New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Pardons Shaneen Allen

Gov. Chris Christie pardoned Shaneen Allen this week, the single mother of two facing three years in prison for accidentally carrying a firearm into New Jersey.

Allen, 27, is a licensed concealed carry permit holder in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but when she was pulled over in New Jersey, in Oct. of 2013, for a routine traffic stop, she admitted to having a firearm on her person and was slapped with unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of hollow point ammunition, charges that carry a mandatory minimum sentence of three years.

Upon being pulled over by New Jersey police, Allen admitted that she was carry a firearm for self-defense — a .380 Bersa Thunder handgun — which precipitated the charges.

“The officer knew there was a gun there, she was completely honest and open,” her attorney, Evan Nappen told Fox News last July. “There are no aggravating factors in this case; she’s a single mom of two, working in the medical field who was robbed twice and that’s what inspired her to get a gun license in the first place.”

Allen worried about her future and who would look out for her boys if she was incarcerated.

“I just want people to know that if you look at it through my eyes, mistakes happen,” Allen told “I just hope that everything turns out OK for me and my kids because I’m all they have.”

She also said that, as a new gun owners, she wish she would have taken the time to read up on various state and federal gun laws.

“I wish I was more aware of the law,” she explained. “And to anyone out there looking to purchase a firearm, know the law. I didn’t even get the chance to understand the laws. I only had it [the gun] a week.”

NRA Exec. Vice President Wayne LaPierre applauded Christie for pardoning the young mother.

“This ends a vulgar chapter in an endless series of shameful episodes where political opportunists seek nothing but their own advantage. I compliment Gov. Christie for doing the right thing,” LaPierre told Breitbart News.

An older report from NRA News investigative reporter Ginny Simone:

Chris Christie Pardons Shaneen Allen

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  • Walt Morris December 16, 2016, 10:12 am

    The fact that this good American was arrested and threatened with prison should not have ever come up. It is a damned shame. She should have been applauded for protecting herself and her family. Will we ever get back to living in a free world where honesty is an admirable trait?

  • buddy June 30, 2016, 1:03 pm

    And they wonder why Southerners dislike the Northeast! 1861 & 2015 same same.

  • Al Joy November 6, 2015, 5:05 pm

    Great to know the governors cant make laws, only enforce them.
    I’ll bet the N.Y. governor will be pleased to know that the 100,000 signs posted around saying “BAN THE SAFE ACT” aren’t
    directed at him. I’m sure he had nothing to do with it???

  • Bill April 10, 2015, 5:43 am

    Is there a Shaneen legal defense fund? How about a “make whole” fund to give her a bit of cash until she can find another job?

    If one exists already, let me know. I can flip her a few bucks. I’m not rich, but I hate to see anyone destroyed simply because it’s politically expedient to do so. That’s not the sort of America I want to live in.

  • Russ April 9, 2015, 11:01 am

    Yes, Shaneen Allen, the laws are tricky, variable and constantly changing.
    Your a new firearm owner?! Great!
    Now put this behind you.
    You now wear the battle scars of winning in a state with the worst laws and attitude toward firearms in all of the U.S.A.
    My advice to you now would be to join the NRA.
    They’re in a constant fight to make sure what happened to you, never happens at all. (2A Right Defenders).
    With your membership they also include a magazine subscription.
    I like “American Rifleman” Mag, but for you right now, it might be smart to receive; “Americas 1st Freedom” magazine.
    There’s much information on changing or new laws, and the politics concerning firearms.
    There’s also many connections and videos on safe and effective operation of firearms that should fit your needs.
    Explore the history of firearms in America and their relation to the Liberty and Freedom we enjoy here.
    It will make you feel proud.

    Shaneen, Welcome to the club of good Americans.

    • PS April 9, 2015, 11:38 am

      Chris Christie, Please drop out of the Presidential Race
      Your needed most importantly where your at. New Jersey needs you more than America dose.
      We already have too many Republicans going for it that are more suited to deal with the current and future issues.
      Dr. Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, have declared or are exploring to run.
      There are literally dozens of other great Americans who care about this Country, that are ready, willing, and waiting in the wings.
      Please stay where your are.

  • Missbaysdaddy April 7, 2015, 5:22 pm

    Governor Christie did the right thing on this one and he has several others that are just as wrong that he needs to correct. After that he needs to get the insane prosecutor replaced and put someone with a brain that works into that position until he can get the laws that are so outdated and just plain wrong changed. I pray I am never forced to go to New Jersey and I promise to never go there on my own free will. There is another case pending that I happen to know about that Governor Christie need to make right and that is the case against an armored car worker that had a permit to carry a firearm. His name is Steffon Lamont Josey-Davis. He is getting a raw deal from the State that he is a citizen of which in so many ways makes it even worse. They are treating one of their own like a criminal and I think I am right about this both him and Ms. Allen lost there jobs because of this insanity on the part of New Jersey. People of New Jersey wake up before it is too late and fix your system. Look to states like Vermont or Texas for some guidance.

  • Alfonso A. Rodriguez April 6, 2015, 7:27 pm

    The problem with this is that even with a full pardon she is not made wole. She ended up legally sound but financially ruined. The arrest and charges cost her her job, reputation and legal fees. There is some called the spirit of the law (Jean Jacob Russeau) and that is lacking in NJ. The police can use discretion but that is tharted by the fear and distrust of all citizens and the loss of their jobs and behave like drones.. The prosecutor can use discretion but prefer to indict to get another feather on their cap. THEY DO NOT LOOK FOR THE TRUTH. The judge can also use discretion but as part of the political system and needing reelection, cannot afford to look “weak”. So another law abiding citizen is sacrificed to the altar of political expediency. My questions are simple: where are the legal and social ethics in all of this, how much crime was reduced or prevented with this arrest and how many man hours and tax monies were spent on this useless action? I used to live in Miami (at the time the Superbowl of Crime) where I was a US Customs officer and I saw a lot of the same abuses by prosecutors who took the opportunity to make points at the expense of some poor citizen did not know better and was indicted on idiotic (but legal) charges that could have been dismissed just as easily and instead the representatives of the system prefer to punish for any reason and make points sometimes by just exercising the system and see what they can get off with. No justice, just a bunch of drones that forget they are supposed to served the public and forget their ethics. Is NJ so corrupted? The evidence shows they are. Avoid it at all possible, fly or stay on I-95 for the couple for hours that you need to get through that hell hole.

  • Alfonso A. Rodriguez April 6, 2015, 7:27 pm

    The problem with this is that even with a full pardon she is not made wole. She ended up legally sound but financially ruined. The arrest and charges cost her her job, reputation and legal fees. There is some called the spirit of the law (Jean Jacob Russeau) and that is lacking in NJ. The police can use discretion but that is tharted by the fear and distrust of all citizens and the loss of their jobs and behave like drones.. The prosecutor can use discretion but prefer to indict to get another feather on their cap. THEY DO NOT LOOK FOR THE TRUTH. The judge can also use discretion but as part of the political system and needing reelection, cannot afford to look “weak”. So another law abiding citizen is sacrificed to the altar of political expediency. My questions are simple: where are the legal and social ethics in all of this, how much crime was reduced or prevented with this arrest and how many man hours and tax monies were spent on this useless action? I used to live in Miami (at the time the Superbowl of Crime) where I was a US Customs officer and I saw a lot of the same abuses by prosecutors who took the opportunity to make points at the expense of some poor citizen did not know better and was indicted on idiotic (but legal) charges that could have been dismissed just as easily and instead the representatives of the system prefer to punish for any reason and make points sometimes by just exercising the system and see what they can get off with. No justice, just a bunch of drones that forget they are supposed to served the public and forget their ethics. Is NJ so corrupted? The evidence shows they are. Avoid it at all possible, fly or stay on I-95 for the couple for hours that you need to get through that hell hole.

  • OFBG April 6, 2015, 5:05 pm

    While I am happy that the pardon was granted, I am disturbed by the last line in the document: “This Order is subject to revocation at any time, at the discretion of the Governor, without notice.”
    Mr. Christie may have done the right thing, but what if a future Governor decides he or she wants to show how tough he or she is on “gun crime?”

    • Bill April 10, 2015, 5:33 am

      Shaneen needs to gtfo of Jersey and make Jersey go through Pennsylvania for extradition if they want a second shot at her.

      The Jersey legislature is making that state a cesspool of unconstitutional government.

      I know I’ve gone through it for the last time.

  • NVStorm April 6, 2015, 4:49 pm

    Interesting concept, Politician does the right thing, Yet it occurs so rarely that not only is it news but it stirs a heated debate, most of it way off topic. Makes me wonder why he waited so long though. Probably an opinion poll or two involved. Bottom line though gents (and ladies) eventually he did do the right thing. We should all encourage this sort of behavior in our elected officials.

  • Robert Godeaux April 6, 2015, 2:27 pm

    Only one thing for sure ” Stay the Hell out of New Jersey” I know I will!

  • Gunner April 6, 2015, 2:05 pm

    Listen, if the Muslim-in-Chief let loose a Dozen Muslim Criminal Terrorist, and Pardons another dozen of Hard Core Criminal Drug Kingpin Thugs, and also Lets out free over 30,000 Illegal Alien Criminals to the streets of America,…..Whats the Big deal Pardoning a Law abiding, Hard working, Tax payer American woman,…….You tell me??,…….Who’s going to throw the first rock??,….uh,….

  • Christopher April 6, 2015, 1:54 pm

    Come’on now everyone knows why she was arrested and not given a stern WARNING about this. Licensed to carry the gun, CCW holder but is arrested and charged, & convicted. If this was a White female single mother this would have never happened. BLACK on the other hand, Convicted. If you are a Black individual in America they DO NOT want you owning or carrying any weapons period. Sad but that is a fact

    • Bill April 10, 2015, 5:29 am

      Hmmm … not so fast, Christopher. The same prosecutor put that girlfriend beating Black football player in the diversion program that Shaneen asked to be put into. The issue here is hatred of guns, not race. Don’t go there without reason … we have a lot bigger fish to fry.

  • LAH053 April 6, 2015, 1:11 pm

    STOP already!! Whether you like the guy has bearing he did the right thing. Those haters need to get a life!!!! I am not a Christie fan but what he did was the right thing. Any FOOL knows that a governor doesn’t set all of the agenda and it takes cooperation of a legislature to get ANYTHING passed. What people should be angry about is that the Federal Government has failed to address this problem. Recall your legislators who fail to get a national law about concealed carry so that justice and the law is consistent nation wide. This would preclude things like this from happening. If it were an illegal alien or a food stamps giveaway program they would act. Federal Law makers needs to take control of a NATIONAL Concealed Carry ACT and get it enacted. But we know our Senators and Congressmen and women have no backbone otherwise this wouldn’t be an issue and would already have been enacted!!!!!!!!! So let us put the blame where it belongs.

    • John April 7, 2015, 1:35 am

      He did the right thing but should have done it immediately and not months later. WAY too late!

  • bill April 6, 2015, 10:04 am

    So Chrispy Cream did the right thing once. If the republicans run that fat slob of democrate ball hugger we are doomed. I’m glad that it turned out well but what about all those other poor slobs who will never be pardoned? What about the constitution and that this woman should not have to get permission from some bozzo beaurocrate? There is a stink in the air and it smells like communist community organizers and statist brown eye punchers.

  • T.Jefferson April 6, 2015, 8:52 am

    One of the few things Christie has ever done right.

  • Nomad April 6, 2015, 6:55 am

    Another reason why Christie should not be a Presidential candidate. As governor of New Jersey, he has the power to reform his state’s laws to have kept this hard working mother from needless legal hardship.

    • Jerry Jones April 6, 2015, 7:25 am

      Nomad…..for your information… in case you missed it in middle school…..the Governor has no power to write, or change laws. That is the job of the state legislators. The Governor either signs them into law or vetoes them.
      Maybe voters should have to pass a simple Government 101 test…’re one of the people that would make the case in support of it.

      • Mitch Barkett April 6, 2015, 9:05 am

        Everything in a state is governor driven, from courting industry to pushing concealed carry laws. I don’t know what Jersey laws are regarding concealed carry but he needs to push reciprocity. All states need to honor concealed carry permits no matter where they originate.

        • Marty April 6, 2015, 10:53 am

          All these NJ gun laws were on the books way before Christie took office. Having lived in NY both states have such draconian and confusing laws by design they can “get you” for almost anything. For example I use to belong to a gun club in NJ and NJ specifies you can transport your firearm to and from a gun range as long as you don’t deviate from your trip to and from the range. This leaves it open to a broad interpretation what deviate means. Stopping at a bathroom, gas, meal? I applied for a firearm ID card through the NJ State police. The trooper kept me waiting for 2 hours before he took my application, they lost my paperwork twice, they would not reply to phone calls, emails, faxes for 6 months. I finally contacted the police superintendent and I had my permit in two weeks.

        • FAL Phil April 6, 2015, 10:58 am

          Mitch said, “Everything in a state is governor driven…”

          Sorry, Mitch, but that is just plain not true. It is true that the governor has great influence, but in my 60 years, I have watched powerful legislators run roughshod over governors, courts, and other houses of legislature. Case in point: Tom Murphy, a long time yellow dog Democrat who led the Georgia House of Representatives for a couple of decades, decided which bills saw the light of day and which ones went into the trash can. If he was chummy with his fellow Democrat governors, those governors got their agendas implemented. The ones he was not chummy with, or the Republican governors, ended up being very frustrated.

          I have als witnessed this in other states, but Murphy in Georgia was particularly egregious.

          The purpose of the governor, as chief executive, is to execute. The agenda is an aggregate of all three branches of government. Can governors accumulate enough power to set the entire agenda? Sometimes. But to say that state governments are governor-driven indicates a degree of naivete.

        • Andrew N April 7, 2015, 11:00 pm

          You will never see an all states reciprocity law. Places like New York, Illinois, and out here in the People’s Republik of California are so busy trying to take away all gun rights, they will not allow out-of-state people to bring any more guns in, especially concealed. It would be a nice thing to see, actual freedom again! Why are they called Liberals if they are the ones wanting all the restrictions?

      • Marty April 6, 2015, 1:44 pm

        Jerry, that’s the way it was before executive orders came into being . Send an email to O’Bama and tell him he can’t do it .

    • mike ehrig April 6, 2015, 2:01 pm

      i agree with most of what you stated. unfortunately, he is forced to follow the rules agreed to by the citizens of new jersey. too bad they have forgotten their history.

    • John April 7, 2015, 1:33 am

      Christie should have pardoned her the day she was arrested. That is what someone with compassion ad common sense would have done. He is not worthy to be in public service in any capacity and certainly not in any position of power. What a jerk!

      • Bill April 10, 2015, 5:24 am

        Apparently he had to wait until she requested the pardon.

        That said … the laws under which she was charged should not exist in the first place.

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