LaPierre: No Mercy for Demons at the Door

When evil comes a knockin’, Americans have the “full-throated right” to defend ourselves and our families with the Second Amendment, says National Rifle Association exec. vice president Wayne LaPierre in a recent PSA.

It’s true. And we’re lucky in this country to still have that right. The rest of the world seems to have devolved on this issue, removing power from the people and placing it in the feckless hands of government officials.

No one can truly keep you safe but you. The sooner everyone realizes that, the better off we’ll be.

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  • BRASS December 5, 2015, 11:17 am

    Not always the most enthusiastic fan of Wayne LaPierre, he couldn’t be more correct or more precise than he is here.

  • Alan B. December 5, 2015, 3:31 am

    There are way too many conservatives that have become too lazy to vote or participate in the affairs of State and I wonder how many Young Folks would have the stones to come out from in front of their own camera lens to take up a real Fight? Or if they can even grasp the importance of the Constitution and their Rights that are being eroded and attacked? To listen to them vilify Soldiers and Veterans because they were Brave enough to Defend this Country leaves me with very little Faith in the Majority of Our Youth. Oh well… they probably can’t line up a real set of sights anyway.

  • VC December 4, 2015, 11:46 pm

    The President is driving a socialist agenda and people don’t see it coming or what he’s done for the last seven plus years. America needs to standup…especially law abiding, tax paying citizens who are not the problem but targeted because we support American values like the 2nd Amendment. What is worse, you have Govenor Cuomo and his liberal ways paying his bills in NY with rhetoric. We should have dumped him after we dumped his Father Mario. Know your history America….

  • Larry December 4, 2015, 11:40 am

    The less elected Democrats in less areas of the country, the better our rights status & citizenship status will become. People, QUIT voting for Democrats!

    • BC December 4, 2015, 3:50 pm

      it’s not just democrats, there are republican and independents too who tend to lean towards the middle and a lil bit left!

  • Edward December 4, 2015, 11:05 am

    I sometimes wonder if today isn’t more scary than back during days and events preceding the Revolutionary War. By all accounts, not very many ‘Americans’ wanted to fight that war either. But, they did. And, though sustaining heavy loss, they eventually beat a far superior and better equipped enemy. Thing is, they were mentally prepared to do it. And now look at us.

    The victor seems to have become the enemy. Governments seem to eventually degenerate to anarchy where offices like the president and the senate become fixated on their own blind ambitions. They’re a desert island in an ocean of fools who put the there.. And, that’s what I see now. The British throne in its day had become complacent and blinded by its own arrogance, protocol and in-fighting while the lowly peasants in America became restless. We’ve been here before…..several times since the 1700’s. But, today the disease seems to be terminal: and, it’s hard to see the bigger picture when anarchy looms so large locally. This president would never have been elected to a second term without fraudulent measures. And, the Senate is a merely club of wealthy fools to not see the need for leadership while the People’s House might’s well not even be there. I’m guessing that satisfaction with Congress is so low (13% last I looked) due to its impotence and unwillingness to reign this guy in.

    Sad state of affairs. I sure hope it doesn’t come to guns, ammo and strategy. This isn’t 1776. And, though today’s American soldiers & LEO’s are better equipped than the British army was, many of them will not have the stomach to fire on their own people. If things deteriorate to this level, I would not want to be a president, vice president, senator or politician of any stripe. Thank you Mr. Lapierre and the NRA..

  • Chad Baldwin December 4, 2015, 9:43 am

    A flood is coming our way, and our government is going to try and ban boats! Without the NRA they would surely take away our boats, paddles, and life jackets.

  • Chuck M December 4, 2015, 8:51 am

    Thank you Wayne!

  • Jerry December 4, 2015, 8:08 am

    Thank God for Wayne Lapierre. .. Him and the NRA has fought and continues the tireless fight against the anti gun grabbers. . Get everyone you can to join the NRA. ..We need to be the most powerful organization in America to stand up to those wanting to take our rights.

    • John L December 4, 2015, 11:02 am

      What? Join the NRA? That is almost $3 a month! Way to steep for 95% of gun owners apparently. Might have to give up one day of buying an over priced cup of coffee. That’s just too much to ask to help defend our bill of rights! On a more serious note, gun owners are apparently as apathetic as most Americans these days. In my 40 years as a member I have convinced exactly 2 hunting buddies to join. Pretty pathetic.

      • Dave Hicks December 5, 2015, 11:35 am

        I agree with John L. I haven’t gotten over the 1986 Firearms Act yet , that the NRA supported ! I also agree to keep armed. I stay “cocked and lock” even while sitting in my living room.

      • Ben December 5, 2015, 4:27 pm

        Hey Yawl don’t forget, joining the NRA is Not enough we Must also Contribute to Fund the NRA- ILA.

  • FTKT December 4, 2015, 7:31 am

    Taxx73…. Well said, my sentiments exactly ! I have only one thing to add: Molon Labe !

  • taxx73 December 1, 2015, 12:48 pm

    Truer words were never spoken. The idiots that think that they can tell us when and how we can defend ourselves can go to hell. I will not be a victim. The state of the political rhetoric in this country makes me physically ill.

    • JEFF MCK December 4, 2015, 10:47 am

      You’re so right! Now, in our country it’s getting worse every day, with OBUMMER threatening Executive Orders (RULING BY DECREE!} to use this tactic to ban our weapons with which we non-criminal types defend ourselves against ever increasing criminals in and outside of our (their) government. I will NOT turn in my weapons, because some PRICK decides I don’t need them! I suppose that means that , inevitably, I must become a CRIMINAL, when the Misrepresenting politicians in office decide to declare our 2nd amendment rights null and void. We must resist!! Resist and resist some move!
      Semper FI!!

      • Timbo December 4, 2015, 12:57 pm

        You will not be a criminal and neither will any of the rest of us. We will be acting as the founders intended, and will even prosecute a new civil war if we must in order to retain our Natural Rights as stated in the Bill of Rights- rights that were not given by government and cannot be removed by government. The want to be ruling class of aristocratic/Marxist scum will be the criminals and they will swing for their treason in the end! Remember, the darkest days of the storm are always followed by the light of the sun!

        • cav man December 5, 2015, 3:47 am

          AMEN ! Timbo…they won’t dare take our arms from us…It’s fool hardy for anyone to think that OUR government will try to do this due to the fact that; THERES TOO MANY OF US…that are right minded to know that WE THE PEOPLE are the government…,Sooooo…as long as we have our voices with clear thinking minds amongst us to say; WE HIRED YOU…AND WE CAN ALSO FIRE YOU…If you are not going to work for us…as you were hired to do…HEAD FOR THE DOOR !

    • JEFF MCK December 4, 2015, 10:47 am

      You’re so right! Now, in our country it’s getting worse every day, with OBUMMER threatening Executive Orders (RULING BY DECREE!} to use this tactic to ban our weapons with which we non-criminal types defend ourselves against ever increasing criminals in and outside of our (their) government. I will NOT turn in my weapons, because some PRICK decides I don’t need them! I suppose that means that , inevitably, I must become a CRIMINAL, when the Misrepresenting politicians in office decide to declare our 2nd amendment rights null and void. We must resist!! Resist and resist some move!
      Semper FI!!

    • Dittohd December 16, 2015, 3:08 pm

      I am OFFENDED by the liberals telling me when I can protect myself and others and with what! I am offended that we don’t have people in office that will fight to death, as some our founding fathers did, to protect our right to bear arms and I think they should add AMMO to the constitution.

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