Four High-Profile Gun Owners I’m Disowning

There are bad apples in every bunch. The gun community, like every other community, has a few individuals who give us all a bad rap.

Below is a list of people that I want to completely disown as a gun owner, meaning that I don’t want to be associated with them when someone brings up the topic of gun ownership or the archetypal or even average gun owner.

Will Hayden

Probably the biggest no brainer on my list if the allegations against Hayden are true. In case you’re not familiar with the charges against him, the gunsmith, owner of Red Jacket Firearms, former Marine and reality star of Discovery’s reality TV show “Sons of Guns” was arrested for child rape. Yikes!

While Hayden deserves to have his day in court, the evidence against him does not look good for his defense.

One of Hayden’s accuser’s is his own daughter, who was as young as 12 years old when the abuse allegedly started. Another victim claims that Hayden raped her back in 1991. Additionally, his eldest daughter Stephanie Hayden who starred with him on the television show recounted a time that he acted in appropriately with her as well. Plus, none of the guys that he worked with at the shop came to his defense.

Hayden is due in court in July. Barring some unforeseen piece of evidence that solidifies Hayden’s “I’m innocent” plea, I’m done with Will Hayden.

Joe Biden

I never really liked ‘double-barrel’ Joe Biden. There is something phony about him that I can’t place my finger on (maybe it’s the hair?). He is a career politician, so I guess on that account I can justify my disdain.

As it relates to firearms, Biden gave one of the worst pieces of advice to the public on the subject of home defense during a Facebook “chat” back in Feb. of 2013. He was sharing with the audience what he tells his wife to do if there is a problem outside their residence.

“I said, ‘Jill, if there’s ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house,'” Biden said.

“You don’t need an AR-15—it’s harder to aim,” he added later, “it’s harder to use, and in fact you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself. Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!”

Okay, “Buy a shotgun” is solid advice, but telling someone to randomly shoot into the air is not only stupid (as you’re emptying the gun and leaving yourself vulnerable), dangerous (who knows where the projectile will land) and possibly illegal (certain states, municipalities have laws prohibiting the firing of guns without a clear and present threat).

So, Joe, has got to go. I’d be happy to boot his ass out of the gun community.

Sylvester Stallone

Yeah, I love “Rocky” and “First Blood” and “Over the Top” and Sylvester Stallone’s entire cinematic sensibility (up throw the early 90s) but when it comes to the Second Amendment the guy is a complete turd. Moreover, Stallone epitomizes the hollywood hypocrite who profits off of gratuitous gun-related violence in movies yet maintains the position that good guys in real life should be disarmed.

“‘It’s ending, it’s over, all bets are off, it’s not 200 years ago, we don’t need [the Second Amendment] anymore, and the rest of the world doesn’t have it,’” Stallone told Access Hollywood in 1998. “Why should we?”

“Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you’re gonna have,” added Stallone. “It’s pathetic. It really is pathetic. It’s sad. We’re living in the Dark Ages [in America].”

From Rambo’s perspective, the right to keep and bear arms is reserved for the privileged and well-connected — not for the ordinary citizen.

“I know people get [upset] and go, ‘They’re going to take away the assault weapon,’” Stallone said in early 2013, while pushing his latest movie at the time, Bullet to the Head. “Who…needs an assault weapon? Like really, unless you’re carrying out an assault…You can’t hunt with it…Who’s going to attack your house, a fucking army?”


George Zimmerman

Zimmerman was justified in shooting unarmed, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Feb. of 2012. A jury of his peers came to that conclusion. And in my opinion, the jury made the right call.

But the fact that Zimmerman has demonstrated some odd behavior and has had several subsequent run-ins with the law leads me to believe that where there is smoke, there is fire.

Sure, with respect to the domestic violence arrests the charges were dropped in both instances (Nov. 2013 and Jan. 2015) but at what point to we start questioning this man’s judgement?

The way I see it is he’s either too obtuse to figure out that some of the people in his life are bad seeds and he needs to cut ties with them or he is a bad seed himself. Either way, I’m not backing Zimmerman anymore.

I’m I being to harsh on this one.  Maybe.  I know some within the gun community have opted to embrace him because of the way the media treated him prior to the trial and the subsequent “not-guilty” verdict.  As you’ll recall, Zimmerman was unfairly ridiculed by various networks and newspapers, including NBC which notoriously defamed him.

But my point is that he’s doing nothing to help his cause.  He’s only continued to stumble and make headlines. Maybe he’ll shape up in the future and turn things around. Until he proves himself to be a responsible and upstanding citizen once again, I’m not going to be a part of team Zimmerman.

On another note, there are thousands of Americans who defend themselves on a daily basis using firearms. I’d much rather give them their due than to keep using Zimmerman as the face of lawful self-defense.


Some of you may accuse me of being a divider, as someone who is trying to undermine the unity of the gun community.  I get it, gun owners stick together.  Since we share a common bond over the Second Amendment, we should have one another’s back.  I don’t disagree with this mentality.

But sometimes I feel as though we need to police our own community and when appropriate call a spade a spade, a lunkhead a lunkhead.  After all, we are in a battle to win hearts and minds.  And if we don’t show the non-gun owning public that we are capable of calling out those who fail to live up to our core ethos (safe, responsible, intelligent, law-abiding), then we can’t complain when non-gun owners start to accept certain negative stereotypes.  Whether we like it or not we are the company we keep.  And I’m not afraid to say we need to make sure we’re keeping good company.

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  • ejharb July 27, 2015, 5:40 pm

    All four are dirtbags,of that I am certain.
    Eff them all and when asked be vociferous

  • 5WarVeteran July 16, 2015, 4:19 pm

    Now this really sucks, other than Stallone I had already dropped the rest. Never watched “Sons of guns” So dropping that pervert is no loss.

    Now you say Stallone is a douche too? First I heard of it and that is why it sucks. Because I refuse to watch anything with Liam “douchekit” Neeson in it because I hate two faced hypocrites. And not I dropped Stallone which really sucks.

    I have every right to bear arms sufficient to repel those arms aimed against me. (Whether or not I can afford it is my problem, and it is)

    If Jason Statham is anti second amendment that will really cinch it. Please do not tell me he is….

    Well I looked and found this…

    His (paraphrased) answer: ‘well I love to take my son shooting, I don’t get to do that in England.’ *shock and gasp*
    What guns,though? He probably meant normal cartridge pistols and full-bore centerfire rifles.I’m sure Hugh Laurie did shoot some pistols and full-bore semi-auto rifle shooting in tthe UK,before 1989 and October 1997.
    Other pro-gun movie stars include:
    Micheal Gambon
    Jason Statham
    Lawrence Oliver
    Henry Fonda
    Bridget Fonda
    Jane Fonda(Well so I’ve heard….)
    Clive Owen

    To some extent Timothy Dalton was too.He did say that he enjoyed firing guns on the set of ‘The Living Daylights’ and ‘License to Kill’.
    Sylvester Stallone is extremely anti-guns owned by us worker peasants. He owns firearms but wants our firearms to be confiscated.

    He was on a British teevee show in which he stated that the American police should invade every home in the U.S. and confiscate our guns. He’s exactly the same as Spielberg… except Spielberg has more millions of $$$ than Stallone.

    Hypocrites one and all.
    By the way,he apparently helped suppot our 1988 Firearms Amendment Act,because he was told that Micheal Ryan killed 18 people with three guns and idolised him,which drove him to dislike ‘assault weapons’ even more.

    • Gray November 10, 2017, 12:45 am

      Stallone has one of the 5 private owner machine gun licenses issued by the State of California. That, in my opinion, makes him the worst of the lot.

  • Russ July 16, 2015, 12:30 pm

    You can add that terd known as Liam Neeson to the list. What a hypocrite, he makes millions in movies using guns and then insists on gun control. I think he got too close to that liburturd Julliana Moore. She is the worst.

  • Andrew N. July 14, 2015, 7:19 pm

    It would be interesting to see Zimmerman’s record BEFORE the Trayvon Martin trial. This guy has been stalked and even shot at by crazies convinced of his guilt and his need to be punished for saving his own life. He seems to be under EXTREME scrutiny by everyone, including LE. How would any of us fare under those conditions?

  • Neil July 14, 2015, 12:36 am

    Add Arnold Schwarzenegger to this list! As governor of the California People’s Republic he signed EVERY gun control bill that crossed his desk! Even Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown vetoed a few gun control bills because “they went too far.”

    Having a worse record than Moonbeam is not the sign of a Second Amendment Supporter.

  • steve July 13, 2015, 11:52 pm

    you forgot ted nugent.

  • Mike July 13, 2015, 11:40 pm

    You’re all assuming that Zimmerman was innocent in the killing of Trayvon Martin because he was aquitted. His constant misfortune and bad decision making is a clear indicator that he has no business owning or carrying a firearm. He keeps making bad decisions just as he made a bad decision the night young Mr Martin was killed. In my CCW class we were taught that you cannot instigate a situation then pull your gun and use deadly force because you can’t handle a person in a hand to hand battle. just take your ass whooping and go on.

  • Will Drider July 13, 2015, 11:33 pm

    There are plenty of dumb ass people with guns who do stupid and often do illegal things with them. Any lemming that blindly supports all gun activity including these idiots under some assumed ” brotherhood of the Second Ammendment” is just salting the wound and eroding the the 2A as viewed by the general public.. For those that support Z, I ask you: would you have done EVERYTHING Z did EXACTLY as Z did that night? If you say YES EXACTLY, PROUDLY POST YOUR NAME IN REPLY TO THIS.

  • William Cleveland July 13, 2015, 8:36 pm

    Add Tim McGraw – the Country whiz bang to the anti-gun flunky list. McGraw is now doing free concerts for the anti-gunners and is a huge Democrat ( Hillary ) hugger. If you are a gunner – you need to quit buying McGraw and/or Faith Hill music.

  • shootbrownelk July 13, 2015, 4:12 pm

    You can also include “Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger and Mark Walberg to the list. They’re both anti-gun pukes that got rich using them. And by the way, Walberg is a convicted felon and shouldn’t be handling firearms anyway.

  • benjy July 13, 2015, 3:41 pm

    Let me also add Liam Neeson who has made a pretty good living with action movies with guns. He has declared that America should be disarmed, no need for guns another BS spouting one thing while he has his hand out raking in the cash. After I heard his anti gun rant I never watched another of his P.O.S. movies. As for Stallone I think he took too many shots to the head in his Rocky movies.

  • benjy July 13, 2015, 3:41 pm

    Let me also add Liam Neeson who has made a pretty good living with action movies with guns. He has declared that America should be disarmed, no need for guns another BS spouting one thing while he has his hand out raking in the cash. After I heard his anti gun rant I never watched another of his P.O.S. movies. As for Stallone I think he took too many shots to the head in his Rocky movies.

  • DC July 13, 2015, 1:48 pm

    Biden is a total MORON. He wish he had the brain of a cockroach. Why are we even talking about a LEFT WING PROGRESSIVE. Stallone is a total HYPOCRITE. He makes his living off of ultra violent movies. Forget Zimmerman, what about Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger, they are two more HYPOCRITES that make their living from VIOLENT MOVIES are are totally ANTI GUN. Hollyweird and politicians are screwing us all.

  • mark July 13, 2015, 1:40 pm

    I agree with this article. People are commonly/very often judged by the ones they associate with. So DON’T hang around with BONEHEADS!

  • Catfish July 13, 2015, 1:14 pm

    George Zimmerman is a Dirty Harry wannabe cop who stalked some kid who was not a saint but at the time was DOING NOTHING WRONG. Who could blame the kid for punching the creepy looking dude following him in a pickup who got out and started following him on foot. He was a loose cannon before and has continued to behave the same way he always had. The jury acquitted him but more than one juror blatantly admitted they did not understand the law. He lucked out and got a jury too dumb to understand manslaughter as a lesser included charge. He has been nothing but a thorn in responsible gun owners side.

    • Mike July 13, 2015, 11:51 pm

      I agree with you totally Catfish

  • Abner T July 13, 2015, 12:47 pm

    Can’t agree with the last one (the Z) cuz just being stupid doesn’t count, but could certainly add a few more Hollyweed hypocrites to this list…

  • Mikelasnicov July 13, 2015, 12:31 pm

    What actual gun people are going to call you a divider for this list? I only saw one where a small percentage might, which is Zimmerman, unless somebody actually thinks the child molester is innocent. If you’re looking at the evidence then the Sons of guns guy is most likely guilty as sin. And Zimmerman has been acting like a total tool. It’s really kind of embarrassing after we defended him after the Martin shooting. With the other douche bags like Stallone and Biden I couldn’t picture anybody but a pure libtard objecting. Also that Fake republican Schwarzenegger is about as bad as Stallone. If we survive Obama and then elect another democrat or a rino, well then I don’t think we will survive that. I am very concerned, the GOP has moved so far to the left that they just absolutely hostile towards any conservative. All we can do is stock up and hope all our stuff that we already have is grandfathered in. Anybody who complies with orders to register everything is an idiot. Because it looks like that’s coming eventually.

  • 'ol shooter July 13, 2015, 12:29 pm

    The bad ones give the good ones a bad name, guilt by association. We owe them nothing.

  • Mikeguru July 13, 2015, 12:05 pm

    Although Zimmerman did use deadly force to defend himself, he COULD HAVE and should have AVOIDED the confrontation in the first place. One of the fundamentals you’re taught in many concealed carry courses. RUN AWAY if you can. Taking a human life is only justifiable as the absolute LAST RESORT when NO OTHER OPTIONS ARE LEFT. That said, I think the jury’s verdict was correct. I also think he should have lost his right to carry. Although no further charges have “stuck”, he clearly shows a penchant for POOR JUDGEMENT and possibly VIOLENT CONFRONTATIONS. NOTE: “Stricter gun regulations” will do NOTHING to prevent POOR JUDGEMENT by some. All it will do is further erode the rights of RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS. What regulations would you propose? Many believe a law requiring an “intelligence test” would be quite effective when it comes to issuing CCWs, DRIVER’S LICENSES and VOTER REGISTRATIONS…

    • Ron August 28, 2019, 3:19 pm

      First the kid was shot when he was on top of Zimmerman pounding on him. Not much chance of running away. The Kid was a want to be thug and brought fists to a gun fight. Zimmerman has no other option left oops.. so your argument is invalid. The cops cleared Zimmerman the first night. The prosecutor cleared him the next day. Then rObama stuck his nose in something that was not his business and forced the trial that was not needed and cost the taxpayers money just so the president could put forth his agenda. That is the tragedy of this situation. No wonder Zimmerman flaked out imagine being hounded by the media and even the president just because you protected yourself from a thug who attacked you!

  • davud July 13, 2015, 11:49 am

    *** I get it, gun owners stick together. ***
    principle is more important. judgment (and training) is the most important skill an armed citizen can bring to bear. zimmerman failed the test of judgment; we allow ours to be questioned if we don’t acknowledge that.

  • Otis B. July 13, 2015, 11:44 am

    Will Hayden is not a Former Marine, he is an ex-marine. A Former Marine is a formally active marine. An ex-marine is someone who has been in the Corps but has not lived up to Corps principles, like John Murtha, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jeremiah Wright, Marcus Dwayne Robertson (Imam, called a former marine by fox news, they seem to reverse the titles almost every time).
    Zimmerman exhibits all the signs of PTSD. The Left loves to kick him around so I disagree with you there. The Loony Lefty Luddites will vilify anyone they perceive as conservative. Don’t let yourself argue from the Left’s playground, their memes are insidious.
    Rather than respond to the Left’s criticism and argue within the imposed constraints of their view, make them come to your ground.

  • David Keith July 13, 2015, 11:28 am

    To hell with Sylvester Stallone. In addition to making crap movies and being an idiot he is also a coward. When the real Vietnam war was going on, and not his celluloid version of it, he was doing soft porn. Now the delusional public thinks he was
    brave grunt actually out fighting on the line. I wouldn’t want a second amendment endorsement from that jack ass.

    • DARYLE July 13, 2015, 11:36 pm

      Have to totally agree about those cowards, like TED Nugent who s*it in their pants to stay out of Nam and claims to be a gun hero who is just a pathetic HIPOCRITICAL POS,

  • David Keith July 13, 2015, 11:28 am

    To hell with Sylvester Stallone. In addition to making crap movies and being an idiot he is also a coward. When the real Vietnam war was going on, and not his celluloid version of it, he was doing soft porn. Now the delusional public thinks he was
    brave grunt actually out fighting on the line. I wouldn’t want a second amendment endorsement from that jack ass.

  • Sarge July 13, 2015, 10:55 am

    Zimmerman not guilty…BS!

    His whole job was to stay in the car and watch. He was told by the police to stay in the car and report. He decided to leave the car, stalk his victim, provoke a confrontation and shoot him. He is a poster child for stricter gun regulations and the last person that needs to carry a gun.

    • Allen Benge July 13, 2015, 11:39 am

      As a deputy sheriff and corporal in Arizona, it was one of my duties to assist citizens in setting up Neighborhood Watch programs, and the Primary Directive for Block Watch people was: NO GUNS. Neighborhood Watch members, even those with Concealed Carry permits are forbidden from carrying weapons, for the exact reason of the Zimmerman/Martin fiasco. Neighborhood Watch people are not cops, they are not security guards, they are eyes and ears for the authorities. Their total purpose for even being there is to observe and report any suspicious activity to local law enforcement. Before I was a deputy, I was with a crime patrol in Indiana. As volunteers, we patrolled our area and reported via CB radio to our dispatcher, who had a hot line to the local sheriff’s department. The sheriff’s orders had no room for interpretation. “If you are under attack, you are in a vehicle, get the hell out of there, report it and be a good witness. I don’t believe it was ever established that Zimmerman was actually a member of any Block Watch group, which, in my book, makes him a vigilante. his story could have been written by the Brothers Grimm. It was so full of holes, it would have been good for straining spaghetti.;

      • Bil July 13, 2015, 1:03 pm

        It was clearly established during trial that Zimmerman was a Neighborhood Watch Captain. It has been wrongly reported that “he was told by police to stay in his car.” In fact, he never talked to police. He was talking to a 911 telephone operator.
        As the eyes and ears of the community “for the authorities” he had every right, and duty, to get out of his and legally follow Martin. Martin approached him. Martin attacked him. It was a clear case of self defense, (not stand a stand your case at all, nor was that issue ever argued in court, only self defense.)
        And you conveniently left out the fact that had he not been carrying a gun he would’ve had his head beat to a pulp on a concrete sidewalk. He legally defended himself, with a gun he legally bought, and was legally carrying. If he had been in your jurisdiction, Zimmerman would be dead, and Martin might be roaming the countryside. I’ll take Florida over your neck of the woods any day.

        • Ooga Booga July 13, 2015, 6:53 pm

          You got that right, Bil.
          George Z. would have been another violent victim had he not defended himself from a paranoid thug.

      • Willy July 13, 2015, 2:57 pm

        I agree Evan.
        I here out of one side of this magazines mouth, make a good public image and don’t be like Zimmerman and the other side comes out a ad for a all out weapon that is borderline legal that will blow the crap out of anything that crosses your path.

      • Larry July 13, 2015, 3:24 pm

        I’m ex law enforcement, now retired & have CCed for nearly 50 years & you would not get me as a neighborhood watch volunteer if you thought for a New York second that you could delete my Second Amendment right in order to partake of your watch group. How dare you think that, let alone implement that “gun free zone” crap for all those people looking up to your department!

        • Ooga Booga July 13, 2015, 6:56 pm

          Damn strait, Larry.
          We all the the RIGHT to bear arms against all foes both foreign and domestic.
          I would not volunteer to be a simple little sheep in a defenseless neighborhood watch.

  • Leonard July 13, 2015, 10:53 am

    I never saw Geo Zimmerman as a poster boy for the second ammendment. If he wanted to play cop, then he should have armed himself as cops do–with non-lethal force multipliers in addition to his firearm. That way, when unarmed, thuggish teenagers threatened, a face full of pepper spray, or a baton to the kneecap or even a shock with a taser would have ended the threat, and St. Trayvon would have been carted off to jail, where he clearly belonged. Cops actually train to fight with empty hands, too.Dull witted Geo tried to learn, but was considered to be a creampuff in his mma class, so he knew he couldn’t fight with his empty hands. So, he just carried a gun. When deadly force is all you have, and you can’t fight your way out of a paper bag, you have no choice BUT to kill an unarmed thuggish teenager . So why would poorly equipped, untrained, wimpy Geo even want to be a “Neighborhood Watch Captain” (whatever THAT is)?

  • Richard July 13, 2015, 10:42 am

    Stallone, what a moron. He and Liam Neeson ought to be roomies. There’s another Hollywood brainiac who’s made a gazillion dollars gunning people down in the movies but thinks the rest of us schmucks should go around carrying nothing but our good intentions. I say, vote with your feet, so to speak, and boycott their movies. By the way. Shouldn’t there be a nationwide campaign to boycott any city that declares itself a sanctuary for illegals? I lived in SF for many years and believe me if all of us right minded folk out here in the hinterlands decided to not spend any more tourist dollars there, that sanctuary city would fall like a house of cards. They depend heavily upon tourism there. I left there because of such insane policies and now live in a red state.

  • Richard July 13, 2015, 10:42 am

    Stallone, what a moron. He and Liam Neeson ought to be roomies. There’s another Hollywood brainiac who’s made a gazillion dollars gunning people down in the movies but thinks the rest of us schmucks should go around carrying nothing but our good intentions. I say, vote with your feet, so to speak, and boycott their movies. By the way. Shouldn’t there be a nationwide campaign to boycott any city that declares itself a sanctuary for illegals? I lived in SF for many years and believe me if all of us right minded folk out here in the hinterlands decided to not spend any more tourist dollars there, that sanctuary city would fall like a house of cards. They depend heavily upon tourism there. I left there because of such insane policies and now live in a red state.

  • Richard July 13, 2015, 10:41 am

    Stallone, what a moron. He and Liam Neeson ought to be roomies. There’s another Hollywood brainiac who’s made a gazillion dollars gunning people down in the movies but thinks the rest of us schmucks should go around carrying nothing but our good intentions. I say, vote with your feet, so to speak, and boycott their movies. By the way. Shouldn’t there be a nationwide campaign to boycott any city that declares itself a sanctuary for illegals? I lived in SF for many years and believe me if all of us right minded folk out here in the hinterlands decided to not spend any more tourist dollars there, that sanctuary city would fall like a house of cards. They depend heavily upon tourism there. I left there because of such insane policies and now live in a red state.

  • Tommy T. July 13, 2015, 10:28 am

    I agree, except for Zimmerman. I think he’s still reeling with the aftermath of shooting his attempted murderer, Trayvon Martin. He does need to find some steadying support, and would probably benefit from counseling and a strong support network; but, abandoning him is not the right answer. It would not be exactly the same; but, it would be very similar to the way Vietnam veterans were treated when we returned home. We *must* support our own and help them get on, and stay on, the right path. How hard is it for him to find a job where he won’t be harassed by some limp-d****d jerk who is trying to impress his hippie girlfriend?

  • Tommy T. July 13, 2015, 10:27 am

    I agree, except for Zimmerman. I think he’s still reeling with the aftermath of shooting his attempted murderer, Trayvon Martin. He does need to find some steadying support, and would probably benefit from counseling and a strong support network; but, abandoning him is not the right answer. It would not be exactly the same; but, it would be very similar to the way Vietnam veterans were treated when we returned home. We *must* support our own and help them get on, and stay on, the right path. How hard is it for him to find a job where he won’t be harassed by some limp-d****d jerk who is trying to impress his hippie girlfriend?

  • Tommy T. July 13, 2015, 10:26 am

    I agree, except for Zimmerman. I think he’s still reeling with the aftermath of shooting his attempted murderer, Trayvon Martin. He does need to find some steadying support, and would probably benefit from counseling and a strong support network; but, abandoning him is not the right answer. It would not be exactly the same; but, it would be very similar to the way Vietnam veterans were treated when we returned home. We *must* support our own and help them get on, and stay on, the right path. How hard is it for him to find a job where he won’t be harassed by some limp-d****d jerk who is trying to impress his hippie girlfriend?

  • GOT12 July 13, 2015, 10:24 am

    what about youtube star FPSrussia ?

    • BigR July 13, 2015, 10:47 pm

      What or who the hell is FPSrussia? “‘ SOMEBODY HELP ME!”‘

  • Jerry S. July 13, 2015, 10:16 am

    I agree with the first three, but have to say I would cut George Zimmerman a little more slack. If you have never been in a self-defense situation ending in death, I would reserve comment. I think he is going through PTSD, but then I am not a “head doctor” and I could be wrong. Either way, a close quarters killing of this type will leave you forever changed.

    • Mike July 13, 2015, 2:45 pm

      Shaddup ya whining fag

    • Will Drider July 13, 2015, 4:45 pm

      When you get a diagnosis of PTSD from the VA. They report it to the feds. You loose your gun rights, will not be able to purchase when a background check reflects mental illnesses and in States like NY & CA they come to your door and confiscate your firearms AND those belonging to others living under the same roof. Those others will not be able to buy from a dealer because the firearm “could” be accessed by the person with the mental illness. They can’t even keep on in a safe in the same house.
      PTSD has a long reach. So if that is his issue, he should not be armed according to the Law.

      • Ooga Booga July 13, 2015, 6:50 pm

        And that law goes 100% against the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and should therefore be stricken down.
        What everyone with PTSD needs is a good counseling and definitely NO DRUGS that so many doctors are all too happy to provide for any and all problems that good solid counseling, mental exercising, and spirituality can solve.
        Cut out the “happy pills” and everyone will be far better off, I say. Toughen up and get your mind and soul straitened out.

    • Richard July 18, 2015, 10:25 am

      I don’t understand your “The psychological impact” thing? I think that the “PC, feel good police” have some of us believing that after taking someone’s life one should be devastated. NOT SO! If the son of a bitch deserves killing and it was a justified kill then you should be good to go. Two tours in Vietnam, killed literally hundreds of gooks, up close and personal and if some idiot broke into my house, I would kill him and ” blow the smoke off the end of the barrel and go back to life a few minutes later” and not be “psychologically impacted”. I think we are breeding a generation of “Marys & Week dicks. Viagra and Cealis to get it up, an attitude of entitlement instead of working for it, and the idea that if something goes wrong in my life, I need either government or psychological help. To the new generations, Cowboy Up and Grow a Pair.

  • Nemesis July 13, 2015, 10:12 am

    Biden and Stallone were part of the “gun community”? AYFKM?
    Whatever you’re smoking, it must be good.

  • GOT12 July 13, 2015, 10:00 am

    what about youtube star FPSrussia ?

    • dink winkerson July 13, 2015, 12:28 pm

      why fpsrussia?

  • GOT12 July 13, 2015, 9:57 am

    what about youtube star FPSrussia ?

  • Evan July 13, 2015, 9:51 am

    Zimmerman is a tragic figure. I don’t think he’s the smartest person ever or makes particularly good decisions, but the “Trayvon” Martin killing and subsequent lynching by the media ruined his life, and I believe he deserves to be cut some slack.

    • Willy July 13, 2015, 2:50 pm

      I agree Evan.
      I here out of one side of this magazines mouth, make a good public image and don’t be like Zimmerman and the other side comes out a ad for a all out weapon that is borderline legal that will blow the crap out of anything that crosses your path.

    • Leadsender July 13, 2015, 3:05 pm

      George Zimmerman is a tragic figure. This we do agree on but, Mr. Zimmerman is the author of what has gone on in his life. I have read on many gun related site’s that “the best gun fight that you every had is the gun fight that you never had”. If Zimmerman had never inserted himself into the mix we would not be talking about him.

  • PJ Foreman July 13, 2015, 9:10 am

    About your comments reference George Zimmerman:
    As a retired cop of over 23 years, I never had to shoot anyone, BUT: I know cops who did. It’s NOT like on TV. Cops who have had to defend their lives with deadly force, just do NOT blow the smoke off the end of the barrel and go back on patrol a few minutes later. The psychological impact is well documented, aside from the legal impact. I can see George Zimmerman most likely went through and still is going through a terrible after math. Don’t judge him unless you have been there.

    • Will Drider July 13, 2015, 4:33 pm

      IF your opinion about Z potentially having mental baggage from the Martin case AND this is the cause of his behavior issues: Then he should not have a CWP and probably not a firearm period. I am well qualified to cast a stone as are thousands of Mil/LE that have prevailed over BGs. We have not heard the last chapter on Z yet.

    • Martin Landry July 14, 2015, 2:40 pm

      I have to agree. This is not some video game/action movie character. And the media has been reporting on him for speeding tickets! Yes, speeding is against the law, but how many of you have had a speeding ticket that made national news? I wonder if Zimmerman has considered/sought counseling in the aftermath of the shooting?

  • Methadras July 13, 2015, 4:21 am

    This isn’t even a legitimate article. You are talking about the worst low hanging fruit here.

  • BIG AL July 13, 2015, 3:01 am


    • Furious July 13, 2015, 4:26 pm

      Exactly. Can’t boot someone out who was never in.

      • Ooga Booga July 13, 2015, 6:44 pm

        I would just like to eject him from the country. I have several ideas on how.
        Why the hell should we have such a creepy and idiotic career politician like him around anyway?

        • Rattlerjake July 13, 2015, 10:26 pm

          He needs to be right next to Bo!

  • DRAINO July 12, 2015, 3:44 pm

    Ya got another one right, Blannelberry. Agreed! I could probably add a few more(thousand) to the list, but this is a good start.

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