Gun Thief Caught on Camera Stealing from Unlocked Car

A Seattle gun thief was caught on camera stealing a firearm from an unlocked car, local media reports.

The suspect somehow entered a locked car garage at around 4 a.m. and began pulling on the handles of various vehicles until he hit upon Adam Matza’s Scion, which was unlocked.

“I’m the type of person who locks my car 99% of the time when I get out,” Matza told Fox 13. “It just happens to be a huge coincidence that he happened to be lurking around the parking lot the one time out of a hundred that I didn’t lock my car.”

After rummaging through Matza’s stuff, the crook found the car owner’s .45 caliber handgun. In addition to stealing the gun, the thief took several other items.

“Everything else he stole from the car didn’t concern me that much,” explained Matza. “There was some electronics, some medical equipment I had from my military time. But the gun was definitely the biggest thing”.

Matza insisted that he is a responsible gun owner. He thought his items were safe in the locked garage of the apartment complex.

“I have a concealed weapons permit and I’m a responsible gun owner,” said Matza. “But in that instance, it was just the car got broken into and it was there.”

Police have not arrested anyone in connection to the burglary. They are actively seeking tips from the community.

Meanwhile, Matza hopes that someone recognizes the suspect in the footage.

“It’s dangerous for him to be out there with a gun,” said Matza.

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  • Randy Adair March 23, 2015, 10:59 am

    I have a Colt 38 revolver ssn. -125835. How much is it worth?

    • lolRandy March 23, 2015, 3:58 pm

      why would you ask that here?

    • Chris March 23, 2015, 6:09 pm

      I 2nd that. Why would you ask that here? seems weird to ask that here about an article about a Gun stolen out of a law abiding citizen’s car. (albeit not the smartest idea to leave a firearm in a car even if it is in a locked garage, I wouldn’t do that) but for you to come on and ask how much your colt revolver is and give the SSN and no other descriptive info on condition and want to know what it’s worth, makes me think “is it stolen and is this a bait and see thing from the left” Is it something that we should check the SSN to see if it’s stolen and then if we don’t we’re a bunch of gun toting idiots? Just saying seems odd in the context of the article that you would ask that.

    • Gaffe March 23, 2015, 7:42 pm

      1 million dollars (with my pinky to my lip)

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