EDC: Commercial Auto Parts Delivery Driver

By Mike Doran


My full EDC line-up.

My full EDC line-up.


As a delivery driver, I am always in and out buildings and driving off into the sunset (or sunrise), so comfortable sunglasses are essential. These cheap Berkley’s I found lying around the store are surprisingly lightweight and durable and are still going strong even after lots of falls.

The Streamlight is the little silver tube on the key chain. This is about as small as lights come.

The Streamlight is the little silver tube on the key chain. This is about as small as lights come.

Keeping my deliveries speedy is important, so I wear a Fossil watch to keep up with the time. It’s stylish but also economical enough to not care when I bang it on someone’s alternator. Likewise, my wallet is also made by Fossil.

My customers are always signing invoices with dirty mechanic’s hands and sometimes forget to give my pens back so a cheap clickable pen is preferable to something expensive. Instead of devoting pocket space to a full size flashlight, I’ve attached a Stremlight Nano Light to my key chain. It is surprisingly bright.

I always try to have a cutting tool with me. When I’m at work I carry a Craftsman utility knife that handily slices open boxes and cuts chord. And because these tasks kill the edge of a knife, sharpening is as easy as changing out the blade. Outside of work I carry a Gerber Ripstop, a terrifically lightweight knife perfect for putting in your back pocket. Though small, it holds a great edge and can get big jobs done. I have many knives, but this is the one that always ends up in my pocket when I’m not at work.

Like most people who wear some type of company uniform, I can’t carry a firearm while I work. But whenever I’m off I carry my FNP .40 in my outside the waistband DeSantis holster. This holster has both a thumb-break strap and a retention screw to make it extra secure. I usually wear it openly at the four o’clock position with a forward cant, but because of the extra belt loop it can also be set straight up and down, which makes it easier to conceal.


My FN.

My FNP .40.


Buy an FNP at GunsAmerica: /Search.htm?T=fnp+40&Go=search

The FNP is a full size double/single action with a 10 + 1 magazine (though most are sold with a 14 + 1). I prefer the exposed hammer to a striker fired handgun. There is no safety to remember to disengage if I ever have to use it, and that eight pounds of initial trigger pull is safety enough on its own. Recently I have been carrying Liberty Civil Defense rounds because of their light weight (half that of duty rounds), high velocity, and low recoil.

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  • Kalashnikov Dude September 16, 2015, 11:06 am

    I never paid much attention to FN since they have decided to divide availability of ammunition for their firearms depending on whether governments, military/police or civilians are getting it. Maybe in other countries, but here in America that’s not how it is supposed to work. Here American citizens have every bit as much right to effective, modern ammunition as governments. Same with the firearms themselves. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” That’s what that means. Anybody who tries to tell you different is a damn liar. It’s long past time to start calling this BS to the carpet here in my country. I won’t buy underspec firearms or ammunition because I’m not law enforcement or military. I understand legalities which hold gun manufacturers to certain illegal tyranny set forth by those who took oaths when they fooled voters into believing the lies they tell. but going above and beyond those requirements by the tiniest bit is unacceptable. Especially when the prices and availability of any firearms or ammunition of any sort has been so sketchy. Stand up for your rights people! Or at least STFU with trying to act like you give a crap…..

  • David Hodo September 14, 2015, 7:15 pm

    I am a Fire Alarm tech. And also have to wear a uniform, with shirt tucked in. I have gone to pocket carry and it is working out very well.

  • Mark Neathery September 14, 2015, 6:42 am

    Check out the Gerber EAB Pocket Knife. An excellent cross between a box knife & regular folding blade knife. Small, lightweight & very functionable. Around $14…

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