Profile of a Gun Owner: ‘Scared, Under-Educated, Paranoid White Guy’?

Mark Morford, journalist.

Mark Morford, journalist.

When I encounter a hoplophobe or someone who is antipathetic toward the gun community, I’m inclined to do one of two things depending on whether the individual appears to be open minded.

If the individual is open minded, I’ll have a discussion with him or her in which I encourage that person to think critically about his/her own prejudices concerning guns and citizens who exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Along these lines, I wrote an article awhile back, “5 Tips for Winning Hearts, Minds of Anti-Gunners.” Check it out. If the person is close-minded and stubborn, the Piers Morgan type, I’ll simply call that individual an “ass clown” and then simply go on about my business because let’s face it, sometimes you can’t fix stupid.

On Wednesday I read one of the most ignorant, vitriolic and prejudicial attacks on gun owners I’ve ever read. Titled, “Scared white guys spur Black Friday gun sales to record high,” it was published by the San Francisco-based newspaper SFGate and written by Mark Morford, an ass clown of the highest order.

I thought about ignoring the article because the author of it is, as mentioned, an ass clown, someone who is so myopic in their disdain for gun owners that their incapable of having a civil discussion on the topic, but then there’s a part in the article that I couldn’t get out of my head. It’s the part where Morford profiles the average gun owner and explains why gun sales on Black Friday were record-setting.

Here’s what he has to say:

You’re a scared white person, almost certainly male. You do not live in a major city, or near a university or intellectual hub of any note, nor have you ever traveled very far from your home town, much less out of state or anywhere further than, say, Mexico. Once. And that was enough.

You do not read complicated books. You do not like new or weird things. You watch lots of TV, mostly Fox News, which rejoices in showing you endless images of angry foreigners and minorities in pain: tear gas explosions, fights in the streets, looting, this time involving sad, small-town black people in Ferguson, all of them protesting the acquittal of that murderous white cop…

And so you think, “Well, now I have two reasons to buy a new gun: scary black people protesting within 200 miles of my home, and a dangerously out-of-control police force who might someday storm my house and confiscate my illegal taxidermy collection.” Ah, the perfect collusion.

Wait, make that three reasons: Toss in a Black Friday mega-sale at the local Gun Barn (30% off the AR-15, AKA “America’s gun,” the same semi-automatic rifle used in lots of massacres, and that killed a couple kids in Oregon just last year) and it’s off to the exhausted feds with your application.

Apparently we’re all rubes who have a pathological fear of big government and black people. And that’s why we purchase firearms.

I figured the best way for us to respond to these allegations was to just disclose who we are and why we exercise our Second Amendment rights. Again, we’re not going to change Morford’s mind, but for others who have read his article and my be inclined to accept his stereotype, let’s tell him who we really are.

I’ll go first. I’m a white male. Age 32. Residence: Buffalo, New York. But I spent the last decade in Los Angeles, California. Specifically Burbank and Sherman Oaks. I received a BA in English Literature from Canisius College. I have been to Mexico. Once. Cancun.  In college. And I’d go back, but I’d have to bring my GF.

I’m currently reading “Sister Carrie” by Dreiser. Prior to that, I read the novella the “Death of Ivan Ilyich” by Tolstoy. Are these “complicated” books? I don’t know. But they’re well written. I like “new” things and experiences. Though, I’m not sure I like “weird” things, activities. It depends on how weird we’re talking. Like, I’m not into sniffing bicycle seats in a public park, that’s really weird, but I do like weird and irreverent humor, e.g. Wes Anderson films. I do watch Fox News, but I also watch CNN and MSNBC. Quite honestly though, I watch more ESPN then the three combined. I’m a big NFL fan. GO BILLS!

I don’t like looters, carjackers and thugs, be they white, black, brown, yellow, red, purple or any other color, race or ethnicity. I have no problem with peaceful demonstrations and protests. I’ll admit, the looting and rioting in Ferguson is distressing, but it’s certainly not the reason why I am going to buy a firearm this holiday season or why I own guns to begin with. I own guns because I like to shoot, I like to hunt, and I like to know that I have the ability to defend myself, my family and my property in the face of an imminent threat. It would seem to me that everyone would like to know how to defend themselves should perilous circumstances arise. It’s not about being overly fearful, but about being prepared for the unpredictability of life.  Shit happens.  And if/when it does, I don’t want to be standing around wishing I was equipped to deal with the situation.

In any event, do I sound paranoid? Under-educated? Scared?

If you’d like to, in the comment section, tell them who you are, why you own firearms, etc. so we can disabuse those who believe in Morford’s stereotype of gun owners.

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  • Al Gouhti June 1, 2018, 8:53 am

    If intelligence chiefs like Brennan and Clapper can lie under oath without perjury charges, or James Comey can overlook Clinton’s private server (storing SAP intelligence) because of ‘intent,’ imagine the extent of their chicanery with a disarmed population.

  • Deb May 29, 2018, 9:13 pm

    Yes. You do sound under educated and paranoid. Do you stock up on food and medicine in case of famine? Do you have a bomb shelter? How about an extra car just in case. Probably not. You have an odd paranoia that someone is going to attack you. There are many things that could happen to you, and a gun wont protect you from many of those things. But a gun could be stolen, or used by children, or used in the wrong way. I would prepare for the other things that could happen instead.

  • Lol February 24, 2018, 5:27 pm

    Lol. Guns won’t save you from drones and missiles, ammosexuals!

  • Cheddarhat November 17, 2017, 2:15 am

    I was born in that heart of darkness, the San Francisco Bay Area. Both parents worked for Stanford University. My dad’s parents were both immigrants, and my mom’s grandfather. I lived there until I was 12, and then spent four years abroad in Mexico, Italy, and Austria before moving to Missouri.
    I hold a BA in communications and marketing, with the intention of going into public relations – I know for a fact that the news is biased, because we were taught how to spin it. I don’t bother with the news, except occasionally – living in St. Louis, I find it helpful to know if/where people are rioting so I can plan around them.
    I have little patience for classic literature (I appreciate Twain but have a strong dislike for Hemingway), but I am in the middle of a protracted study of the works of Robert Heinlein and I have read nearly every book that Pratchett ever wrote. I compose essays for fun. I am extremely nerdy.
    My family wasn’t hostile to guns, necessarily, but they weren’t something that figured into our lives – I was naive enough to be distressed when the AWB sunsetted. Soldiers and police had guns, criminals and wackos had guns, and nobody else did.
    I got into firearms with my dad, when he unearthed Grandpa’s old .22s. We took them down to the range I did my best to remember what little I had learned about guns from books and movies and from Scouts – and had a great time.
    After our first trip to the range, I felt like a door to a fascinating world had been pushed open, just a little bit. There were so many different kinds! A variety of mechanisms! Boatloads of history! (I have a ww2-era surplus Mosin-Nagant – what is its story?) More calibers than a person can reliably recall! Classy Peacemaker replicas, hardy warhorses, versatile varminters! Competitions! The thrill of developing your skills! And if you want politics, hoooboy are there politics – there’s stuff I want to buy simply because some politicians don’t want me to have it.
    They’re good for personal development, too. I was sure that I was pure computer geek, but through the complexities of the firearm world, I’ve learned that I have a fair amount of mechanical aptitude. I have the confidence now to apply myself in new and useful areas like car repair.
    Like our friends say, it’s important to keep an open mind.

  • Mike H. October 28, 2017, 2:37 pm

    I grew up in East Tennessee on a farm. I started shooting when I was about eight years old and hunting at about ten. I hunted frogs,rabbits,squirrels and when a little older started wing shooting dove,quail and grouse. I served in the U.S. Air Force. I attended school and received a degree in electronics. Now I live in the mountains on the Tenn.- North Carolina border. I watch very little news as You can’t believe half of what You hear. I have very little fear of anything! One of my best friends is black. He and I hunt and fish together. As for Miss Morford,Kiss My East Tennessee Ass!

  • Gordon March 10, 2017, 10:31 am

    Retired, grew up in Ozark Mountains hunting. USMC. Graduated from a top ten university with degrees in engineering and applied mathematics. Lived/worked for about 7 1/2 years in Far East, Middle East and Europe. Traveled extensively around the world including some of the really depressed third world countries. Watch very little television, avid reader, volunteer helping the needy (not those that refuse to work).

    Sounds like Morford may be well insulated from the real world. Maybe he should do some “on the ground” research in middle America before he paints with such a broad brush. He might be surprised at the intellect he would find.

  • DaveL January 7, 2017, 6:10 pm

    Transpanted Brit, lived here 28 years. College grad with a major in microprocessor applications. Have lived and worked in Africa, Europe & the Midle East. Currently working as an engineering project manager. Live 2 miles from Colorado State University,
    ex-wife works in graduate admissions. Own 7 handguns, 2 shotguns, several hunting rifles & a couple ARs. Don’t QUITE fit ths sfgate profile, do I?

  • Andrew January 7, 2017, 2:04 pm

    Just found this article today, it’s amazing. I love that I now have the ability to refute a terrible stereotype that’s been conferred to me by a San Francisco based journalist, here it goes…

    I’m a 26 year old half white half hispanic male who was born and raised in California. I’m still living there and my city has over half a million in population, I’m not quite sure if that’s “major city” enough though for Mr. Morford. As far as travel, days after my high school graduation, I toured Western Europe for about a month. After summer I began college at UC Santa Cruz and ended up getting my BA in European History, which has always been a great passion of mine.

    After college I was admittedly kinda burnt out on reading actual physical books, so given that it’s the 21st century and it’s far more efficient to consume books and nearly all forms of information online, that’s what I do. Hell Wikipedia helped far more liberal arts majors than actual libraries, from what I personally saw in four years. As far as “new or weird things”, that’s about as subjective as it gets. Santa Cruz, CA is pretty freaking weird and I lived there for fours years, and as far as new things since college graduation in 2012: I started working full time, got married, bought a house, got two dogs, one of whom was a puppy at the time and fuck is that a rough first year or so… got quite a few cats too in between, oh and also we just had a kid. So about every year there was some major change or “new thing” going on.

    Oh and due to the ridiculous new gun laws passed by the CA state legislature I decided to buy a few sporting rifles before the end of the year (before I legally couldn’t) and take a few classes on them. So that’s definitely been a new experience! Also there’s thankfully been no Ferguson type unrest in my city (ethnicity-wise it’s mostly hispanics and whites).

    Finally, my reason for buying guns lately was due to the simple fact that what I was most interested in was literally days away from being outlawed. As of this writing they are, and let me tell you this past November I know in my local area no gun shop was offering any great discounts on rifles, in fact the price was greatly inflated from what I could’ve gotten in say neighboring Arizona, I wonder why?

    Put very simply though, I’ve always thought firearms were interesting, have greatly shaped world history for centuries, and while needing great care and respect are amazing, and fun, tools to protect yourself, family, property, etc.

    • matt cuddy March 10, 2017, 7:53 pm

      You are right on the money there my friend. I collect antique and “curio” weapons that they deliver to your front door. I just got a beautiful 1896 Trapdoor Springfield in 45.70 that can hit a 50 gallon barrel at about 400 yards. Also Model number one Smith and Wesson, the first cartridge gun ever built, that uses .22 caliber short rounds. Hey, they had to start somewhere! I live in Los Angeles too, boy, this place has sure changed. Now you go downtown and it all looks like skid row. Keep the faith bruddah.

  • Murray December 2, 2016, 11:55 am

    To disabuse the preconception:
    First in my family tree to attain higher education –> grad degree. Married 2x to women w/ Masters & Ph.D. degrees
    –> 2 kids; THREE grad degrees between them. Grown successful business owners!!
    Vietnam era veteran. Have worked for two Fortune 100 Companies, 5 Int’l trips for work + several to Canada & Mexico. Have raced motorcycles & owned high performance vehicles, licensed priv pilot. Reasonably well-informed: I devour 3 newspapers daily.
    Born a hillbilly, urban resident in Midwest during my work life, retired in a Big10 university community.
    Member of 2 Sportsmans clubs: shoot as often as I wish AND CARRY DAILY & have NO DESIRE to become an urban violence statistic!!
    Ya can’t fix: STUPID

  • God October 6, 2016, 3:15 am

    Constitutional right to carry guns? That’s not even close to the truth no matter what Alex Jones or Faux News tells you.

    “Sorry, gun nuts, you’re on the wrong side of our Founding Fathers.

    For example, in a tirade against CNN’s Piers Morgan, Alex Jones argued, “The Second Amendment isn’t there for duck hunting. It’s there to protect us from tyrannical government.”

    It’s an argument that’s often echoed by gun nuts – as though their fully-loaded AR-15 with 100-bullet drum will keep them safe from Predator drones and cruise missiles. If indeed this is the true intent of the 2nd Amendment, protection from the government, then here’s the newsflash: you guys are woefully outgunned. And the 2nd Amendment would have allowed you to own a cannon and a warship, so America today would look more like Somalia today with well-armed warlords running their own little fiefdoms in defiance of the federal government.

    But luckily, this was never the intent of the 2nd Amendment. Our Founding Fathers never imagined a well-armed citizenry to keep the American government itself in check. It was all about protecting the American government from both foreign and domestic threats.

    Poring over the first-hand documents from 1789 that detailed the Fist Congress’ debate on arms and militia, you’ll see a constant theme: the 2nd Amendment was created to protect the American government.” … e-gun-nuts

    ..And that clears up the facts on the 2nd Amendment. Case dismissed.

    • RRangel January 7, 2017, 4:16 pm

      Troll much? The Supreme Court of the United States, has ruled in the Heller decision, that the Second Amendment is an individual right just like the First Amendment. They also incorporated it via the Fourteenth Amendment just like the First Amendment. Making it enforceable in all states. Leftists do not get to chose. Putting to rest the long told lie, that the right to keep and bear arms, is some sort of collective right. Which is the whole crux of your phony argument. That you would name youself “God,” to post your contrived “facts,” tells normal gun owning Americans all we need to know.

    • Outlaw January 7, 2017, 5:55 pm

      Now that I have been righted by you all powerful and knowledgeable I am so sorry that I was confused. In all your immense knowledge learning did you see the reference from Thomas Jefferson? I mean as brilliant as you are I know you know TJ’s works. It was he who stated that ” the second amendment will only be needed when they try and take it away.” Funny that he meant from the Government when making that statement. In all your immense brilliance explain this for us unintelligent ones. DUMBASS.

    • Shawn January 8, 2017, 3:33 am

      Paet of your argument is that unregulated gun/weapon ownership would quickly result in the US resembling Somalia.
      Have you ever looked at the crime numbers from the so called wild west?
      Low theft, low homicide, low violent crime, etc.
      So what is your view based on?

    • Campbell A King February 2, 2017, 9:24 pm

      This fesces head has a bs degree in stupidgit..Good job ol chap! Soros is hiring street potestors.

    • W.B. March 10, 2017, 2:33 pm

      So, if we are outgunned and the militia is to protect the government, we should probably be allowed to have automatic weapons, suppressors, anti-aircraft guns, etc. correct? I have never heard historical documents nor serious arguments that substantiate that the 2nd amendment was to protect the “government”. The 2nd amendment is here to protect the people as a God-given right to the individual; that would mean the individual has a responsibility to protect the government in all instances which means we probably would not have had a revolution or any other civil disobedience right? As for the author of the story in SFGate, I am African-American, college educated and I live in the Chicago metropolitan area near 2 universities, I have travelled extensively in the US, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. I watch CNN, Fox News, local news and Vice TV in addition to reading multiple blogs including the Huffington Post. My ex-wife has 3 pistols and grew up in the inner city and is a believer in the 2nd amendment. I know plenty of other women and men who are proponents of the 2nd amendment and are nothing like the caricature this uninformed author has put forth in that article. The truth will set you free and lies bind you; he clearly is bound up pretty tight.

    • Allan Turner February 16, 2018, 12:36 pm

      If you think you need a gun to protect yourself from “urban violence” then you are mildly paranoid (i.e. the stats don’t support your worries), if you are mildly paranoid (feel you need a gun for protection) you have a mild mental illness. If you own many guns for protection, you have a real paranoia problem (a more serious mental illness).

      If you collect weapons, or hunt, you are not included in the above. If you have an AR for hunting, you need to go to the range and practice with a rifle


  • Evan August 2, 2016, 1:04 pm

    I grew up, and lived most of my life in New Zealand. Occasionally handled guns and enjoyed hunting with friends growing up. My parents and grandparents were Christian Pacifists. Later on I did .308 and .22 target shooting and took my kids with me to same. Gun ownership is strictly regulated in new Zealand, all owners are licensed and required to have a lock-up gun cupboard or safe for storage, and only collectors and pistol club members can own a handgun. Open or concealed carry of any kind is unlawful even you are transporting large quantities of valuables or in fear of your life. Police only began carrying handguns in the last 20 years. None of the above stopped the occasional mass shooting, or frequent armed robberies.
    In 1991, my sister, who was a government auditor (and therefore would have carried a handgun in many other countries), was the victim of a shotgun murder suicide by her estranged husband.

    I am very happy to have moved to a nation that believes self-defence is a right! My wife and I have bought handguns and are learning how to use them – in case the unthinkable should ever happen we want to be prepared.

    God Bless the USA

    • Allan Turner February 16, 2018, 12:42 pm

      Lies! the police still dont carry … in fact only the on duty commander has any “tools” locked up tight in the boot / trunk.
      As for the occasional mass shooting …. try extremely occasional. not weekly / daily / basically ever.
      For reference the facts

      So, you are in fact paranoid, and therefore need some mild psychiatric help (which you would have got for free in NZ, but you live here, so good luck with that)

      • Evan K Pallesen March 4, 2018, 9:21 am

        And you would know this, because you read Wikipedia? I lived there most of my life…

  • David perkins July 5, 2016, 5:24 pm

    I’ve just read your article from last year (2015) where you were, understandably, telling about your IQ bonifides to do away with myths about 2nd amendment people, to establish how bright, not how stupid they are.
    In your article you complained about people who disagreed with you and called them, “ass clowns”
    But I ask you, aren’t you an “ass clown” on the other side? It seems to me you’ve made up your mind, so what am I to do but walk away from the “discussion” as I call you an “ass clown?”
    I’m glad for your high IQ but to use it as an example that your group is not made up of ignorant uneducated buffoons is to mis-use your high IQ.
    To me, your score makes you stand out, not become one of the crowd. All you’ve done is once again proven that the bell shaped curve is correct. For everyone of you who has an extremely high IQ there is at least that many in your group with extremely LOW IQs carrying lethal weapons into unknowing, unsuspecting and in most cases undesireing crowds!
    Now, think about that. I’ll pit my USMC (1954) GCT test score of 128 against your IQ score (perhaps you like me have belonged to MENSA) and I’m against ar-15 military type weapons being sold to extremely low IQ people unchecked, unqualified, unknown every Sunday afternoon at some gun show some where.
    This is scary.
    I submit this answer for your thoughts.

    David Perkins
    Sgt, USMC 1954-1962
    [email protected]

    • Michael Harper September 23, 2016, 3:02 pm

      Just as arrogant as the man you’re criticizing, only with a huge helping of arrogance added in. Its laughable how you argue against not what he wrote but against your own twisting of his words. Not an ass clown by his definition of someone unwilling to have a rational discussion, but apparently of yours being someone will a well reasoned opinion.

      • RRangel January 7, 2017, 4:21 pm

        It’s hard to even take this hardcore troll seriously. I don’t buy it. There are a lot of them here solely to attack the Second Amendment.

    • James Turner Jr October 28, 2017, 7:09 pm

      I do not imagine many low IQ people buy guns, they just steal them. However that statement as a generalization is crazy as I have now clue how many low IQ people have guns and you ave no clue how many High IQ people have one although it is a generalization or a theory without any evidence to support it. . I will not state my IQ but it is in the upper 1% of the population. IQ has little to do with common sense I have noticed more than a few times is that a generalization I do not know but because you have a High IQ or a high salary or how many degrees you have mean little if you are a bad person and determined to kill people. If you are a good person it does not matter what your IQ is you will not be on the news for shooting someone unless it is self defense and it likely will not make the news. I would not know I do not watch any news network. I read several select articles for a variety of sources. I am friends with Rocket Scientists since there are several in the city I live. It is also in the deep south but it is where the Saturn V which carried men to the moon something no other country has done. . I also had a friend whose father has patents for over 25 types of Rocket and Missile fuel. He had an extremely high IQ. However he did not know how to turn on his washing machine although he could probably design one that he could figure out how to work but most housewifes would have no clue what they were looking at. His sons carried guns and he had shotguns and rifles for hunting. He knew guns a lot more than he did washing machines and dryers, because he never used either of them until his wife died so he simply asked me how it worked as .

  • Fake Nicety Alcala Zamora y Torre May 13, 2016, 2:12 pm

    Three graduate degrees, including Ph.D.; in two different disciplines. Completed degrees from universities on two different continents. Lived extensively overseas from Western Europe to Australia. 30 year paramedic. (Gotta pay for grad school, somehow.) 3x published author. 3x published photographer. The last books I read had to do with the oxygen-hemoglobin disassociation curve and a “Joe Pickett” escapist book by CJ Box. Before that, KL–a recounting of the konzentration lager system in Nazi Germany. (My dissertation was on holocaust and genocide studies.) Written extensively about the Holocaust. Recently started, (“trying”), to write fiction.

    Have worked extensively in medical negligence litigation support. Owned 2 successful businesses dealing with IT systems and integration consulting.

    The nearest university is 70 miles away and I have taught there.

    Yeah, so I am definitely a scared white guy who fears minorities and (doesn’t) watch(es) FOX news.

    I wish I could find a place that was selling M4 clones at 30% off. LOL

  • BoBo Brazil July 26, 2015, 2:34 pm

    I agreed with Morford the SF Gate writer……

  • Jenn March 7, 2015, 12:48 pm

    Just to blow it outa the water, im mexican, 35, a transwoman, I read, dont even own a television, generally check news online at a variety of places. Im not educated beyond highschool but I have held jobs that required me to be rather smart (computer hacker), currently own a successful contracting business. and yeah well.. I also consider myself a Trosky Communist politically.. oh… and im armed, and have a CCW.

    • Michael Harper September 23, 2016, 3:10 pm

      Just the opposite of a paranoid, uneducated yada yada . You go!

  • Zachary Sperry January 17, 2015, 2:31 am

    28 years old and a ESA at BMW with 2 Associates degrees in engineering fields. I have held multiple jobs and positions in the electrical field including 2 in design. I have been and avid gun collector and shooter since I was 7. I currently tote to protect myself and others from harm. Also never wanted to consider myself a sheepel always the sheep dog.

  • Robert Tomko January 12, 2015, 3:53 pm

    44 years old, served in the Air Force. Fired an M-16, AR-50 and 44 magnum. As a kid, I loved the BB gun. MS in Economics from Barcelona, fluent in 3 languages, have lived in Spain, traveled to France, Puerto Rico, Andorra, the Netherlands, Menorca, Mexico, and Peru. Not a current gun owner, but that is the road I am heading down seeing the upheaval around me. When I saw the video of the two Islamic terrorists from that balcony in Paris, my instinct was to have picked up a sniper rifle.

  • lchaim January 12, 2015, 3:20 pm

    I’m probably the furthest from the stereotypical gun-lovin’ yahoos that most liberals use to stereotype and vilify everyone who upholds the 2A and responsible gun use and ownership. I have an MA in int. bus. I love children and animals because of their honesty and innocence. Most adults could learn a lot from them. I worked with children for a few years, and then I was a professor for many years, lived abroad and traveled abroad in Pacific Rim Asian countries, and worked in one of them for many years. Guns are rare and viewed as something to be feared in those countries. Police in some of those countries only carry air guns. Of course, different demographics and philosophies but some people like the mafia do have guns but they’re rarely used. A year before returning to my country of origin, I began doing research about crime and self-defense/protection. I did some research but not the extent like I have been doing recently, reading peer reviewed studies and research about the effects on crime rates involving CCW permits, crimes involving hand guns, etc. I’m unassuming and peaceful but I understand the implications of hand guns being the greater equalizer in a situation where you have to defend yourself and/or the lives of others, especially loved ones. My primary concern and interest in guns and CCW permits is for the safety of my parents who are getting older. There have been situations where they all of us could have been potential targets of a violent robbery (getting gas at night while sometimes traveling long distances between two cities). I also realized that “In any case, the claim that as a moral or practical matter a crime victim should rely on the government for protection can be raised only if the government has an obligation to protect the victim. And quite clearly under American law, the government has no such obligation” (Tennessee Law Review 62:3 [Spring, 1995] 679-757). So much for 911 because as a CCW and former and now retired Sheriff told our class, when seconds count police are minutes away. I choose to be proactive and not live in regret. If I never use my hand gun at least I will have peace of mind because as aptly stated:

    “In addition to the lives that could be saved by licensed, trained citizens carrying guns, there is a second, important benefit: peace of mind. Many people choose to buy automobiles with passenger-side air bags or other safety features; many people also choose to use the seat belts in a car. It is unlikely, of course, that on any given automobile trip, there will an accident in which the safety belt, or other safety device, in needed; similarly, it is unlikely that a person who goes out in public will be attacked by a criminal on any given day. But even on days when drivers are not struck by other cars, the safety devices confer a genuine benefit, because the drivers feel safer. Likewise,

    If people feel safer because they own a gun and in turn lead happier lives because they feel safer and more secure, then their guns make a direct and nontrivial contribution to their overall quality of life. [119]

    If women feel safer walking at night because they can carry a firearm, then the firearm makes a tangible contribution to a better society, whether or not a statistically significant drop in the crime rate results.

    Of course the increased peace of mind that results from people knowing they will be able to protect themselves would not be beneficial if there was more criminal violence as a result. But as the data presented above indicate, all of the data suggest that allowing licensed, trained citizens to carry firearms for protection will not cause more gun crime” (Tennessee Law Review 62:3 [Spring, 1995] 679-757).

  • GARY January 6, 2015, 3:27 pm

    Age 67 BS Biology, Cal State, Army Brat (13 schools for 12 years primary education), Capt USMCR, Helo Pilot, VN vet. Europe 50-54 (US zone of Occupation), Far East 72-73 (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippine’s, RVN, Thailand) hit every state but Alaska, have hit Mexico and Canada several times each, just quick drives. Vet benefits paid for add’l school, Business and Accounting, 76-79, CPA Cert (CA and FL). I am retired from the Fed Gov’t as Accountant/Auditor and IT(90-94 FDIC Orlando, 94-97 FDIC Chicago, 97-12 PBGC and HUD in DC) retiring from HUD(most disgusting waste of money in the Exec Branch). I have read for my entire life, mostly History, but a great deal of other subjects as well, (I prefer Sci Fi, Historical fiction and thrillers for relaxation). I started shooting Pellet rifle at 6, 22 RF at about 9 and CF at 17. I like to shoot and reload, don’t hunt much, have the land but no one will eat game but me, so not worth it. I own handguns, rifles and shotguns, and enjoy shooting them all when I can. Blackpowder cartridge rifles, but all sorts of bolts, pumps, levers, and semi-auto’s as well. I am not stupid or paranoid (IQ in mid-150 range) but I am a realist, and it takes the Police too many minutes to get here, and I would rather not risk that without a backup plan, or three. I carry (ditto) as well and have nothing but respect for Law Enforcement as a whole, but to restate the obvious, if someone wants to do something vile and unspeakable to you or yours, you had better be prepared to handle it yourself, and be prepared to deal with the aftermath.

  • Methadras January 5, 2015, 2:10 am

    I’m a 46 year old, non-white. I’m conservative, a christian do not watch fox news. Have two masters, one in Physics and one in Mechanical Engineering. I make a medium 6 figure income, have been in the engineering field for nearly 25 years. I own my own design company. I’m a naturalized citizen. My parents came to this country in 1971 and were naturalized 5 years later. I’ve traveled the world for business and pleasure. I’m married and have an adult child. My wife, who was a leftist, is no longer and is a conservative and now a proud gun owner herself. Still working on my kid. 😀 I’d like to think I’m quite well read, however, I still drive back to my favorites of sci-fi and fantasy.

    I own my own built AR15, AR10, and have an SA XMD .45 ACP and I’ve lived in California all of my life. I love football, soccer, Australian Rules Football (watch, it’s awesome). I don’t hunt because I don’t have the heart for it, but I do target shoot on a weekly basis. I’ve taken tactical training as well.

    I’ve lived in the Bay Area for quite some time in the past and I can tell you that there are more Mark Morford’s in that area than just him. This particular type of beclowned overly-smug hipster delta-bravo is an insulated little prig, that knows almost nothing outside of his bemused sense of entitlement. I know the type quite well. Calling them an ass-clown only insults ass-clowns. They will never understand, they will never get it. Mr. Morford probably has never seen a gun, held a gun, or fired a gun and if he has and still has this attitude, well, then sometimes there really is no hope for certain people like him.

  • Gary January 4, 2015, 11:44 pm

    I`m more afraid of him and his kind!!!!

  • Barry Shelley January 4, 2015, 9:10 pm

    White, male, 58 years old, Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts, Masters of Science in Financial Services, Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC), Chartered Advisor for Senior Living (CASL). I have traveled to every state in the United States (including Hawaii and Alaska) except Oregon. I have also traveled abroad to Greece, Italy, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, England, Wales and Scotland. I own guns for target shooting, hunting and self-protection and I live in the suburbs of a major US city that has both a Major League Baseball Team and National Football League Team along with numerous colleges and universities. My brother is a career law enforcement officer, my sister-in-law teaches Criminal Justice at an area college and I worked in law enforcement for a short period of time 30 years ago. I am a self-employed small business owner who pays over $200,000 in annual federal income taxes.

  • Mark Timblin January 4, 2015, 3:44 pm

    I am..let me see..57 years of age, did graduate from high school. Spent 30 months in Germany, toured a lot of Europe when we had the time and weren’t out playing Army, Have been to sent to a few other places that I can’t talk of still, in 1980 after Castro decided that he was going to be magnanimous and allow so many of his country’s men, women and children to come to the US, many of whom were released from his prisons. The U.S. Army was tasked with containing and documenting all these folks, just to make sure they didn’t have any diseases that we didn’t know about. Any one out there get deployed to Fort Chaffee Ark in the early 80s part of the Cuban Resettlement Operation?

    Guns? Yep had one from the time I was about 10 years old growing up in the mountains of Northwest Pennsylvania. Hunted throughout my teen years, until I left to play Army for real. As a civilian law enforcement officer I spent ten years as a police officer and 14 years working as a corrections officer for the Florida Dept. of Corrections. Was hurt in a riot in 1990, worked ten years hurt and was retired in 2001 with a neurological disease that has over the years exacerbated injuries received while in the Army. In 2009 the VA decided I was bade enough to be granted disability at 100%. In September of 2014 I was declared messed up enough that I now need one of those electric scooter you see so many of us vets on. Why did I tell you all this, what bearing does it have on gun ownership you ask? Simple…I am well and truly fucked up and to damn old to be fighting someone half or a third my age. I carry..daily..I don’t want to be a victim, nor will I allow myself, my wife of 33 years or our son who has Down Syndrome to be victims..that’s why.

    As for education, besides high school, I did take some college and if I so decided could take the core subjects and then have enough credits to earn a BS or BA something. Not being allowed to work under the conditions of my medical retirement from the good folks at the Division of Retirement (work comp section) I decided early after I was retired to not seek my degree for it would not do me any good. To say I had it..or I earned it wouldn’t do, if I had it, I would want to put it to use. That said, my wife is 9 credits from her BA in education, byt has decided that the state of Florida does not pay its teacher well for what they have to do, especially in Special Ed. she is perfectly happy as a teacher assistant and has enough years to be allowed to do pretty much as she likes at the school where she works. Between us, we earn $85-$90K a year, enough to live and get by on

    I am a licensed amateur radio operator..a ham radio operator, yes the hobby is alive and well and thriving. My wife is a Red Cross volunteer and is a certified shelter manager should a disaster of some sort befall us and shelters are opened, my wife would go to one shelter and be the overall manager. I on the other hand would go to another location where my ham radio hobby would then morph into what is called the amateur radio service, for we do serve in pretty much any disaster providing communication when and where we can.
    I may not be as educated as some, certainly more than others, consider myself well rounded, have a diverse interest in various books and music. Try to attend church regularly, but haven’t recently due to my neurological diseases…I now have two diseases both of which cause intense, severe, and any other adjective you would like to put in front of ‘pain’. I do in no way shape or form consider myself prejudice…we have an adopted daughter who is originally from Haiti, and is a legal US citizen. Our biological daughter is also a disabled veteran she broke or rather blew out her T12 vertebrae training to go to Iraq father like daughter. All except our son are trained and try when time and body condition allow go to the range and keep our skills at least up to most any challenge, not gonna be sniping an enemy at 1000 meters with my AR..we’ll leave it at that.
    Yes, I am a proud gun owner, who thinks that way too many of our rights and grredoms have been taken…ripped from our grasp by the current administration. Does that mean I’m gonna go and talk trash and shoot at the White House or any of our legislators….not a chance. That is for those who are paranoid and think our govt is out to get us. Too late, they already have.

    • Kenneth Hubert March 11, 2017, 12:33 am

      Was at Chaffee too. 65th MP Co. 503 MP Bn. Ft. BRAGG,NC.

  • Jeff Day January 4, 2015, 9:38 am

    49yr old white male, 3 grown kids, married. Twenty year hockey coach 6 years as a Div 1 college hockey assistant. I own my own real estate company along with a few other businesses. My wife and I are firearm instructors. My wife has a Masters from a top twenty university. Worked for several years as an art teacher for a local school district now she teaches silver sneakers. Our family has traveled all over the world and tried so many new things I can’t possibly list them all. Many of our classes are mixed with white, black, men and women, Asian it truly is amazing to see. The author/hater/close minded of people who is not like him never surprises me anymore. I feel sorry for that person who is stuck in his cubicle and never has experienced the real world most of us have. It truly is sad. After reading about all the great people who posted here the author will never make an impact on the world like all of you have.

  • Mike Dubose January 3, 2015, 5:35 pm

    Left wing singer-songwriter, atheist, former special ops paramedic, audited the Austin Police Departments SWAT firearms course, BA in French, Spanish and Linguistics, recording and live audio engineer, avid bibliobphile, live in a nice old neighborhood in S. Austin, lived in Barcelona for 2 years, have toured Europe and Japan with my band, fluent in French, Spanish and Catalan, half Japanese, a quarter Italian, a quarter Cajun French. My Japanese-American grandparents were interned in Manzanar during WWII. “Ass Clown” indeed.

  • Pam B January 3, 2015, 2:25 am

    Sorry hit submit by mistake. As I was saying. with only a steak knife and a two prong bbq fork for weapons. This WILL NOT be how I protect my self if there is ever a next time. My CZ 70 32acp,CZ 83 .380 and Walther .22 will be at hand to keep me safe from guys like the one who broke in on me that night. Oh and he was going to court the next day to be sentence to prison for doing the same thing to someone else. he got extra time for not showing for court for sentencing and the charges he got in my case.
    Until this happened to me I was like alot of people I’ll never own a gun and did not want one in the house. but that night changed my way of thinking quickly. Scared YES! which turned too pissed off that he thought it ok to do this to me. What pisses me off even more is people tell me I am wrong for wanting to have a weapon to protect myself. I now have my CCL and practices as much as I can and planning to take more classes to increase my knowledge and skills.
    I hope Mr Monford never has to stand in a dark room some time knowing someone is about to break in on him and wishing he had something to protect himself with. Maybe he can hand them a copy of his story and convince them to give up his gun. Good Luck YOUR GOING TO NEED IT

    • gary January 3, 2015, 8:19 pm

      Many times a ‘pro-gun’ person is an ‘anti-gun’ who lived through the experience of being a victim.

  • Pam B January 3, 2015, 2:25 am

    Sorry hit submit by mistake. As I was saying. with only a steak knife and a two prong bbq fork for weapons. This WILL NOT be how I protect my self if there is ever a next time. My CZ 70 32acp,CZ 83 .380 and Walther .22 will be at hand to keep me safe from guys like the one who broke in on me that night. Oh and he was going to court the next day to be sentence to prison for doing the same thing to someone else. he got extra time for not showing for court for sentencing and the charges he got in my case.
    Until this happened to me I was like alot of people I’ll never own a gun and did not want one in the house. but that night changed my way of thinking quickly. Scared YES! which turned too pissed off that he thought it ok to do this to me. What pisses me off even more is people tell me I am wrong for wanting to have a weapon to protect myself. I now have my CCL and practices as much as I can and planning to take more classes to increase my knowledge and skills.
    I hope Mr Monford never has to stand in a dark room some time knowing someone is about to break in on him and wishing he had something to protect himself with. Maybe he can hand them a copy of his story and convince them to give up his gun. Good Luck YOUR GOING TO NEED IT

  • Rodger Campbell January 3, 2015, 2:15 am

    I am a 47 year old semi retired Electronics Engineer that now spends most of his time wiring houses. I have traveled in Canada, Mexico, Finland, and the currently non existent, but may return if Putin gets his way Soviet Union. My first unaccompanied trip out of the U.S. was at the age of 7 . I have also lived in Sweden. I raised on science and mathematics only at the age of 30 did I develop a taste for history and spirituality. I speak three languages and have been blessed to have had conversations over food and drink with two U.S. Presidents, numerous U.S. senators, and representatives, foreign commissioners, ambassadors, and even one King.

    I never served in the military, though learned to first handle a firearm in the Reserve Officer Training Core. Supplemental to that I took training in survival, reconnaissance, demolition, and combat medicine. This was because I was raised in the cold war. When you were raised in the cold war the way I was, you were sure that some day someone was going to do something really stupid. Having a firearm was a patriotic duty because the freedoms we enjoyed were precious and hard to come by in the world. Those freedoms are even harder to come by now. We were looking out for the enemy that was going to come and take those freedoms away. We should have been looking in.

    The government in the U.S. has more power over the day to day lives of it’s “citizens” now than at any time ever in our history. Some of the common phrases of my youth sound foreign now… , “Don’t make a federal case out of it!” and “It’s a free country!” run directly in the face of what most “citizens” are told is the nature of our government. I have learned from my travels, personal experiences, and history, that the bigger a government gets, the less able it is to act effectively when needed. Most of the leaders I have talked with will admit that the people who would look to government for protection in an emergency should not. It will sometimes lack the will or ability to help, but will most often lack the speed needed.

    I have used my first aid kits and limited medical training in emergencies to help save two lives of people I did not know before paramedics could arrive. I have used my survival training to help a mother and child stuck in the wilderness survive several nights of sub freezing weather before rescuers could get to them. And I have drawn my firearm one time and stopped a would be robber from stabbing a store clerk who he did not realize was already pointing a shotgun at his hart while police were still on the way.

    I keep my water filtration equipment, generator, cooking fuel, pantry, first aid kits, and my firearms to protect and serve my family, my self, and my neighbors not because shit might happen, but because it does happen.

  • AD Roberts January 3, 2015, 1:10 am

    I buy guns for several reasons.
    These days, the primary reason is for the purpose of BARTER when the dollar collapses and times are tough.
    I also buy (for the same reason) ammo, food, land, gold, silver and other survival supplies. Everything that is usable or valued will be good for barter, EXCEPT paper money.

  • Dustin January 3, 2015, 12:50 am

    I have a BS degree in Aeronautical Science and an MS in Unmanned Systems, I am a Cyber Security Engineer and last time my IQ was checked, I was 9 years old and was told my IQ was 169. I currently live in a city in Texas with a population of more than 3 million but grew up in Riverside, CA. I have been to mexico many times since my youth, I have also been to the Middle East, Africa, several European Countries, Canada and Russia. I have an extensive background in martial arts and I own my firearms because you never know when you will need one. I also enjoy shooting firearms at the local shooting ranges. Of course similarly to my martial arts where I train every day to have the abilities to kill someone, I live my life with the hopes and the intent to never have the obligation to use my martial abilities nor my firearms on another human being however,I will always be prepared to.

  • Pam B January 3, 2015, 12:41 am

    White? Yes. Male? No. Educated? Yes. Majored in Art and Business thank you very much! Have lived and traveled in states from Florida to Michigan and cruised the carribean (awesome trips). Scared? For the next person who thinks it his right to stalk me, steal my mail so he can talk to me, cut the phone lines so i can’t call for help , throw off the power breaker to my light, making friends with guard dog so he can put her up in her pen, slashing the tires on my car so I can’t leave, then break into my house thinking I’m going to to still laying in bed instead of running out the other door to my aunt and uncles house across the street

  • Larry Davis January 2, 2015, 10:38 pm

    I am a 64 yr old white guy, retired after 30 yrs as a California peace officer. I live in N. Idaho now, having escaped all of the BS CA has become. I have been shooting since I was about 10 yrs old. I have killed lots of deer, and other game as well, all of which we consumed. I am a veteran of the USAF 1969-1972, graduated from college with a degree in admin of justice. I am a husband, a dad, a grandpa. I am unafraid and willing to defend my home and my family against any that would harm us or take from us, because that is how I was raised. I will also stand for the weak and the innocent…in short I am a sheepdog. The only race issues I ever had to deal with was when others hated me because I am white.
    I am concerned with what I see happening right now in our country…and how our “leaders” perceive it, and respond to it. I am concerned that there is a lot more people than ever before who hate their country, and those who enforce our laws. A lot of them hate their parents, and what they call “the system”. I grew up when drugs started coming onto the scene, when the younger generation was dropping out, when politicians began to lie to the public with regularity, when police were called “pigs” and the flag was lit on fire. College campuses became intolerant of conservatism and today are bastions of liberal thought. My people didn’t buy into any of that, so neither did I. And most of Americans didn’t either, thank God. And speaking of God, it seems to me that He has been pushed out to the back burner by many in the past 50 years, including those who are in charge of our administration as a country. We seemed to be a whole lot more squared away, flaws and all, when we were a God-fearing people who put Him first in our lives.
    Gun ownership is on the rise because deep down, Americans know that what the left preaches is pure, unadulterated crap, and they don’t want to get caught with their pants down when their ownership rights become suppressed by politicians…America is a land of gun owners, shooters, and defenders…and we always will be. We are the only country in the world where gun ownership is considered a right, not a privilege. If you study world history, you will see that the people of those countries who have suffered the most are those that were unarmed by their leaders.
    Besides hunting and recreation, having and using a gun falls into the same category as having a fire extinguisher. It is my right to have one and to shoot one, and people who don’t like that can go to hell.

  • Chris January 2, 2015, 9:42 pm

    53 year old white male with an AS in Law Enforcement. I’m full fime Army National Guard with 13 years of service and one deployment to Iraq as an MP. I have worked the last eight years as the state Drug Test Coordinator for the Substance Abuse Program. I love to practice the skills I may one day have to use in combat and also shoot USPSA . I’ve never been a hunter but have grown up around guns and have always loved shooting.I reload and build AR’s and CCW every day. My wife is a 43 year ols white disabled Air Force vet with an AS in Echocardiography who enjoys shooting her Beretta 92 as well.

  • John Fernald January 2, 2015, 8:38 pm

    67, white male, BA in Eco from one of the best universities in the country, also an MBA, Married with 3 children, 4 grandchildren. Currently reading Unbroken. Live in the largest city in my state. Rarely watch Fox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC or CBS. Watch ESPN mostly. I have traveled extensively over my career and continue to do so during retirement. I was not scared until 3 people broke into my house at 3 in the afternoon and made off with jewelry, TVs, game consoles and computers. (Fortunately, neither my wife nor I was at home.) Then I bought a pistol, got trained in how and when to use it and mastered my shooting skills. Now I am prepared if someone invades my home or tries to take my car. I am no longer scared.

  • Mark January 2, 2015, 4:10 pm

    I’m a 63 year old, retired electronics tech as well as a Vietnam era U.S. Navy vet. My father made his living as a professional custom gunsmith/stockmaker so I grew up around guns. My wife and I took an early retirement, sold our home, and moved aboard our 42′ sailing ketch. We lived aboard while cruising the East coast, Bahamas and the Caribbean for a dozen years. Even though we tried to avoid the most troublesome areas on the Caribbean, I always carried a shotgun and handgun aboard to fend off would be pirates and thieves. While I have nothing against them, I don’t own any so-called “black guns” as I much prefer the look, feel, and craftsmanship of fine wood. I’ve been shooting skeet competitively since my early 20’s and have more championships than I can recall, including a open World title. I am a proud gun owner.

  • Tom Wyckoff January 2, 2015, 4:01 pm

    As I read the comments made by Mark Morford, journalist, I experienced a slight twinge of annoience at his lop sided education regarding gun issues. Then it dawned on me, it really doesn’t matter what his opinion is or what he writes about. After all he is in the business of making his income via what he writes about. I’m not a follower of Mr Morford but my guess is he plays of the negitive aspects of life and socity, propabily because that’s as far as his talents can reach and he feels he can make the most dollars from the uneducated sector of socity. In reality, Monford is a narrow minded, low talented penman that could care less about how his writings can encourage violence, carnage, racism and other negitive circumstances in America. My bet is; most intelligent folks, whether they carry a gun or Bible don’t pay much attention to Monfords rants and rages. Fact of the matter is: Monford will probably rub the wrong way on someone some day and that person will give Morford what he really deserves for the wrong he has/is impacting on all whom reads his trach writings. Oh,,,, by the way, Mr Mark Monford, if you would ever like to try some hunting here in Georgia, if guns are too scary for your mintality, we also hunt more with bows and arrows down here in Georgia. I would personally welcome you to join me on a good old GA wild bore, hog hunting venture. It would be lots of fun for both, the hogs and ME. you-all come see, ya hear!
    Tom Wyckoff
    Atlanta, GA
    AMERICAN patriot
    aka, “The Bogieman”

  • Yadama January 2, 2015, 3:56 pm

    I am a 29, multiracial (anglo-asian) male, who reside in a suburb near Tampa, FL who has no party affiliation in politics. I love guns because they are magnificent works of engineering arts. Plus, ballistics make physics more fun. I know that our 2A right is something not given to us by any entity; it is something all citizens of the USA have from the moment they become a citizen until they are dead, in jail, or have defected. It is there to protect that part in the Constitution that says, “right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Gun control has never been about safety, it about control. If it was, it would be call gun safety, which is something that already exist and it taken very serious by most gun owners. I see regulation of guns no differently than the MCA in the UK and how it assaults one right to free speech and can be used as an impromptu censorship measure.

  • Bill Nielsen January 2, 2015, 3:44 pm

    Yeah, I’m scared, white and maybe don’t like things that are so new that just being new makes them okay and I sure as hell don’t like kinky or weird. Having pushed on for more than 80 years allows me to think that I have some latitude earned by years of adhering to the popular line of liberal thinking dominating American society, but now I have become a racist in these so-called “Golden years.” Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of Colored People that I have enjoyed knowing over the years, and a few who I would classify as friends, but damn-it-all, I don’t like Black Culture! I don’t like “Shucking n jiving” I don’t like “Being so coo-I-be-icy!” I don’t like seeing the crotch of the pants worn at the knee level, but hey, there are White Folks things I don’t like such as rings in the nose, lips, ears and tongue. I still work, and often have occasion to leave the plant at nighttime and being an old man with a number of health considerations realize I am a sitting target for some young buck to seek my wallet only because I am no threat to a potential mugger. Call me a coward, but I drop that little 32 caliber colt automatic or sometimes 38 caliber revolver in a pocket hoping to never have call to use it. My years at Ohio State University or my degree in Mechanical engineering or having read any number of so-called great books are not going to protect me and maybe that gun in my pocket won’t either but it at least allows me to walk among the public knowing that I stand at least some chance of surviving being an easy pick, in the eyes of some young thugs, whether white or black, but most likely black.

  • George Gongora January 2, 2015, 3:16 pm

    I like guns because since I was 8 years old my uncle took me on rabbit hunts in agriculture fields and later on in life I would go with my teen friends to do same. Hunted through my middle and high school years. Joined the military and was classified as a xpert shot. I spend my young life hunting wild game in Texas. After 40 I picked up the sport of Skeet and Trap and Sporting clays shooting and been doing that until now age 69. I compete with friends on who is a better shot with pistols and have for 50 years.

  • Roger W. Hamilton January 2, 2015, 3:11 pm

    I have a degree in Business Administration, I was raised around guns, hunting, fishing, sport shooting. I have a large number of firearms, many I have inherited from family as far back as my Great Grand Father. I feel I am a custodian of those historical firearms and intend to pass them on to my heirs. I am a combat veteran of Vietnam and a former police detective. I firmly believe in passing on my ability to protect myself and my family with a firearm and affirm the responsibility that should accompany such ownership. I am concerned about the current assault on the 2nd amendment by our current Federal Administration. I am a long way from being a racist. I have children who have married into other races and I am quite comfortable with that. I am a proud Grand Father that fears for my Grand Children’s future because of the current conduct our poorly lead Federal Government.

  • Tony January 2, 2015, 2:51 pm

    I don’t believe we can address the article via education, owning any weapons, etc. Is the question being asked, why are there so many deaths due to firearms? If not, then his comments are just vague musings of a person of little facts and not my concern.

    If the real questions are about people being killed, then let’s talk. Why doesn’t he get upset at the alcohol related auto deaths in the U.S. every year. Do we outlaw alcohol or vehicles? If there were half as much effort to stop the illegal sale of booze and cars as there is for buying a gun, then he may have a remote chance to have a conversation with me about the subject. Mark Morford is the person my grandfather told me about. He said, son everyone has an opinion. Opinions are like butts, everyone has one and most all of them stink.

    I pity Mr. Morford and his true lack of knowledge. I feel sorry that someone so educated, is so ignorant. Thank God for people who can have intelligent conversations and be open minded on all subjects. America, what a country!

  • Jim January 2, 2015, 2:41 pm

    I am a 68 year old white male, college graduate, married with 4 children and 6 grandchildren. I am now disabled with neurological problems and numerous (19 to date) skin cancers that I attribute to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam.(Although the VA doesn’t agree with me!) Long time firearms owner and have been hunting since I was 8 years old. Graduated from Temple Univ. with a BSW. One tour Vietnam Vet, I enlisted by the way-Stationed in I corps, U.S. Navy, PBR Mobil Base One, 1969-70, and honorably discharged. Also been collecting firearms for many years and own about 32 of ’em. I am a lifelong Republican and don’t watch Fox News, or any other news for that matter. Furthermore I am thoroughly disgusted with the state of this once grand country.

  • Mike January 2, 2015, 1:10 pm

    I am white, male, 55, have two college degree’s. A Bachelors of science in Information Technology and an associate of Applied Science in Electronics Technology. I generally do not care about race or racism. I do hunt and love to shoot all types of firearms for any one of several reasons. I do not let anyone push me around no matter who they think they are or might be. I simply do not care what anyone thinks about anything! I know my rights and will never puss-out to the left wing flakes who admire socialism. May all those who think they can talk our freedoms away f*ck-off and die in severe misery!

    The only thing that ever made this Country worth living in is the non- negotiable rights and freedom gaurenteed every American Citizen under the Constitution of the United States and fought for by all of us Veterans.

    Tell Obama, Holder, Clinton, Pelosi and the rest of their kind to stay out of our way or we will take appropriate action and there are those who may push the envelope and cancel their threats by any means necessary!

  • Lynn K. Circle January 2, 2015, 12:44 pm

    I am a 72 year old Jewish male of Russian descent, married to a 60 year old Israeli Sabra whose parents came from Morocco and Egypt. We will celebrate our 33rd anniversary on June 6th, 2015. Racists do not categorize us as white.
    My Bachelor’s degree in philosophy is from The University of Arizona, while my Masters is from Rice University. I had completed the first draft of my Ph.D. thesis when family issues caused me to withdraw from the Rice doctoral program.
    The book I am currently reading is The Twelve by Cronin (; before that I read America’s Constitution, A Biography by Reed ( I can do without television, though I enjoy watching DVDs, but I cannot go without having something to read.
    I have 14 years’ teaching experience with ages 4 (phonics) through college (philosophy and term paper writing).
    I have lived in Japan, Malaysia, and Indonesia, as well as Illinois, Arizona, and Texas.
    I am an American veteran of the Army Security Agency, with an honorable discharge.

  • Austin Johnson January 2, 2015, 12:38 pm

    White male, 20, rural, conservative farm boy. Shot and owned guns for as long as I can remember, hunted since legal age (12) and plan to get my Concealed Pistol License when I turn 21. I have had people ask why I want to carry and they all say that it’ll get me shot. I always answer with a simple saying that I have been taught since a young age, I’d rather have it and not use it rather than need it and not have it.

  • steve January 2, 2015, 12:00 pm

    I’m a 46 year old white male , live in rural area of NJ, former military, Christian, avid hunter, and a law enforcement officer who loves to target shoot and I take all my kids practice shooting! age’s 11,12,13 and they are good! also they like the bow and arrow! Being in law enforcement and a Marine knowing what I know (what the average public does not know) it would be foolish and ignorant of me not to own guns to protect me and my family! everyone always say’s it will never happen to them until it does! I have seen and heard it first hand from other people! A lot American people are naive and believe what ever they hear on the news or from the gov’t! like the other guy I am not saying it( something bad) will definitely happen to me but it would be silly to not br ready if it does! God bless America!

  • ONTHE WALL January 2, 2015, 11:59 am

    This is funny because according to the New York City Police internet site if you add up all the violent crime in NYC keep them separated by race what you get is between 87% and 94% of all violent crime is caused by blacks and hispanics. Imagine how much NYC would save if the violent crime was down to 15%!!!!

  • Ernie Garland January 2, 2015, 11:58 am

    62, white male. Semi retired from 36 years in hospital nursing. Bachelors degree. Musician and semi professional entertainer. I shoot because it’s fun! I love the precision of a well made mechanical design and the challenge of competition. I also carry because it’s the responsible thing to do in a dangerous and unpredictable world. I read fiction and non fiction on a regular basis. I’m not much of a TV watcher. I do not hunt but have no quarrel with those who do. Many of my friends hunt. I’d rather be performing music, recording or shooting one of my pistols. I train regularly and compete in IDPA. Two maladies afflict the human race. One is ignorance. The other is stupidity. Ignorance can be remedied.

  • Mike Burns January 2, 2015, 11:57 am

    In my house we support the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We all swore an oath to defend this nation from enemies foreign and domestic. There were four of us and we all served. Dad, Army Air Corp WW2, Mom, USMC WW2, still kicking and shooting at 94, Brother, Vietnam Air Force, and me Navy. Heaven forbid anything catastrophic occurs but it will be the same liberal anti gunners that will seek out our help in time of need. They will want us to share our food, medicine, supplies and protect them from unruly mobs intent on violence. It is also the same people who we will protect and help to the best of our ability. Why would we do this is simple. They are Americans and we will defend our way of life and this Republic. Saddening as that fact may be it’s simply the way we were taught by God loving parents. I’m also distraught that these same people do not seem to understand what America is all about. They are quick to tell us how educated they are and what circles seems to give them this consensus of superiority. As books are of concern to these self serving intellects I suggest one very old American book to help them understand why we are they way we are. I suggest reading “Common Sense, The Rights of Man,” by Thomas Paine. Written to expose tyranny or suppression of individuality it is but one example of why we let people like Mark Morford have the freedom of speech we so cherish. But, if Morford becomes successful in his viewpoint and the Second Amendment gets trashed and all guns are destroyed we then revert back to tyranny. The cycle begins again, we must take up arms to overthrow a corrupt institution looking for personal gain and restore ourselves to the inalienable rights we are destined to have. We must allow the Morford types to spew whatever nonsense they think we should endure because that is their right. The same rights my family has sworn to protect and cherished for so long. I suppose this is when I’m suppose to brag about my gun collection or my education but that is not necessary. We live in Cocke County Tennessee and yes Mr Morford you are welcome to break bread with us and we will help you when you ask. III%

  • Julio G January 2, 2015, 11:56 am

    Hello. I am 49 years old. I live one block from the University of Miami. Education; BA History, JD Law, Masters degree, Maritime Law. I just finished an excellent biography of Francis Marion and look forward to the second half of Gulag Archipelago this Spring. I learned to shoot and respect guns at age nine. I hunt fowl and game, shoot trap, skeet and clays and used to compete in high-power matches. I even earned the right to purchase a DCM Garand. I have lived in Europe, traveled throughout there, been all over Latin America and worked in Mexico city as a liaison between American and Mexican Attorneys. I am perfectly fluent in two languages and have working knowledge of 4 others.

  • Tom January 2, 2015, 11:53 am

    I liked your article and my comment is not intended to disrespect you or your education, but is aimed at the “ass clown” you mention.
    I opted for trade school rather “than” a fancy college education and I’m offended “ass clowns” use theirs to disparage those who didn’t waste their time on one. I after all did notice that you, with your college education did incorrectly use “then” rather than, “than” in your article. 😉

  • H A Butler January 2, 2015, 11:45 am

    White male – 61 yrs old. – married – College educated. Same employer for last 35 yrs. Have been a world traveler for over 40 yrs & have live & worked on all continents except Antarctica. I can communicate in a couple other languages other than my mother tongue of English. My permanent residence is in a city with a population of approximately 1,000,000 people of various religious & ethnic backgrounds. We 3 nationally recognized universities & numerous other smaller & less well known colleges & learning centers. I’ve had the pleasure of reading Kipling’s “Man Who Would Be King”, Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” as well as a few other comparable books. I’ve also had one of my own works published.

    I live in a quiet middle class neighborhood in community that received national recognition for a long running impossibly low crime rate. I have no particular fear of break in, burglaries, theft, assaults or strong arm robberies in public, I’m not a prepper, not a paramilitary activist, don’t feel any irresistible compulsion towards concealed carry at every opportunity ( but have no qualms about concealed carry in many situations ).

    My father and all my uncles were either avid hunters, formal combat veterans, firearms collectors & in the case of one uncle – a gunsmith. My grandsons are ex military. My granddaughter’s husband in in law enforcement.My sister is the former ladies skeet champion of her state. I participated in shooting competitions in my younger days. Recently have taken up skeet, trap & five stand. Still make regular trips to the pistol & rifle range. I enjoy reloading & making my own ammo as much as I do shooting.

    Firearms have been a normal part of everyday existence in my family for generations. The same is true for a great many of my friends, co-workers & acquaintance. Never in my 61 yrs, have I ever seen a weapon discharged in anger, or used for evil, violent or malicious intent.

    I have my suspicions that the so called “journalist” Mr Mulford may be the person who avoids reading “complicated books”.
    I also suspect that if he did attend university, its highly likely that his education may have far exceeded the capacity of his intelligence. While the man may have “good intentions” its also my opinion that it appears to have his head stuck up a dark & smelly orifice !
    Just MHO !

  • Rod January 2, 2015, 11:40 am

    Yes White, yes over 40. Highly educated. Taught college for a number of years. Math geek. I have been south of the equator a few times. I have not been to mexico yet. Weird how that is. I didn’t buy any guns this christmas season. Perhaps I have enough. HAHA. I like to shoot.
    Good friend of mine, Black, under 30 Barely, single guy, He bought his 20th+ gun this christmas season. He likes to shoot. He is highly educated as well.
    I don’t think what some idiot in San Fran says really matters all that much.

  • Robert Nauheimer January 2, 2015, 11:33 am

    I am a 68 year old Vietnam vet and have been a gun owner since I was 16. I own guns because I like shooting and when I was younger I was an avid hunter. I do carry a gun for self defense for one reason. I had a lot of bullets wizz by me while I was in Vietnam and I will be damned if I am going to take a bullet from some pimply faced kid who thinks his life is so tough. I will shoot back!!!!!!
    I am not an uneducated redneck. I am a college graduate, enjoy reading and theater and hold a good position at a major company. I understand why many people are against gun ownership but in most cases they are ignorant liberals who know nothing about guns or the shooting sport. I have family who are against gun ownership and I respect their wishes but they also respect my right and my decision to own a gun.
    The article that prompted this response was obviously written by a very ignorant person who has no idea what he is talking about. This is the same type of person who screams about racial profiling and stereotyping and look at what he is doing in his article. I am not scared of black people (my family has many bi racial marriages) I do live within 1 mile of a university, I read complicated books (I think this guy is still struggling with Dick and Jane). I have lived most of my life in New York City (is that a big enough town for him) and have traveled extensively. The only thing that article proved to me is that he is an idiot.

  • Michael J. Salzbrenner January 2, 2015, 11:27 am

    Honestly, I could care less what others think of me. I will do as I choose, and live as I live. I’m not hurting anyone else so leave me the hell alone. Interestingly enough my primary goal in my life is to live by the virtues Honor, Courage, Independence, Respect, and Responsibility. Which is obviously more than can be said for the author of the mentioned article, or the editor that allowed it to be printed. I know what I stand for, and am proud of it. Love me or hate me, doesn’t matter. But don’t make the error of mistaking my tolerance for weakness. My gods have prepared my place among them. Have yours?

  • Charles Grove January 2, 2015, 11:11 am

    I am 53 and work in the Engineering Department of a company that employs 150 people. The company is located in Oakland County, MI fairly close to Wayne County and Detroit. I live 35 miles west of where I work.

    I am well read and we’ll informed via various sources of televised and prino news. I am very concerned about maintaining the second amendment and love to shoot at the range. I own my guns for personal and home defense purposes.

  • Terry January 2, 2015, 11:09 am

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”.– Abraham Lincoln
    Mark Morford would have been wise to have considered that thought before writing his article. I fit into most of the categories outlined by the respondents to this article. Over 60, high six figure salary, BS in Business, purchase my firearms from legitimate licensed dealers, live in an upscale gated community with 24 hour security, have been around firearms my entire life, taught safety by my father beginning with my first firearm a .22 bolt action Remington rifle at the age of 6, served in the U.S. Army from 1966 to 1982 either active or reserves. I do, however, have an aversion to thugs of any color and will do whatever is necessary to protect my person and family including the use of deadly force. Yes, I have a state issued CCP. Mr. Morford you are truly a horses ASS!

  • Eeks January 2, 2015, 11:08 am

    white male, 50+. BSME, MBA. Shooting sports and hunting have been a part of my life from childhood, and the fact is that the guns that have been in my homes from that time have never been a threat to anyone – and indeed served their primary purpose of protection for a long-ago break-in that (as intended) was ended by the mere sound of a Model 1100 bolt chambering a round and followed by the clatter of the perpetrator making a very fast exit from the garage!

    I have traveled and done business all over the world, and developed friendships with people from many countries and backgrounds over the years. Fortunately in the world of manufacturing, where we mine, grow, refine, machine, process, and fabricate the things that people need to enjoy the incredible comforts we take for granted in modern life, there really aren’t many ass clowns of Mr. Morford’s magnitude. Most of his ilk are, unfortunately, employed in the areas of government, journalism, and education, which makes them a real threat to all of our liberties. By their willingness to have governments recognize our liberties only on a selective basis, they ALL rights in grave danger.

  • Fred Bruhn January 2, 2015, 11:03 am

    As a young white male in my early 20’s I had purchased several guns to shoot for fun (targets for handguns and shotguns for trap). While in a gun shop one evening I had a discussion with an older black fella, he commented, in his neighborhood, he had to keep a handgun at the ready in case someone broke into his apartment while he was home. He claimed this was a common ocurrence. I was surprised at his comment having always took gun rights for granted (young & naive), not seeing that there was a real need for self protection. Now as an old man in my 60’s life is so much more dangerous, not in my neighborhood so much,but rather his.
    I’ll bet the author of that one sided article, didn’t have any conversations with any other races about their side of the equation. Stupid, one sided, and not a very good perspective on his part, or was it just plain race baiting. You don’t have to be well read or well rounded to be a decent gun toting person. God bless, or is that wrong too!

  • Bill C. January 2, 2015, 10:55 am

    I’m 78, a Professor Emeritus of Chemistry (in Connecticut), Ph.D. , Syracuse University, living in a small rural (for Connecticut) town. At age 14 in a western New York village, I bought my first gun from Sears – a Mossberg bolt action 20 gauge. I’ve been a hunter and recreational shooter all of my life. I’ve also been an NRA – certified instructor in five categories for about forty years but am only rarely teaching at this point. I’ve done a lot of bow hunting in Connecticut and Vermont until recently when I had to go to a crossbow because of a bad shoulder. I don’t like the X-bow very much so my time in the deer woods has dwindled to almost nothing the last couple of years. But I still have my well-trained Springer so we go after pheasants once in a while. It’s all put-and-take hunting for them in CT, though – not like the broad cornfield valleys and hills of Steuben County with native birds.
    I spend my time playing golf in the summer, basketball in the cold months and composing music for orchestra, small ensembles, solo instruments and chorus, and writing opinion pieces about the global warming fraud. Not many people have heard my music and I’m not really interested in trying to get it played by a real orchestra, but I like it so I play the electronic orchestra version CD in my 2003 Dodge Ram hemi-engine 4×4 pickup.
    I’m a former Republican and have done a few things civically, but I registered Libertarian a few years ago out of frustration with the GOP. That was around the time that Bush said McCain-Feingold was unconstitutional … and then signed it.

  • John Watkins January 2, 2015, 10:44 am

    I have a PhD in Education, an MS, and a BA in Geology,. My family and I have lived all over the world as minority members of society, in the far East and middle East. I don ‘t watch Fox News, and guess I am fairly liberal in my political views. I don’ vote one party but study what the candidate has done in the past and what they want for the future. I am a former Marine. My wife also has a BA and MS in Library Science. We own both rifles, pistols and a shotgun because we love to shoot. We also live in a mixed race and culture neighborhood
    were most folks don’t even lock their doors. We watch out for each other and know our neighbors. It is a Middle class group of people that work everyday and enjoy walking their dogs and talking to one another. I don’t have my guns for protection, but to shoot targets and practice the skills I learned as a Marine. Don’t actually watch much TV, but do like to read a lot, mostly History, Geology, Science Fiction, some interesting books on Time and Astro Physics.

  • Joseph January 2, 2015, 10:32 am

    I’m a 52 year old white man. I have a degree in network security, am comfortable in my life and basically happy. I love to hunt and that is where my gun ownership started, I also like to shoot at the range and find it to be relaxing and fun. I have no illusions about the fact that there is always a possibility of being a crime victim. I don’t expect it to happen, but I would prefer to be prepared in case it does. I don’t think that makes me scared, I think it is just a result of being able to look at life honestly.

  • Dan Steighner January 2, 2015, 10:27 am

    I am 53 years old, grew up in small town Ohio raised by loving Democrats but when I turned 18 and voted for the first time I voted for Reagan. I married at 22 and we had children early and because I couldn’t find work in my home town I joined the Air Force in 1983 and retired in 2003. I never handled anything other than a BB gun growing up but my job in the AF was Security Forces. Security Forces is a combination of Law Enforcement, Security and infantry, so I was introduced to firearms. I was also trained to handle and properly us them.
    I have been all over this great country from east to west and north to south. I also have lived in multiple European countries, the the Far East and Middle East and have had the opportunity to experience a variety of cultures. I don’t watch much news because I feel facts have been replaced by opinions. I like to read history books on military battles or military heroes.
    I purchased my first firearm in the mid 80s and have been a shooting enthusiast since then. Because of my military and law enforcement background I like military style firearms, both modern and historic. I mostly just target shoot with the occasional hunting trip. I always said my firearms were a hobby and not for protection, until the incident in the Colorado theater.
    My wife and I go to the movies often and it is usually to see a good comedy. My wife has health issues that limit her mobility and the theater shooting got me thinking what could we have done in that situation. She can’t run, I wouldn’t leave her so that left us with praying to be spared. This is when I decided to get my carry permit. Would having a firearm in that situation have helped, I don’t know, but I would rather have a chance than no chance.
    I spent 20 years carrying a weapon professionally and was blessed to never having to use it. I hope this to hold true in my civilian carry. I am more than willing to go my entire life never needing my firearm for nothing more than a hobby. The problem is evil is out there and it is not limited to any one race, religion, or group and the sad reality is the police can not always be there. Like someone said in a previous comment it’s like having a fire extinguisher or a spare tire, you hope you don’t have to use it but you know it’s there if needed and you know how to use it.

  • keithk January 2, 2015, 10:24 am

    “gun owners that their incapable of having a civil discussion on the topic,”
    Ok folks, let’s do this right. “…….they’re incapable….” not their, or there. FIX IT!

  • Fr January 2, 2015, 10:16 am

    Gun like parachute. If you find that you need one and do not have one…you probably won’t need one again.

  • America-First January 2, 2015, 10:09 am

    Hello, 66 years old, grew up near Buffalo, (Go Sabres, Go Bills) I have a EE degree from U/Maryland, Lived in 11 states, 3 countries. been to 49 states, 15 countries, caught Cholera in Mexico… Nice 6 figure income, working with a 3 letter govn agency. Been shooting since 10, ceased hunting after Nam, but continue to shoot and collect guns. I enjoy the challenge of hitting what I aim for, the pleasure of an outdoors day with friends, reloading what I shoot is part of the “gun” experience. Now living in Alabama, the new Remington plant is coming on line 7 miles from where I sit. Also have a carry permit, have had for 2 decades, never shot anyone lately. More concerned about problems in Russia, China and Mid East than in Ferguson. We in the USA will eventually get it right. Are technical manuals serious books? I read them all the time a favorite is “Linux Internals”

  • David January 2, 2015, 10:05 am

    I am also educated, I am a certified public accountant. I own guns, and have for many years. I don’t hunt I just like to shoot. I ownn everything from handgns to America’s gun the AR. I also bought my grandson his first rifle, a Henry Lever action 22. So yes I buy weapons and will continue to do so and when I pass I hope my grandson will continue to do the same.

  • Bill January 2, 2015, 10:02 am

    Northeast born 56 yo male. Associates and technical degree in computer science. Work in large scale mainframe systems management for 30 years, with IBM 18 years, Countless drug tests, criminal background and credit checks for employment purposes. Never been to Mexico, but spent a lot of time in Finland and Russia. 16 and 19 yo daughters. Believe in the Constitution and the inalienable human right of self defense. Believe in people, not governments. A true American who also loves America’s rifle… functional, versatile, accurate, reliable, low recoil and light weight! My daughters love it too. Wife has a BSN and is Cardiology systems project manager at a major hospital, and avid target shooter. Don’t have cable TV but last book read was z/OS 2.1 Installation and Tuning Reference.

  • Jim January 2, 2015, 9:49 am

    I’m 49 retired LEO due to a health issue and former infantry soldier. My undergrad is in business and I have a Master’s of Science in criminal justice and am an adjunct professor at two universities. I hunt, not as much as I’d like, and shoot occasionally. Since I retired I was lucky enough to find employment in the oil and gas industry that pays more than law enforcement ever did and am able to purchase firearms to my liking. Most I have never shot but may at any time. Point is one can do what they like with their money. I celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary in Paris (France) Oct 14, spent ten days in Germany and Croatia last year while visiting my son stationed in Germany and toured Italy in 2006. We always vacation in Florida and have been to Cancun once, not going back, and have spent time in Puerto Rico. I enjoy travel a little more than I enjoy my firearms or I would have more of them.
    Why do I enjoy firearms? Maybe because as a kid we played cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers or I rely on myself to protect and support my family. Difference then was that kids played with toy guns and parents parented their children, unlike today where ass clowns leave their “real” guns out for their kids to play with in the parks.
    I like classic cars also but they require too much money for me to even get started with.
    Many people invest in 401k’s, IRA’s etc. because they know social security won’t cover living expenses or might not even exist. Some people have guns because the police are not always available or are minutes away when the situation needs immediate attention.
    It is not an problem or even wrong to be prepared.

  • Dave January 2, 2015, 9:46 am

    I almost did write this because the main theme here seems to be people mainly talking of thier high educations but after alot of thinking about I know having big college degrees has absoutely nothing to do with being a responsible gun owner! I know the idiot talked about uneducated people and I guess that’s me with only a high school education,I started a State Job While in High School and retired from that job with 30 years at age 47 so I could do what I love,hunt,fish,trap,target shoot and most everything conected to the great outdoors.Although I own many gun’s none of them are AR’s,AK’s,SKS’s or high caliber semi auto hand guns. When I carry it is a Colt Detective Speacial,for those who don’t that is a 6 shot revolver! I support the 2nd amendment because of what I live to do and also for those who think the high capacity semi auto rifles and hand guns are the way to go.Coman sences is what makes a responsible gun owner and all my freinds who just happen to be black are hunting,fishing,trapping, pick up truck driving low level educated people like me who afraid of nothing and responsable with guns as any college educated person.

  • Tony January 2, 2015, 9:44 am

    I am a 42 year old male that grew up in a family that hunted for food, enjoyed shooting, backpacking, camping and anything outdoors.
    I have always owned a gun as long as I can remember. Many in my collection are heir looms handed down. I do have modern weapons and purchase them because I love to shoot. As far as home security I do feel I owe it to my family as the head of my house hold to do whatever I can to make my family as safe as possible. Everyone in my home has had firearms training and can operate all the weapons in my house. So no we are not scared.
    I have been on every continent and more countries that I can name. I am college educated. I watch all the news networks as well as many outside the USA because no one should take anything on the media at face value. Everyone should form there own opinions and use the brain that God has blessed them with.
    Then have an informed and civil conversation.
    I have guns and it is how I was raised. To be self reliant and take nothing for granted. I will always be able to protect those I love, provide for them and know they are able to protect themselves and provide for themselves if needs be.
    Guns are tools and in the right hands very good ones. Like all tools they can be use by anyone to do unspeakable harm. And like always it’s better to be prepared for the worst. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
    I believe everyone has the right to defend themselves and to make the decision on how to do it.
    Moreover I feel people need to take personal responsibility for themselves and their actions in all things. Your actions have consequences and each person should be held responsible for how they conduct their own lives. Your lifestyle is you God given right and you must live with your choices. Good or bad.

  • BACamp January 2, 2015, 9:39 am

    I am 56 and have lived most of my life in the south east U.S. I was born outside the continental US.I did not purchase my first gun until I was in my 50’s, and did so because the rise in violent crime. I have gone to college and am a successful IT professional for a local university. I have been to Europe twice and loved meeting people with different views and backgrounds from myself. I have had many friends in my life that are of different ethnicity than myself but have never felt threatened by them. The thing that I am threatened by is becoming a victim, I have been in that situation before and refuse to be again. Even though the attacker was a different race than myself I do not fear people of that race, I have some close friends that are of the same race.

  • Roger Richards January 2, 2015, 9:19 am

    BA, two master’s degrees, and two doctorates. I have authored only one college textbook. I don’t watch much television, limiting most of it to sporting events. Twenty years in the U. S. Navy, half of that time stationed with the Marines (OOH-RAH!). I have been stationed oversees and visited more countries than most people. Never been to Mexico. Support ALL the Constitution, including the Second Amendment. scared, undereducated, and not paranoid, but I am a law abiding white male who has a close relationship with members of the law enforcement community.

  • Daniel Moore January 2, 2015, 9:07 am

    I am 60. I am a retired Army Master Sergeant (72-92). I served in Korea, Kuwait, and Germany. At the age of 9 I received my first firearm – Ted Williams .410 shotgun. Guns were used primarily for food and secondarily for varmints (mostly four-legged). I have a little education like a B.S. in business, an MBA, an M.Div., and a D.Min. The last two required at least a year each of Greek and Hebrew languages. Yes, I am now a pastor. I hunt, shoot, and do believe in personal protection. Even Jesus permitted side arms (And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, “It is enough.” Luke 22:38 KJV). We live in a country that has been transformed in the wrong direction. We have a lot of people who suffer from “entitlement syndrome” and many lacking common sense. We also have a lot of greedy people and when it comes to politics I just advise people “Follow the money!” We are falling back into the old feudalism model where a few hold the power and the rest of us serfs are unarmed, working stiffs who pay to support them and their minions. History is filled with civilizations that left their moral roots and rotted away into some form of dictatorial feudalism though today we give it nicer labels like liberal (with your money), progressive (with their plan to rule you), communism (the state rules), socialism (all people equal – in poverty). The end result is to do away with the original vision of the founders of this nation – small government and personal liberty.

  • flyby one January 2, 2015, 9:07 am

    As a former white LEO, with most preps being black, one developes a idea about self preservation. That’s why this white guy has GUNS.

  • Ed K January 2, 2015, 8:57 am

    75 years young, unfortunately, now partially disabled. Engineering degree. First “gun” was an Iver Johnson rubber band powered, shot BB’s. Have & have had a license to carry since I was 21. Through the years I have owned many long guns, pistols & revolvers. Still have two long guns. Don’t get out to shoot much anymore, but still enjoy reading about new products & “ass clowns” ignorance of facts. Oh – by the way I live within fifteen miles of MIT, Harvard etc. etc.

  • carter3916 January 2, 2015, 8:24 am

    Are you for real! Im college educated,ex USAF,white-been in the southeast since 1600,s from england (robert KING carter and joesph carter-brothers) Im in my fifties,retired and ARMED to a tee,preped to survive if any thing happens to take care of my family. there are over million gangs,thugs and prisoners released or soon to be that are coming to get YOU FOLKS.They enter or threaten my space it will be there life!!! Wake up,be prepared,

  • Ken B January 2, 2015, 8:21 am

    I am an avid shooter and hunter with a post graduate degree in the physical sciences and work in that field. I must point out a grammatical error in your article. You mention you have a BA in English Literature so I must point this out since it is imperative to dispel the claim gun owners are illiterate and Caucasian. BTW, I am an American Indian and a citizen of a federally recognized tribe. Be that as it may here is a section of your sentence with the error:
    “disdain for gun owners that their incapable of having a civil discussion on the topic” I believe you want to use “they’re” instead of “their.”

  • CjLake January 2, 2015, 8:15 am

    I’m a 42 yr old UC Berkeley grad in psych who went to Tulane Law. I grew up in Chicago (was shot there despite all the gun laws) and have lived in San Fran, Oakand, LA, Nashville, New Orleans, Miami and Tampa. All major cities. I’ve practiced as a public defender and now I’m a personal injury attorney. Both fairly liberal jobs. I’ve traveled to Mexico multiple times, Canada several times, Greece and Italy. Oh and I collect and read books. A member of 3 book clubs and consume them at a rate of 3 per week on average. I carry either a 1911, BHP or Glock everyday. Usually 2 handguns on me except when in court. I also shoot 3 gun and therefore have several AR’s. So except for being white I am more or less the opposite of everything in that profile. But let’s be fair, I’m biased after being shot in the most gun controlled city in the US: Chicago and having been shot at in San Fran and Oakland. Other bastions of gun control. Plus as a Public Defender I had a unique perspective into what’s really out there.

  • Todd Jaffe January 2, 2015, 7:59 am

    I am a physician, I think that makes me educated. I am board certified in 3 specialties and have taken and passed 10 board exams for certification and recertification. I do watch Fox. I was born in Miami, went to Med School in Chicago, which was where I happened to be when the American Nazi Party felt a need to march in Skokie, an area where survivors of the Nazi death camps lived. It was then that I knew I stood a chance of being persecuted or attacked in this country, regardless of my then beliefs. I learned how to shoot and bought my first gun, a Beretta 9mm. I have since become a Baptist, but remain an active gun enthusiast and collector. To other Beretta 92 owners, consider sending it to Wilson Combat for optimization. You will not believe the difference.

  • Mitch Spence January 2, 2015, 7:29 am

    I do not know why any reasonable website would give air to or reprint trash like that. In many ways you give the article validity. Next time just ignore the garbage.

    Remember the adage, “never argue with a fool, people may get confused with who the fool is.”

    • Lowell Morrison January 2, 2015, 2:19 pm

      Mitch, when I read the “opinion” I was pretty sure that it was a bit trying to report what some of the “Intelligencia (mmm, Bloomberg?) were trying to use on us-all (durned ifn I didn’t conjugate y’all to include me) . Thus I believe that it was proper and important to post and build a body of evidence quite the opposite of the “Bloombergian” opinion.

      –Lowell Morrison

  • Ira Radnick January 2, 2015, 6:43 am

    I am white, 60, US Army veteran (Vietnam wartime era), partially disabled, been around firearms all my life, fired my first 12 gauge shotgun at 12. I am well educated, own several high tech companies, am in the top 0.5% income bracket ($750k+ per year), donate to various charities, help folks who hit hard times, prefer to live in peace, am armed to the teeth at home, and legally carry a concealed Glock .40 caliber handgun pretty much anywhere I travel. I would love nothing more than to get through my life without having to take another person’s life – much less ever have to pull my Glock on a perp. But if threatened by a perp I will not hesitate to stop the threat in order to preserve my life and/or to prevent damage to my body, or likewise for a family member or loved one. If prosecuted or sued I will take my chances with the members of the jury. I do not live as a paranoid old white guy, I am a reasonable person who takes reasonable precautions to hep ensure I will live a long and safe lifetime while protecting myself, family and loved ones. I am not one to be trifled with. Screw with me and there will be severe consequences. We will in a fairly civilized society, but in the midst of folks who mean to do harm for their own illicit purposes. It is my duty to be prepared to defend against such threats that do exist.

  • Gordon January 2, 2015, 6:33 am

    Yeah, I’m a sixty-something white guy – with a BA in History, and a Juris Doctor, as well. Currently I’m reading a biography of John Marshall – fascinating, but I usually read historical novels and mysteries. No, I haven’t traveled much, unless you count having lived in 10 different states clear across the country, and a year in a sailboat in the Bahamas, and several trips to Europe. It probably doesn’t count that I lived in Germany for 4 years as a child. I carry – for the same reason that I have IRA’s and fire-extinguishers. One should live for the best, but be prepared for the worst. I have used a pistol twice in self-defense, without ever firing a shot. I enjoy Cowboy Action Shooting and modeling the modern railroads of Germany in N scale.

  • James Oates January 2, 2015, 6:08 am

    Male, 61 years old, Caucasian, B.A. undergraduate, M.A. in Business Management, Ph.D. in Business Management, Law Degree, CLU/ChFC, 12 years officer in the United States Marine Corps, 10 years as an insurance/investment advisor, self-employed business owner of 8 successful businesses, currently hold a Federal Firearms License and sell firearms, NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, CLEET Certified Pistol Instructor, Oklahoma SDA Instructor…I have traveled the World-over in the military and as a civilian…I love experiencing new and different places, books, movies, and food. Firearms, and teaching their safe and responsible use, is a passion.

  • James Rooze January 2, 2015, 6:07 am

    I to am of dutch decent have an and served two apprenticeships as an plasterer and carpenter I am 69 yrs old and own several rental properties. Have traveled to several countries. In 2009 I was working in one of my houses 2 guys asked if they could look around I said sure and kept working they hit me in the back of the head with yconcrete block broke my right arm broke 4 ribs face bones, taped my arms behind my back, taped my legs and mouth, dragged me in the garage and left me to die and stole my truck and trailer with my gun in the truck. I now carry on my person and am more aware of people who approach me.

  • Dusty Smith January 2, 2015, 5:28 am

    I’m a 55 year old white male , IQ 130 high school dropout. Not because I’m stupid but because I was bored. I’ve travelled in Asia , lived in Africa and did some work in the Middle East. I own firearms because I enjoy shooting and have at times had to travel through some of the highest crime rate cities in the U.S. I have a cchl which means I have been checked out by the FBI ,state and local law enforcement . I consider myself to be a moderate , and strongly believe that there are more good people in the world than bad people. It’s just that good people don’t make good headlines in the press !
    I looked up Mr. Morford on Google. He really like pictures of himself.

  • Mathew January 2, 2015, 5:23 am

    My name is Mathew I personally own 5 guns including americas gun the ar15. There are an additional 12 guns owned legally in my residence by other adults. We all own guns because it is a constitutional right given to us by our forefathers and taught to us by our fathers. More about me born in Texas lived in Southern California now i live in Oregon, so much for not moving around i forgot a two year stay in Michigan and im only 24 f#@&. My family and i enjoy shooting sports together whether hunting or targets so it brings us together outside not in front of a tv. Gun ownership also taugh my brothers and I a great deal in personal responsibility, when you are holding a loaded firearm you are responsible for the safety of everyone around you. Wait, did he call me scared? Why the hell would i be scared? I sleep very comfortable with a fn FiveseveN in my nightstand. So this guy dont got my profile right someone should let him know.

  • Mathew January 2, 2015, 5:15 am

    My name is Mathew I personally own 5 guns including americas gun the ar15. There are an additional 12 guns owned legally in my residence by other adults. We all own guns because it is a constitutional right given to us by our forefathers and taught to us by our fathers. More about me born in Texas lived in Southern California now i live in Oregon, so much for not moving around i forgot a two year stay in Michigan and im only 24 f#@&. My family and i enjoy shooting sports together whether hunting or targets so it brings us together outside not in front of a tv. Gun ownership also taugh my brothers and I a great deal in personal responsibility, when you are holding a loaded firearm you are responsible for the safety of everyone around you. Wait, did he call me scared? Why the hell would i be scared? I sleep very comfortable with a fn FiveseveN in my nightstand. So this guy dont got my profile right someone shoul let him know.

  • BHP Fan January 2, 2015, 4:54 am

    “You’re a scared white person, almost certainly male. You do not live in a major city, or near a university or intellectual hub of any note, nor have you ever traveled very far from your home town, much less out of state or anywhere further than, say, Mexico. Once. And that was enough. You do not read complicated books. You do not like new or weird things. You watch lots of TV, mostly Fox News,….”


    See what I did there, Mr. Morford?

  • don koontz January 2, 2015, 4:30 am

    well i am a southern man, so already classified as dumb white trash, even with 4 yrs college, 2 years law, iq of 168, study metaphyshics, quantum mechanics, am an accountant/taxpreparer/consultant by trade, study world wide financial and political issues, subscribe to 6 expensive consultants in various fields, have traveled central america, europe, always trying to talk to the common person in the countries i visit, not a typical tourist, more of a researcher. maintain online contact with friends from 15 countries, from college professors and college educated to just smart common sense ordinary people with enough wealth to have a computer or use an internet cafe. have owned and shot firearms from 6 or 7 yo, now collect for fun and inflation, and carry, have been faced with a friend with a gun at his throat and calmed it down with a 45 glock and a no-nonsense statement of maybe two will die, but one of them is the attacker and( two additional, his friends) for sure. my friend was surprised and could not get his 45 from the truck before the confrontation, he know the score too, his wife was a back up with her 32, i have a policy of dont pull unless ready to fire, and that sob could hear in my voice that i had no qualms about blowing him away. he retreated, we sent the police after his little group, he was from, guess, california, broke parole, and thought he would rob us dumb ass southern boys, we were raised in a gun hunting culture, and do not fear guns or much else. An anti gun fanatic is like all fanatics, i liken them to religious fanatics, living with blinders on and closed brains. if one looks deep, they are very insecure and not too intelligent, the fears and phobias, and the closed minds prevent any personal growth or learning. So, I love to play the part of the poor old dumb ass country boy, keep a low profile and they never see me coming, a good defensive tool when your opponent has misconceptions about who he is facing–i also study krav magda, just to be able to disable anyone, me, a 61 year old “old man”, try to not fight, as i am training to disable and do permanent damage, not fight. I believe nothing any official tells me, i research the truth, not the spin and lies. So, people like the author noted are dealt with as flies, just an irritant, and a prime example of the stupid people, and there are plenty, we have to deal with daily. I do not watch any tv news, all comes from my experts commentaries and my own research, which one learns in dealing with the governments over 35 plus years, along with the legal research related thereto, i also had a double major, accounting and statistics, i totally understand the manipulation of numbers to reach a desired outcome as “proof”, right now i hold very few dollars, every extra over bills goes to silver, palladium, graphite, and some related stocks, as well as land and firearms and ammo, inflation assets for the long term, during the last tech bust, most of my clients lost 1/2 of their wealth, the real estate bust is still killing the small investor, and we are in one of the fastest growing counties in the us. One of my clients is the CEO of a large company that moved their operations from california to mexico, regulations and taxes. I am amazed at the stupid people elected, it is all about the money, and anything will be promised to get them to the golden land of politics and their masters, the big business interests (all relative to the political position, from mayor to senator), as to race, i played football with some of the first black guys integrated into our high school in the late 60’s, they are still my friends, and we have discussed the lack of hope for most young blacks locked into the ghetto’s, they are in survival mode, no options, for all the money the government throws at them (or their families) they have no method of gaining self respect other than violence, no way to make money other than drugs and sex, no hope, we have failed them by creating a system that enables them, what will they do when that system collapses (like the 13trillion used to fund welfare) some need help due to circumstance, but i believe in teaching them to fish, rather than just give them fish (stolen concept from bible and and most other major social historical references, i borrow it here, not my original words, but i totally understand the common sense truth) so they are raised in a multi generation history of handouts filled with fraud and abuse, it is always about the money, the power of the wealthy. When, not if , the shit hits the fan, the wealthy will be gone from the line of fire, just leaving us 99% ers to deal with it. Be a boy scout, or just a smart human, be prepared, and knowledge is key to preparation, expect the best, but be ready for the worst. Dumb fanatics should have to take a test before being allowed to give public comments, but that would limit the number of politicians we have. Better yet, drop the author into the ghettos of chicago, or any major city, no gun, he hates them, and pick him up in a year, if he is alive. best education is experience, lets get these thinkers exposed to the real world. just an irritant, not really worth the response here, but may open some eyes or ears, i hope, live well and fearless, we are only here for a flash, in the grand scheme of things, enjoy your life, ignore the assholes, and have fun, my only rule is do no harm and never do what i would not want done to me, like massive lies perpetrated by our “leadership”. All the responses on here show what reality is, not the numbnuts writing.

  • don koontz January 2, 2015, 4:29 am

    well i am a southern man, so already classified as dumb white trash, even with 4 yrs college, 2 years law, iq of 168, study metaphyshics, quantum mechanics, am an accountant/taxpreparer/consultant by trade, study world wide financial and political issues, subscribe to 6 expensive consultants in various fields, have traveled central america, europe, always trying to talk to the common person in the countries i visit, not a typical tourist, more of a researcher. maintain online contact with friends from 15 countries, from college professors and college educated to just smart common sense ordinary people with enough wealth to have a computer or use an internet cafe. have owned and shot firearms from 6 or 7 yo, now collect for fun and inflation, and carry, have been faced with a friend with a gun at his throat and calmed it down with a 45 glock and a no-nonsense statement of maybe two will die, but one of them is the attacker and( two additional, his friends) for sure. my friend was surprised and could not get his 45 from the truck before the confrontation, he know the score too, his wife was a back up with her 32, i have a policy of dont pull unless ready to fire, and that sob could hear in my voice that i had no qualms about blowing him away. he retreated, we sent the police after his little group, he was from, guess, california, broke parole, and thought he would rob us dumb ass southern boys, we were raised in a gun hunting culture, and do not fear guns or much else. An anti gun fanatic is like all fanatics, i liken them to religious fanatics, living with blinders on and closed brains. if one looks deep, they are very insecure and not too intelligent, the fears and phobias, and the closed minds prevent any personal growth or learning. So, I love to play the part of the poor old dumb ass country boy, keep a low profile and they never see me coming, a good defensive tool when your opponent has misconceptions about who he is facing–i also study krav magda, just to be able to disable anyone, me, a 61 year old “old man”, try to not fight, as i am training to disable and do permanent damage, not fight. I believe nothing any official tells me, i research the truth, not the spin and lies. So, people like the author noted are dealt with as flies, just an irritant, and a prime example of the stupid people, and there are plenty, we have to deal with daily. I do not watch any tv news, all comes from my experts commentaries and my own research, which one learns in dealing with the governments over 35 plus years, along with the legal research related thereto, i also had a double major, accounting and statistics, i totally understand the manipulation of numbers to reach a desired outcome as “proof”, right now i hold very few dollars, every extra over bills goes to silver, palladium, graphite, and some related stocks, as well as land and firearms and ammo, inflation assets for the long term, during the last tech bust, most of my clients lost 1/2 of their wealth, the real estate bust is still killing the small investor, and we are in one of the fastest growing counties in the us. One of my clients is the CEO of a large company that moved their operations from california to mexico, regulations and taxes. I am amazed at the stupid people elected, it is all about the money, and anything will be promised to get them to the golden land of politics and their masters, the big business interests (all relative to the political position, from mayor to senator), as to race, i played football with some of the first black guys integrated into our high school in the late 60’s, they are still my friends, and we have discussed the lack of hope for most young blacks locked into the ghetto’s, they are in survival mode, no options, for all the money the government throws at them (or their families) they have no method of gaining self respect other than violence, no way to make money other than drugs and sex, no hope, we have failed them by creating a system that enables them, what will they do when that system collapses (like the 13trillion used to fund welfare) some need help due to circumstance, but i believe in teaching them to fish, rather than just give them fish (stolen concept from bible and and most other major social historical references, i borrow it here, not my original words, but i totally understand the common sense truth) so they are raised in a multi generation history of handouts filled with fraud and abuse, it is always about the money, the power of the wealthy. When, not if , the shit hits the fan, the wealthy will be gone from the line of fire, just leaving us 99% ers to deal with it. Be a boy scout, or just a smart human, be prepared, and knowledge is key to preparation, expect the best, but be ready for the worst. Dumb fanatics should have to take a test before being allowed to give public comments, but that would limit the number of politicians we have. Better yet, drop the author into the ghettos of chicago, or any major city, no gun, he hates them, and pick him up in a year, if he is alive. best education is experience, lets get these thinkers exposed to the real world. just an irritant, not really worth the response here, but may open some eyes or ears, i hope, live well and fearless, we are only here for a flash, in the grand scheme of things, enjoy your life, ignore the assholes, and have fun, my only rule is do no harm and never do what i would not want done to me, like massive lies perpetrated by our “leadership”. All the responses on here show what reality is, not the numbnuts writing.

  • Roy January 2, 2015, 3:30 am

    Apart from the liberal left’s stereotype on white male, on the contrary, I am a naturalized American-Asian Christian male with a Bachelors and Masters degree in engineering working for a major aerospace company. I have lived in American Heartland (Ohio) and now in Los Angeles. I love to hunt and shoot bows, rifles and handguns. Thanks to the 2nd amendment rights!
    Aside from being a Hoplophobe, this scumbag sexual pervert journalist from SF Chronicle seems to have a dubious reputation as described below by wikipedia and I quote:
    ” …In 2001 Morford was suspended over a column on the sexual relationship between a teenage male student and an older female teacher, a column that was perceived as overly permissive. In 2003 he was suspended again for violating Chronicle language usage guidelines.[1]…”

  • ART December 31, 2014, 11:10 am

    I’m 61 and retired from the Chicago Public School System. Two MA’s, one in counseling, the other in school administration. I own more than 25 firearms and go to the range weekly. I don’t hunt or run around in the forest militia style. I do not believe that the current government is going to swoop down on me to take my guns…I’m not that important. At the same time, I do resent the efforts of those who would criminalize my activities, as I have no intentions of ever using my weapons to hurt anyone unless he/she/they put me into a life-or-death situation. I have a CCW permit. I keep weapons in my home for self-protection with the remaining guns stored in a safe. I have taken numerous gun handling and safety courses and practice what I learned. There is nothing criminal about anything I do, yet, some people would put me into the same category as a thug or gang banger who commits crimes on a daily basis. I am willing to do my part in a “shared sacrifice” effort to make America safer; but, if I am going to be branded a criminal for owning guns, at that point, I will “stand and fight”.

  • ART December 31, 2014, 11:10 am

    I’m 61 and retired from the Chicago Public School System. Two MA’s, one in counseling, the other in school administration. I own more than 25 firearms and go to the range weekly. I don’t hunt or run around in the forest militia style. I do not believe that the current government is going to swoop down on me to take my guns…I’m not that important. At the same time, I do resent the efforts of those who would criminalize my activities, as I have no intentions of ever using my weapons to hurt anyone unless he/she/they put me into a life-or-death situation. I have a CCW permit. I keep weapons in my home for self-protection with the remaining guns stored in a safe. I have taken numerous gun handling and safety courses and practice what I learned. There is nothing criminal about anything I do, yet, some people would put me into the same category as a thug or gang banger who commits crimes on a daily basis. I am willing to do my part in a “shared sacrifice” effort to make America safer; but, if I am going to be branded a criminal for owning guns, at that point, I will “stand and fight”.

  • brandon December 17, 2014, 3:38 am

    44 y/o white/Nez Perce ethnicity. Studied Civil/Mining Engineering, EIT certified but not PE. Well read in wide variety of literature including the classics. Love to shoot, hunt (beginning to lose my zeal for harvesting, but still do from time to time), hike, fish, etc. Travelled twice to Europe; mainland western Europe 1st time, British Isles the 2d. Several trips to Mexico including some short-term work there. Former Marine and served during Desert Storm. Lived three years in the Seattle area, two years in the San Diego area, three years in Anchorage, AK, and five years in Boise, ID. My highest IQ score ever was 137, lowest ever was 89 ;)…ouch. When I took IQ tests, most of my scores were in the 115-125 range. I don’t carry anymore. Guess I’m afraid I’d shoot some ignorant wretch of a criminal and live to regret it. I do enjoy marksmanship and reloading, tactical and survival training though!

  • Ed December 15, 2014, 4:01 pm

    White male, very high IQ, not sure that means a lot though. Went to state college, then graduated from a technical school with two tech degrees. The last nine years I have taught at not only a tech school but a community college. I served 6 yrs. in the National Guard. I had guns before I joined the guard, but really started to enjoy shooting after I joined. We need to protect ALL our rights and to do that we absolutely need 2A. Not giving up mine. I keep up on politics and have since I was just in high school, so not sure what kind of “education” you need to hate guns and blame them for crime. I guess the liberal college profs usually convert naive young minds and are not happy when they cannot.

  • Jim Blosser December 15, 2014, 11:40 am

    First of all, thanks to all that have served to protect this person’s right to speak on a subject he did not research. Your basic put brain in gear before putting mouth in motion rule did not apply on this article. I am a 67 year old (don’t know how that happened!), have a BS in business administration, live within a few minutes of Ohio State University as well as other fine community colleges, watch very little TV, read, like most people and own several guns. I have been out of state and country thanks to the US Army (1967-1975 unpopular time). I have been shooting since I was about ten and immediately knew I found something I wanted to keep doing because of the challenge. So far, none of the pistols or rifles I own have shot any one and I pray they never have to. I am about this crazy about this country of ours. What is wrong with exercising our Second Amendment Rights? If this goes odds are the rest shall follow. Our fore fathers wrote from experience so that we could enjoy the freedoms they fought so hard for. Unfortunately, we have to put up with this type of misrepresentation.

  • Richard December 12, 2014, 2:55 am

    I’m 30, white, male, I hold a B.A. in Political Science and a Juris Doctorate. I’m an attorney with one of the largest firms in California. I live in San Diego, I grew up in the San Francisco bay area but have lived in a half dozen different states, and I speak 3 languages. My first experience with shooting was with black powder rifles at a Boy Scout camp, then I started shooting regularly while attending law school in the midwest.

  • Boludaso December 11, 2014, 3:32 pm

    43 yr old half white/brown male. I have a BS and also am a CFA. Own guns, and have since my first at age 15. Also own bows. I am afraid of anyone of any color that would do harm to me, family, or my country. I love to be outdoors, fishing, hunting, shooting, hiking, biking, or anything else that takes me away from the norm. I am also an Eagle Scout and try to do a good turn daily. I just wish I would have served in the Marines when age permitted.

  • Frank December 11, 2014, 11:23 am

    I am 18 years old. I graduated 2nd in my high school class. I am in college and on my way to becoming a medical physicist. I own guns because i hunt when i have time, I thoroughly enjoy shooting, and because I have an unalienable right to defend myself and any family that I may have in the future.

  • Ralph December 11, 2014, 9:04 am

    I am a 55 year old white male. I was NOT born in the U.S., but have lived here since I was about 8 and became a citizen just before turned 21. I have a BA in Criminal Justice from the University of Maryland, and an MS in Management from Johns Hopkins Uniiversity. I am multilingual and have been all over the world, to include China (3 times), South Korea, and yes, Mexico. I have been a member of a major, east coast police department for nearly 32 years, and have been a captain for nearly 16 of those years. Most importantly, I respect the Constitution of the United States, and believe that the 2nd Ammendment gives all American the right to keep and bear arms. Your choice is not up to me, and my choice is NOT UP TO YOU. As one of the previous commenters said, I think that alot of Americans take their constitutional rights for granted. A gun is a tool, no better or worse than the PERSON handling it. I carry almost every time I leave my house, not just for my own protection, but because I feel that with my expereince and training, I have an obligation to protect others, should the need arise. I wonder how many gun control zealots would be shocked to know that standing in line next to them in the grocery store, or sitting near them in the movie threater, that the middle aged white guy, is armed and willing to protect them, should the need arise.

  • Mongo Lloyd December 10, 2014, 7:55 pm

    60 year old white male. Vietnam vet (Army). University of Oklahoma (Industrial Applications). Retired after 35 years with the federal government. Been to most states including Hawaii and Alaska. Foreign travel includes, but not limited to Canada, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Dominica, Panama, Germany, Italy, Russia and lived in Bogota, Colombia. I speak English and Spanish. Licensed pilot, black belt in Shotokan Karate, 2nd brown belt in Kei Shin Khan Karate and boxed in the Golden Gloves for two years. Study quantum physics and astrophysics as a hobby. My grandfather began to teach me basic shooting skills at age 4. In Army basic training at Fort Ord, I broke the previous record for a trainee with the most number of hits on the standard silhouette target by three hits with a 1911A1 .45 auto. Later, I became a limited class grand master in USPSA with a 1911A1 .45 auto. I don’t waste my time watching TV. Doesn’t look like I fit the stereotypical gun owner according to those two libtard idiots, PM & MM.

  • Terry December 10, 2014, 7:52 pm

    60 year old white man and a high school graduate. I retired from IBM five years ago after a thirty year career with them. I’m currently reading Stephen King’s Mercedes Man on my Kindle Fire while I contemplate going outside and tackling the new snow with my trusty snowblower.

    I used to target shoot quite a lot in my 20’s but drifted away from it for reasons I can’t remember. Got back into target shooting when I retired and I now shoot once a week, weather permitting. I do not hunt. I used to shoot exclusively with .22 caliber rifles and pistols up until this year, when I added a DA .357/38 revolver, a .357/38 lever action Henry rifle and a.223 Ruger American to the gun cabinet. Now I reload the large calibers and l thoroughly enjoy target shooting with all of them.

    I don’t carry concealed but I do have a couple of guns hidden in the house to defend against burglars and home invaders. Am I scared that those things might happen to me? No. I consider cached guns inside the house to be prudent insurance.

    So I’m pretty sure I don’t fit your ass clowns description as a scared white man for buying guns. I buy them because I like them and I like to shoot them.

  • Jim December 10, 2014, 5:16 pm

    I wouldn’t pay much attention to MM. He’s an inconsequential blog writer for sfgate. He was removed from being an actual contributor to the SF Chronicle years ago. His M O involves writing something inflammatory (usually anti-Christian or conservative) and then he tallies all the comments. He can point to the number of comments and tell his publisher that he’s being read all over the country. It keeps him relevant. It’s an old ploy. I live in the Bay Area and MM is some I g of a joke. Even to 2nd amendment liberals!

  • dan dashnaw December 9, 2014, 6:34 pm

    I live 25 minutes from Durham and Raliegh North Carolina. I’m an ex truck driver witha masters in electronics. I consider myself to be well read and watch the news all of it or as I like to call it the nightly blues. Everyday someone shoots some one 25 or less miles from my home. I live near two big cities and it scares the hell out of me to think that one of my grandchildren or family members could be in the wrong spot at the wrong time and fall victim to a killer. As my O.D. said I never killed anyone that didn’t need to be killed. I believe that with my whole heart. I want to be ready; willing; and able to take care of a bad situation if it happens. You don’t like guns to bad for you but if bad happens to a loved one its no ones fault but you anti gun nuts in the world. Sorry but that’s the cross you have to bear. All alone!

    • Robert G. December 10, 2014, 8:42 pm

      I don’t know of the fellow you all are talking about, but, it seems to me he is a scared chicken. They always seem to want everything changed to a lesser level. Soon he will want anyone who may hurt him to move out of SF. I thought it was a disgusting place while there in 1967 stationed at Ft. Ord.
      I didn’t finish college, but, I retired from IBM and am comfortable. I been to Mexico twice, England 5 times, France, Belgium, Wales, Ireland, Scotland etc. I am 70 years old and my hobbies were women, target shooting, fishing, photography etc. Love my M1A. series 70 Colt 45, and many more. To old to roam the woods alone hunting deer. I slapped the crap out of a punk in New York city a week ago. He started it, my wife agreed, never get in a revolving door and call a old man an old piece of s==t who just happens to be in there first. This could be applied to the SF sweet boy and change his outlook on his fellow man. I’m kind of a Democrat and Republican. But, I am definitely a southern man. I am sometimes politically incorrect.

  • Gary December 9, 2014, 2:55 pm

    Sounds like Mr. Morford is profiling gun buyers but, what do you expect from a liberal? They assume that only police profile-hmmm? He should do more investigative research, before publishing such trash, to get the facts correct instead of writing his bias opinion which is not journalism!

  • Ed December 9, 2014, 7:59 am

    I am a 46 year old Hispanic male. Father of three, husband of one. I am not an educated person. indeed my last completed grade was the 8th grade. I come from your classic broken home and had a very turbulent childhood. I mention all this because I am living proof that a person can rise from their circumstances and become a productive part of society and the leader of a household. my income range is moderate at around 70k a year. I own several firearms and enjoy shooting. I also like the idea of being able to defend myself and my family. I believe the second amendment is not about sport or hunting. it is about being able to defend yourself, your community and your country from all enemies foreign or domestic.

    I find many times that people who are against guns are very short sighted and are willing to give up their liberties and strip others of their liberties for feel good laws that do absolutely nothing to resolve any of society’s ills.

  • BT December 9, 2014, 3:02 am

    Wow, Y’all make Me feel way under-educated but I’d challenge any of You to a shootin match because I’ve been firing guns of one form or another for My entire Life. (except while in diapers) I’ve never hurt anybody… cept that Boy with the ear ring and that was an accident, I Swear! I didn’t think My B.B. gun was even cocked, really… it’s the Truth! I apologised for stinging His hind-end after I got Mine stung pretty good but I still aint Scared of anybody or anything cept maybe FLOTUS and if She don’t scare You… well, You are one Bad Cat cause some of Her faces are Horrifying! I am a little curious as to just why We should feel the need to explain Ourselves to a Lily-Livered Communist from the Left Coast that doesn’t even believe in the Constitution of Our Great Country or that there are People in it that are worth protecting from Danger or Harm with Our Brains, Brawn & Weaponry even to Our final breath. You see, some People only Care about themselves so They would only need a gun if They were using it on Themself and that’s why They would Never get one and why They don’t want Us to have one either. If there are No Guns, these Jackasses will never have to shoot themselves… SIMPLE.

  • Carl December 9, 2014, 12:54 am

    Gee, the last time I looked in the mirror I was a half century plus five (55) year old black man and don’t fit the “PROFILE OF A GUN OWNER: ‘SCARED, UNDER-EDUCATED, PARANOID WHITE GUY”. I have owned weapons (pistols, revelver’s, shot guns, rifles) sense I was of legal age to purchase and had the money to do so. I have never been arrested, put in jail or been to prison. I graduated for from high school and went on to college (WMU) earning a BA in management. Attended one of the better East Coast maritime Academies but, ran out of money. I did have enough time to wright for ratings on my MMA document which allowed me to become a (QMED) quilified member of the engine department. I have traveled throught the United States visiting at least 30 or the 50 states. I have also traveled across the big pond and tot he islands. We have three family farms ranging frome small, medium to very large. We do a lot of farming; along with hunting and fishing. I make my own fishing jigs and dress (Tie) my own fishing hooks. I poor the lead for the jigs and in the future hope to be pooring lead to make my own bullets. The article is what it is. Word written by someone who does not want to take personal responsiblility for their own life if they had too. As my buddy likes to say “everybody digs something” and his writing takes a shot (pund) ane what we dig. I like what you had to say. I also don’t like carjackers, looters, thugs, gungsters and most of all people that harm or take advantage of older people. I hope that people who read the article and words that you wrote to heart. I am tired of going onto gun related web sites and blogs and looking at the poster call people thugs and gangsters. You are doing the same thing as the person wrote the article. Sorry, this gun owner, purchaser, ccw/cpl holder does not fit the profile.

  • Ed December 9, 2014, 12:35 am

    48 year old full-blood Puerto Rican lawyer, born in upstate New York and raised and lived in Detroit, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Ohio, the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Florida, the California inland deserts and now Texas. Guess some might label me an “ethnic minority.” Lived a somewhat sheltered life as the son of an Army doctor drafted during Vietnam and who later retired as a full-bird Colonel in the Air Force. Along with my Dad as one of my greatest heroes, I also looked up to my Uncle Juan, who served as a Marine in the Pacific during WWII and survived several first landings and the Battles of Guadalcanal and Okinawa. There’s also my Uncle Billy, a Marine who survived the siege at Khe Sanh, my Step-grandpa Guilo and my Uncle Manolo, both of whom fought in Korea with the famed all-Puerto Rican 65th Infantry. I remember my Uncle Juan and my Uncle Manolo never wanting to talk about their war experiences, much less own or even touch a gun. And my Dad, a doctor who saw gun-shot wounds while doing his rotation as a resident in the emergency room, didn’t want guns in the house. So I never grew up with guns, but I did grow up with a healthy respect for our military. Fortunately, my Dad has since changed and now owns and enjoys shooting his guns.

    After graduating law school and passing the bar, I tried to follow in my family’s footsteps by joining the military, the JAG to be more specific. Every branch of the military rejected me due to the military downsizing during the Clinton years. So I went a different route and ended up working as an INS Trial Attorney handling the civil prosecution in Immigration Court of alien smuggling, drug trafficking and criminal alien processing cases. That work opened my mind to the real dangers of our society and the violence of a world I was mostly sheltered from while growing up, with the exception of the incessant crime we saw when I spent some years growing up in Puerto Rico. It was no comfort when told I had a price on my head from one of the Mexican drug cartels by the time I left the INS and switched federal agencies. I now work and live in Texas and have since obtained my CHL.

    My first foray into guns was when I was with my high school friends while my Dad was stationed in Mississippi. Being an outsider, and a Puerto Rican one at that, I didn’t have too many local friends, but most folks were friendly and a few even invited me to go hunting with them. I thoroughly enjoyed that experience, especially the target shooting aspect my friends introduced to me.

    I now own a few guns, most of which I enjoy for target shooting. However, I also own them to defend my family, my self and my home if needed although I hope I’ll never need them for that purpose. Although I lean politically to the left on some causes, I also lean politically right on a few others, with the issue of the 2nd Amendment being one that I staunchly believe in. I believe one of the main purposes of the 2nd Amendment’s is to allow each citizen the right to defend him/herself. That could be from a criminal intent on attacking and causing harm to a rabid dog attacking your child or a rattlesnake coiled up and poised to strike. I also believe that our country has a strong, cultural heritage with guns and, like Brad Pitt says, it’s in our DNA so to speak. This is evident in the popularity of TV shows like “Duck Dynasty,” the hunting seasons each State offers, and the many target shooting matches and tournaments scheduled throughout the year and all over our country.

    It’s a shame articles like the one published in the SF Gate stereotype gun owners. When I took my CHL class here in Texas, applicants like myself were made up of all walks of life, and in all colors, shapes, sizes and gender. The lady in the shooting lane next to me was a young African-American with little experience shooting a gun but wanted to a CHL to defend herself as did everyone else in our CHL class. I think if someone were to take the SF Gate author shooting and teach him not only the safety aspects of handling a gun but also about the target shooting aspect of the sport, he may just change his mind somewhat and see that gun owners are not as stereotypical as he thought.

  • Ken del Valle December 8, 2014, 11:38 pm

    Decorated Vietnam vet. Merc in East Africa 1968/69. BA English Literature, 1972. JD, 1979. Practicing criminal defense attorney often appointed to defend the indigent. Five grown children and ten grandchildren. Several gold Rolexes and Cartiers. 5,000 sq. ft. home with 50 ft. lap lane in pool. Spain, France, Portugal, Japan, Thailand, Phillipines, Hong Cong, Lebenon, Egypt and Mexico and further south. Went to undergraduate in Mexico and Spain. Speak fluent Spanish and embarrasing French.
    Support ACLU and the NRA. Liberal Democrat, pro choice, pro-gay marriage, atheist. Subscrive to NY Times, Atlantic, The New Yorker, Guns and Ammo and other firearms magazines and Foreign affairs. Currently plowing through the third of five volumes of A History of Private Life by Aries and Duby. I don’t enjoy fiction other than Shakespeare anymore.
    Own numerous firearms and shoot pistol at least twice per month. Reload. Got my first 1911 at age 15. Life long martial artist. European descent. Lived in Chicago most of my life and moved to Texas about 15 years ago. CCL. And… I woudn’t live in SF if you paid me to.

  • Bryan Bird December 8, 2014, 11:29 pm

    Hmmm, let’s see if I can really turn that bozo on his ear. Undergrad, I had a double major in Economics and Political Science. Master of Education. I spent my first 30 years in California, but now reside in Colorado. I used to be a registered Republican, but found I disagreed with too many of the Tea Party conservative viewpoints here, so now I’m a GDI. I’m a public high school teacher, so I live and work in the bastion of liberalism, right? I have no desire to hunt. I own two guns for the protection of me and mine, as well as the enjoyment of shooting, and I fully agree with Benjamin Franklin that those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

  • Bob C December 8, 2014, 11:20 pm

    I agree with the sentiment, but it really grates on me when authors don’t proofread or use a spell/grammar checker. It just reinforces the anti-gun argument about uneducated gun owners:

    “I thought about ignoring the article because the author of it is, as mentioned, an ass clown, someone who is so myopic in their disdain for gun owners that their incapable of having a civil discussion on the topic, …..”

  • Mike B December 8, 2014, 10:10 pm

    Well, living in SF tells it all.
    Me, white, male, born in New York City, shot an M1 30 cal carbine at 12; Springfield 06 at 15; Vietnam Vet two tours in SE Aisa; worked at Naval Flight Test Center as explosives, environmental and all around flight test tech; BS in Aeronautics; lived and worked with family for 16+ years in various countries in SE Asia; speak 3 languages; ran a marathon; martial arts background; worked out with some of the guys in Jean-Claude Van Dam movies; license by FAA to work on all commercial aircraft; flown DC-10 and MD-80 simulators; retired; own a management consulting firm; interim VP/COO in automotive aftermarket company; working on two medical device start ups; just started Odessa Tactical Gear as my bucket-list company; getting ready to jump into another start up; own several pistols, rifles and carbines.

    Hey, What da ya know. I fit Morford’s profile just like a square peg fits in an isosceles triangle hole [Morford – did you get this one?].

    Aware and Prepared – Always

  • Russ December 8, 2014, 8:55 pm

    Holy Crap! What a bunch of HICKS!

    You guys just proved to me what I already knew.
    All the firearm enthusiast I’ve ever come across have had the best human qualities of any class of people , and are a pleasure to be around.

    It’s good to see some backgrounds to past writings I’ve seen posted here.

    Here’s me; 55 years, born and raised in Southern California.
    Ethnicity; German, Irish, Scottish, Portuguese, Bohemian, Spanish ( a mutt )
    I come from a long line of teachers and school district employees.
    My wife and kids are carrying on that tradition as well.
    I’m the middle child of 8 kids, all surfers ,skiers, hunters, swimmers, bikers, mariners and athletes.
    Training includes; Veterinarian, Lifeguard, Botanist, Herpetologist, Construction, Sales, Management and a Entrepreneur for the most part. My latest venture being “Gunsmithing” and design. Got to keep up with Californians 2A infringements
    Been shooting since 11 yrs old.
    I have grown up with, and have been around all races my whole life, and can care less what color you are.
    People don’t scare me, but uneducated people who actually think they know what they’re talking about but lack facts, piss me off a little.
    Especially people that are trying to divide our country by race baiting.
    Enemies to America like Obama, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan and all the white guilt appeasers.
    Especially the talking heads of the leftist socialist media that will not tell you what’s really going on.
    FOX news will. But even they don’t show you everything. So you need to do your own homework.
    I’m a guy who has watched California go from conservative to socialist to the point that I’m willing to leave. CA has gotten to be more dangerous with the influx of gangs, bums, and foreigners.
    All having their hands out for whatever they can get for free.
    I’ve watched schools turn politically correct to the point of losing freedom of speech.
    And convert to bilingual so as to costing twice as much to educate.
    Pretty much all those Hippys that were all around as I was a kid, are running things now here.
    I see how they pass laws to chisel away at my second amendment rights to make it so I can’t have what the rest of America enjoys.
    And so that makes me want to buy whatever guns and ammo I can right now before it’s too late.
    But shooting for me at the moment is fun, exciting and very interesting
    It’s giving me a chance to meet real genuinely cool people who I consider to be true Americans.

    Guys like the one’s S.H. Blannelberry talks about in this article are not worth my time.
    I can only tell them to learn History before they speak, so as to not offend me with their smug ignorance and pomposity.
    I also see them as those “zombies” everyone talks about, and feel they will be the first to go in a SHTF circumstance. All being their fault, I couldn’t care less about them.
    Sorry if I sound hardened by my law of the jungle attitude. But the dumbest people with the smartest phones are all around me walking into pole, each other and have passed the drunks up in car accidents with their texting. I’m a bit numb from them. End of rant. Thanks for letting me vent.
    It’s good to know you guys/gals

  • Ulysses S. Citizen December 8, 2014, 8:16 pm

    Late 50’s, Born here. IQ=129. Bachelors of Science in Microbiology (Dean’s List) and multiple Master’s, all paid for in cash by me working – no federal handout loans or parental charity. Working and paying taxes since I was 13 years old. Never took drugs, broke the law or participated in any aberrant sexual behavior. Served in the US Coast Guard for over a decade because it’s about saving lives, not destroying them.
    I live in the suburbs because I make a lot of money and can afford to own a car instead of riding in a bus or smelly cab. Six figure salary for managing a laboratory of 17 people for the largest pharmaceutical company in the world and spend some of my vacation days as a 2 thousand dollar a day consultant. I have travelled to many countries, sometimes on less than 4 hours notice to solve problems others could not. I do not read complicated books, but people who do, think I should write one. I don’t have time to watch television.
    I learned to shoot in the Boy Scouts and owned my first shotgun at 15. I paid for it with the money I earned working on a trap range. I even reloaded my own shells. I was a classified competitor in rifle, pistol and shotgun and while I never won enough to retire, I have won my class in some competitions and got enough to pay my expenses. In my spare time I am a State Police Certified Firearms Instructor and have trained well over 100 people in over 60 classes to get their licenses to carry concealed. One of my clients was almost strangled by her boyfriend, another owned one of the largest law firms in Boston and regularly had their life threatened on the outcome of cases.
    I don’t like new things like rewriting the US Constitution or complete immunity from prosecution for abuse of the first amendment by Morford. I’m kind of old fashion that way.
    I believe the person who wrote that op-ed piece should have his personal address and phone numbers, email addresses and photograph publicized so he can face the people he attacks on a daily basis. Perhaps facing millions and millions of people who don’t agree with him in an endless argument he can never win will drive him underground or at least out of the public eye until he grows a spine.

  • JNG December 8, 2014, 8:10 pm

    I am white, 60+, married, empty nester, practicing Christian, blah, blah. BS Mechanical Engineering, gainfully employed and work hard at keeping other people employed in a diminishing manufacturing economy. I use firearms to hunt and shoot recreationally and have done so since I was about 5 years old. I watch news everyday from a variety of balanced sources, but like another writer, prefer to watch ESPN. I am an avid college football fan and this is my favorite time of year. It is football and hunting season. I am from Florida and have lived in major metropolitan areas in all the “C” states since graduating college. That would be California, Connecticut, and Colorado. Not exactly hotbed centers for illiterate, racist, ignorant white guys. Then again maybe I am being delusional.

  • anon45guy December 8, 2014, 7:27 pm

    Wow, how incredibly prejudicial…exactly what the “liberals” complain about when someone does it to a protected class.

    I am Ph.D., served for more than a decade as a paratrooper, and work in D.C. now. I’ve traveled a large part of the world and speak quite a few languages. Guess I should sell all my guns now? Not.

  • CW December 8, 2014, 6:45 pm

    I’m 65, white male of English, Irish and Scottish decent. I have an AA with concentration on Political Science that I earned while working mid-night shift, going to school three days a week, and coaching baseball another three days in the week. I live just a few yards outside the city limits of the largest city in the South and only a few miles from Georgia Tech and Georgia State. It’s a few miles further to the University of Georgia (GO DAWGS). I’ve never been to Mexico although I lived in South Texas for two years. I have however seen the inside of Knoth and Newgrange. I’ve walked the streets in the ruins of Athens and I’ve watched the sun set over the Acropolis. I read Dumas, Hugo, Sophocles and Twain. Shakespeare, Heinlein, Asimov and Clancy. My grandfather taught me to shoot when I was six. I agree with Twain that “golf is a pleasant walk in the country, ruined.” I don’t like trying to put a little ball in a hole a few hundred yards away but I do enjoy punching holes in paper at long distances.

  • Alix December 8, 2014, 6:00 pm

    I am a 31 year old female, graduated from college for Studio Art, and own two guns. I have traveled all over the world, from UK to New Zealand, studied abroad, grew up in a family with both parents in medicine, and have friends from all sides of political views, careers, etc. Up until a couple years ago I had never hunted or carried a shotgun in my life. Started working for a firearms company as a graphic designer, media manager, and photographer for the website – ended up finding myself in love with the hunting sport. I don’t plan on having a handgun any time soon, but I stay open to the idea. Most of my friends that are female are now starting to come to me to ask about getting into hunting, shooting, going to the gun club – interested in both handguns and shotguns. Not one of them has mentioned anything about their reason being because they are “scared”, It is fun, social, challenging – takes skill to learn how to shoot well out at the club or hunting. Those are my reasons.

  • Sheri December 8, 2014, 5:46 pm

    I am a 51 year old White female, a business litigation Attorney in Chicago and a Certified Public Accountant. My husband is a high-level corporate executive who insisted that I learn to shoot and start carrying when I was taking my horses to forest preserves with other ladies for trail riding. Two decades later, we both have our concealed carry permits and are very proficient at the range. I have traveled throughout Italy, Belgium, France, Mexico, and the United States, primarily for work. I am well-educated, well-read, and politically conservative, though open-minded with respect to women’s rights and other people’s choices regarding whom they would like to marry. I vehemently despise hunting and the killing of animals. But, I strongly believe in my right to defend myself. I particularly love my H&K P30 and Sig P238. And, I bought another Sig on Black Friday. When anyone is surprised to learn of my position on gun rights, I just ask, “What’s your plan? What exactly are you going to do when someone breaks into your house or walks into this business with a gun? If just one of those ladies at Lane Bryant had been carrying, perhaps some of the women could have been saved.” In 51 years I haven’t shot anyone yet, although I am fully prepared to do so if necessary to defend my family or myself. Being prepared is what a responsible, educated, intelligent, self-reliant American does.

  • Eric December 8, 2014, 5:15 pm

    45 year old white male, BA in History, MA in Public History. I live in a major metropolitan area in the Southeast, work for a Fortune 500 company. I probably have read a lot of more complicated non-fiction than the (I assume fiction) that the author of the article reads. I’ve travelled to at least 10 different countries on 4 continents, and not all of them developed. I’ve been a medieval re-enactor and a SCUBA instructor, not sure where the author’s threshold for liking weird things starts but I bet I can qualify. I’m not a big fan of Fox News, though I do watch it on occasion to get a different viewpoint. I get most of my news online or from NPR. I haven’t watched TV with any regularity for years; I stay too busy to find time for it. I shoot for fun, sport, because it’s part of my family tradition and heritage that I enjoy, and to put meat in the freezer. I have a CCW for the same reason I have fire extinguishers and smoke alarms in my house. I’m not particularly paranoid or fearful about anything. Nobody is rioting or looting in my neighborhood; all my LE neighbors (local, state and federal) make for a quiet and safe neighborhood. I’ve grown up around firearms, they are familiar tools (as well as an interesting slice of history), and because they are familiar and I was taught proper firearms safety I have no fear of them as objects. I can understand where the combination of unfamiliarity and propaganda has led some other people to the opposite end of the comfort spectrum.

  • Robertw December 8, 2014, 5:15 pm

    White male/69. Associate degree. Nine years state trooper. Twenty one years deputy sheriff. I own guns because I enjoy target shooting. The pieces of garbage rioting are just that. The piece of garbage who battered the Ferguson cop is just that. I’ve not used deadly force but if anyone ever beat me in my patrol car I would have. He has quite a rap sheet and was due in court not due to start college. I’ll keep my guns to protect my friends and family from the dregs of society like this.

  • Kivaari December 8, 2014, 4:59 pm

    I am a white guy. Everything else this writer identifies as being what gun owners are or do, is wrong. I have packed a gun all my adult life, never out of fear. I have met very few fearful people buying a gun. Those people with genuine fear were often victims of domestic violence or a stalker. Being fearful, doesn’t mean ones fear is unreasonable. Like being a paranoid, if you have a sound basis for being paranoid, that is not a wrong position to hold.
    Anti-gunners fear people with guns, and project their fear onto others. I get a kick out of those that say, “If I had a gun, I would shoot that so and so”. Usually over something that would not justify using a gun. Those people actually think the gun would make them do dumb things.

  • Michael Watkins December 8, 2014, 4:56 pm

    Have NEVER seen so many responses to a topic!

    My 2 cents worth: I do somewhat fit the profile of gun owners by that SF liberal columnist. White redneck in Arkansas, blue-collar to the core. I’m old now but was pretty much the same since my twenties. I once was a scared wimpy teenager being raised by a scared wimpy liberal social worker father who absolutely demanded that I would go to college, although everything I thought I might like doing for a living involved a trade. But hey, that’s what liberals do, right? They insist they know what is best for you and your life. I decided the cure for my fears and wimpiness and control by my father was to enlist in the Marines. Did so, and all my father’s letters to his Congressman could not get me out. Did a tour in Viet Nam as a grunt, and got out of the Corps with the realization that I was no longer a scared wimp, but as tough and fearless as most people I’m likely to run across. Then, because I had GI Bill and no more need to rebel against my father, I went to college, got a degree, and tried teaching school “because helping people is more noble than working with one’s hands.” HATED it!

    I returned to my blue collar interests. Enjoyed painting cars and trucks, running the paint department of a hardware store, working as a mechanic in a couple of factories, doing lawn maintenance and landscaping. Had my own body shop for a while, operated a lawn service for about 14 years. Never got wealthy partly because of a stubborn emphasis on doing really good work when I might have got by with slipshop.

    Much more importantly, raised a son–well maybe my wife did more of it than I–who never had any interest in drugs or sexual promiscuity, who now makes better than decent living as an IT manager and has two great kids of his own. But I have 2 sisters who followed my father’s liberal philosophies, including lack of personal responsibility, experimentation with whatever felt good regardless of law or conventional mores, and the idea that people’s failures are never their own fault but happen because of oppression by the “rich” and religion. Only one of the four of my sisters’ sons are self-supporting in their mid-thirties.

    My father hated guns; eventually I decided I like military rifles enough to give up other hobbies and acquire a decent collection. No doubt many in my family regard me as a dangerous nut even though I’ve never pointed a firearm at anyone since Viet Nam. Not to say I would have any problem with that. If some thug puts me in a position to believe it’s going to be either him or me (or any other decent person who happens to be involved) I will do my best to insure the thug gets what he has asked for.

    I’m retirement age but will probably continue in my factory job another 3 or 4 years. I am one of those fundamental Christians, not rabid about it, but understand I am a sinner who will only see heaven because God loves me and forgives me through the sacrifice Jesus made for my guilt. That makes me narrow-minded in the eyes of some. It might surprise them to know I also believed Christianity was narrow-minded myth until about 20 years ago. The TV in our home is rarely on an hour a week, I don’t read either conservative or liberal blogs very often, the little reading I have time for is the newspaper, a Christian news magazine, and National Geographic. Plenty of diversity of viewpoints in that selection. I don’t carry, although I’ve thought about getting the permit. But anyone who intends to victimize me will discover some folks are well-armed even without a visible weapon.

    And this is way too long, so I’ll quit.

  • frqtw2 December 8, 2014, 4:50 pm

    I think that you should be more careful not to provide ammunition to your defined enemies. To get straight to the point, either Canisius College is a dime sore diploma dispenser or you are the kind of knuckle head the article you are tearing apart is talking about. The fact that you don’t seem to know the proper use of THAN instead of THEN, is one indication. The generally poor writing is further confirmation. Gun owners probably are not lowbrows, but you certainly don’t make the case for that fact.

  • Panodanno December 8, 2014, 4:48 pm

    Yes, I read that article on SFGate too. Disgusting. And wrong.

    Anyway, here’s my profile:
    Live 10 miles north of San Francisco. BS in engineering from Johns Hopkins University. MBA from UC Berkeley. Former submarine officer in the US Navy. Own my own consulting business. Have traveled to over 20 countries on five continents. Load my own ammo. Wildcatted my own cartridge. Have built my own gun (80% 1911). Made new barrels for my guns (HK). Don’t like the protests. Very disturbed by the behavior of some LEOs. Have some friends that are LEOs that do not demonstrate bad behavior.

  • be_free December 8, 2014, 4:17 pm

    Swedish-born black male (with one parent from “each camp”, white Swedish mother, black American father), dual citizen since birth, brought up in a socialist environment, did my compulsory military service in Sweden, eventually moved to the US. Was never really interested in firearms until 5 years ago when I started working as a contractor for the Department of Defense and worked next to an outdoor range made available to civilians. Still affected by my hoplophobic upbringing, I realized that I had never shot a pistol. In short order I took an NRA intro course and tried my hands on marksmanship and shooting… and loved it. In short order I got my first Glock, started buying German made Sigs on auctions, acquired a Mossberg, a Remington, and an AK 47 — some classics. I’m yet to get a proper AR 15 but I might wait until I move away from California. I have since acquired many other firearms and enjoy them all. Becoming a gun owner came with a price and some “friends” stopped talking to me and unfriended me on Facebook, when I engaged in rational fact based commentary during the height of the anti-gun hoopla a few years ago. Essentially all of my friends up until that point were socialist big government nanny state proponents who frown upon independence, personal ownership and responsibility. Now I’ve expanded my friendship base to include patriots, Veterans, independent thinkers, libertarians and conservatives, Black, White, Chicanos and Asians. Although uneducated from the perspective that I don’t have any degrees, I’ve worked myself up to a 6-figure salary doing IT engineering and systems work all over the world, now as a contractor for the US Navy in a research facility, and previsouly in in Silicon Valley. I speak 6 languages, I’ve visited 4 continents, I’ve lived on 4 countries, and I’ve visited 35-40 countries, I’m married to a hot Black aerospace engineer so I must have done something right :). I just purchased a pink airgun to our 6 year old daughter and I want to teach her firearms safety from an early age, with the hope that she grows up to become a responsible gun owner and practices her 2nd Amendment Right. God Bless the USA.

  • Christy December 8, 2014, 3:54 pm

    I am a 46 y.o. white female with a BS in Social Work (because I like all types of people) and a master’s degree in education. I work in Raleigh, NC. Ironically, I have only been to Mexico but would love to travel more. I play tennis and read A LOT, because I like it. I only tell this part to further dispel the myth from that ridiculous article…My sister is mixed (white mother/black father) and I consider her dad and his family part of my family. When my husband and I seperated, he gave me a gun for protection, because I’d be living alone. I wanted to be a responsible gun owner so I learned to handle a gun safely and to shoot accurately. I now enjoy shooting at targets for fun. Just like the author of this article, I will not consider the color of a person’s skin if they are threatening to harm me or my children. I will only see the threat and take appropriate action.

  • mike December 8, 2014, 2:51 pm

    I am a 55 year old male of Polish, Prussian, English, French (Canadian), German, Gypsy, and Irish heritage. I am a full blooded New England born and raised Yankee however. Cheap and frugal to a fault. I have an Associates in Business Administration. I created and ran a manufacturing company for 10 years. I worked for the Department of Labor for a while. I now work as a Stationary Engineer (It has nothing to do with paper or greeting cards) at a Major State University at their medical school. I have owned guns since I was 9. I used to hunt but I don’t like killing things so I’ve given that up. I have used a gun outside the home to defend myself against people twice. I have used a gun to defend myself against a dangerous animal twice. I have used a gun to defend my home and family half a dozen times. The only shots fired were killing a rabid skunk while hiking and scaring off a pit bull that attacked my neighbor’s 120lb husky. I enjoy shooting because it is a sport that forces you to learn about yourself. It helps learn self discipline. Being and engineer I am also fascinated with the incredible engineering that goes into gun design. I enjoy reloading to the extent of loading nearly all of the 12,000 rounds I shoot at the range annually. The things that anger me most about the anti gunners is the lies they tell, the statistics they make up as they go along, and the fact that they keep demanding laws that already exist.

  • meeester December 8, 2014, 2:43 pm

    Declaring our education credentials is sort of letting the silly person define the terms. I don’t mind agreeing with them to a degree. Scaed? …well… to a degree sure. When I get in my car I’m scared. I pay attention and take reasonable precautions to avaoid tragedy tha is just an attention span and two painted stripes away from happening. Big danger lurks yet can be fairly well mitigated by paying attention. So I’ll accepted scared and suggest that it is better than naive and clueless.
    Black people within 200 miles? Well, maybe not all black people and not necessarily a full 200 miles away but there are neighborhoods near me that are a disaster. I wouldn’t let my wife or daughter stroll around the block while I looked for a parking spot. Those neighborhoods are typically devoid of a white face except my own at those moments. Considering how popular riotous lynch mob behavior and reasoning has been among that group I would say it is reasonable to be scared. Unless you know a more effective way to turn a lynch-mob-mentality person into a reasonable I’ll keep deadly force handy.
    As for the value of education; well education seems to be a dubious thing. I would trust a description of someone labeled ‘has common sense” or “reasonable” as being a better descriptor of what to expect of a person than if a person was referred to as “well educated”.

  • Cranky old man December 8, 2014, 2:18 pm

    I own guns because I like to shoot. I find shooting a bullet at something hitting it hard to do well. This is a challenge I like. Frustrating? Yeah! Fun? Definitely! I also keep and carry handguns for protection. I did NOT go out and by a gun on Black Friday. I didn’t go out and buy ANYTHING on Black Friday!

    I’m older than I care to admit, I’ve got some college but it was so long enough ago I don’t normally mention it. I’m an intelligent, white male who really isn’t afraid of what was going on in Ferguson and it’s a lot closer to me than 200 miles. I feel I’m as prepared as I need to be. I resent anyone lumping me in with their conception of what the typical anyone is.

    I doubt those who make statements such as Mr. Morford are all a bunch of elitist snobs who refuse to recognize any one who does not share their view on the world. Their minds are closed to anything which doesn’t conform to their preconceived notion of what is correct. Now ask the man how it feels to be lumped into a group by someone who doesn’t know him!

  • Evan December 8, 2014, 2:17 pm

    I’m a 29-year-old white male. Former US Marine, degree in political science from Fordham University. Born and raised in NEw York City (does that count as an “intellectual hub”?), And got out for reasons that ought to be obvious.

    I shot my first gun at Boy Scout camp when I was 12, and didn’t shoot another one until I was 17, at Parris Island. Bought my first gun (an M1A) as a present to myself after getting back from Iraq.

    I’ve been to Germany, Japan, Kuwait (only for a few days), Iraq, and Ireland (for a couple hours). I’ve lived in NY, NJ, Seattle Washington, California, and now Pennsylvania.

    I don’t own a television, and I like reading history (presently a book on the Crusades).

    I am a firm believer in the idea that it’s better to have a gun and not need one than to need a gun and not have one.

    I have several guns, including an evil black AR15 (a Stag model 8 if you’re curious), and have never once felt the need to massacre children or commit any other crimes. Most of the time, my guns just sit in my closet, doing what inanimate objects do best – nothing whatsoever.

  • Norm December 8, 2014, 2:16 pm

    …gun owners that their incapable of…

    Now about that BA in English…..

  • Ed December 8, 2014, 1:58 pm

    Well written piece.
    I am 68 year old white guy from all over the U.S. currently residing in North Carolina. B.S in Economics, MS in Business Administration. I read voraciously – – everything from novels, to biographies (Michener, Clancy, Grisham, Buckley, etc.). I spent 24 years as an Air Force officer and pilot. Two tours in SEA, and temporary duty in 14 other foriegn countries before retiring in 1994 as a colonel. Then spent 14 years as a dean and vice president at a large community college in NC. I love golf, woodworking, gardening, motorcycles, kayaking with my wife or grandson, taking care of our 40 acre horse farm, and all kinds of shooting sports. I own numerous handguns, rifles, and shotguns and reload for all but the .22 caliber plinkers. I have a concealed carry permit. and occasionally carry. My wife and 40 yr.old daughter have taken CCW classes and will apply for permits after Christmas. We have carved out a 125 range on an unused pasture, and I invite friends and neighbors ( black, hispanic, and several self-avowed “rednecks”) to join us when we shoot. We even take food and soft drinks on occasion and “tailgate” – – makes a great rural, neighborhood social event. I have lived in WV, NY, WI, WA, CA, TX, LA, FL, IL CT, AL; and in the suburbs of Chicago, NY City, Spokane, Miami, St. Louis, and Milwaukee. I currently live midway between Greensboro and Charlotte, NC, near a plethora of good colleges and universities. I have a consulting business specializing in aviation training and education. I don’t quite fit the Morford stereotype, and upon reflection neither do most of my range and shooting friends. I own guns for several reasons that are very important to me. First, because I believe in personal freedoms and a small government that allows those freedoms to exist. Secondly, because I believe it is my responsibility to protect myself and those freedoms. I live in a rural area, and have been told by the Sheriff (whom I helped elect), that they cannot respond quickly enough to help me or my family in a life-threatening situation. Almost as importantly, I love the precision and beauty of a good firearm – – same as I do a good woodworking tool. I love the sense of accomplishment when I fashion a really accurate load for a rifle or handgun. I take great pride in hitting a 7-iron stiff from 150-160 yards – – same as I do when I shoot a 1-2″ group with a revolver from 25 yards. I used to hunt, but no longer do. Could, if I needed to put food on the table though. I have a couple of good neighbors – – and friends — who model some of the characteristics described by the “ass clown” (we call them country boys,) but it appears he has taken all the qualities he finds most objectionable in the Americans he abhors, and has lumped them together to form what he calls a “typical, scared, white gun owner.” I, and my friends are proud gun owners who don’t fit this mold, and are even prouder to also not fit the bubble of predjudiced stupidity that Morford lives in.

  • gary66 December 8, 2014, 1:54 pm

    There is a very serious problem with most of man kind today, man is so insecure the slightest nudge will get most people on the defensive and spilling their guts about what an achiever they are. And people wonder why there’s such an identity theft problem.
    Rules used to be simple and the smart ones stuck to them. One very common rule was to keep your private life private. If someone would goat another into giving up personal information in the manner this article does “prove you are not what we say you are” it was often answered with “Who’s asking?” the response was always “Never heard of you!”. The response was always that because if the first question needed said obviously the response was as well.

    For those who haven’t learned this lesson, what info you gave here thinking your debunking the claim is more than enough for another to steal your identity.

    No one needs to know your private affairs especially on line to people unknown who will never be met.

    Go ahead and try and call me paronoid, see the above for my response. It’s just common sense.

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 3:13 pm

      I realize what your saying, And to be sure, it’s smart
      But we are all here reading and replying for self assuredness and information.
      Hoping in some way or another it help others or ourselves.
      Including you.
      There are many different kinds of people here with all levels of concern.
      I’m not saying your paranoid, those people didn’t reply.
      I’ll say your very near that.
      Like us, you had concern for our safety to the point of replying and giving us warning.
      Personally, I like hearing from like minded firearm enthusiast.
      I also don’t mind letting anti-gunners know where I stand.
      There’s a few here that are just now crossing over from the dark side, I can tell.
      Maybe more liberal/socialist/communist will follow, and we’ll all be better off because of it.
      Some of us don’t mind being open about ourselves and have to do it to get a CCWL, and are by nature prepared for bad people trying to take advantage.
      This info. is mostly publicly known in the first place, or just a mention of lifestyle.
      It’s doubtful that any lives will be ruined
      I did think it through before replying, but thanks for that warning anyway.

  • Ed December 8, 2014, 1:37 pm

    Hi Chris, well written piece.
    I am 68 year old white guy from all over the U.S. currently residing in North Carolina. B.S in Economics, MS in Business Administration. I read voraciously – – everything from novels, to biographies (Michener, Clancy, Grisham, Buckley, etc.). I spent 24 years as an Air Force officer and pilot. Two tours in SEA, and temporary duty in 14 other foriegn countries before retiring in 1994 as a colonel. Then spent 14 years as a dean and vice president at a large community college in NC. I love golf, woodworking, gardening, motorcycles, kayaking with my wife or grandson, taking care of our 40 acre horse farm, and all kinds of shooting sports. I own numerous handguns, rifles, and shotguns and reload for all but the .22 caliber plinkers. I have a concealed carry permit. and occasionally carry. My wife and 40 yr.old daughter have taken CCW classes and will apply for permits after Christmas. We have carved out a 125 range on an unused pasture, and I invite friends and neighbors ( black, hispanic, and several self-avowed “rednecks”) to join us when we shoot. We even take food and soft drinks on occasion and “tailgate” – – makes a great rural, neighborhood social event. I have lived in WV, NY, WI, WA, CA, TX, LA, FL, IL CT, AL; and in the suburbs of Chicago, NY City, Spokane, Miami, St. Louis, and Milwaukee. I currently live midway between Greensboro and Charlotte, NC, near a plethora of good colleges and universities. I have a consulting business specializing in aviation training and education. I don’t quite fit the Morford stereotype, and upon reflection neither do most of my range and shooting friends. I own guns for several reasons that are very important to me. First, because I believe in personal freedoms and a small government that allows those freedoms to exist. Secondly, because I believe it is my responsibility to protect myself and those freedoms. I live in a rural area, and have been told by the Sheriff (whom I helped elect), that they cannot respond quickly enough to help me or my family in a life-threatening situation. Almost as importantly, I love the precision and beauty of a good firearm – – same as I do a good woodworking tool. I love the sense of accomplishment when I fashion a really accurate load for a rifle or handgun. I take great pride in hitting a 7-iron stiff from 150-160 yards – – same as I do when I shoot a 1-2″ group with a revolver from 25 yards. I used to hunt, but no longer do. Could, if I needed to put food on the table though. I have a couple of good neighbors – – and friends — who model some of the characteristics described by the “ass clown” (we call them country boys,) but it appears he has taken all the qualities he finds most objectionable in the Americans he abhors, and has lumped them together to form what he calls a “typical, scared, white gun owner.” I, and my friends are proud gun owners who don’t fit this mold, and are even prouder to also not fit the bubble of predjudiced stupidity that Morford lives in.

  • Curt Russell December 8, 2014, 1:23 pm

    Born and raised on a very successful, large, rural diversified agricultural enterprise, mostly orchard and row crops. Graduated high school at 16. Completed my B.Sci. and M.Sci. in animal science at Australia National University in Canberra at 19. Returned to the US went to paramedic training, (30 years, more or less, on the street.), to pay for more graduate school, starting with M.A. in history at CSUC. Worked as a commercial paramedic in Saudi Arabia, Cote d’Ivoire, Zaire (now Dem. Rep. of Congo) and Tajikistan (For USAID) Ph.D. level research in Holocaust and Genocide Studies in E. Europe (before and after the fall of the USSR), Ph.D. in 1998. Several Post-doc fellowships, including one with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and worked on Holocaust repatriations for the DoJ. Published 3 books about the Holocaust. Spend time in Marseilles on the French Riviera with friends. Speak English, Germany, Polish and French; as well as a little Arabic and Russian. Started, built and sold 3 successful businesses. I’ve traveled to Fiji; French New Caledonia; Australia; Indonesia; Vietnam; Thailand; India; Hong Kong; Japan; Canada; USSR/Russia; Poland; Lithuania; Jamaica; US Virgin Islands; England; Scotland; France; Germany; Czech Republic; Poland; Italy; and (unfortunately) Croatia. The only places I haven’t been, that I want to go to, are New Zealand and Antarctica. I only sat down and took a breath in 2007. I’ve, also, toyed with going to Hungry and Bulgaria, although I probably never will.

    Been shooting since 9 y/o. I, personally, believe that John Browning was one of, if not the, most talented industrial designers in history. The M1911A1 and the M2 are the epitome of his craft. Carl Walther and Ronnie Barrett weren’t/aren’t slouches, either. The worst day shooting is better than the best day doing just about anything else.

    I retired to the Intermountain West (Very rural). You can just about count on the fact nearly everybody walks around armed. We live in a firearm culture. We have ZERO CRIME here.

    BTW, I detest the use of the world ‘gun’ to describe hand held firearms. A ‘gun’ is an artillery piece!

  • Rob M December 8, 2014, 1:19 pm

    Calling the writer names is not the way we all live people. He has his opinion, and as I tell my son “opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and pretty much all of them stink”. I would say the author is stupid as the writing is indicative of one who is intentionally ignorant. I am not a Fox supporter, I live in Boulder county Colorado (Boulder is known as 20 square miles surrounded by reality) and I have tools for very different and specific tasks(i.e. firearms) including class 3 stamp holder. I am of Irish/Scot/Welsh origin, live in a dense urban area, and enjoy theatrical as well as musical (live) productions the latest of which was the Holiday Festival at Macky Auditorium at the University of Colorado campus. I am an alum of the University and retired from same in 2007. I am a CCW permit holder and have never entertained the idea of ever harming another human with a firearm or any other weapon. I have volunteered during my life to helping others including putting my life on the line many times with the volunteer fire department as a firefighter and emt during my tenure with the fire department. It saddens me to know there are individuals so willing to give themselves over to their anger and ignorance and I sincerely hope the author never becomes a firearms owner. In closing I am secure in my knowledge and ability to protect myself, my family, and my neighbors. Good luck with your position Mr. Morford.

  • Dave December 8, 2014, 1:19 pm

    I’m a 58 yr. old White male with a large portion of Native American ancestry. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Organizational Behavior from the University of San Francisco. Retired police lieutenant, married with three grown children. I live in the Central San Joaquin Valley of California (which the author would consider the sticks). As the son of a career military man, I grew up all over the country. I have been shooting since I was very young, and enjoy it as a hobby. I’m not afraid, paranoid or otherwise afflicted. I own and carry guns because I refuse to depend on the government for anything. Oh, and I have no fear of elitists liberals who suffer from retarded psychological development.

  • Michael December 8, 2014, 1:16 pm

    I am a 37 year old white male, currently residing in NE Arkansas. I am currently licensed as a mental health professional, with a Master’s in Psychology and Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education. Visited three foreign countries in South America, and numerous states. Other than Arkansas, I have lived in Georgia, Colorado, Missouri, and Alaska. My favorite and two most recommended books are 1984 by Orwell (okay…I admit that may help Munford’s silly characterization), and Man’s Search for Meaning by Frankl. Most often find myself voting independent or democrat because I don’t make over 250k a year. I own firearms for target shooting as a past time, am a current conceal/carry license holder, and often go to the range with my father who is an Army Veteran.

    As for the ass clown in question…One can make numerous assumptions about him just by where he lives and what he does. However, as a rational person who knows that using biases and stereotypes as a means to classify an entire group of people is moronic, I will refrain from doing so.

  • Lowell Morrison December 8, 2014, 1:15 pm

    Wow, a whole lot of reasonably educated and liberal shooters. Well, you can add me to that list. Lowell Morrison, 2 Masters Degrees (Geology and Computer Information Systems), IQ 140+ (which is really pretty meaningless, “I will” trumps IQ consistently). Democrat, Social Liberal, Presbyterian husband of a Pastor, a Church Elder and 68. Father a Police Officer (deceased), mother holding a Sheriff’s Commission (as a court clerk) retired and living with me, which means I grew up with Guns. Mom and Dad took so many Jr. College classes it is ridiculous, they just never went for a degree… Yes, we are white, so I guess that we meet one of the three criteria, but we break the mold on the others . Ok, Ok, as a Teacher and Professional in Information Systems Security, I am a Professional “Paranoid” (they really are out to get you), though I don’t think that qualifies me as the “paranoid” in the sense of the “Definition of a Gun Owner” as defined in the lead in to this discussion .

    –Lowell Morrison

  • Joe McHugh December 8, 2014, 1:05 pm

    OK, some of what I’m going to tell you is true. I’m an older guy who doesn’t live in a major city and I don’t like new things or places. I’ve never been more than 100 miles away from Utica, New York and I am fond of reading comic books. All in all, I would say that I am less well schooled than that Mark Morford guy who must be pretty smart because he is a writer for a San Francisco newspaper.

    I don’t get around so well anymore and I doubt that I could hit an intruder with a baseball bat hard enough to stop him. That’s why I purchased a shotgun and loaded it with 12 gauge, shot shells suitable for hunting geese. I keep it close by and fully loaded because the kids are grown up and we don’t get visitors with kids now days.

    I took the shotgun out to shoot tin cans in a quarry down the road. Boy is that thing accurate! I could hit every tin can with every shot at 50 feet! However, I did notice that the trigger was kind of sensitive.

    God forbid that the following scenario ever happens. An intruder breaks into my house and I hear him bumping into things, I don’t sleep very well these days so even street noises bother me. Did I say that noises in the night make me nervous?
    I also get confused about doing things in the proper sequence when I get stressed, things like calling 911 before I go to investigate night noises.

    Anyway, I saw an intruder and noticed that the his small flashlight beam reflected off something metallic in in his other hand, perhaps a gun. The sound that my gun safety made when I pushed it off, caused the intruder to rush toward me. Was he attacking me or simply trying to get to the broken window nearby?

    We will never know because I somehow put too much pressure on that sensitive trigger. After the ear splitting explosion of my shotgun everything became very quite except for the moaning of the intruder. I then carefully searched the rest of the house to ensure that he had no companions. Some time later I returned to the still alive intruder.

    When I turned the lights on, I could see the terrible damage that the shot charge made in the intruder’s chest. He is trying to say something so I bent down to better hear. He seems to be both surprised and furious that I shot him. Then he became very still even though his eyes were open.

    I notice the bleeding and retrieved some cleaning rags to minimize the mess. Oh yeah, that’s when I saw that he was holding a carving knife in his hand, a carving knife from my kitchen cutlery set. I checked his pockets to see if he had any thing else of mine. Then I went to the Kitchen to Make some coffee, I always feel calmer after having a cup.

    While I am drinking the coffee, I remember that I didn’t call 911, and do so. The police show up about 15 minutes later while I was just finishing my second cup of coffee. The policeman was very understanding about my actions during the attack. He said things like “You did warn the intruder before you fired the gun, right?” I told him that to the best of my recollection, I did ask him to reconsider his actions and to think about putting the knife down. And “You didn’t mean to kill him, only to disable him so he couldn’t harm you, right?” I tell him yes, and that I bought shot shells because they would be less lethal than a hit by a solid slug. He also asked when I called 911. I told him that things happened so fast that I didn’t have time to use the phone until after things calmed down. The policeman seemed quite pleased with my answers and by then the body was being removed form my house. The understanding police people finally left suggesting that I get some sleep before follow up inquiries and statement on the next day.

    Oh by the way, I was able to whisper something in the intruder’s ear while he was still conscious. I asked him “whose your daddy now?” Hey you’ve got to have a sense of humor to get through life!

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 1:37 pm

      OMG Joe! “where ya going with that gun in your hand”
      Coffee and a whispered taunt, that’s crazyass, funny and horrible all at the same time.
      I don’t know what to say, except that’s one less evil person walking around, and I’m glad your alive.

      • Joe McHugh December 9, 2014, 8:45 pm

        Russ, Thanks for the reply. As I wrote in my post, some of the information was true and that the outrageous scenario was
        just a scenario.

        Never the less, my purpose in that presentation was to validate why one might wish to enforce his or her Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. A firearm of any type is a true equalizer. A 110 pound woman that was well trained on the use of her 20 gauge shotgun is more than a match for a 220 pound home invader that likes to cause pain and, or death in innocent people.

        Story time. A female instructor at a firearms training facility was having difficulty in getting her female students to understand the concept of self-defense with firearms. Many of the students were only attending these classes at the urging of their boyfriends or husbands. It seemed like the common mentality was that the woman could not face using lethal force on an another human being.

        The instructor finally achieved her goal when she said that there are thugs that will not only abuse women but will do the same and worse to any children that may be in the house. That one message turned the women’s demeanor into something reminiscent of the behavior of a mother bear with threatened cubs. “What??? Give me that blasted gun and show me the target!”

        The inherent right of self-defense is not granted by the government and cannot be denied by the government. Every person has the right to keep and bear a credible means of defense that would give any bad guy pause. If an attacker is unimpressed with the determination of smaller built person holding a firearm, he will quickly lose interest in breathing.

        Innocent victims don’t kill home invaders, the home invader kill themselves when they press their attacks. Home invaders lose their constitutional rights at the forced door or window. The San Francisco writer is typical of all anti-gun liberals. They are unable to understand a person’s desire to have a means of defense against brutal thugs that live to kill. Mark
        Morford would have to experience such violence to appreciate the concept of self-defense. Unfortunately, such lessons are always lost on dead victims.

      • Russ December 10, 2014, 12:49 pm

        Sorry I overlooked the untrue factor; “ever happens”
        Ya had me going there. lol

        • Joe McHugh December 10, 2014, 2:22 pm

          Russ, You know what they say, “The theater of the mind can be just as inspiring or alarming as real life.”
          The invention and use of language has brought mankind to a point that it can consider the enormous concept that is the Universe, to the tiny Higgs boson that is said to give atoms their mass.
          Without spoken and written language we would still be marveling over the mystery of fire. Consider the other contributors to this forum. They cite the degrees that they earned to help them pursue their careers. Without language they would be still be hunter/gatherers.

  • Steve December 8, 2014, 12:58 pm

    Ph.D. In clinical psychology;M.A. in experimental psychology and biology;Mensa;CERT team member;married with adult child;owned guns since grad school ( fortunately for gun ownership) in a Red state, now living in misguided state. Speak French and bit of German, only two words of Greek…..Molon Labe.

  • Rocky December 8, 2014, 12:58 pm

    I’m a 61-1/2 yr. old man who obtained my first firearm at the age of 11 years of age, by mowing my Great Uncle’s acre, all summer, (with a gasoline push mower) while he was out of town. He surprised me with a used, single shot, bolt action, .22 cal. rifle as payment for something that I believed I was doing out of the goodness of my heart. Of course, after listening to all of his hunting and fishing stories, for years, I wanted to go hunting. My father obtained a .410 shotgun from his Cop buddy and we proceeded to go squirrel hunting. I also went bow hunting for deer, that year, with my friends and their father. The next year I was given a 12 ga. single shot shotgun for my 12th birthday, so that I could also go pheasant and rabbit and duck hunting, the following season. I continued to hunt all throughout high school.
    I went pistol shooting, for the first time, with my other friend and his father, a Detective Sgt., with our city’s police Juvenile squad, the same year. We shot a 38 Special revolver, a 9mm semi auto and a .22 caliber revolver. My friend also had/has a switchblade collection provided for him, by his father.
    I enlisted in the US Army right out of high school, serving as a Military Policeman. I ended up serving a 4 year Building Trades Apprenticeship, upon my discharge and also acquired a few years of college on top of that, over the years. One of them in the Peace Officer Academy, after which my vocation remained the same, but my new 15 year long avocation was as a volunteer Auxiliary Sheriff’s Deputy, later a Special Deputy Sheriff which only ended with my becoming disabled, retiring and moving out of State, from the frozen North to the deep South.
    While I no longer hunt, due to infirmity, I still enjoy the shooting sports and have carried a pistol for self defense for decades.
    I am a Constitutional Conservative, who understands that the 2nd Amendment protects all of the rest. It was intended to be the final failsafe for our American Republic. ‘A well regulated Militia’, at the time of the writing of our Constitution meant something different that those same words mean (to some) today. ‘Well regulated’, then, meant ‘well trained’ and the General Militia was comprised of all men, from 16 to 60 years of age, excluding only certain political Office holders, who were capable of carrying and being trained to Arms. In fact, if a man could not afford a firearm, he was provided such by the community. Our Founders greatly feared a standing army as a threat to the Republic, even eschewing a ‘Select Militia’ (what we, today would refer to as the National Guard or the Reserves) as a threat to our liberties. (Jefferson feared Banking systems as a greater threat and he appears to have been correct)
    Congress reaffirmed our Founder’s intents, with the passage of the ‘Militia Act of 1903’ aka ‘The Dick Act’, which created the ‘Unorganized Militia’, to be comprised of all men, of military age and veterans up to age 60 (considered old age at the time). This Militia was subject to being called upon, by the County Sheriffs and the State’s Governors, in time of need. This law is still in effect to this day. Thus many who denigrate the possession and use of firearms may well be Militia members, themselves, without even being aware of it.
    Btw, although I have not been to Mexico and never intend to go there, (I have been to South
    Texas numerous times) I was stationed in Germany, whilst in the Army and have been to Canada several times in my life. I never intend to travel outside the USA again, although I have been doing extensive traveling, since I’ve retired, all across our beautiful country, East to West, and North to South, avoiding of course, those NE States who are illogically hoplophobic and have unconstitutionally restrictive gun ownership laws, as well as being colder than I prefer. Getting old isn’t so bad, but wearing out sucks.

  • Evan Lessuk December 8, 2014, 12:58 pm

    I m 52 Jewish-Buddhist American. Born in NYC. I live in LA. In my youth I was an award winning soccer goalie. More recently I was a top 10 F4 motorcycle racer for AFM. I am currently a practicing Chiropractic doctor and elite trainer. I was the 1st 1st degree and 1st 2nd black belt for Tai Chi Chuan at the Taoist Institute. Etc. etc. It s a long list.

  • imthegrumpyone December 8, 2014, 12:38 pm

    I’m 71, retired. you will not assault my wife, my family, my neighbors, break in to my home, my cars or steal from my property. All actions have consequences, the consequences can include death. “Lock & Load” I’m nether scared or paranoid and don’t care about your color. Enough said.

    • Russ December 8, 2014, 10:39 pm

      We need an army made up of guys like you.
      My Dad’s a decade your senior, 82, and says guys his age will not allow to be —-ed with. Do not attempt it.
      Some have nothing to lose.

  • Ray Perez December 8, 2014, 12:36 pm

    I am a 37 year old Hispanic male. Left leaning, liberal hippie-type, with a strong affinity towards Christian Communism and Thomas Paine-style Socialism. I have some college and plan to return someday. I bought my first shotgun this year and am very glad to join the ranks of gun owner for one of the reasons mentioned by Mr. Blannelberry: PREPAREDNESS. I don’t want to be the only hippie on the block who failed to protect his family from the inevitable “come-what-may.” I don’t believe I’ll ever have to use it, but I consider myself smart enough to not (pardon the pun) “shoot myself in the foot” by being ill-prepared, when and if it should become necessary to have a gun. So I agree, the stereotypes are wrong. Also on the subject of stereotypes, most thugs I know of wear suits, buy politicians, and steal pensions. Just sayin’ 😉

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 1:21 pm

      Geeez Ray, I’m hoping this is a turning point in your life.
      Now join the NRA and absorb some information.

  • Greg C December 8, 2014, 12:14 pm

    I am Hispanic male, age 50, background in Philosophy & Law (JD). Work in International Business, I am bilingual, and have been in 15 countries (3 continents). Love reading, outdoor activities, running, movies; ‘retired’ Martial Arts practitioner (3 of them), but know how to defend myself very well without a gun. I love guns, and target shooting.
    And as the author of this article said, “I don’t like looters, carjackers and thugs, be they white, black, brown, yellow, red, purple or any other color, race or ethnicity. I have no problem with peaceful demonstrations and protests”. Favorite books Aztec by Gary Jennings, The Next 100 Year by George Friedman, and Born To Run by Christopher McDougall.

  • Aaron December 8, 2014, 12:05 pm

    white male, 28, Spokane, WA, 8 years higher education, BS in Missionary Aviation Technology, commercial pilot, Certfied Flight Instructor Licensed aircraft mechanic. Married w/ 2 kids. Been to Honduras, Peru, & Kenya. what the original authoer fails to understand is that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or sporting purposes. it’s about being able to resist a tyrannical government that is over-stepping it’s constitutional bounds. At this point in my life, most of the firearms I have are of a practical nature. a shotgun, a few hunting rifles, some 22’s for what once was cheap training, various pistols for carry & home defense, & an AK, just ’cause. I’m not scared, & it’s not because I have lots of guns. I have faith in an all-powerful, all-knowing, good God. Wait, I guess that throws me back into the white un-educated demographic. I have a very black kenyan brother-in-law (my sister’s husband) whom I love dearly who is Somali by heritage. Yep, I’ve got a black pirate for an in-law. Finally, exactly how many people (not war-zone related) have been killed by the AR style rifle? It’s WAY less than those killed with a bolt action .22. ave a nice day, but please refrain from calling me an ignorant, paranoid, racist cracker.

  • James V Johnson II December 8, 2014, 12:02 pm

    Black male, 55, Master’s Degree, Conservative, CCW, NRA member, served my country (USN), avid hunter – with full and large gun safe, vote every chance I get, and can’t stand stupidity (ignorance is curable) no matter what color human it is precipitated from. Mr. Blannelberry, I would relish an interview by you in my beautiful home, in the much maligned state of Colorado according to shallow dialog from upper east coast bureaucrats (I will leave the wonderful names out). I was raised in gun responsible home and everyone in my immediate family owns a gun. I am a member of a local range and they know me well. Most of the anti-gun establishment fail completely to realize the fact that a gun, knife, bow & arrow, cannon, or any other weapon has never killed anyone and have yet to see a properly handled weapon harm anyone. Now, attach a harm intending human to it and therein lies the issue. Education is the key in a majority of issues as well as training. As far as Mark Morford the splendid journalist, it is the likes of him that we also serve our country – freedom of speech!!! Hail to the Mark Moron’s – oops – Morford’s of the shallow hoplophobe world!!!
    Mr. Blannelberry, I thank you for all your efforts and carry on!!!
    In closing: From My Cold Dead Hands…

  • matthew December 8, 2014, 11:55 am

    36 year old multiracial B/W Atheist with an Advanced associate degree in general ed.
    never left the USA but have traveled the entire country and pull in six figures.
    I jumped when the Clinton ban dropped and have a collection that would make Bronson blush.
    I own mostly combloc and military rifles and carbines for self defense and collector value.
    I feel my rifles will come in handy for me or my progeny some day if this progressive movement gets out of hand and the local county PD starts deputizing to handle the 99 percenters or occupy losers.
    When you are forced to work for the benefit of another on pain of injury or threat on lively hood you are a slave.
    When you must pay taxes on threat of imprisonment and those taxes go to benefit others who do not contribute, You are a slave.

  • Frank Staples December 8, 2014, 11:55 am

    My wife and I are gun owners and shooting enthusiasts. She is a retired teacher and I’m a retired business owner. I’m a veteran and current firefighter and as such I see the slimy side of life fairly frequently. We were both brought up with guns and are safe and familiar with a large selection. We shoot as often as weather and scheduling permits. We both are pro-active about firearms…we try to educate the largely liberal segment of America that can’t tell you the difference between a clip and a magazine or an AR platform and an assault rifle. While I’ve found a few that will talk intelligently I find that most anti-gunners simply lump us all into the category of “gun-owners” therefore “thugs”.

  • matthew December 8, 2014, 11:54 am

    36 year old multiracial B/W Atheist with an Advanced associate degree in general ed.
    never left the USA but have traveled the entire country and pull in six figures.
    I jumped when the Clinton ban dropped and have a collection that would make Bronson blush.
    I own mostly combloc and military rifles and carbines for self defense and collector value.
    I feel my rifles will come in handy for me or my progeny some day if this progressive movement gets out of hand and the local county PD starts deputizing to handle the 99 percenters or occupy losers.
    When you are forced to work for the benefit of another on pain of injury or threat on lively hood you are a slave.
    When you must pay taxes on threat of imprisonment and those taxes go to benefit others who do not contribute, You are a slave.

  • FemaleFFL December 8, 2014, 11:50 am

    3 degrees, traveled extensively. Female white. I got my first gun when I was 34. My husband was going on a 6 week trip and there was a serial rapist in the neighborhood. I have had gun(s) since then. Once I got into hunting, I couldn’t get the local gun store to get around to cutting down the stock on a semi-auto shotgun. I finally figured that I was as smart as those yahoos and would do it myself. That’s how I got into gunsmithing and becoming a FFL. Now a female friend and I are both NRA-certified pistol, Personal Protection Inside The Home, and Chief Range Safety Officer trainers. We have started a Womens’ Instructional group. We are also going to be offering Concealed Carry courses very soon. I am now 67 so the fundamental “need” for self defense has morphed into a love of shooting and hunting and sharing it with others.

  • BRASS December 8, 2014, 11:27 am

    I tried to send the ass wipe a succinct and polite letter refuting his assertions with proof but of course it’s impossible to access the site or him. Considering the source in both terms of person, publication and geographical location and the nature of his comments; in retrospect I would think it possible that this turd was really describing himself to a degree without realizing it. Those with open minds will easily get the connection.

    • Russ December 8, 2014, 10:31 pm

      Like a poodle fiercely yapping at you from behind the fence

      • Bob December 10, 2014, 12:11 pm

        Don’t underestimate a full sized trained poodle. They are one of the most intelligent and, if properly trained, vicious dogs on the planet. Of course if you are talking about puff balls you may have a point but even a small dog is an effective early warning device.

  • Paul A. December 8, 2014, 11:23 am

    To the author: You infer that you are well-read, even educated. Apparently, you have not been educated in American history nor have you read or understood the U.S. Constitution. It guarantees citizens certain rights such as free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, and so on. If you are a law-abiding citizen, no one can takes these rights away from you. Here is some short advice: If you do not like these rights and freedoms, go online today, buy an airline ticket and fly to Europe and stay there. You will fit right in. Otherwise, keep your smug, self-righteous, uneducated opinions to yourself and read Brave New World again.

    • Annette Funicello December 8, 2014, 1:37 pm

      The author of he piece is what I call a ‘second amendment denier.’ He pretends it doesn’t exist, believes that he can legislate it out of existence (without repeal) and thinks it’s a good idea to try to change other people’s opinions by yelling nonsense at them. I’d love to hear his feelings about ¾+ ton 4WD pickups.

  • Mel D. December 8, 2014, 10:52 am

    I have a BS degree in Psychology, had 2 years of Computer Science but didn’t finish. I am in my 40’s AND I am Asian. I live in the People’s Republic of Commifornia. I have a modest collection of civilian legal “military style” firearms. Yes, I own firearms for self defense but I also collect them because I have always been fascinated by guns. Oh, and did I mention that I’m ASIAN? And for the record, the only thing I am scared of is the next stupid ban or dumb anti-gun laws those ass clowns in Sacramento will pass.

  • Kirk Brannan December 8, 2014, 10:42 am

    White 61 years old. BS in Business. Lawyer with Dr. of Jurisprudence. Served USAF 6 years – 5 of which stationed in Germany and Spain. Lived in Pennsylvania 1 year after discharge from Air Force. Native Texan and got back to Texas as quick as I could. Love to hunt for the food I eat. Use crossbow, rifle, pistol and shotgun. Read an average of 2 books a month. Would love to read more but am too busy making a living. Proud to be an NRA Benefactor. I believe we are truly blessed to have the second amendment – first time in human history where the common man can freely possess equal force to use against evil, be it natural, criminal or government. To me, anyone who is too lazy to study human history and natural order carries no voice to argue against the merits of self preservation. As precious as it is, our first amendment has allowed deluded folks to spout untruths that can unfortunately negatively influence unthinking masses. It always boils down to 1 question. Why would any intelligent human freely surrender any tool that gives he or she the means of self preservation? Especially when human history shows us that we need all the tools we can get.

  • OddballZ December 8, 2014, 10:41 am

    58 year old white male, BA in Classical Studies and JD. 25+ years practicing law. Learned to target shoot as a member of my school’s rifle team, co-captain in my senior year. Shot only air guns for many years after that, but came back to firearms a few years ago. Concealed carry license holder who has yet to carry, but I may start soon, I just want to be fully comfortable with my decision to do so.
    I read so much as a lawyer I tend to limit myself to magazines the last few years, but did read books on Nero, Custer’s Last Stand and the history of the AK 47 in the last couple of years. My news info comes from NBC (TV and website), some newspaper reading, and The Economist, and occasionally other sources.
    Yep, another uneducated cracker who cannot get his hands on enough guns.
    My son is a college junior. He has a friend from mainland China. We took the young man to the gun range with us, where he fired only .22 lr = S+W 617 revolver; Sig 1911 in .22; and my son’s CZ552 (a wonderful rifle, beautiful stock and far more accurate than either of us!)
    The young man seemed to genuinely enjoy the experience. He asked me later that day if I believed in the 2d amendment. I simply said yes, and that it was critically important to our freedoms as Americans. I did not discuss my recollections of the Tianamen Square protests and how they ended, although I felt that would have been a good example of why the people should be free to own firearms to shield against a tyrannical government. He is a bright young man and I thought he should draw his own conclusions after a day with his friend and his friend’s Dad at the range.

  • tom monk December 8, 2014, 10:36 am

    Just a thought ,why are the liberal over educated whites paranoid about a man with a gun

    • Russ December 8, 2014, 10:25 pm

      Smart thinking tom.
      A very good question that should make people wonder what kind of guy he is, and what could be his agenda.

  • William December 8, 2014, 10:33 am

    I own a lot of guns of various types, mainly because I own a Pawn Shop thou not a big one like on TV. I have a 2 year associates degree and served 5 years in the Army, four of those years as an officer after graduating Officer Candidate School at FT. Benning Ga. Then 3 years in the National Guard. I was a law enforcement officer for 19 years. Left because the criminals were leaving the courthouse faster than I could after cases. Never fired my weapon at a single person during that time. I have traveled to many countries both as a military dependent and as a soldier. Wounded twice in Vietnam so I know what death is about. I read all kinds of novels, war stories (War and Peace), science fiction and biography’s because I love history. I own personally about 12 various guns, from antique black powder to modern state of the art semi autos. I have traveled the country as a trucker and been in every big city. Saw none I would want to live in because of the filth, traffic, people and crime. Went to Mexico twice, both times just across the border to say I had been. Both times did not stay long because everybody I saw, including women, were carrying guns or big knives. My state allows open carry and because I own a pawn shop I do carry. In my job I meet all kinds of people of every type and color. I dislike nobody unless they want to curse at me or my wife. She is more likely to shoot them than I am. Not very tall, 5’6″ so I rely on my training and wit to defuse most problems. If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one but do not stop me and others from what we like to do. I don’t try to stop you from doing what you like to do.

  • GT December 8, 2014, 10:30 am

    I am 33, college educated, and of Native American and Irish heritage. I am a small business owner. I enjoy sports and outdoor activities. I was taught to hunt and fish at any early age by my father. My father also taught me a trade. He wanted me to be able to provide for myself and my family. I enjoy reading articles and watching college football. Between work and coaching my son, I don’t have much time to sit in front of the television. I do enjoy hunting and a little target practice. Unfortunately we live in an unpredictable world and I would prefer to be prepared to defend and care for my family rather than depend on another entity to do so. I could be smarter, more thoroughly cultured, and darker in skin pigment; but fear, is an emotion that fuels anger and I do not have the time and energy for either of those. I would plead that we as a society be more open mixed and less politically correct. Stay healthy my friends.

  • GT December 8, 2014, 10:29 am

    I am 33, college educated, and of Native American and Irish heritage. I am a small business owner. I enjoy sports and outdoor activities. I was taught to hunt and fish at any early age by my father. My father also taught me a trade. He wanted me to be able to provide for myself and my family. I enjoy reading articles and watching college football. Between work and coaching my son, I don’t have much time to sit in front of the television. I do enjoy hunting and a little target practice. Unfortunately we live in an unpredictable world and I would prefer to be prepared to defend and care for my family rather than depend on another entity to do so. I could be smarter, more thoroughly cultured, and darker in skin pigment; but fear, is an emotion that fuels anger and I do not have the time and energy for either of those. I would plead that we as a society be more open mixed and less politically correct. Stay healthy my friends.

  • Daddio7 December 8, 2014, 10:17 am

    Guilty, except living on disability I can’t afford a new gun. Scared? Do you lock your front door at night? I don’t. I do sleep with three hand guns beside my bed and a night light. In the late Sixty’s my school system was more interested in getting 18 year olds into the Army than into collage. My children were encouraged to further their educations, one with with a law degree and another her English PhD.

  • Mel December 8, 2014, 10:10 am

    I am a white male with a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, spent 27 years of military Service, mostly USMC where I retired as a nuclear engineer. Spent 10 years studying and/or working 16 hours per day to complete my education, traveled throughout the US, been to Asia, Europe, Mexico, Canada, with over two years abroad. I now read 3 books a week, mostly fiction but some bio’s for recreation only. I have a wife and 4 children who are all college graduates and independent thinkers including two sons who are both gun owners, even the one in California! Unknown IQ but 140 military GCT and 1400 GRE. Own a number of rifles and pistols and enjoy shooting at the range. I try not to have any racist thoughts although I do object to loud mouth know-it-alls, no matter what race or color. Not afraid but think that there will be more stress in the US due to the Religious Fundamentalists and their take no prisoners approach to others. Believe that the 60’s and 70’s generation of college liberals have infested our Universities, caused more damage than any redneck organization, and need to be replaced with more balanced scholars. The 2nd Amendment is not the reason for the mass shootings but makes a good target for those seeking to gain media attention and funding from the likes of Bloomberg, et al. I discount anything that comes out of the Bay area due to its mostly anti-American slant and its proclivity to lecture rather than do useful actions. I am not a member of any political party and believe that with our currrent government, the less done, the better particularly by Congress.

  • firebouy December 8, 2014, 10:02 am

    Charlton Heston explained the hatred of Hollywood concerning guns. He said they hated them until the riots of 1964,and several “stars” beat on his door asking to borrow a gun.
    LIKEWISE THIS ASS CLOWN WHO CONDEMS FIREARMS. He hates them until he needs someone who can use them.

  • PW December 8, 2014, 9:53 am

    I own 2 AR-15s, a Ruger 10/22, an S&W 15/22, Bersa .380, Glock .380, Springfield Armory 9 mm, two 1911s and a Browning Buckmark. I shoot once a week. My profile: 60 y/o male, B.S. in Pharmacy, Ph.D. in Chemistry, 2 years of postdoctoral education in chemistry. Faculty member at a Detroit university in the city center for 24 years. Conduct drug discovery research in cancer and infectious disease. Have educated 13 Ph.D. students and 24 postdocs. Have traveled to numerous countries to talk about my research (Australia, Taiwan, Italy, UK, South Africa, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Russia to name but a few). The only thing in my past/present that resembles Mr. Morford’s description is that I used to watch Hee Haw, mostly because Roy Clark was an awesome guitarist, and Misty Rowe was a babe. If Mr. Morford would like to discuss this issue, tell him “BR459 is the number to call”. Oh, wait, that’s Junior’s Used Cars…….

  • Doc Loch December 8, 2014, 9:50 am

    I’m a 48 y.o. white male. As the screen name directs I have a professional doctorate (for those uneducated liberals that means I am your means for health care when you get shot because you didn’t have a weapon to defend yourself) and a BS in Biomedical Science. I lived for 2 years in West Germany prior to the Fall of the Wall. I speak German fluently, and have read everything from Goethe’s Faustus to Harry Potter. I have lived from Oregon to Montana and visited much of the United States. For the sake of the internet I own no weapons of any kind except kitchen utinsels, hammers, axes and a chainsaw or two. However, I shoot A LOT. I do this because I am scared. I am also intelligent enough to know when I am scared and what to be scared of. I am educated and wise enough in history and human anthropology and social behavior to understand when a person should feel fear as a warning sign of danger. I am educated enough in statistical analysis and research to know and evaluate the probabilities of my chances of survival in various scenarios. I am also educated enough to know that I am more likely to be in a shooting incident or an incident involving a weapon used in defense than I am to be involved in a home fire requiring an extinguisher. I own an extinguisher and am not afraid to admit that I do. I have never used it except for a few times to actually (yes you should) practice with it. I have, however, “brandished a firearm” twice in my life once to save myself from a beating or death on a roadway by a thug who blocked the road forcing me to stop, and once to save a black female from rape by gang-members in Oregon while my wife covered me from a balcony with another firearm. Both times I was very afraid, but also glad to have happened to have in my posession, at the time, a means to defend myself and others. Yes, I am a fearful white male. But I am not uneducated, racist, or stupid, but I will probably see a lot of people in my clinic today who are!

  • Ringo December 8, 2014, 9:48 am

    By the way, I have had a valid concealed carry license since 1988, am a minority and follow the laws of the land. I’ve had to use a gun twice in my life, 1) to stop a would be robbery (he tried to strong arm rob me) and when he saw my .45 1911 he turned and ran. No shots were fired. 2) to stop and then capture a knife wielding rapist who is now serving a life sentence in prison. I’ve earned a BA degree in political science, history and business from a major state university, and have worked and earned everything I’ve ever had in life. While I do not think there is any perfect scenario in politics, I do believe that this nation (USA) was founded on strict principles of freedom and individual rights (as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others). We have a constitution and as Americans should honor and obey it. Sad to say that this country has to many millions of uneducated and unknowing people who have elected people who want to destroy the freedom and prosperity this country has to offer and turn it into a dictatorial socialist nanny state in the same fashion of Venezuela, Cuba and the former USSR. People like Morford are the tools of this socialism and thus must be disregarded and hopefully fired and replaced.

  • Brad Thompson December 8, 2014, 9:45 am

    Im a 49 year old white male, I have an IQ of 134, I pull in 6 figures a year, (One year I passed 7) I have actually traveled to Mexico…and Germany, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Costa Rica, ect. In all 28 Countries on 4 Continents. I watch the local news, tons of Dicovery and the History Channel and read approximately 30+ books a year, so this biased butt pirate can bite me.

  • Kimberpross December 8, 2014, 9:42 am

    I am a 56 y/o white male, BS Mechanical Engineering Purdue University. I do watch Fox News and some MSN, CNN. I struggle with the Liberal phsyco-babble however. My professional career has taken me to Europe on a few occasions and Canada and have vacationed in the Caribbean. I really have no interest in visiting Mexico. I am a hunter, enjoy shooting, and conceal carry. I choose to not be a victim. I am not paranoid, I carry a firearm, no need to be paranoid. I am a supporter of the US Constitution and our Bill Of Rights. I struggle with understanding why there are so many that constantly attack those founding principals of this great nation, and in all cases, it is to take away freedoms and impose governmental control.

  • Bruce C. December 8, 2014, 9:38 am

    I am 64 years old and have been associated with firearms most of my life. I have been shot twice and hold no resentment towards guns. I have two masters degrees and have lived in Europe and traveled extensively including several third world and Communists countries. I live in a rural area after leaving the state of California because of their tax structure and lack of leadership on the political front. I read many genres and just finished “Unbroken”, and now starting “Our Documents”, covering the 100 most important documents in the National Archives.
    I believe many of the problems facing our country stems from a lack of respect for authority and not complying with the direction of the police. Many situations could be avoided if people would comply with the law and law officers. I also understand there are good and bad law enforcement officers as there are good and bad citizens. Finaly, I also understand laws are for the protection of the people, however we do not have the right to pick and choose which laws we will obey. Hold people accountable for all their actions and make the facts known about each case.

    • Rasputin December 8, 2014, 1:53 pm

      I was stabbed in a LODD attack once–with an ice pick. I resent the hell out of ice picks… I don’t resent the firearms the other three people used to shoot at me. One time, someone dropped a concrete block off the top of an overpass that penetrated the fiberglass top of the ambulance I was in. I don’t resent concrete blocks, but have been seeking the criminalization of concrete blocks near freeway overpasses with intent to kill ME ever since… I haven’t had much luck.

      • Russ December 9, 2014, 12:53 pm

        Thanks for the good laugh Rasputin, they are rare for me these days.
        I’m still laughing. That was funny

  • AK December 8, 2014, 9:25 am

    Not going to rise to the bait of defending my achievements nor my intellect to the likes of Mr. Morford. However, since the divine Mr. M had made assumptions about me, I’ll make some about him and ask how many lives have been ended and destroyed by the irresponsible AIDS-spreading sexual activities engaged in by him and his fellow San Francisco bug-chasers? You do know all about bug chasing, don’t you, Mr Morford?

  • Will Dryder December 8, 2014, 9:18 am

    Morford is… just check what wiki says about him. The air he breathes is a waste of resources.

  • Bob Vela December 8, 2014, 9:09 am

    Master’s degree, American of Hispanic decent, live approximately four miles from Denison University, a hotbed of liberalism, gun owner.

  • MSgt3227 December 8, 2014, 9:00 am

    First, I admit I bought a firearm on Black Friday… And I am a 57 y/o white male (GUILTY!) and uneducated (I only have a B.A. and M.A. in History, former adjunct faculty at Northwestern University) unskilled (Instructor/Instructor Trainer in areas such as Adult Education, Curriculum Development, Testing and Authenticate Assessments, First Aid/First Responder/EMT, Laws of Arrest Search & Seizure, Criminal Law…) small town (grew up in a steel town, lived in Chicago and surrounding suburbs for a number of years) untraveled (yep, Mexico, Ireland, Korea, England, Australia, Scotland, Austria, Germany, France, Bavaria, Canada, New Zealand, and the most foreign of all countries – California) only read comix (had read Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” for the first time at age 13, was taking English and Literature college classes as a junior and senior in high school, recently read Einstein’s “Relativity”, and currently reading deTocqueville’s “The Old Regime and the French Revolution” and Homer’s “The Iliad” – Rob’t Fitzgerald translation) am glued to the TV (don’t watch the “major” networks, my cable provider service level doesn’t let me have Fox News or BBC America, so I stream my favorite TV show, “Dr. Who”) and I have been around firearms my entire life. Swore an Oath to Protect the US Constitution which PROTECTS (it doesn’t grant anything) the Rights of the citizens. I believe that is a lifelong oath and commitment. Oh, and not scared of much besides willful ignorance. I’ve faced evil and/or stupid people with guns, sticks, bottles, fists and words who wanted to do me harm…. ain’t dead yet!

    • Patrick Malone December 8, 2014, 1:53 pm

      May I refer you to I think you will find it most uplifting.

  • Sam December 8, 2014, 8:59 am

    I sincerely hope that everyone who reads this article is posting a comment. If law abiding citizens who choose to exercise their right to own, carry and enjoy guns do not speak out firmly and constantly we will someday find ourselves without that right. Individuals like Mr. Morford who are vocal and sensational get attention. There is no question that the product he is selling is hatred and ignorance. However in today’s society hatred and ignorance sell very, very well and there is a long line of politically correct, ill informed consumers who are lined up to buy it. I am a 53 year old white male and I carry everyday. My wife chooses to exercise the same right. If a criminal decided that she was going to be his next mugging & rape victim it would be the last decision he would ever be burdened with making. We are well traveled and culturally diverse with interests ranging from art to SCUBA diving. My wife is the formally educated person in our household. She is college educated and fluent in two languages. I had a choice between college or hard work as my learning vehicle. I chose the latter. I have never looked back or regretted the choice. Our base of close friends includes more minority ethnicities than it does whites. We are very successful business owners who share our hard earned wealth among our well paid, long term employees. We have achieved goals and attained success because we are open minded. We are independent thinkers who choose to not follow blindly along with opinions and talking points that others use as a crutch. We choose not to tell others what to do or how to live. People have choices. Some make good choices and some make poor choices. Our personal choice to own and carry weapons is not based in fear of the criminal or fear of the authorities. It is based in caution and logic. There are more criminals than there are cops. The odds are in the criminals favor. We simply choose to swing those odds more towards our side. It is our sincere hope that we never have to draw a weapon in self defense. However, faced with the choice we will defend ourselves. Mr. Morford if it is your life or your families life that is in danger we would step to your aid and defense as well. My guess is in that situation you would be more than happy to see two people on your side that chose to exercise their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

  • Ringo December 8, 2014, 8:56 am

    Allow me to profile that azzclown author in San Francisco. He is a Democrat and voted for Obama, Pelosi and Diane Frankenstein. He is a white gay male who actively participates in the gay movement in the San Francisco area. He believes that most of the ills of the USA originated from George Bush, Sr and Jr. He believes that guns (not people) in the USA are the reason for violent crimes in the USA and if you eliminate guns you eliminate crime. He will tell you that police will protect him if he needs help but is first to attack the police when they defend themselves, especially if a minority (racial or sexual) is involved. This type of person is directly responsible for gun control, higher unemployment, broken families, immigration problems, disasterous Obamacare and a total worldwide disconnect with the International community. He is educated by people with his same preferences and ideas, and therefore understands very little beyond his own sphere of living. In short he is YES, A MAJOR AZZCLOWN. Sadly to say, nearly every newspaper and TV station in the country is run by people just like this azzclown.

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 12:44 pm

      Probably spot on Ringo.
      But you may have left out, his Mommy and Daddy(s) were Hippys.

  • Al Awishlist December 8, 2014, 8:14 am

    This guy is a prime example of why HE should own guns. He obviously hates cops so who’s he going to call if he needs help? Ghost busters?

  • Mojave Rose December 8, 2014, 8:09 am

    OK – can’t resist contributing – age 64, female,two masters degrees: first a M.A. from the University of CA at Long Beach, then a M.L.S. from Emporia State University, live in San Marcos, TX – home of Texas State University. Worked for 12 years at the University of Oregon. I’ve been shooting since I was old enough to hold up a 22., to shoot at rabbits, snakes and such out in the desert. I now carry a .38 revolver most days, in my purse or in my pocket. That’s the thing the city folks don’t get. The use of a firearm isn’t just to shoot at people. I live outside of town and dogs often roam the area, some of them not overly friendly. And then there are snakes. I’d shoot at a human if I had to, but it would be based on his behavior not his color. I’m really tired of people who have very little brain themselves telling me what they think is going on in my head. The fact that they ASSUME I’m racist, because I’m white and own a gun, tells me they are the materials racists and radicals are made of, and pretty worthless overall.

    • MSgt3227 December 8, 2014, 9:04 am

      Bravo Mojave Rose! You actually are more the face of modern firearms owners…. Adult, articulate, reasoning, knowledgeable, and willing to take responsibility for yourself. Thanks!!

  • walter sivigny December 8, 2014, 7:57 am

    I fit the stereotype that Mr.Morford describes to a “T”. And I have gun to defend my family against black and white thugs who rob local stores and attack cops. Crime has no address and no race. I have a GED diploma, built and ran my own companies and have read. “None Dare Call it Treason”, two times. I also have a sense of humor.
    I have found that acquired knowledge is very useful and travel expands ones horizons. I have also found being foolish is the product of arrogance, as to which Mr. Morford is a prime example. His ivory tower will not protect this insulting creep if they come for him. He reads, but does not learn, Hitler first took the guns from the people, then rounded up the intellectuals.
    Now don’t go getting paranoid Mr. Morford the rest of us will protect you. We are decent people.

  • Guy December 8, 2014, 7:54 am

    57 yr old pale skin man, MD, two residencies, board certified specialist. Voracious reader, mostly medical lately, but minored in classical literature in college. I enjoy handguns, rifles, and shotguns; also have bow and crossbow. I have spoken at professional meetings on 4 continents (3 to go!). Adrenaline junkie, love scuba, hunting, motorcycling, whitewater kayaking, recumbent bicycling. Plan to learn to skydive and paraglide. Not scared, but alarmed at the direction the US is heading, socialism hasn’t worked elsewhere, and won’t work here.

  • Jim Miller December 8, 2014, 7:42 am

    Individuals like the author of that ridiculously biased and poorly written article are so boorish it is impossible to take them seriously. Suffice it to say that, after reading garbage “journalism” like that, it is clear that this person is one of those fools who feel that the degree is the education, instead of realizing it is the foundation upon which a person can build on to become a truly educated and wise person.

    I find it oddly ironic and just another glaring display of his ignorance that most mass shootings take place in exactly the places he says the unwashed and ignorant gun nuts are not from! And they have all been perpetrated by people who are the exact opposite of his version of the reality of gun owners! The fact remains that all mass shooters have been from his world, not ours!

  • Bruce December 8, 2014, 7:18 am

    57 year old white male, some college. Honorably Discharged Navy Veteran, (served during the 70’s), two over-seas tours on a Guided Missile Cruiser. I’ve been to Japan, South Korea, The Philippines, Taiwan and Hong Kong, (when it was still under British Rule) . I’ve had a few odd jobs ranging from Stationary Engineer, factory worker, truck driver, then went into law enforcement. Police Officer for 21 years, (worked agencies ranging from Corrections, State Police, Airport Police, small town Police to major metropolitan Police), until I found out the hard way that I’m a Diabetic, now medically retired/disabled. Have lived/worked in large metropolitan cities from one coast to the other, (having visited 23 states including Hawaii and the territory of Guam). Started shooting with my father when I was 6 years old, went through the National Guard Armory gun safety course, started hunting at 8, (have loved guns ever since). I no longer hunt anymore, saw enough slaughter of what criminals do to their victims and car accidents, to where I didn’t have the desire. Lessons learned from being a cop for as long as I was, we couldn’t be everywhere at once and citizens should be prepared to defend themselves if possible, (which is why I still carry), until the Police arrive. I now reside in the country on a small acreage, away from the hustle and bustle of the city as I enjoy the peace and quiet now, (in a state that allows citizens to carry concealed without a permit). I’m an avid motorcyclist, gun collector, (including two class III’s), target shooter, self taught computer geek as well as a host of other activities/hobbies as mobility allows. I read everything from sci-fi to old westerns and study history as well as enjoy watching movies, (mainly action adventure, sci-fi, westerns as well as documentaries). I have two grown children and 5 grand children. I consider myself to be a “red blooded American” and believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and still willing to defend them if needed, by whatever means necessary. As for the ass clown from San Fran…….talk about narrow minded and uninformed, (WOW). If anyone needs to take a good look around them, it’s him. Take off the blinders, get out of your parents basement and see what the real world looks like, (especially who gun owners really are). You will find we come from all walks of life and are as diversified as any group of people can be. Gun owners remind me of motorcyclists, meaning they are some of the most friendly people you will ever find. Sure there’s a few bad apples in the bunch, but that’s the same in any walk of life, (including cops, politicians, judges and anyone else you can name) ….but it doesn’t mean the rest of them are like those few, (although I think politicians may be an exception). 🙂

  • Roger Anderson December 8, 2014, 6:49 am

    I am a 61yo caucassion male. Have a Masters in Social Work and have been in the field for 35yrs. Honorably discharged from the USAF in ’74. I am what most would call liberal but I do like to have my guns. I live in Texas and have a CHL. I work at the VA Hospital serving veterans exclusively. I am not big in to traveling and probably watch too much TV. I practice meditaion daily and have a leaning toward Buddhism. I own a couple of CZ 9mm pistols, a Mossberg Tactical 12ga., a 1911 22 cal for plinking around and a Kel-tec PMR 30. Most likely I will purchase an AR-15 shortly but you won’t find me toting it to public places to do others harm. I like the notion of being able to defend myself or someone I love; after all I am in the business of helping others. After reading the NRA page on FB I decided it was not for me and I don’t watch Fox news or listen to Rush Limbaugh. Hope that does not offend anyone.

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 12:34 pm

      Not offended at all Roger, to each his own.
      But I just want you to know that the NRA constantly fights for your right to have those firearms you enjoy.
      I can tell you that as an organization, nobody in the “World” knows more about all things involving firearms, than the NRA.
      Let your consience guide you on that.

  • jim thomson December 8, 2014, 6:49 am

    Im 66 cant run cant and fight but im gonna be able to protect my family if I have to. The bufuses of the world want some one as long as it aint them to protect them . Good luck with that.

  • Nathan W. December 8, 2014, 6:35 am

    51 year old disabled male, Native American as well as Irish and German bloodlines but 110% American. IQ of 160 with several certificates of education as well as an associates in applied science (computer technology) Born and raised in PA and purchase my first gun at 12 so I could hunt. (Mossburg .410 bolt action shotgun) which I still own! Served in the U.S.A.F, have worked for several security services including Pinkerton and have driven tractor trailer for well over one million miles, raised 5 children, two of which are medically retired from the Army because of injuries sustained in Iraq and South Korea. I am very happily married, own a home, a jeep, a pick up truck, 2 dogs, 4 cats and live in a small city. The area I live in has a very low crime rate when it comes to burglary and more serious felony activities.(I would bet on a 70-80% gun ownership area) I carry a Ruger P-94 in 40 caliber on a daily basis and a Ruger GP-100 six inch stainless steel .357 revolver in a shoulder holster on occasion, a Beretta bobcat in .22 long rifle as a pocket pistol, and have even been known to carry my 1863 Army reproduction .44 caliber cap and ball pistol.
    Since moving to this town almost 19 years ago, I have only heard of a handful of hold-ups or firearms being used in crimes other than domestic happenings. So, as you can see by the demographics, I don’t carry because of a perceived threat, I carry because there is NEVER a day that goes by that something COULD happen. I want to be prepared to protect my family, friends, and neighbors should something happen to threaten their lives or well being. I pray each day that this never happens but if it does, I hope I am in the right place, at the right time, to protect them or even myself. I do not belong to the N.R.A but that is a financial issue and not because I don’t support them. I do belong to the U.S.C.C.A as the insurance they offer is fantastic.
    The person who wrote that article is obviously a very racial person and also must be better educated than the Court that found the officer clear of charges as he very rudely commented on his guilt.
    It would not surprise me to find out that the author ones several of his own firearms but is probably active in either sport shooting or target shooting but has chose to stand on the side of the line that has the biggest paycheck!
    Thank you and God bless all past, present, and future soldiers of the United States of America!

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 12:21 pm

      You sound very cool Nathan.
      I think someone you know or a loved one should get the hint that a NRA membership would make a nice Christmas gift.

  • Early Ray December 8, 2014, 6:21 am

    White male, BS Speech Comm and Theater, Law Degree from upper tier California law school, cosmetology school graduate St. Louis area, studied violin at conservatory St. Louis area under renowned symphony violinist and composer, I love reading philosophy and history in which I minored in school, am published including top 40 pop charted song, am professor adjunct now was fulltime, own PR and marketing firm which has successfully worked over 25 #1 charted hit singles, I am Christian, law abiding; I teach my students to be honest, fair, ethical, moral and reinforce that the measure of a man is what he or she does outside the purview of others. The writer to whom you are referring is typical of the left wing, academically il-equipped yet arrogant self centered prurient libertine garbage hell bent on destroying America. I am convinced that it won’t work. The pendulum swinging right as of the swearing in of the new House and Senate!!”

  • R.K. Ferguson December 8, 2014, 5:30 am

    Fifty nine year old, white male. BS in Information Systems management, MS in Information Assurance. Retired Army. Lived in Podunk towns and just out side Washington, D.C. I do not have a proclivity for knee-jerk reactions and am not determined to rid the world of any ethnic or religious groups. I am determined to protect myself from anyone seeking to do me or my family harm, regardless of their political, religious, ethnic, or national affiliations. I own rifles, shot guns, and pistols because I enjoy shooting. I do not hunt. I carry a pistol because it is my right, and because I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

  • /Everett December 8, 2014, 4:26 am

    Another prejudiced, clueless hoplophobe, completely upside down and backwards with regard to the facts. Most firearms enthusiasts I know are well educated and most have worked in industry or aerospace capacities. I have a B.S. and M.S. in biology,biochemistry and Doctoral work in virology. I have worked as a college professor teaching premed, worked in chemical and environmental industries as a high level manager, in the semiconductor industry and was R&D Director for LaRoche Catalysts. I don’t feel uneducated, nor do I feel paranoid about my safety. I enjoy firearms for their intrinsic manufactured quality and engineering design and because of an abiding interest in history, in which firearms play a major role. I believe owning a firearm for protection is much like owning a fire extinguisher ….if I need it, I want it to be handy. I will never understand why gun haters fear a simple wood, steel or plastic tool in the hands of a qualified, responsible citizen who will likely only use it for recreation or to save a friend or loved one’s life…perhaps even a liberal hoplophobe!

  • Steve Eisenberg December 8, 2014, 4:01 am

    64-year-old former teacher, skydiver, SCUBA diver, presently a saxophonist.

  • Alex December 7, 2014, 5:34 am

    I am a 53 year old black woman from Florida. I have a bachelors in Computer Science and an MBA. I have raised three children and am self employed. My main reason for owning guns is I enjoy shooting and competitions as a hobby. I also enjoy archery. Now of course as I get older and see what’s going on, I see an additional benefit in that I am prepared to protect my family from anyone that thinks they can harm us. Owning a gun is not an indication of ignorance, but assuming such is definitely a sign of ignorance. But just like everything, there will always be fools that own guns and fools that don’t. What is truly scary to me is that an educated journalist could write such an uneducated article.

  • Travis December 7, 2014, 4:57 am

    I am Travis, white male, 26 of Brookings South Dakota. I want to get a bachelors degree in either Software Engineering or Criminal Justice. I read just about everything from SciFi to World History.

    I own and carry a gun not just for my own protection but so I can also protect others regardless of race, gender, or religious views. And I really enjoy hitting up the range to blow off steam, particularly if the targets are zombies. I don’t hunt because I don’t like taking life from other things but would be perfectly willing to throw myself in harms way to protect others, regardless of if the threat was a person or an animal

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 12:13 pm

      Travis, if you like to blow off steam, you literally can do that by shooting cans of food. ( Hominy with .44 mag is my favorite)
      And all kind of fruit, from grapes to melons are real fun to shoot. (sniping citrus or melons @ 3-5 hundred yards, priceless)
      Cheap & fun steam can be had by shooting .22 or Russian Surplus into the bottom of a carbonated bottled drink laid on it’s side.
      Shooting into the little round bottom using the volume in length
      Watch the glass, but it’s like fireworks on a sunny day.

      • Mathew January 2, 2015, 6:01 am

        Frozen water jugs work well too.

  • Robert Kerntke II December 7, 2014, 12:19 am

    I am a 34 year old white male with a bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems. I own guns because I like to shoot and I refuse to be a victim. This means that I will rest easier knowing that I have prepared to be ready to defend my family from any threat. I enjoy traveling whenever I can and I like to think I have an open mind and will give most people the benefit of the doubt to a certain point. It is impossible to stereotype gun owners since we are all different. We come from different ethnic, social, and cultural backgrounds and it is unfair to say that we are all “white, uneducated, and scared”. Spend five minutes talking to a responsible gun owner and this will be made clear. To me, gun ownership is all about personal responsibility for mine and my family’s safety.

  • Martin Buck December 6, 2014, 4:14 pm

    Can’t say I’m particularly educated. Did a couple years at University, but was discouraged to find that most of the kids (and they were kids, whatever their age) were enjoying an extended adolescence on their parents’ dime. And the most politically active group were the Socialist Unity Party, which we later found out was directly funded by Comintern, the Soviet international branch. I was usually smarter than most in class, but the studies seemed pointless, and mostly irrelevant to the disciplines involved. When offered a full time job, I took it, and worked happily for 20 years for various branches of our welfare department. I could sleep easy each night knowing I was helping people get more out of their lives. Helping them think, where possible.

    My Dad taught me to fire a BSA .22 at about age 8, my cousin took me rabbit hunting with a double barrel at thirteen. Recoil, never noticed it! In later life I got into shooting sports, and especially enjoyed the conversation with the shooting veterans. All were men and women holding potentially lethal weaponry, yet somehow each one resisted whatever urge liberals must feel we all have, to burst into a murderous shooting spree. A sense of fun was combined with innate responsibility and self worth that being armed provides.

    I live in New Zealand, where self defense with weapons is disallowed, and any move towards this brings about the cancellation of one’s firearms license. Somehow I can live with that. I am still fascinated by the skill and expertise of weapon designers and makers.

    • Kivaari December 8, 2014, 5:17 pm

      A college degree shows potential employers you have the guts to stick it out. Learning how to learn-research is a quality admired in the big world. BUT, having a degree is pretty much meaningless except for engineering, medicine and law. I have a minor degree which only had value when I applied for police jobs. Beyond that most of my college mates ended up working like most people, where a degree is of no value.

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 11:50 am

      Your insight on the direction of education is proof of your intelligence

  • Phillip Arnold December 6, 2014, 2:41 pm

    76yo white male. I spent eleven years as an active duty Special Forces Sergeant. I have a BS and post Bac. studies in medical science. I lived and worked in 9 coutries outsied the US: Asia, Central and South America, Africa, and the Mid East. I speak two additional languages at the :native speaker level. I was on the medical Staff of a major US universioty for 30 years. I worked outside the US as an independent contractor for twelve years. I reread the classics. I took up farming two years ago and work at it every day now. I quit killing things 35 years ago because I was sick of death. I am appalled at the current state of events in the US. I shoot for sport and I have a CCL for the proper reasons.

  • Scott Nelson December 6, 2014, 1:21 pm

    Let’s see: I’m 59, white skinned male of European descent(of which I had no choice, it just happened that way), some college education(speech/broadcasting), two grown children, four grandkids, active Teamster, love to fish and hunt, DETEST Fox News(if you could call it “news”) I prefer to listen to NPR, NRA member(ILA too), wasn’t able to serve in our military(eyesight restrictions), son of a 20-year USAF vet, many years in Boy Scouts and Civil Air Patrol, shoot, reload ammo, shoot some more, and just so happen to be a liberal democrat who questions just about everything and read legislation and bills just so I can figure out what’s going on or about to happen, am more than willing to give anybody the benefit of the doubt and try NOT to be overly judgmental. I hunt, shoot and carry only when and where allowed, respect the rights and privileges of others(because we all SHARE our constitutionally guaranteed rights!), and do my best to stand ready and prepared to assist my family, friends and neighbors in the event catastrophe strikes. I’m CAUTIOUS, not scared!

    • Kivaari December 8, 2014, 5:12 pm

      Too bad you dislike FOX. Fox is the fairest of the fair. News is news and commentary is commentary, but the leftists that hate FNC never watch enough of it to form a real opinion for themselves. NPR is not balanced and editorializes within the confines of doing the news. Or I guess you could watch MSNBC where truth is never spoken.

      • Tom January 2, 2015, 1:01 pm

        …and if you’re not watching FN you’re missing Watters World. One of the best non-political programs on TV

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 11:43 am

      “NOT to be overly judgmental”
      “DETEST Fox News(if you could call it “news”)”
      Your sound ok Scott, good foundation, you just need to find more news choices.
      Fox happens to be fair and balanced, and sometimes the truth hurts, so some people don’t want to hear it or the facts.
      You could check on line news channels for information you will never hear on your television.
      Fasten your seatbelt I you decide to do that.
      Some incredibly unbelievable things are going on, & a whole lot of fact checking to be done on your part.

  • Jake December 6, 2014, 6:42 am

    Was that author for real? Hmm.. I am an avid gun owner and carry one every day… Served both United States Navy and in law enforcement. Have been to more countries on this planet than that guy has problem any knowledge of in reality. I am a rural person but I was also raised in a rural town. Just because he likes looking at concrete and human waste vs trees, animals, fresh air and night skies is no reason to even mention that part..

    Finally his words about ‘murderous white cop’ are a telling thing about that author… Obviously he is uneducated, cowardly, gay and what I would call one of the liberal SHEEPLE of our time…

    • Jon December 8, 2014, 9:50 am

      Gay? Gay has got nothing to do with it. Comments like that are part of where these stereotypes come from. Bottom line is if you don’t like shooting, don’t participate. Same goes for sex and relationships with your own sex.

      • Kivaari December 8, 2014, 5:09 pm

        Gay men have a stereotypical image that comes to the minds of most. A SF liberal man speaking about gun owners in this manner, reinforces the idea that a liberal SF gay is just a wimpy little idiot, that identifies gun owners in his stereotypical fashion. I knew many gay gun owners over the years. How does he feel about the butch lesbians that try harder then a man to be man-like?

      • Russ December 9, 2014, 11:10 am

        Dictionary time!
        Gay means happy or jubilant.
        Sexuality is related to making babies.
        Homosexuality is not normal and can be called queer.
        your sexual preference should be kept to yourself.
        This is me using my freedom of speech.

        • scotchlock January 3, 2015, 8:54 am

          well said Russ! I have been making that argument for years. They aren’t “gay”.

  • John H December 6, 2014, 4:10 am

    I have a BS from Univ. of Washington, wife has BA in history and MA in education from Stanford; Son has PhD in Neurobiology from Harvard; middle daughter has PhD in medeivel English liturature and is a tenure track professor at Villanova; Youngest daughter is still in School and engaged to a senior software engineer at Google. My Father and my four siblings are either PhD’s or married to one. Family has traveled to Europe and Latin America repeatedly. Subscribe to Science and Nature and I read most of each. I grew up in a small farming city with two four year collages, both highly rated, and a community collage. In High School, in the 60’s, one would see lots of pickup trucks with rifles on a rack in the window, especially during during hunting season – even parked in the Student parking lot. I recall watching guys out in the student lot pulling rifles and shootguns out of their cars to compare and admire. AND NOBODY WORRIED ABOUT IT BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT AFRAID OF THEIR FELLOW MAN. It is the bigots who sterreotype us as this bigot does, that are afraid and therefore dangerous. They don’t care for guns (for whatever reason) and, being bigots, they dont like people who are different from themselves. Apparently, they don’t mind taking away our gun rights because they think nobody needs guns. Well, nobody needs a car that goes more than 55mph (remember when they took that away to save oil, and now the world has a glut of it) Nobody need to drink alcohol (taking that away made criminals rich and powerful, as has the war on drugs) Nobody needs a softdrink larger than 16oz (How did that work out Mr. Bloomberg). These people really do believe that the world would be a better place if everone thought like them and their friends. That kind of thinking is what KKK did, and the NAZIs, If one took this guys biggoted rant and changed a few words to make it aimed at some ethnic minority, it would sound like Hitler’s works. And much of their social research is as flawed as Third Riech genetic “science” but anyone who critisizes their statistics must work for the Gun Manufactures.
    I like guns because of the Mechanicalness of them (refering to Jay Leno’s explaination of why he collects motor vehicles); it’s a fastination with all the different ways people have found to solve the same problems. I can identify with that because I too restore old British cars now that I’m retired. And, like an automobile, a gun is a powerful machine that i can control. (I think the appeal of horses is similar – and they too are beautiful)

    • John Hunter December 6, 2014, 7:07 am

      This morning, early Pacific Coast time I sent a comment to the “Profile of gun owners” thread in which I identified My Daughter as a professor of medieval Literature at Villanova. I realized that this allows some nut to target her and am requesting that you either remove the words “at Villanova” or erase the entire comment. Thank you, John A. Hunter

  • Carl Nelson December 5, 2014, 10:26 pm

    74 year old white Christian male retired. Former CEO, BS from the School of Engineering, Auburn University -field of study, Textile Management. Post graduate work -University of Georgia in industrial psychology- Served on National and regional Boards of Directors for industry Trade groups including serving as President then Chairman of one of the most influential trade groups associated with agricultural industries. Served with trade groups meeting with government agencies and members of Congress with the purpose of rewriting the National Farm bill. I Read at least one novel every two weeks on subjects as varied as history, religion, fiction and items related to my hobbies , and once a month, teach a men’s Bible Study class and volunteer once a month to lead Bible study in a local retirement home. I own guns because they are an excellent investment, I appreciate the engineering and art involved in producing a fine fire arm, I enjoy target and skeet shooting, but most of all, I enjoy spending time in the field with my two sons, my daughter and my grand daughters hunting deer and upland game. I have traveled outside the United States and visited every state in the Union except for four. Your profile is as far off base as one can be. Little advice to the yahoo that created the profile. There may come a time, in your life time when grocery stores’ no longer are a viable source for food. Good luck.

  • Daniel Ferguson December 5, 2014, 9:10 pm

    I have owned guns since childhood, surrounded by father and uncle who served in WWII and Korea. I served in the US Navy during the cold war / 1st Gulf war, went to Iraq and Afghanistan in 2008 – 2011, travel to more countries than I will list here. I lived in San Diego for 4 years, San Francisco Bay Are for 11 year, Concord, Bay Point specifically. I work in the IBEW Union 302 and traveled to all 9 bay area counties performing work in every environment possible. I have a Master Electrician’s license and a 128 IQ. I have I target shoot because it is fun and something of a hobby. After seeing terrorism up close and personal, I will always carry when out in the “scary” world, who knows, I may save your life someday in you ever travel out side your elitist world upon ivory hill. I know all you people who live in San Fran, you think the police, whom you disrespect at the first “questionable” shooting, will arrive in just the nick of time. The same police whom you will sue if they don’t. Why don’t you go to Ferguson, MO and talk to the protesters and see how it goes.

  • christine lesueur December 5, 2014, 7:12 pm

    I’m a 49 year old black female. I’m not white, nor uneducated. I am amazed at the stereotypical crap people spew from the hole beneath their noses. I am a gun owner and proud of it. I live in Texas and have 31 years in the military. Color, education, nor stance makes a gun owner. I like guns and will always have one. I have a variety and like them all. I own guns and even have a couple of bows because I like to shoot not because I’m afraid. Not all minority gun owners are criminals or have criminal intentions. I have and still am faithfully serving my country and have the right to bear arms. I believe firmly in that fact and therefore will always be a gun owner.

    • don December 8, 2014, 6:22 am

      first i want to say christine– thank you for your service to your country—it is refreshing to hear from a lady who stands an says how she feels an thinks on something most would want to slide on.—god bless an be safe—don

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 10:55 am

      Yes Christine Lesueur!
      Thank you for your service to our country.

    • Greg Raab January 2, 2015, 4:48 pm

      Christine, thank you for serving our Country. Thanks for the no nonsense insight of who and what you are , an
      everyday American citizen who just likes guns. That is our right. We don’t need a reason! Shoot straight.

  • Natalie December 5, 2014, 7:08 pm

    I’m a 26 year old woman with a master’s degree in communication. I grew up in Wyoming, tend be pretty liberal-leaning politically, and thoroughly enjoy the sport and skill involved in shooting. I don’t think I look much like a “stereo-typical gun owner” or a stereo-typical liberal, really. I fully support the 2nd amendment, and am currently working with NCA stands for education and safety, and is looking to make concealed carry permit training more easily accessible.

    • Russ December 9, 2014, 10:51 am

      Cool Natalie, tell a friend.
      Take a fellow liberal leaning leftist shooting and gift them an NRA membership.
      Good to hear your position on the 2A

  • Steve Cournoyer December 5, 2014, 6:31 pm

    OK…56 yr old white male, French=Canadien-Irish son of immigrants…native of my state, well travelled across NA; kayaking, backpacking, mountaineering and skiing. HS grad, Lived in cities, now live in a great counrty home in a great town, I worked for it after growing up poor…Late in life BS from a good state college. 30 years in shipyards from welder to project manager…interupted by 10 years offshore. Don’t own a TV, never had cable…book a week average….married….2 great kids….

  • Ivan Alpo December 5, 2014, 4:14 pm

    Hi Yaw , Ivan Alpo here . I been a owning guns my whole life . My wife Skeeter is getting me one of those AK 47 for Christmas . Me and the kids love to shoot at the trash barrel in the back yard off the porch of our new triple wide trailer . last week me and Skeeter was laying out staring at the Sun and she said to me , Ivan what we gonna do if the Coloreds come wanting to take our belongings after all this looting and shooting going on up there in Ferguson . Right there and then I said Skeet we need us one of them there machine guns . She replied well Christmas is coming up so why don’t you go down to the Gun store next to Piggly wiggly on 2nd street and pick you one out and tell Sam I will pay for it on Friday .

    • Chris December 5, 2014, 5:15 pm

      Nice Alvin, that gave me a good laugh!

    • oldfuzz695 December 8, 2014, 11:03 am

      Works for me Ivan. What’s your plan? Run and hide behind your wife’s overalls!

    • meeester December 8, 2014, 2:45 pm

      gots yourseff a keeper

    • Russ December 8, 2014, 6:20 pm

      Shit howdy Ivan, yall crackin me up.

    • Michael E. Hensley January 2, 2015, 4:24 am

      I sure do miss Piggly Wiggly stores 🙂
      Good write Alvin, Thanks

    • Monk Woda January 2, 2015, 5:43 pm

      I have always enjoyed a good comedy. Thanx for the laughs.

    • Bill January 3, 2015, 12:20 pm

      So, Alvin, what did you get??

  • Jim Chandler December 5, 2014, 3:36 pm

    White male, 71, retired Air Force, Bachelors Degree in Aviation Management, have traveled the world and, in fact, have been AROUND the world. Vietnam veteran on AC-47 gunships in 1967 and ’68. I am also an ex-police officer and I worked as a maintenance supervisor in a prison. I live about 90 miles, by road, from Los Angeles. I fly, have raced stock cars, I skydive, have SCUBA dived, and I basically love to do new and exciting things, how weird depends on the definition of weird. I live less than two miles from a Community College and have attended same, and less than 100 miles from several “major” universities. I had my teaching credential and substitute taught for seven years until I decided to retire. I fear nothing or no one. I own guns because I like to shoot. I don’t hunt because I don’t need to. I am ready, in the event of a problem, to defend myself, my family and my friends. I hope that is enough to satisfy that moron.

  • George Semel December 5, 2014, 3:04 pm

    Let see, I am all most 60, some college, professional pilot both fixed and rotor wing aircraft, for you in Rio Linda that means I fly both airplanes and helicopters! I got my first rifle when I was all of six, I hunt and I like to fish, I am what you would call a trout bum, have flyrod will travel! I quit college going into my seconded year, when I determine that the instructors were nothing more than Communist, I when to flight school! Back then and even now you have to really study just to pass the written’s with a passing score, Some say I am a very bright guy who pretty much wasted his life could have done more with it than I did! I just chuckle and remember the time I flew some bug biologists around for the summer in Alaska in a Bell 206, they were not much for the out doors but I got all my flying done usually in a couple of hours most days and being next to one of the Greatest Sockeye Salmon Rivers, my Scot 9 foot 7 wt flyrod kept me not only in fish for my plate but world class sport that a lot of guys would spend 5 to 10 grand a week for and I gotten six weeks out of that deal, and then there was my last solo Alaska-Yukon Moose hunt, I learned my lesson on that one, that bull was my 17th and last one, I gotten to old to hunt those by myself, they are to big for me to handle alone now, and I don’t hunt with a buddy! As for books I read most of the classics and some more than once, I am trying to teach myself Russian so I can read War and Peace in that language, its driving me nuts but in a good way. Its something I don’t think I will fully accomplish in the time I have left, but it never was about the ending but the journey. So as I advance into curmudgeon status, I am still going to shoot my guns, and catch all the trout I can, I figure that I got maybe another 25 more years to go, so for that guy in SF, go sit on it as the Fonz would say!

  • RobH. December 5, 2014, 1:49 pm

    BS in BioChemistry, with a 6 figure income. IQ of 135+. Born in the Caribbean (Dutch roots many generations ago), and became a naturalized US Citizen in the ’80’s (via the legal path). Moved to the US to escape a government that had leaned too far Socialist. I find that many US Citizens don’t know the freedoms that they have, or are supposed to have, as written in the Constitution. It is sad, really…. and leads to twits like Bloomberg et. al., who seek to usurp rights in the name of “safety” and larger government. I like to shoot. It helps clear the mind and focus on something other than the hustle and bustle of work, etc. I have a CHL, and live in TX. I have travelled in EU, Caribbean, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Qatar. I carry because I am a practical person and you just never know… I’m 50 and have never needed to use a firearm for self defense, and I have many friends of different races, religions, and political leanings (I am conservative). I know many people with liberal political leanings that also own and carry firearms. This is a government control issue, and radical left-wing zealots that believe in Statist and/or full-blown Socialist change for the US. They need to be stopped.

    • william m quirk December 9, 2014, 3:43 pm

      I am 72 years old and three tour Vietnam veteran, I have had guns since I was 9yrs old.
      When I was growing up you could order firearms through the mail, anyone remember the Sears and Roebuck Catalog.
      I have hunted and fished for food when the family needed it .
      I always respect and enjoy firearms, and I belong to a lot pro gun organizations and attend pro gun rallies and anti gun rallies.
      I have found that anti gun liberals have their minds made up and you cannot confuse them with Facts..
      I watch all the news stations on TV including BBC , It helps me form an opinion but I weigh it against what I believe in .
      Then I do my best to voice my opinion to try and persuade to my way of thinking , and always listen to opposing views…
      When someone asks me why I carry a firearm ,I always ask them why they carry a spare tire in the trunk of their car . When say and they always do tell me ,they carry it just in case they need it , I have them! If they are open minded they finally understand !
      We ( pro gunners ) have a bigger fight then we know.. but we have to keep fighting ..
      As I read the comments here ,they brought a tear to my eye , I am very proud of everyone here .
      Maybe just maybe we will win! Thank you all !

      • jw December 11, 2014, 9:01 pm

        Thank you for your service; may God bless you and keep you safe sir

      • Michael E. Hensley January 2, 2015, 4:19 am

        62, 2 tour Vietnam ( Navy )
        Retired Photographer and Graphic Artist. Do not watch much TV, Read 4 hours a day, History mostly
        I do remember the Sears Guns and every time I open my safe am confronted with my Sears .22 single shot pull cock that my dad gave me at age 6, Still shoots!!! although I did refinish the stock to it’s Blond wood color.

      • Daniel Dashnaw January 6, 2015, 10:57 am

        I m Dan. I came out of college with a degrree in electronics and engineering. I’m 65 years old and I have been around guns my whole life. I see a gun as a tool like a pair pliers. Most tools today you need a certain tool for a certain job. Like a gun for instance, I use it mostly for targets now but at one time I put alots meat on the table for my family. I really don’t want to shoot anybody but if push comes to shove I’ll protecet that which is mine every time and to my fullest ability. Lets face the real thruth some bad people just need to be dead. So if. You are a bad people stay away from me and mine.

    • Shelly Arens January 2, 2015, 7:57 am

      I am a woman who leads a women’s shooting chapter in Indianapolis. I am a grandmother. I live in the city. I work in higher education as a program advisor and I have lived in Germany and other US states. The women who are in my shooting chapter are well educated, mothers & grandmothers from a variety of professional backgrounds. We are only 1 out of over 200 chapters nationwide with a membership of over 4,000. We are active in our communities as members of school boards, political representatives and charitable organizations. I do not consider us to be the knuckle-dragging neanderthals that the author of that horrible article describes us to be.

    • Jim Pitre January 2, 2015, 12:00 pm

      I’m 75 yrs old – got my first gun when I was 6 and have had guns ever since. currently have a Sig 9mm. Springfield M1a, 2 other .308s and a couple of shotguns. Was on a competitive rifle team and am teaching my grandkids to use firearms. I live outside Phoenix AZ in the open desert where the most idiotic gun nuts come to play with their toys shooting indiscriminately and anything and everything killing hundred year old giant sahuaro cactus with rounds ricocheting in all directions. They use guns as toys, and they are NOT toys. Take you life in your hands to go out for a walk when these idiots are around. I happened to be riding my horse one day and came out around a hill to find 30 or 40 idiots shooting at targets in my direction – after screaming that I was in their line of fire a few quit shooting, but the majority kept firing.This was NOT an organized range, just some idiots with their new toys. Not to mention that this group and most others that come out to act out their weekend stupidity leave mountains of trash wherever it is convenient to drop it. On of their favorites is to dump old appliances & TV sets to use for target practice — and you wonder why sane people get upset with indiscriminate use and ownership of guns. So in addition to killing people, there are those of us who don’t care to live around gun nuts who take it as their inalienable right to spend their weekends shooting up my back yard. The worst of the barrage starts Saturday and keeps going until Sunday, so I get to listen to gunfire more or less non-stop.
      In my opinion, if you really believe in the right to bear arms, then you must also admit to the responsibilities that goes along with the right. If you want the right then proper training is required ( not just a few hours of range training, but some serious training) and if you abuse the right by using a firearm irresponsibly, then you lose that right for period of time or permanently depending on the offense, plus lose the firearm. I suggest you work to get legislation that supports responsible firearm training & use as well as limiting indiscriminate use of firearms as toys. As it is now, I personally am against guns in the hands of the untrained – which is the majority of gun owners today.

      • Mike January 7, 2015, 8:36 pm

        Not the majority of gun owners, just the majority you’re in contact with. Just like the majority of those cops deal with. The just don’t have contact with good guys, not part of the job.

    • lenny mudd January 2, 2015, 12:40 pm

      I live in middle America. I am semi educated. I have a wife who has a PhD in social work of all things. I have 4 children one has a BS in childhood education, one is working on a MS in social work, one is just completing her PhD in social work and the other has technical degree. So we are fairly educated group. We have all traveled outside of the country. We have all traveled All 48 states some of us have traveled all 50 states. Guess what, we ALL own and shoot guns. Four of the six have CC license.
      We are a white family. Our greatest fear isn’t a black, brown or red man, it is a white male. By far, most of the crime in middle America is committed by whites. Just look in the papers in middle America. Yes black people get the most news print, but if you read the list of crimes committed, most are committed by whites.
      In conclusion I would say that most of the anti gun lobby doesn’t have a real clue about the real world or what goes on in the real world.

    • Cliff Jacobson January 7, 2015, 5:56 pm

      I’ve been shooting my whole life. I was on my high school rifle team and the Purdue ROTC rifle team in college. Then I served in the army and shot on the Army Gold National Match team–M14’s in those days. I own lots of guns, a few for protection. But my real reason for owning guns is that I love to shoot. Shooting is FUN! Take someone off the street who has never fired a gun, put them on a range with some fun targets and watch those smiles. They’ll try to repress them, of course, but deep down they’re having fun. I don’t understand why the NRA and other pro-gun organizations don’t address the issue of FUN which, after all, is why most people own guns–target shooting, plinking, hunting. When I’m asked to “give up my guns”, it’s like me asking a dedicated sports freak to no longer play football or basket ball. Yes, people do die from playing football, but no one seems to care. Why? Because it’s all about fun. And that for me is what guns are all about.

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