23, 2013, 4:47 pm

    I have just one question, just what states have Hogs? I know a lot of the southern states do. We live in WI, but also
    have easy access to MN,SD,IA,IL,IA. But our best two are WI of course and MN. I know the upper NW corner of
    WI have some hogs. as I used to live in Duluth,MN

    Just trying to make it easy on my self as walking is very had for me. I walk with a cane but can only go but a short
    distance, I need a spot where I can sit or post and perhaps get a good chance at one.

    We shoot with 30-06/7MM WSM/223, and 357 /45 auto. Will be very happy with any information you may be
    able to give us.

    Thank You Ever So Much,
    David H. Wakefield
    LAKE’S of the ARROW HEAD
    David H. Wakefield
    Lake’s of the Arrow Head
    5632 Stoneman DR
    Fitchburg, WI 53711-7644

    • Administrator February 23, 2013, 8:42 pm

      There is a wikipedia on it. Check that out. You are best to pay a guide that can put you in a ground stand.

    • Brian Meyette December 23, 2013, 3:27 pm

      For an overview of pig hunting in every state, see this web site:

  • ChicagoGunSmith February 13, 2013, 2:06 pm

    I’ve never hunted anything, but lately I’ve been very interested in trying hogs.

    This was a good read, because I was lead to believe these nuisance animals were everywhere and needed to be controlled, and I never once imagined they were trucking them in to be slaughtered disguised as a hunt. It never ocurred to me these things needed to be managed. Very very interesting reading.

    I’m still interested in making hogs my 1st hunt but I would want a “real” hunting trip, not just visiting a zoo with my gun. Maybe I should contact Dwayne.

    • Jeff July 25, 2013, 8:40 pm

      Can’t recommend Dwayne highly enough. He is the perfect guide for anyone but especially if this is your first time. He has an excellent demeanor and sense of humor so even shooter screw ups are fun. He took me out on one of his 3 ranches a few weeks ago that consisted of 11,000 acres. He put my group in front of more hogs than I’ve ever seen before in my life. Had a great day and will be back very soon.

  • Been There February 11, 2013, 9:44 pm

    A friend and I went Hog hunting last fall. It was a large ranch with many spieces available. We stuck with hogs. Even though it was fenced it was big enough that it did not seem like just killing and to be honest I wanted a 1-2 day experience with a large degree of success. We both got hogs, mine on day 1 and him early on day 2. It was fun and not dangerous at all. Would I do it again, yes with a younger hunter that did not have much experience. My friend and I are looking north to some real big game and more of a camping experience.

  • jerry February 11, 2013, 8:34 pm

    A very good warning — one that I wish I had read 14 years ago! We booked a “Tennessee Wild Hog Hunt” that turned out to be shooting tame hogs that just stood and looked at the hunters 25 yards away. The guides/owners were nice people, had good sleeping quarters, and fed us well. But in no way was it a WILD hog hunt. We had driven 450 miles to get there, and were disappointed.


    • Snookhookr February 12, 2013, 4:02 pm

      I didn’t mean to imply that wild feral hogs do not run like crazy when they realize that you are there. They DO flee at a high rate of speed…away from you. I meant, they are so noisy and preoccupied with their rooting that you can often sneak up and touch them with your foot. The meat tastes good except from the rankest of boars and I guess if you come from a part of the country where hogs are not running wild it would make for a fun hunt.

  • Snookhookr February 11, 2013, 1:56 pm

    I have lived and hunted in FL for nearly all of my 55 years and I am constantly amused by the false dangers applied to feral Florida hogs. For he most part I’ve found hunting them with a gun or bow no more challenging than stalking an armadillo. Unless you corner them or piss them off with dogs there is absolutely no danger involved.
    They DO have hunting value as a off season hunting experience since in Florida there is no closed season on this scurge to native wildlife. So come on down, out-of-staters. Kill every last one of them. (For the good of our state’s environment) Just don’t believe all of the outlandish stories of charging bullet proof beasts the size of rhinos. They’re Just PIGS for cryin’ out loud….

    • Bruce Badger April 2, 2013, 4:33 am

      Evidently you’ve never had a big DOMESTIC boar come at you intending you great bodily harm. Hell, I’ve even had big sows charge me. Those 4 – 6″ tusks got my attention! But maybe you’re just a lot tougher than me.

  • Stupid February 11, 2013, 11:05 am

    If I went hog hunting, the only purpose for myself would be to get meat cheap; and I would only make the hunt if that could be the result. Thus I couldn’t care less if the hunting ground was fenced or small. I would just want to get the hog as quickly as possible. I can’t see pure trophy hunting. What is trophic about killing an animal? Hunting only makes sense if it is an economical way of getting meat to eat.

    • Mark Dorsey May 13, 2016, 1:34 pm

      If you have no problem with cash output,per you, than buy some land and stop acting like it’s land owners fault that there’s “NO WHERE TO HUNT” . Your new generation of hunters suck, trespass, cut fences,open gates, leave open gates,leave trash .When I have been able to catch them,remove cattle grate ,can’t get out,they act like I’m in the wrong, Punks,no sir you will never be given permission to hunt.BUY SOME LAND.

  • Ernest February 11, 2013, 7:47 am

    Amen! There are a lot of people calling themselves outiftters or guides who have a high fence, 5 acres of land, and an old swamp buggy to offer “drive-by” hog hunts. Yes, even in the Okeechobee area. I am thankful Dwayne is the real deal!!

  • bill February 11, 2013, 7:16 am

    very good

  • Spoon February 11, 2013, 6:27 am

    Well written WARNING to the average hunter wanting to get in on a ‘wild pork project’ and kill his own meat or trophy hog. The OCD in me however, prompts me to point out one minor oversight:
    [quote} Over 80% of the cows and pigs were gelded males. [end quote] In all my many years, I have yet to see a ‘cow’ in need of castration…and that’s no bull! I believe ‘cattle’ was the word you were looking for.

    All ribbing aside, this is the very reason I recently referred an acquaintance to a young friend in N. Texas. I’ve shared countless hours with his dad hunting big game, varmints, rabbits, cranes, ducks, geese, doves and quail in my native New Mexico (also spent several hundred hours as a teen on their family farm working for my share at the dinner table).

    It’s his son (the guide) that has several areas to hunt in Texas, near where he resides. None of these are commercialized high-fence, but all common ranch lands. He hunts often without the company of clients, as a market hunter/sportsman. His tenacious dogs allow him to take quite a few live pigs directly to local establishments for the freshest wild hog there is. He’s removing hogs for the benefit of landowners and connoisseurs of wild pork while pursuing his passion of the hunt, sometimes with the added delight of his gaggle of dogs for up close and personal encounters. He’s willing to share these experiences with others or can put a man in one of several stands with no guarantees other than the best opportunity he himself would take to make a rifle or archery kill of one or more of the pesky pigs. This particular guide has traveled and hunted in many states quite a lot from a young age. He’s a hunter 1st that has learned that life sometimes deals lemons, but will go just about anywhere to have the opportunity to pursue wildlife in a fair chase manner on his own.

    My hat’s off to the earnest hunter/guides that offer themselves, their knowledge of the game, topography and the seasonal / changing habits of the animals thereon in a truly natural environment. Sadly, dollars often sully many and not just when it comes to hunting.

    • Jim February 11, 2013, 10:33 am

      Do you have any contact info on your friends son. Maybe I could try him.

    • William R Smith Jr. January 21, 2018, 12:26 am

      You can go buy pork without shooting thoes dumb animals unless you enjoy killing living things. I have many rifles and pistols. I only shoot paper. I had my share of killings in the Vietnam War

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