Videotape All Gun Sales? – Rahm Emanuel’s Mobster Chicago


Chicago’s Mayor, former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, has a new plan for Chicago since losing the case banning all gun stores. Now that they have been ordered by a Federal Court to abolish the law within six months of the January ruling, the hard part will now be coming up with moonbat restrictions to make both owning and visiting a gun store in Chicago a nightmare.

The plan has to be submitted by July 14th of this year, so they are wasting no time at this point.

Among the new restrictions:

  • All sales will be videotaped.
  • 72-hour waiting period for handguns, 24-hour waiting period for rifles/shotguns.
  • One handgun per month limit per dealer per person.
  • Quarterly audits for the gun shop
  • A specification for lighting, security cameras and inventory storage.
  • Police will approve security plan
  • Fingerprints, background and training for all store employees
  • Business closed for three years for violations
  • No stores near schools, or … parks(??) A moose once bit my sister.

He called the new rules “a smart, tough and enforceable way to prevent illegal guns in the city of Chicago,” the Chicago Tribune reported.

According to the full Chicago Tribune article:

“Still, it’s unclear how much such rules would curb Chicago’s gun violence. Police say they pull about 7,000 guns off the city’s streets each year, with many of the weapons used in crimes finding their way into Chicago from stores in the suburbs, in Indiana or in southern states. Chicago also banned handgun ownership for decades and the gun violence continued.”

The article goes on to recognize that Chicago has tried all kinds of crazy stuff to keep guns off of its streets, but none of it has worked. The paper even has the guts to say “For Emanuel, it’s important to be viewed as taking the issue seriously.” In other words, they know it is just political posturing now that Rahm doesn’t get his way.

Read the full article…

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  • Sid Sherman May 23, 2016, 7:05 am

    The last time I looked there are no gun shops in Chicago and haven’t been going on over 30 years. Cook County yes, Chicago no. So Rahm have at it. Remember your authority end at the border of Chicago.

  • frank romo May 3, 2016, 8:47 pm

    He’s a PUTZ! Plain and simple…I’m sure the thugs are going to get on video tape, only when they break into the gun stores to steal the weapons. Why hasn’t he been impeached from office?

  • Loupgarous July 21, 2015, 8:31 pm

    The mainstream press needs to pick a narrative about Rahm Emmanuel and stick with it.

    Either he’s this brilliant political technician on top of everything that happens where he is… in which case the buck stops at HIS desk for the existence of this place and the crimes committed there by city police – and his brilliance is entirely reserved for his own personal advancement
    He’s every bit the incompetent clod the first three years of the Obama administration suggest he is, and when he mailed one of his political enemies a dead fish, Rahm Emmanuel showed us all he’s got.

  • Ray Wasilewski June 4, 2014, 8:49 pm

    Obama And his brood will be getting a new address. But I fear that he has done everlasting damage to our country , that if it is ever corrected i doubt that it will be in our lifetime, I still think that he desires to be the leader of the world and will continue to haunt us from the sidelines. It is a sad time when you have an idea that your vote will count? I’m way too old to think that is posssiable. I just read something that was sent to me that stated that Obama was asked as a senator, why he refused to wear the flag pin. And the reason he never wore the american flag pin was he didn’t want anyone to think he was taking sides and he said that when he became president that he would push to have the US more like a middle eastern country where those countries are less waring because of there being Muslim !! Something I read , Don’t want to say it is so but I have to think that he did say that, He also said according to the article that his wife and he had gone to many flag burnings because at the time they hated and still do hate the American Flag. He said that if it were up to him he would change the flag and the national abthem, because it says something about bombs bursting in air.. Pretty damn scary I think, A patroit

  • Ray Wasilewski June 4, 2014, 8:44 pm

    Obama And his brood will be getting a new address. But I fear that he has done everlasting damage to our country , that if it is ever corrected i doubt that it will be in our lifetime, I still think that he desires to be the leader of the world and will continue to haunt us from the sidelines. It is a sad time when you have an idea that your vote will count? I’m way too old to think that is posssiable. I just read something that was sent to me that stated that he was asked as a senator that the reason he never wore the american flag pin was he didn’t want anyone to think he wastaking sides and he said that when he became president that he would push to have the US more like a middle eastern country where those countries are less waring because of there being Muslim !! Something I read , Don’t want to say it is so but I have to think that he did say that, He also said according to the article that his wife and he had gone to many flag burnings because at the time they hated and still do hat the American Flag. He said that if it were up to hime he would change that and the national abthem, because it says something about bombs bursting in air.. Pretty damn scary I think, A patroit

  • Madjack June 3, 2014, 11:37 pm

    Heck, they don’t go out of state. They either steal them themselves from households or order them from the underground gun dealers who buy them internationally. How do you think those illiterate greasy little punks get full auto weapons they use in their drivebys? Its just too bad that one of those punks hasn’t got the where with all to drive by Emmanuels house.

  • john o. June 2, 2014, 6:19 pm

    emanuel is nothing but an idiot wrapped up in a moron. whats stopping the criminals to go out of state to get what they want and come back to illinois? dont try to eliminate the gangs by using the patriot act, nope that would be actually an effort to cut down on crime. he is not interested in cutting down crime. thats job security. his city is a giant kill zone now as it is. these meely mouth laws will do NOTHING to stop crime. law abiding citizens that are not nuts do not commit gun crimes. also, gun shops already videotape thier shops for thier own security. simply said his head is in a very VERY dark place. when you here the great big pop, thats when you will know emanual has smartened up!!!

  • Mike Young June 2, 2014, 12:50 pm

    Videotaping gun sales. Well it beats cleaning out the ghetto.

  • Flyboy1 June 2, 2014, 12:26 pm

    Go ahead and do it Chicago. Your city is already down in the dump. Who cares about the murder capitol of the world????

  • Kalashnikov Dude June 2, 2014, 10:43 am

    No, that’s not infringing………..

  • Elkhunter June 2, 2014, 10:39 am

    Chicago, and Illinois in general have always been on the cutting edge of idiotic laws. I lived there in the late 70’s for job reasons, and even then they had defacto registration in the form of a firearm owners card. You had to register and pay a fee in order to buy guns or ammo. I personally think this was more a revenue generating device, like the myriad of other fees we had to pay, than actual gun control. But that is how these things devolve into more and more repression. Luckily for me, I was able to transfer back to my home state of Arizona in 1981 so I wasn’t around for these continued shenanigans. The Illinois political machine is alive and well, and will be as long as the people continue to vote them into office.

  • Just1Spark June 2, 2014, 10:23 am

    If Adolf Hitler had a son… it would look like this.

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