NRA News ‘Prison Bound: Gun-Grabber Ex. California Sen. Yee’

I covered the unbelievable story of former California Sen. Leland Yee last week, but above you’ll see a nice recap video from NRA News investigative reporter Ginny Simone.

From the video description:

Former California state Sen. Leland Yee has been sentenced to five years in prison after being slapped with a variety of shocking charges including gunrunning and money laundering. In the state legislature, Yee was a staunch gun-control advocate who actively campaigned against “assault weapons” before the FBI connected him to a massive arms trafficking operation. Ginny Simone revisits his case and her original report that spotlighted the depth and brazenness of Yee’s hypocrisy.

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  • Dusty December 26, 2017, 10:20 pm

    Ah- for CZ guy. Federal sentences do indeed have provision for “good time”. It is less than half of the state version but it is still there. Normally it ranges about 15%. In a perfect world he will do 4 and a quarter at some country club Federal institution.

  • John Hoglin March 6, 2016, 6:43 am

    And even more interesting it is almost not reported on here in the Golden State. You would think it would be headline news across the country, but it does not further the agenda of the major news outlets.

  • CZ guy March 4, 2016, 5:27 pm

    To all those folks insinuating this Mr. Yee will not serve out the entirety of his sentence, please note that these are federal charges. In the federal system there is no parole or early release outside of executive amnesty (which, of course, cannot be automatically discounted considering the current regime) so a five year means Mr. Yee will indeed serve five years.

    Considering the gravity of the charges against him, I also concur that Mr. Yee almost certainly provided state’s evidence against those above him in his particular foodchain – hopefully karma will exact its due in prison…

    • Methadras March 4, 2016, 7:49 pm

      A federal prison sentence must have an 85% service rate. That means that Yee must serve a minimum of 85% of his time.

  • Mike McLaughlin March 4, 2016, 4:07 pm

    I think it’s about time the advocates in California start asking all of the anti gun politicians what they received from Yee for their votes. Was it cash, favors or support on some illegal action of theirs.

  • Aardvark March 4, 2016, 3:03 pm

    They can sentence you to 5 years for downloading a song illegally. Of course, that would be violating the “elite class’s” copywritten property. Much more serious than gun running arms to violent criminals or terrorists.

  • Alex Causey March 4, 2016, 2:49 pm

    I think this is Communist infiltration to undermine the United states! –Alex

  • Jim March 4, 2016, 2:07 pm

    Sounds just like Fast & Furious.

    • GunFlint March 4, 2016, 2:50 pm

      Just another Frickin DumboRat

  • B C March 4, 2016, 1:49 pm

    5 years!!! he had to have traded info for reduced time. rolled over on his contacts………..

    he’ll be lettin the American taxpayer keep him in “protective custody” luxury til he dies.

  • hey March 4, 2016, 1:08 pm

    This type of light sentencing curption is what we need to be fighting against we need to start another organization that will force the government to have (REAL WORLD LAWS) to hold criminals, especially government officials accountable. This another example of why our country is a circus show, with cruption on all levels, especially the violent outburst drug approving FDA, also the incarnation rate that is 6 times higher per GOP than the second worst country in world. If we did this the government will have a hard time finding the excuse to infringe on the second amendment and prey upon the innocent.

  • Tripwire March 4, 2016, 11:17 am

    Five years? really? In club Fed? this piece of shit will be out in 18 months, But, I would expect he is ratting put his partners which will likely get him shanked, good riddance to another piece of Calipornia shit.

  • Pontus March 4, 2016, 11:09 am

    Hopefully this POS gets shanked real good in prison.

  • PJ March 4, 2016, 10:34 am

    Another case of mega hypocrisy within government. Lee gets 5 years and any takers as to the amount of time this clown actually spends behind bars? If it’s 18 months at Club Fed it would be a miracle.

  • Doc March 4, 2016, 10:29 am

    Don’t forget your soap on a rope you useless piece of crap. On second thought forget the soap and enjoy your prison rape.

  • lilbear68 March 4, 2016, 8:41 am

    too bad they cant get Pelosi in as his cell mate

    • Tripwire March 4, 2016, 11:14 am

      That would be cruel and unusual punishment! five years with her? might as well be life.

  • Rick March 4, 2016, 7:04 am

    Stock up on soap on a rope..

  • Paul Stewart March 4, 2016, 6:46 am

    Even though his crime was nonviolent his actions were not dealing with very violent criminal who would not even consider giving their victims any quarter. They would be like the Nights Templar Cartel. Which murder little babies on long with their mothers and fathers. 5 years is a light sentence he should have gotten 25 years at the very least and have to share a cell with BUBBA. Should be a life sentence of hard labor. He should have to go out and repair pot holes for 25 years and every night Bubba could have his way with this piece of shit. Most stolen gun end up south of the border as well as illegal smuggled guns into the state will be sold and transported south.

  • Samiam March 2, 2016, 5:23 pm

    Horse SHIT! This pro scumsod commie chingonese bastard will have his dick sucked off by the liberal sodomites of
    every vile orifice in this ‘state’, all the way up to the filth of Sackoexcremento (the Crapinhole of the Gobby Sod of KAKAlicKAnforniKAtinIstan).
    How can anyone present say that some other 3rd world nacion like Mexico is MORE corrupt than this vile ‘state’ (OR this ‘federal goobmnt’)?
    This sodomite shit turd yee got how many months in a guv’t sponsored private naughty boys (or is it multi-sex) resort type
    detention center? How many years would ANY OTHER pissant peasant get for these ‘indescretions’?
    He was originally facing for ‘hundreds of years of prison time’ for this shit! WTF is this f**king totally elitist
    bullshit ‘5 year of ‘prison’ sentence for this DamnmuckRAT shit bag??

  • Tom Horn March 2, 2016, 1:27 pm

    Amazing. You couldn’t make this stuff up. It is the same hypocrisy that all gun grabber politicians and billionares adhere to:

    “I am privileged, and deserve protection, you don’t. I am above the law (U.S. Constitution). Piss on the American People.”

  • SuperG March 1, 2016, 1:21 pm

    So here’s the deal with California and their “justice” system. The judge sentences you to 5 years in prison, but you only have to do 2/3’s of your sentence for release, so that is 3.2 years. Good behavior though, reduces you to half your sentence, so now we are down to 2.5 years. But once the California Bureau Of Prisons gets you, which is under a federal court order to reduce over-crowding, they can let him walk the next day. Since he is a non-violent offender, and former politician with connections, that will probably happen. This is why the criminals of California no longer fear punishment, as it has become a revolving door.

    • Tom Horn March 2, 2016, 1:45 pm

      Oh, don’t worry. He’s special. They can’t have him in with the general prison population. He will probably be sent to a country club, federal prison.

      Tennis, anyone?

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